JFK Turned to Peace and Was Assassinated

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Researchers who have investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy for 30 or more years have concluded that he was murdered by a conspiracy of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the Secret Service. See for example, JFK And The Unspeakable by James W. Douglass. Shortly before he was murdered, President John F. Kennedy gave an extraordinary speech at American University. In the speech he came out against continuation of the Cold War that risked all life on earth for the benefit of the profits of the military-security complex and the budgets and power of the Pentagon and CIA.

President Kennedy was already marked for assassination. He rejected the Joint Chiefs’ belligerence toward the Soviet Union and their belief that nuclear war could be won. He rejected Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lemnitzer’s “Operation Northwoods,” a plan to carry out false flag terror attacks on Americans and blame Castro in order to create support for a US invasion of Cuba. He rejected US Air Force support for the CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. He worked outside of channels with Khrushchev to defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. The paranoid anti-communists who controlled US military and security forces concluded that President Kennedy did not serve their career interests and was soft on communism and thereby unable to stand up to the Soviet Union. They viewed Kennedy as a threat to US national security that needed to be removed.

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When They Killed JFK They Killed America

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In the JFK administration I was a White House Fellow. In those days it was a much larger program than the small insider program it later became. President Kennedy’s intention was to involve many young Americans in government in order to keep idealism alive as a counter to the material interests of lobby groups. I don’t know if the program still exists. If it does, the idealism that was its purpose is long gone.

President John F. Kennedy was a classy president. In my lifetime there has not been another like him. Indeed, today he would be impossible.

Conservatives and Republicans did not like him, because he was thoughtful. Their favorite weapon against him was their account of his love life, which according to them involved Mafia molls and Marilyn Monroe. They must have worked themselves into fits of envy over Marilyn Monroe, the hottest woman of her time.

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President Kennedy and His Brother Robert Kennedy Were Murdered By The Military-Security Complex

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Presstitute Media, such as the UK Telegraph, spend a lot of energy debunking exposes of government conspiracies. For example, the thousands of highrise architects, structural engineers, physicists, nano-chemists, demolition experts, first responders, military and civilian pilots, and former government officials who have provided vast evidence that the official story of 9/11 is a made-up fairy tale at odds with all evidence and the laws of physics are dismissed by presstitutes as “conspiracy theorists.”

Similarly, those, such as James W. Douglass, who have proven beyond all doubt that President John F. Kennedy was not assassinated by Oswald but by his own paranoid anti-communist military-security complex, are dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

The 9/11 Commission Report and the Warren Commission Report were cover-ups. VP Dick Cheney and the neoconservatives he sponsored needed a “new Pearl Harbor” in order to begin their military assaults on the Middle Eastern countries that had independent foreign policies instead of being US/Israeli vassals. 9/11 was their orchestrated “new Pearl Harbor,” and this fact had to be covered up when 9/11 families persisted in their demands for an investigation and could not be bought off for large sums of money.

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Who Killed JFK?

Guest Post by  
In my blog post of yesterday, “Civil Rights and Peace: JFK’s Two Most Dangerous Speeches,” I pointed out that the U.S. national-security establishment — i.e., the Pentagon and the CIA — vehemently disagreed with President Kennedy’s policies regarding the Cold War, the Soviet Union, Cuba, and communism. For his part, Kennedy perceived his detractors to be nut balls.Of course, defenders and promoters of the federal government’s conversion to a national-security state after World War II would say, “But Jacob, it was Lee Harvey Oswald, who was supposedly a devout communist, who killed Kennedy, not the U.S. national-security establishment”

In actuality, however, that position has never made any sense. Since Kennedy was the communist sympathizer that right-wing conservatives, the Pentagon, and the CIA perceived him to be, then why would a supposed American communist want to kill him, especially since he would be replaced by a conservative vice-president who was philosophically aligned with the Cold War mindsets of the rightwing and the national-security state?

Moreover, various witnesses have said that Oswald used to say nice things about President Kennedy.

Consider the dramatic shift in policy that Kennedy was pursuing after the Cuban Missile Crisis until he was assassinated, as I outlined in yesterday’s blog post. He delivered his famous Peace Speech at American University in which he called for an end to the Cold War and for peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union and the communist world. He got the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty with the Soviet Union enacted. He called for a joint trip to the moon with the Soviets.

Why would a supposed communist sympathizer want to kill a president that was doing those things?

Continue reading “Who Killed JFK?”


Seems inconceivable. Or is it?

John Connally Assassinated John F Kennedy

by Scott Rickard

It is very clear that Kennedy was shot twice. The first shot struck Kennedy in the top back of his neck and exited just under his Adam’s apple indicating that the shot came from above and behind.


The second shot struck Kennedy in the front right lobe at close range indicating it came from the front.


John Connally, sitting in the seat right in front of JFK, clearly delivered the death blow from the middle jump seat of the limo. Just watch Connally’s body language in the Zapruder film.


Zapruder Film Slow Motion (Higher Quality) FULL VERSION 



Zapruder film FRAME BY FRAME (HIGH QUALITY) Hat tip Brother Cambly



As soon as the bullet struck Kennedy in the neck from behind, Connally clearly picks up his white cowboy hat in his right hand, pulls out an object in his left hand and places his left hand with the object over his upper chest area under his cowboy hat as he turns to his right to see if Kennedy had been fatally wounded.


Connally stares at JFK for several seconds, not offering assistance or concern, but instead, Connally leans back into his wife to line up the shot.  After lining up the shot, Connally pulls the trigger as soon as he looks away from Kennedy. Connally’s shot strikes Kennedy in the front right lobe. The impact and splatter caused by the bullet that hits JFK’s front right lobe clearly originates from JFK’s lower front where John Connally was seated.



Well looky here…

The CIA Plotted to Assassinate Richard Nixon

Former President Richard Nixon was marked for death by the CIA.That’s just one of the bombshell revelations dropped by former Nixon aide Roger Stone in his explosive book – Nixon’s Secrets: The Truth About Watergate and the Pardon– set for a Sept. 2 release.Stone says the spy agency felt threatened by the former President who died at age 81 on April 22, 1994, because he continually pushed it for the dirt on President John F. Kennedy and the failed attempt to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in 1961.

“Nixon was at war with the CIA because they wouldn’t give him the dope on Kennedy,” Stone says.

But the CIA had its own shocking secrets to protect – mainly the agency’s involvement in Kennedy’s Nov. 22, 1963, assassination, Stone says.

Stone charges that vice President Lyndon B. Johnson engineered JFK’s shooting and was aided by the CIA. Johnson even used his own hitman in the plot, Stone says.

According to Stone’s book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy, CIA bigshots felt JFK had stabbed them in the back by refusing adequate support for the Bay of Pigs invasion, which the agency had masterminded.

And Johnson was also furious with Kennedy, who was planning to drop him from the ticket when he ran for re-election in 1964.

Replacing the slain Kennedy as President, Johnson spearheaded a cover-up that put the blame on Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone shooter.

In his new book, Stone writes that CIA operative Gerald Patrick Hemming said the spy agency considered Nixon a threat because of what he knew and plotted to kill him, too.

“Hemming said Frank Sturgis, a Watergate burglar and mercenary, and contract-assassin Edwin Kaiser, were given the hit,” Stone says. But when they learned the target was Nixon, Kaiser backed out.


Stone says CIA plotters considered plans to rub out Nixon “at a VFW convention in Miami Beach or at the Republican National Convention.

But Nixon survived and even managed to avoid prosecution for Watergate by blackmailing the CIA and his presidential successor, Gerald Ford, says Stone.

Nixon threatened to expose the CIA’s involvement in JFK’s assassination.

He also said he’d reveal Ford, a member of the Warren Commission that investigated JFK’s murder, changed the autopsy records to make it appear that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, says Stone.

“Nixon knew the CIA was involved in JFK’s assassination, says the author.

“And he knew the autopsy records had been altered. In 1996, declassified documents revealed indeed Jerry Ford changed the autopsy with a pencil.”

“Nixon said, ‘OK, fine – I’ll take everybody down – Jerry Ford, the agency.’”

“That’s why Ford gave Tricky Dick a “full, free and unconditional pardon,” says Stone.

(via Globe Magazine)

Courtesy of economicpolicyjournal.com