Banning | Paris MoU

I should be used to this by now, but it still pisses me off. It almost always follows the same path. I just plod away day after day trying to make this blog interesting, insightful, entertaining, and most of all a thorn in the side of the establishment and their false narratives. Then I get an email from an ad company saying how much they love my blog and would like to work with me. I usually ignore them, but they keep hounding me, so I tell them I’ll pilot their ads and see how much revenue they generate. If it is less than $5 per day, I boot them.

Pixfuture approached me two months ago. We loaded their code and they were generating about $20 per day for a month and a half. It doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up to $7,000 per year. Nothing to sneeze at. Last week the revenue suddenly dropped to $5 per day. And after a couple more days down to 3 cents per day. I emailed my contact and this is the response I received:

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