Dershowitz Suggests Press Blackout During “Orgy Island” Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Hearing

Via ZeroHedge

The legal team for Attorney Alan Dershowitz has cautioned against press access to a hearing regarding his former client and associate, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein – who was given a slap on the wrist in 2008 by then-US Attorney for southern Florida (and current Labor Secretary) Alex Acosta. Epstein sexually abused dozens of underage girls in his Palm Beach mansion, while Acosta is under fire separately of the sealed records appeal.

Epstein, a billionaire and friend of the Clintons (Bill Clinton flew on his “Lolita Express” Boeing 727 jet dozens of times), was convicted of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution – on of two counts for which he served 13 months in “custody with work release.”

Epstein, now 66, reached the deal in 2008 with then-Miami U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta’s office to end the federal probe that could have landed him in prison for life. Epstein instead pleaded guilty to lesser state charges, spent 13 months in jail, paid financial settlements to victims and is a registered sex offender.Time

Background facts from 2/21/2019 ruling in Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 vs. United States

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Senate Investigating Mueller FBI’s Prosecution Of “Orgy Island Billionaire” Jeffrey Epstein

Via ZeroHedge

Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced New York financier who served 13 months in prison for soliciting an underaged girl for prostitution, has served his time, and despite all of the negative press surrounding his “Lolita Express” and the many celebrities and politicians – including former President Bill Clinton and disgraced actor Kevin Spacey – who have reportedly traveled to his “orgy island”, he will likely live out his life as a free man (unless new offenses are committed).

But thanks to a series published by the Miami Herald last year that delved into how prosecutors worked with powerful defense attorneys to ensure Epstein received such a lenient sentence. The expose shed a light on the role played by Alex Acosta, who went on to become Trump’s Secretary of Labour, in handing down the light sentence. Acosta was the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida at the time Epstein’s sentence was handed down.

Now, thanks to those stories, the DOJ has reportedly opened an investigation into the conduct of DOJ attorneys in the case, and whether they committed “professional misconduct” in their working relationship with Epstein’s attorneys.

Epstein Continue reading “Senate Investigating Mueller FBI’s Prosecution Of “Orgy Island Billionaire” Jeffrey Epstein”