John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump’s chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do

Via The LA Times

John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do

In August 2017, shortly after John F. Kelly became White House chief of staff, he convened crucial meetings on Afghanistan at President Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, N.J.

Top officials from the Pentagon and the CIA, the director of national intelligence, diplomats and lawmakers huddled with Trump as Kelly and others urged him not to give up in Afghanistan.

“When I first took over, he was inclined to want to withdraw from Afghanistan,” Kelly recounted during an exclusive two-hour interview with the Los Angeles Times.

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Guest Post by Ann Coulter

In an interview with NPR last Friday, Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly described the illegal aliens pouring across our border in the most gentle manner imaginable.

He said that illegal aliens aren’t “bad people,” but also “not people that would easily assimilate into the United States into our modern society.” They are, he continued, mostly rural, poor, unskilled and illiterate. “They don’t speak English,” Kelly said. “Obviously, that’s a big thing.”

Kelly violated the civic religion of treating every non-American as better than an American — a potential valedictorian, Medal of Honor winner and Nobel Prize recipient. Naturally, he was called a “racist.”


Principles, Schminciples – Lynch Mobs Are Cool If They Derail Trump

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Principles, Schminciples - Lynch Mobs Are Cool If They Derail Trump

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The last couple months of success for Donald Trump’s administration have the liberals and their Fredocon buddies in a panic. It’s blocking their return to power. General John Kelly came into the White House as Chief of Staff and provided the much needed discipline that helped translate the President’s vision into the most conservative run of achievements since Ronald Reagan. And that has to be stopped.

Kelly has to go, and to do that they have to change the subject. So, why not lie about this Gold Star father and military hero and try to use his own honor as a weapon to get him to quit, or maybe bamboozle Trump into firing him?

Now, it was only moments ago when liberals were pretending to respect Gold Star fathers and military heroes. That was baloney, as is everything that drips out of their lying kale-holes. One might expect more of the Quisling Cons, but the real focus of these Conservative, Inc., saps is on getting back their pathetic sinecures in the Beltway milieu. They babble on, endlessly, about “principles,” but when you cut through their endless posturing, posing, and smarmy virtue signaling, their “principles” are disposable whenever disposing of them helps get them what they want.

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