Schwab’s WEF Elimination of all Elections

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Klaus Schwab is, in my opinion, a very dangerous person. He thinks he is so smart that only he knows how the world should function – the typical academic self-grandization. Adding your 2-cents to a debate is one thing, but Klaus tries to control the debate. I have to hand it to him, he has created the WEF which by itself is a billion dollar company. He has sought to bring in politicians and then sells tickets to businessmen with the chance of rubbing shoulders with these people. It is all about influence.

Schwab is attracted to money. Here in this video clip, Schwab is on stage with the Russian/American businessman Sergey Mikhailovich Brin, who is a co-founder of Google with Larry Page. Brin was the president of Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc. until they stepped down on December 3, 2019. However, he and Page remain at Alphabet as controlling shareholders and board members. According to Bloomberg, he is the 9th-richest person in the world. That is the money that attracts Schwab like a mosquito to a buglight.

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