Submitted by CCRider

I came across a quote by Meghan McCain that proves once again her old man was evil right down to his sperm cells. She claimed that “there are no libertarians during a pandemic”. Why the fuck would we abandon it? We were the ones who predicted this outcome and planned for it. This is precisely the time to hang on tight to Austrian economics and the principles of liberty. What a shameless war whore.

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Martial Law Is Unacceptable Under Any President

Hat tip David E

Guest Post by Brandon Smith

In the midst of the three ring circus known as the false Left/Right paradigm it is sometimes easy to forget that there is a motive behind the chaos; that there is an intended end game. Part of that end game, I believe, is the eventual erasure of individual liberties and the implementation of martial law in the US.   However, the establishment quest for government lockdown requires something very special in order to succeed – They need a considerable percentage of the population to support and defend it.

Governments rarely attempt outright martial law. The reason should be obvious; no military, no matter how advanced, has the capacity to suppress a unified citizenry. If the public is armed, the task becomes even more impossible. The laws of attrition alone would make the conflict bloody and costly.

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Obama & Martial Law

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


For years there have been rather stupid rumors that Obama would call martial law to stay in the White House. This is not a power-hungry guy. He plays golf more than anyone and misses more than 60% of his national briefings. The ONLY rumor that comes from behind the curtain, and not the internet, is what I just reported regarding setting the stage for a Trump win and blaming it on Putin.

You have to understand that Trump is against nation building. Of all the things he says, crazy or not, that one hits home. He is, of course, right on this issue, but now he’s threatening the powers behind the throne. That is why they say he is not presidential because he is against invading the world and is an isolationist. Some say the CIA assassinated JFK for such a reason; Nixon knew it, wired the place, and not to mention he was mocked for creating what they called his “palace guard.” To what extent those rumors are true or not really does not matter. There is logic in this one, which is disconcerting.

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Will Trump Declare Martial Law In His Presidency? And Would It Be A Bad Thing?

Guest Post by Cory Thomas

President Obama Brings Up Martial Law in an Interview with the Washington Post
Were you as shocked as I was to read the comment allegedly made by President Obama to the Washington Post that “Americans would be better off under martial law” if Trump were to be elected?

Wait, hold on.

Did he really just say that?

This is our commander-in-chief. He must be kidding, right?

Nevermind, He Was Only “Joking.”
The Washington Post, a vocal Obama supporter, quickly backtracked. They now claim that the off-hand remark made “in jest.”

Okay, fine. We’ve all cracked a few questionable jokes in our day. We will give you that one, Mr. President.

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Is Martial Law Justified If ISIS Attacks?

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

A group of foreign militants infiltrates the U.S. using student visas, weak borders, bribery and cooperation with drug cartels.


Secret cells integrate within metropolitan areas and blend with the populace. At the precise moment, they activate, unleashing small attacks across the country in coordinated blitzkrieg-style terror campaigns against everything from suburban neighborhoods to public schools to shopping malls, striking fear into the citizenry, which now believes no one is safe, even in the heartland.


With normal law enforcement overwhelmed, the economy on the brink and the populace ready to riot, the military is deployed domestically; curfews, price controls and rationing are initiated; and special operations agents act as infiltrators in order to subdue the terrorist factions.


The loss of common liberties is welcomed by most as safety and security become the paramount motivator.

A glimpse into the future? Well, perhaps. Actually, it’s the plot narrative to a Chuck Norris movie called “Invasion U.S.A.” The terrorists in that movie were communists from places like Cuba and Venezuela (hey, it was the 80s, and we had no idea that the communists were elitists that had already taken over from within), but the premise is strangely not far from what the government is trying to sell to us as a potential real-life scenario today.

As Americans, we have been bombarded with propaganda for decades, which conjures rationalizations for domestic military operations. This propaganda always presents us with an all-or-nothing option: relinquish liberty and beat the enemy, or “cling” to the “outdated” Constitution and fall as a society. There never seems to be a third option, an option that does not require the loss of freedoms and allows for security. In the film “Invasion U.S.A.,” I suppose we had Chuck Norris as a third option, which is not a bad third option in the world of cinema; but I’m sorry to say that Chuck alone cannot save us from what is coming in the real America.

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Are We Being Psychologically Conditioned To Accept Martial Law In America?

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The End of The American Dream blog,

Have you noticed that we are starting to be bombarded with images of troops in the streets?  Have you noticed that the term “martial law” is coming up a lot in movies, news broadcasts and even in television commercials?  In recent years, it seems like the solution to almost every major crisis involves bringing in troops.  In fact, it has already gotten to the point where when something really bad happens a lot of Americans immediately cry out for troops to be brought in.  And we are seeing the same patterns over and over again.

Just remember what happened in Ferguson – protesters were whipped up to a frenzy, when the riots began the police were ordered to stand down and not intervene, and finally National Guard troops were brought in as the “solution” to a crisis that had escalated wildly out of control.  This is the exact same pattern that we are witnessing in Baltimore, and as you will see below, National Guard troops all over the nation have been training for this exact type of scenario.  A couple of decades ago, many Americans would have regarded the notion of “martial law in America” as absolutely unthinkable, but these days the threat of civil unrest is causing an increasing number of Americans to embrace the idea of troops patrolling our city streets.

The anger toward the police that we see in the city of Baltimore is very real, but there also seem to be a lot of signs that the events of the past several days have been orchestrated and manipulated.   This is something that I covered in my previous article entitled “12 Unanswered Questions About The Baltimore Riots That They Don’t Want Us To Ask“.  But what we have found out since then is that high school kids appear to have been “herded” by the police into the Mondawmin neighborhood in Baltimore when school was let out on Monday

When school let out that afternoon, police were in the area equipped with full riot gear. According to eyewitnesses in the Mondawmin neighborhood, the police were stopping busses and forcing riders, including many students who were trying to get home, to disembark. Cops shut down the local subway stop. They also blockaded roads near the Mondawmin Mall and Frederick Douglass High School, which is across the street from the mall, and essentially corralled young people in the area. That is, they did not allow the after-school crowd to disperse.

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What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In America?

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

In recent weeks, there has been a lot of concern that an upcoming eight week military exercise on U.S. soil known as “Jade Helm” is actually a dress rehearsal for the imposition of martial law in this country.  One of the reasons for the high level of concern is that we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of “urban warfare exercises” conducted by the U.S. military in major U.S. cities over the past decade – including exercises where “dissidents” are hunted down, arrested and hauled away.  As our world becomes increasingly unstable, and as our society rapidly decays from within, many believe that it is only a matter of time before the executive branch will have sufficient excuse to use the extensive martial law powers that it has been accumulating since 9/11.  When that day arrives, what will our nation look like?  What would actually happen if martial law was declared in America?

Well, the first thing that you need to know is that the U.S. Constitution would be “suspended”.

In other words, you would suddenly have no rights at all.

There would be no freedom of speech, no freedom of the press, no freedom of assembly and you could be arrested at any time for any reason whatsoever.

For the duration of the “emergency”, the military would be in control.  There would be troops in the streets, a curfew would almost certainly be imposed, and armed checkpoints would be set up.

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If you haven’t noticed that they consider you the enemy, you just aren’t paying attention.

Footage out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida shot earlier this week shows military and law enforcement practicing the internment of citizens during martial-law style training.