The Real Reason We Don’t Yet Live Among the Stars

The Real Reason We Don’t Yet Live Among the Stars

By Paul Rosenberg,

Freeman's Perspective

The man in the photo above is Gene Cernan, the last human to walk on the moon. Cernan left the moon in December of 1972 – more than forty years ago – and no one has gone back.

To understand how far we went forty years ago, on how little technology, consider this: Our modern smart phones have 200,000 times more power than the computers that took men to the moon.

Let me restate that: Space travel can be accomplished with forty-year-old technology.

Lamentations Are In Order

It is tragic beyond measure that human exploration has been neutered since 1972. Sure, we’ve sent out a few probes and placed a good telescope in orbit, but we have done nothing brave, nothing bold, nothing daring. Productive humans have been delegated to mute observance as their hard-earned surplus is syphoned off to capital cities, where it is sanctimoniously poured down a sewer of cultured dependencies and endless wars.

We remain locked onto this planet, not because we lack the ability to leave, but because so few of us are able to do anything about it.

What we have lost can be measured only in the billions of unactivated lives. Fifty years ago humanity was shocked to realize that they could go to the stars. After untold millennia of looking to the heavens, of wondering, dreaming and mourning the impossibility, we saw that we could go to the stars. And for ten years we took our first brave steps, successfully!

But after our first major step away from our crib, we were thrown back and surrounded with double-height rails. Since then, we have stagnated, and human culture has undergone a widespread rot. We watch science fictions about going to space, living in space and even fighting in space, but we have given up all hope of going ourselves… even though we did it just one generation ago.

Humanity – having recently discovered the ability to expand without limit – wanders aimlessly, with no challenging goal, no elevated purpose, and no path of escape. Space travel has leapfrogged us: it was done by our fathers; we imagine that it will be done by our sons; but we dare not think that it is possible to us.

They Were Men Like Us

We have more than enough ability to explore space right now. The men who did so a generation ago were not supermen, regardless of how the promotions made them appear.

I’ve met some of the people who did this forty years ago, including one of the men who walked on the moon. I found them to be reasonably decent and competent men (the astronaut struck me as especially capable), but I’ve known other men and women who were of equal or greater decency and competence.

The fault of our earth-bound lives lies not in our abilities. The spacemen were men like ourselves.

Now, please take a look at this photo:

Freeman's Perspective

You are observing a workman building a Mercury capsule. Look at the metal work: It is fine construction, and it was advanced for its day, but there are shops in every large city in America that could do the same job, faster, cheaper, with closer tolerances. Like every other technology, metal working has massively improved over the last forty years.

Now look at this Gemini launch. What in this picture is particularly hard to build?

Freeman's Perspective

We see concrete, metal frameworks and sprinklers. None of those things are remotely hard. Even the rocket is simple by modern standards.

In other words, this technology is simple to reproduce. None of it is beyond the grasp of journeyman craftsmen.

Leibniz, Newton and Aldrin

Originating is hard; second and third uses are not.

It took brilliant men like Leibniz and Newton to invent calculus, but now, millions of schoolchildren learn it every year.

It took a brilliant engineer like Buzz Aldrin to invent the technologies of space rendezvous, but there are millions of bright young men, right now, who are more than capable of using his discoveries.

Again, none of this is beyond us. And, by the way, we have lots of real geniuses in our time too… it’s just that they have been forced into systems that punish them for their brilliance, rather than rewarding them, or at least just leaving them alone.

Why Haven’t We Gone Back?

There are several ways to answer this question. Here are the answers that I think matter most:

#1: Space is Against the State’s Interest

Can you imagine what would happen to government in space? Once beyond Earth’s gravity well, the spacefarers would be gone forever: no more taxes, no more obedience, and heaps of scorn for the distant barbarians who demanded money and attempted violence to get it. Space would be the 17th century American wilderness on steroids. Politicians and tax gatherers would have no hope of keeping up.

The reason I’m so sure of this is simple mathematics.

Space is a territory that expends exponentially (as a cube of the distance) and endlessly. The numbers look like this:

  • At one million miles, government requires 4,188,000,000 billion cubic miles of dominance.
  • At two million miles it is 33,504,000 billion cubic miles of dominance.
  • At three million miles it is 113,076,000,000 billion cubic miles of dominance.
  • At four million miles it is 268,032,000,000 billion cubic miles of dominance.

And so on. The people who left could never again be contained and have their money removed by force. Those cows would never be milked again.

I should add that one million miles in space is almost trivial. At the speeds used forty years ago, that’s only 38.5 hours of travel.

17th century voyages across the Atlantic took weeks, and there was no lack of paying passengers. So, there is no hope of governments getting us back to space. To do so would be to shoot themselves in the chest, and they probably understand that.

#2: The Culture Has Gone Conformist

Consider what became of the past forty years: There has been no striving, no searching, no becoming. Instead, we’ve had:

  • 24/7 entertainment, which made billions of otherwise-productive hours worthless.
  • An obscene level of advertising that replaced authentic dreams with scientifically implanted manipulations.
  • A success ethic that addresses the animal aspects of human life while utterly ignoring its higher aspects.
  • Fame for the basest, weirdest and most lurid men and women; conformity for everyone else.
  • The glorification and unlimited empowerment of the institution.

As a result, we’ve had boring, washed-out decades, focused on anything but the awe-inspiring, the good, and the truly heroic. These years have been stripped of the greatest excitement, discovery and growth that have ever been possible to our species.

Our current decade features no goals save bodily comfort, and no aspirations save existence and status. Underlying it all is a palette of manufactured fears that can only be salved by buying the right products or electing the right politicians. We are living through the triumph of manipulation and the disappearance of vigorous individuals.

Freeman's Perspective

The 1950s are considered a time of mass conformity, but they look like radical experimentation compared to the fully-scripted lives of today’s ‘successful’ people.

The men who went into space knew that death was a possibility, but they valued more than just animal rewards; they wanted to excel, to touch the heavens, to expand, to become more. In the broader cultures of the West, that attitude has been suppressed and nearly lost.

It may be that the next generation will demand more out of life than animal gratifications. Such changes have occurred in the past. Would to God that they come again soon.

#3: Our Money Is Taken from Us

We are taxed on our income at national, state and even local levels. We are taxed on what we spend. We are taxed on Ponzi retirement programs. We are taxed on property we own, and on gasoline we buy, and hundreds of other things.

We have no money left over for things that matter.

The taxation systems of the West are designed to rob us of every dollar we get, right up to the point where we’d be tempted to rebel. This is a science.

If you are a productive person, working in any sort of normal job, roughly half of your earnings are taken from you every year, leaving you just barely able to hang on to an acceptable lifestyle. Understand this: You are already rich, but your money is stolen from you, generally before you ever hold it in your hands.

If we actually held our own money, reaching space again could be done, easily, from a small percentage of our surplus. No coercion would be required, only a bit of excitement.

Freeman's Perspective

Photo: The relics of the last moon mission

What has been lost to us?

What happens to humans themselves (and by that I mean internally) once we get to space and have a few moments to “consider the heavens”?

Preliminary evidences are that humans in space think more deeply, more expansively, and more spiritually… that their consciousness opens up and expands.

Consider just these passages from astronauts on the first and last moon missions. (And I have many others.)

As Neil and I first stood on the surface of the moon looking back at Earth – a bright blue marble suspended in the blackness of space – the experience moved us in ways that we could not have anticipated.

– Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11

Out there on another planet, I was looking back at the Earth, or I was looking back at the other stars in the universe – science and technology could no longer explain to me what I was feeling. Not just what I was seeing, it’s what I was feeling. And I kept thinking, above all religions, there has to be a creator.

It was to me like I was just sitting on a rocking chair on a Friday evening, looking back home, sitting on God’s front porch, looking back at the Earth; looking back home. It was really that simple, but it was an overpowering experience.

I’m sure that viewing the world from the moon only enriched me spiritually and also gave me a new vantage point on life… Anyone who walked on the moon had such a spiritual experience, similar to it or stronger.

– Gene Cernan, Apollo 17

Freeman's Perspective

When we lost the moon we lost our bearings; there was no distant star to guide us, no magnificent vision to pursue. Four decades on, we remain in a kind of stasis, mollified with streaming vanities and base satisfactions.

Perhaps we should have known that this would be the result. But when shall we return to the stars?

It isn’t rocket science anymore.

[Editor’s Note: This article is an excerpt from our flagship newsletter Freeman’s Perspective Issue #20: “Forty Years Gone: A Lamentation.” If you liked it, consider taking a risk-free test drive. Not only will you gain immediate access to the rest of the issue, but you’ll also be able to enjoy the entire archive – more than 520 pages of research on topics of importance and inspiration to those looking for freedom in an unfree world. Plus valuable bonus reports and all new issues as well. Click here to learn more.]

By Paul Rosenberg,

What the Washington Navy Yard Shooting Really Means…

What the Washington Navy Yard Shooting Really Means…

By Paul Rosenberg,

Freeman's Perspective

There was a shooting earlier this week in DC. The details are still sketchy as I write this, but it appears that a deranged man decided to kill other people for some reason. In response, the usual talking heads will be debating whether this is actual TerrorTM or merely something like it. But the T-word will be spoken in the same grave way we speak of cancer – a thing to be dreaded above all else.

Certainly this shooting was a horrible, tragic thing – especially for the families involved. But that said, any talk about an “age of terror” is utter crap.

Terror is NOT worse now than it was before 9/11 – it’s just that we’ve been bombarded with fear for more than a decade, creating a culture-wide residue that poisons every mind it touches. In actual fact, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist. Does that mean that we should all have a collective panic attack and beg for anti-police police?

Now here’s the truth they don’t want you to know: You are taught to fear because fear makes you easy to manipulate. If someone is making you afraid, they’re also making you into an easy mark – a sucker.

Think of how many things people have accepted from governments just because they were afraid. Things like complete online surveillance, crotch searches at airports, random searches on the highways, and so on. Do you think those would have been accepted in 1920? Of course they wouldn’t, because people hadn’t been sufficiently frightened at that time.

The Facts About Terrorism

The fact is, there has been terror in every age of human history. Our time is not unusual at all. A small but consistent percentage of people are always crazy enough to kill strangers and blow things up.

Let me give you some proof from a single year:

  • March 6: A bomb being assembled by terrorists explodes, killing 3.
  • April 8: 47 children are killed by (peacetime) bombs from a neighboring country.
  • May 4: Soldiers kill four American college students.
  • May 8: A huge mob of construction workers in New York attacks protestors.
  • May 14: Police fire on a crowd at a college, killing 2 and injuring 12.
  • June 9: A bomb explodes at New York police headquarters.
  • July 12: Two canisters of tear gas are thrown into the British House of Commons.
  • August 7: Terrorists take a judge hostage in California, then kill him.
  • September 1: An assassination attempt on the King of Jordan.
  • September 6: Terrorists hijack four airplanes on flights to New York.
  • October 5: Terrorists kidnap a British diplomat.
  • October 10: Terrorists kidnap a Canadian Minister. He is found dead a week later.
  • November 25: Terrorists seize the headquarters of Japan’s Defense Forces.
  • November 27: An assassination attempt on the Pope.
  • December 3: A major government caves and releases 5 terrorists.
  • December 4: Spain declares martial law.
  • December 7: A Swiss ambassador is kidnapped.
  • December 13: Martial law is declared in Poland.

Can You Guess The Year?

Think it was in some terrible period of history? Maybe one of the worst years during World War Two?

It was 1970.

But you don’t have any horrible, scary feelings about 1970, do you? That’s because you were never taught to have them – unlike the endless fear that has been promoted to you in recent years.

You may not remember 1970, but I do, and I’ll tell you that people weren’t peeing themselves over this stuff. They thought these events were horrible, of course, but they also knew that such things had always happened, and would continue to happen.

Acts of Terrorism in the US

While 9/11 resulted in the single highest loss of life due to terrorism, such events aren’t isolated incidents. We’ve always had them:

  • 1910: A bomb goes off at the Los Angeles Times building, killing 21.
  • 1917: A race riot in East St. Louis kills between 40 and 200.
  • 1919: A race riot in Chicago kills dozens and injures hundreds.
  • 1920: A bomb explodes on Wall Street, killing 38 and injuring 143.
  • 1927: A deranged man blows up a school in Michigan, killing 44 and injuring 58.
  • 1943: A race riot in Detroit kills 34 and injures 433.
  • 1968: Race riots erupt in at least 125 US cities.
  • 1972: Terrorists detonate a bomb inside the Pentagon.
  • 1988: A terrorist poisons bottles of Tylenol in Chicago. 7 people die.

Get the picture? And I can give you examples of terror back to a few thousand years BC, from every corner of the world.

Do you really think that our new Nazi-style police state will stop this? (The Nazis couldn’t even stop assassination attempts on Hitler.)

These events are tragic, of course, but the chorus of fear that accompanies them it is all about manipulation: to keep us quiet and well behaved while we are bled of our money and our freedoms.

And boy, are they good at it.

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

The 7 Choices Left to the Military-Industrial Complex

The 7 Choices Left to the Military-Industrial Complex

By Paul Rosenberg,

Freeman's Perspective

Since 2002 the US government has presided over one of the most dramatic financial bubbles of all time: the bubble of the military-industrial complex. (A few will remember that Dwight Eisenhower warned Americans about this in 1961.)

This bubble, like all others, will pop, and it looks to be deflating right now. The amounts of money that have been spent in the past decade can only be characterized as obscene. But the point that really matters is this:

Military spending is just part of the bubble.

In addition to the military complex, we have a massive intelligence complex.

Not only that, but we also have a massive law enforcement complex. The Department of Homeland Security has given them at least $34 Billion in the past several years, on top of their take from local taxes, state taxes, fines, seizures, and other Fed money.

Take a look at these graphs. First, defense spending:

Freeman's Perspective

Then, intelligence spending, or as close as I’ve been able to get to real numbers:

Freeman's Perspective

Lastly, War on Drugs spending, which we’ll use as a proxy for overall law enforcement spending (numbers that are more difficult to acquire):

Freeman's Perspective

Needless to say, this multi-headed beast is huge, requiring oceans of money… and it’s about to have its rations cut. Actually, that may be why they’re so hot for a war in Syria – they need to goose spending again, and quickly.

Power Corrupts, but Arrogance “Stupidizes”

Yeah, I know that word’s not in the dictionary, but it should be.

These agencies are drunk on power and stupid on arrogance.

There’s no other way to describe a situation where the intelligence and law enforcement branches of this beast have been waging a war against the American people for the last few years.

Think of the endless search for “domestic terrorists,” the sickening NSA spying on everyone, and the 135 SWAT team raids per day in America. Apparently it has never entered their minds that people might eventually resent being abused.

It’s also useful to understand that “intelligence agency” is the same thing as “secret service,” and very little different from “secret police.” They’ve had secret courts for some time, after all.

I won’t even talk about the rampant corruption that runs through all of these departments; you can either trust me on that one or not.

And this situation reaches all the way to local cops. I had a conversation recently with a young man who recently completed a stint with the US Marines and didn’t know what he wanted to do next. At one point, he said that he thought about being a police officer (an easy fit for a Marine), but he rejected the idea.

“Why?” I asked.

“Cops are bullies,” he responded.

And indeed they are. They lie all the time, they intimidate people all the time, and they treat everyone as a violent perp. (Except if you’re rich or politically connected, of course.) Like the rest of the military-industrial complex, they are out of control.

There used to be cops who were exceptions to this young man’s “bully” statement, but they have been vanishing rapidly. Cops are routinely taught to intimidate and lie.

What Dooms Them

So, while things look absolutely horrible at the moment, the rug is being pulled out from underneath these wastrels.

The issue here (as it so often is) is fiat currency. The money for all of this War Welfare has NOT come from taxes. Instead, it has come from deficits, a.k.a. money printing. The problem is, the money printing game is sputtering. And without a strong money printing program, future increases in military spending will have to come from increased taxes – and there simply isn’t any more to be taken.

American workers already have about half their money taken from them. The now-denuded middle class is surviving on food stamps, disability payments, and a dozen other programs that dish out federal money. They’ve undergone a long, hard fall, from working machines to working government programs.

Their Choices

he military-industrial-intelligence-law enforcement complex has only a few choices left in front of it. (Aside from rational things, like giving up their immoral and abusive game.)

Those choices include:

  1. Find a way to legitimately juice the economy. (Good luck.)
  2. Make people want to be poorer. (Again, good luck.)
  3. Act like Stalin and terrorize your populace openly. (Americans still have guns.)
  4. Create a really, really scary foreign devil. (A tough sell these days, but not for lack of trying.)
  5. Create an iron-clad, world monetary system and government. One that can feed them no matter what. (Probably requires a nuclear war first.)
  6. Create a truly scary war, with piles of dead people in US cities. Then folks will be frightened enough to hand over the rest of their money.
  7. Down-size: Work with their politicians and bankers to dominate only the major cities, the major corporations, and those who will live as dependents to the system. Abandon most of the rest and stop meddling in all the world’s affairs.

The one other possibility for them is to convince the Fed to print faster and damn the consequences. And they may choose that option first, since it would allow them to kick the can just a little bit further down the road.

But once that’s done, they’ll be right back to these seven choices.

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

The NSA’s Secret War Against Online Privacy Seekers

The NSA’s Secret War Against Online Privacy Seekers

By Paul Rosenberg,

Freeman's Perspective

If you haven’t seen this yet, I’m sorry to drop it on you:

On September 5th, Glenn Greenwald and others revealed the extent of the NSA’s destruction of privacy – not just the privacy of people who are oblivious to the situation, but that of privacy seekers as well. You can find the story here or here, and commentary by a legitimate expert here.

Here’s What Was Revealed

  • The biggest tech companies and Internet providers are cooperating with the NSA (which may be why they’re big) to break encryption everywhere. They are installing “secret vulnerabilities” and “covertly influencing product designs.”
  • Encryption for Hotmail, Google, Yahoo and Facebook is already broken. Others as well.
  • Your data streams are recorded and decrypted, since the NSA (and their British counterpart, GCHQ) already have access to your secret keys.
  • These attacks involve something called key exchanges (involved in all encryption) and the subversion of certificate authorities, such as Symantec, Comodo and GoDaddy.
  • They have already broken 30 Virtual Private Network systems and are working toward 300.*
  • Greenwald and others report that in the NSA documents, ordinary Internet customers are referred to as “adversaries.”
  • The NSA has capabilities against “HTTPS, voice-over-IP… [which are] used to protect online shopping and banking.”
  • However, it can be said that encryption is still effective, if used well. As Edward Snowden said, “Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on.”

What This Means to You

If you hadn’t taken this seriously or were content to let others keep you safe, now’s the time to wake up and act. You have to protect yourself. No one is going to step in and do it for you. Magic hackers will NOT ride in to your rescue.

You must either learn to handle your own security, seriously, or pay for a top-notch service. If you go cut-rate, you’re just paying for the NSA to spy on you.

I may be preaching to the choir here, but don’t even try to pretend that the government will fix this – they are the people who are doing it – and they love the power. And don’t pretend that the military will step in either – the NSA is part of the military.

We’re all perps now. If all Internet users are “adversaries,” do you really think anyone is safe?

What This Means to Us All

Forget about the US Constitution; it’s a non-factor now. This is just the latest example of people who are drunk on power and don’t care about the principles on which this country was founded.

The NSA and the entire US/UK “security” apparatus is a gigantic drunken beast. The operators are arrogant and untouchable. Their bosses have openly lied to Congress, with no consequences. Do you really think they will remain angels? (Did you ever really think they were?)

The reality is, the system is beyond broken, no matter what kind of happy talk you hear on TV.

Make no mistake, this is the eye of Sauron. It is the empowerment of arrogance and power… and ultimately of death. You might think me dramatic but history doesn’t lie: Surveillance kills.

Once they have your communications, they have your thoughts. They are currently analyzing those thoughts and have already begun to quietly manipulate them. That is, if you choose to let them. Yes, it is your choice.

Be aware of the danger, take it seriously and become the kind of person you want to be… not the one they want to manipulate you into becoming.

[Editor’s Note: An important paid report… yours today for free: How Surveillance Destroys Us (and what we can do to stop it).]

While the various program specifics of government surveillance have been well covered, Paul Rosenberg has come up with a brilliant perspective different from anything else we’ve seen.

In this important report, he talks about the (often subtle) psychological effects that non-stop surveillance has on us as living, breathing and thinking human beings.

Specifically, he sheds light on how governments routinely use surveillance to quietly manipulate us into doing what they want without question. That may sound crazy but the evidence doesn’t lie. And it’s all out there in plain sight for those who choose to see it.

This is traditionally a Freeman’s Perspecitve paid members-only benefit, but for a limited time, we’ll make it available to anyone who wants it. Click here to grab your copy.

[* The service I am associated with, Cryptohippie, is unaffected by this. Like other professional services, we operate our own public key infrastructure, without outsourcing trust and control to a third party, like an unaccountable Certificate Authority. We use Perfect Forward Security cipher suites, which prevent communication from being decrypted after the fact, or when keys are lost. Here’s more information on why Cryptohippie remains safe.]

By Paul Rosenberg,

Why the Real Founders of Democracy Would Be Pissed if They Saw What We Did…

Why the Real Founders of Democracy Would Be Pissed if They Saw What We Did…

By Paul Rosenberg,

Freeman's Perspective

The word democracy is held in awe these days. Mention it almost anywhere and you’ll get instant nods of approval.

People actually believe that democracy gives us harmony and peace, not to mention wealth. They are sure that it is the ultimate and inevitable end of human development, created by the wise and noble Greeks and given to us, the enlightened society that took it to the ends of the Earth!

But if the ancient Greeks could see what we call ‘democracy,’ they would spit at it. They’d probably want to burn it down.

As many problems as they had (and they had plenty), they were not fools, and it wouldn’t take them a day to condemn what the West now worships.

Why would the old Greeks be so upset? Let’s take a look at their (Athenian) system and see how our modern form stacks up:

#1: Greek citizen assemblies met 40 times per year in an open, public forum. Any citizen could speak and any citizen could vote. A vote of those present was final.

Contrast that with what passes for (American) democracy now: Only special people are allowed to attend the assemblies. On top of that, there are far, far more meetings than anyone could hope to follow: General sessions, meetings for dozens of committees, party caucuses and more, running at all hours. No one person can come remotely close to keeping up with it all.

The citizen is clearly unable to participate or even to understand what’s going on. Just this fact would cause the “fathers of civilization” to pronounce our system a fraud, and rightly so. The citizens are non-participants.

#2: Laws were inscribed on stone pillars (stelae) and posted in prominent locations so that everyone would see them.

Greek laws were accessible to every Greek. Not only were they required to be posted, but this requirement also guaranteed that there couldn’t be too many of them.

If you were to take an ancient Greek to see “our laws,” they’d be looking at more than 80,000 pages of almost indecipherable language. (And those would be only the Federal laws.)

Because of this, the Greeks would be insulted when you assured them that we have “the rule of law.” They would say that when people can’t know the law, they are living in a tyranny, and no amount of fancy argumentation would convince them otherwise.

And, again, they would be right. If you are ignorant of the law (80,000 pages of government-speak) but are still subject to punishment under the law, you are living in a tyranny. The founders would have no confusion about that.

#3: A Council oversaw the daily affairs of the democracy. Each of ten tribes provided 50 men. But, only one tribe’s men (50 of them) served at any one time, and only for one month. (The Greeks had ten months in their year.) And once any person served as a Councilor, they were forbidden from serving again for ten years.

Under this arrangement, playing tricks became almost impossible: as soon as the first of the month came along, the next tribe could turn your tricks around and do worse to you.

Contrast this with senators and congressmen who stay in office for decades on end, selling all sorts of favors, amassing multi-million dollar campaign funds, and making themselves rich in the process. Most of them never really go away.

At this point, our philosophical forefathers would be looking for places to buy torches… and they would be ready to beat anyone who called a system that supports such shenanigans a democracy.

#4: Citizens chosen for positions like overseer of the marketplace were chosen completely at random.

Imagine choosing the boss of the IRS at random. We all know what would happen: You’d get a housewife from Portland one year and a plumber from Topeka the next. And they’d act like humans, rather than unfeeling automatons. The sanctimonious abuser state would crumble.

#5: At the beginning of their democracy, the citizens of Athens were divided into ten tribes (and NOT along regional or family lines). This was done specifically to break the power of the aristocratic families.

Have you paid attention to the DC crowd lately? Have you noticed that they never leave? Instead, they slide back and forth between congress, commissions, agencies, lobbying firms, mega-corps and media. Have you noticed how often their children marry each other?

Look at the Presidential lineup: Bush – Clinton – Bush – Obama – Clinton? – Bush?

That’s called “aristocracy.” However, people who are emotionally bound to the system can’t see it. The Greeks certainly wouldn’t be fooled.

Losing Our Religion

Do you remember a haunting song from the 90s called Losing My Religion? If so, cue that up in the back of your mind, because that’s what stands in front of the people of the West.

The majestic “Democracy” that was supposed to be our savior is actually an abusive fraud. It’s time to let it go. That’s not easy, I know, but it needs to be done.

Will you take the first step?

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

6 Groups that Will Win Big From a War with Syria

6 Groups that Will Win Big From a War with Syria

By Paul Rosenberg,

Freeman's Perspective

It has to be obvious to almost everyone that the US war machine is trying desperately to get another war going… and – at least for the moment – failing miserably.

Now, it’s entirely possible that they’ll get their war going before this article even reaches you, but still, it’s quite another question whether they can sustain it.

War is a wild beast, of course, and you can never tell what it’ll do once it’s released into the world. But the beast of 2013 seems a bit emaciated and weak.

This situation reminds me of the old set of posters and buttons from the 1970s that asked the question:

What if they gave a war and no one came?

That looks to be the case right now. But that doesn’t mean powerful interests aren’t pushing for it.

Who Benefits?

The Romans had a phrase that they used for legal analysis: qui bono, which translates to “who benefits?” Clearly, powerful individuals are pushing hard for the US to go to war. Let’s take a look at who these people are.


Early 20th century writer Randolph Bourne was ever-so right when he taught us that “war is the health of the state.” In times of peace, the state is commonly resented. After all, they forcibly remove money from the people in their control, and that engenders bad feelings. When terrified by war, however, people are willing to forget about such matters: It is better to be a serf than to be a corpse.

Consider the “great Presidents” – nearly all of them were associated with a war, and probably a big one.


I’m talking here about central bankers, not the operator of your local savings and loan.

War requires money, and lots of it. And money comes from central bankers, not from governments or even from simple printing presses. Dollars, yen, euros and the others come from central bankers, and those bankers get a cut of everything they create.

And then, of course, they get interest on those dollars from every business that needs loans for machines to manufacture bullets, uniforms, bombs, portable food, and everything else that goes into “giving a war.”

The Mega-corps

State-connected corporations thrive in time of war. These outfits are addicted to over-sized profits, and the very best tool for obtaining them is war. Nothing else comes close. So, for the sake of their stock prices, they need war and will push in dozens of ways to get it.

The Intelligence Complex

What’s not to like about war for these guys?

More money, worship on the nightly television shows, unlimited power, and no questions asked about your misdeeds… not to mention the segment of womankind that will reward the impressively violent with prompt mating privileges.

The Military Contracting Complex

There are literally thousands of military contracting firms these days, and all of the successful ones are allied with one government agency or another – a military service, a foreign affairs department, a retired general, a politician… someone with pull. It’s the only way to get work in those fields, and it’s also the best way for bureaucrats of the middle and upper levels to get kickbacks.

War funnels immense amounts of money to all levels of the state-corporate complex through this new conduit.

People Who Play On Emotions

Nothing stirs up “rah-rah” emotions better than images of dead people wearing your home team’s uniform. And that’s really good for the many people who cash in on your emotions. That list begins with politicians and continues with Hollywood (TV, movies and games) advertisers, all the people mentioned above, and even religious leaders. The churches of America fill with military rhetoric (and people) in time of war, and ambitious ministers play it up big. (With a few exceptions.)

So, that’s just a general list of people who benefit from war. The interesting thing about this moment is that the Western world – and America in particular – seems weary of the bloody exercise. They’ve had it for more than a decade, and the emotional surge has worn off.

And, it may just be that the terrified Americans who ran to politicians for safety in 2001 have grown up a bit.

Let’s hope so.

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

15 Ways the World Will Change Once the “Great Boom” Hits

15 Ways the World Will Change Once the “Great Boom” Hits

By Paul Rosenberg,

Freeman's Perspective

The great golden age is upon us. We haven’t seen it because we’ve been looking at the wrong things and in the wrong directions.

Regardless, it is here. It has been building for some time and it is ready to break out. And it will break out as soon as enough of us start acting in support of the golden age, rather than accepting its delay.

Yes, I know that it doesn’t remotely seem like a golden age is here. We have overwhelming bills, we are working more hours than we can really handle, and we are stressed to the point of illness. Please place this thought aside for a moment; I will explain it below. Before that, I want to give you an idea of what the golden age will be like. It is important for us to look ahead, so we can see where we are going and to make some sense of the current situation.

As I worked on this issue, an old passage from the book of Isaiah kept leaping to mind; it beautifully describes the arrival of a golden age. Here’s the part that relates to us now:

Go through the gates, prepare the way of the people. Cast up, cast up a highway, gather out the stones, lift up a standard for the people.

Regardless of who Isaiah had in mind, this is an excellent summation of what we must do to set our golden age free. So, let’s step outside of the gates – outside of the city – outside of the televised script – and take a fresh look at what lies before us.

The Great Boom

What lies before us is an economic boom beyond anything we’ve ever experienced. Please understand, this is not the usual idealistic scenario of happy miracles leaping up once we all start living the “right way.” Everything below is based upon factors that already exist.

This is not “could be.” This is “already here and needs to be released.”

The following list is based upon a very clean scenario: the failure of existing economic and ruling structures in the West, followed by individuals reorganizing on their own. In real life, the changeover will be an uglier process than is depicted here, but it is important to start with as clear a set of images as possible. It’s hard enough to depict the future, without making it complicated.

So, the great boom begins with a collapse of existing systems, similar to the end of Soviet domination in Eastern Europe. Once released, we would begin to encounter these things:

  • An immediate and massive increase in prosperity. There will be no income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, payroll taxes, gasoline taxes or the like. People will spend this ‘extra’ money on other things. A few will blow their new money at racetracks and casinos, but most of them will buy things of more enduring value and invest in promising businesses. Some percentage of this money will have to be spent on physical and fire protection – however newly organized – but that amount will be an order of magnitude lower than what people paid within the old structures.
  • Massive growth in the gas and oil businesses. With no one forbidding them, people will begin extracting oil, and especially gas, from lands they own. This will not only create jobs in drilling, but in pipeline construction, liquefaction terminals, trucking, and dozens of specialties. There are thousands of trillions of cubic meters of natural gas all across North America, Europe and elsewhere, and most of it can be safely and reliably extracted using a technology called “fracking.” (It involves horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, at depths of two miles or so.) And this is not the only new hydrocarbon technology.

This energy boom will affect far more than just oil and gas; it will make nearly every other product cheaper and therefore more abundant. In addition, it will deprive many of the world’s biggest trouble-makers of easy money from gas and oil. All those billions of petrol-dollars will be transferred to the hands of individuals and private businesses… who have a long track record of behaving much, much better than oil-rich dictators.

  • New security and commercial adaptations. All sorts of new services and businesses will emerge. One early group will be replacements for the security services formerly monopolized by the state. It will be a time of multiplied options. Some will fail and some will succeed, but the world will become much more interesting. Millions of self-organizers will be set free from office cubicles and corporate manuals. Instead of taking orders in very narrow fields of action, their minds will be free to create… and they will create.
  • Many more, and better, industry associations. Once there is no more state to punish rogue businesses, the responsible people in most industries will organize themselves and create industry associations. These associations will effectively police their own trades and will tend to develop their businesses. They will certainly be better at this than uninformed politicians a thousand kilometers away.
  • Unregulated professions provide more and cheaper services. Why can’t a dental assistant with twenty years of experience replace your filling? Why can’t a reliable person drive you around for a fee? In the golden age, these will not be questions that people have to ask. Such things (and many more) are now forbidden by professional regulation laws. This has especially hurt the lower end of the economic scale. The dentist has to go through many years of expensive training to be able to work. Merely to pay back his loans requires him to charge high fees. That cuts out the low end. (The same goes for lawyers, doctors, etc.)

If you need crucial services, you will always have to pay the higher rates, but the man who merely needs a filling replaced shouldn’t be forced to pay for a dental surgeon. And the dental surgeon should be able to work his way through school by filling cavities. These changes will not only provide better value, but will open good jobs to many more people. Those who go on to the tops of their fields will still be well-paid and reputation agencies will form to provide the necessary assurances of safety.

  • Marginal operations will become viable. Martial arts schools, storefront churches, small restaurants and many other businesses that can’t usually make it now, will become viable. This is doubly important because these are the types of businesses that are undertaken for love of the work, and which tend to enrich people’s lives. Our lives will be enhanced in unexpected ways.
  • Maximization is no longer necessary. Once a basketful of reporting, taxation and regulatory impositions are gone, businesses will not have to discard marginally profitable products or services. The two-day-per-week mechanic can work in a corner of the parking garage, the retired accountant can work a couple of mornings per week for old clients, and so on. If you and the customer agree, you can do it.
  • Self-help and charitable organizations spring up. Once state charity is gone and productive people effectively double their incomes, they will become more charitable. When it is not coerced, people feel good about giving, creating a double benefit and a virtuous cycle. The new arrangements will be far more effective than the old institutions. The people who run charities will be set free to adapt, improvise and to make informal arrangements that help people.
  • Private vendors are free to sell whatever they like. There will be far more products, available in far more places. No one will be forbidding. This provides housewives a chance to sell pastries, teenagers to deliver packages, and damaged people (mentally retarded, crippled, etc.) a chance to work and make money however they are able.
  • The War on Drugs vanishes, and rich monsters with it. A very well informed friend of mine says this: One hundred years ago heroin and cocaine were legal, and there was about a 1.5% addiction rate. Now, they are illegal and there’s about a 1.5% addiction rate. I believe him to be correct. In the meanwhile, honest people have been driven out of the trade, prices have skyrocketed, thousands of monstrous criminals have become obscenely rich, massive fortunes have been wasted, and millions of non-violent drug users have had their lives ruined in prisons. When drug prohibition ends, many kinds of abuses will end with it.
  • Insurance and bonds. Insurance companies will find broad new areas of demand. Reputation merchants and bondsmen will become important new businesses; escrow agents as well.
  • Schooling will be radically changed. Good schoolteachers will find people competing for their services; bad ones will have to move along. There will be lots of work for tutors.
  • The return of the middle class. The new economic options will be mostly small. This will give medium income people multiplied opportunities to make money. Also, their financial burdens, relative to others, will be reduced. They will experience greater release and improvement, resulting in a new type of productive middle class.
  • The return of fine craftsmanship. Many people will fear for the worst as building codes are no longer enforced. What actually happens will be mostly the opposite. In the current environment, people specify the legal minimum as a default. Once that begins to change, quality workmanship will increase. (If you examine buildings constructed before enforced standards overwhelmed the market, you’ll find excellent workmanship.)
  • Barnstorming and dinner clubs return. There were quite a few unique activities that went away because of regulations, among them amateur aviation and dinner clubs. Barnstorming vanished by about 1935 and dinner clubs by 1960, both the victims of regulators. There are many other cases like these. Old pursuits will return.

Not all will be sweetness and light, however. There will be problems. These problems will be minor compared to the overall benefit, and fairly easily solved, but they will show up.

The first problem area is replacements for “old system” services: roads, firemen, policing. The hardest of these, surprisingly, will be roads. The solution involves nothing more than finding a way to pay the same people who fix the roads now (who will be glad for the work and won’t have to bribe politicians), but people will probably ignore the problem until the roads start to fall apart. Then, in desperation, they’ll cooperate and get them fixed. Insurance companies will probably handle the fire department reorganization. There is plenty of private police protection already, so this will barely be a problem. Projections suggest $30 per month, per house or business, as a base cost level. That’s not much, especially considering that taxes and enforced fees will be absent.

Long-standing problems pertaining to waterways and pollution will remain, but should be no worse under the new arrangements than under the old. The common law, which will endure, dealt with such issues back to medieval times and will continue to do so.

Epidemics sound like a scary problem, but, modern medicine being what it is, this is unlikely. Problems may emerge in a few scattered places and times, but they will exist mostly in the fear-based media.

Mafia groups and street gangs will remain a problem, but less so: there will be no easy profits from drugs and no protection to buy from politicians.

The abandoned elderly, the insane and other sad cases have always been with us, and will continue to be. Charity will increase and these problems will be handled better than they are now, but we should expect a few tragic stories. They, too, are part of the human experience.

Probably the biggest problem will be future shock. Like people emerging from darkened caves into the sun, it will take time for many of us to adjust. Taking responsibility for your own destiny can be frightening. We may have to face the reality of genetic engineering and perhaps near-immortality. There will be great nostalgia for being held in place as part of a larger entity.

In short, we’ll be forced to grow up, and that can be terrifying.

But wouldn’t the results be worth it?

[Editor’s Note: This article is an excerpt from Freeman’s Perspective Issue #17: The Great Golden Age Is Here… Waiting For Us to Grasp It. If you liked what you read, consider taking a risk-free test drive. Not only will you gain immediate access to the rest of this issue (which includes the single greatest force holding us back from living this “Great Boom”), but you’ll also be able to enjoy the entire archive – more than 540 pages of research on topics of importance and inspiration to those looking for freedom in an unfree world. Plus valuable bonus reports and all new issues, as well. Click here to learn more.]

By Paul Rosenberg,

The New Era of Surveillan​ce is Here

The New Era of Surveillance is Here

By Paul Rosenberg,

Freeman's Perspective

Some have said it’s better to make decisions under the influence of alcohol than under the influence of fear.

But in late 2001, Americans made an entire set of decisions under the influence of fear… and created a monster.

We all remember what happened: A frightened public allowed politicians, secret agencies, and militaries to spend any amount of money and build any kind of system they wanted, to “protect us from the terrorists.”

To cash in on the new zeitgeist, new TV shows practically worshiped military and police forces; thousands of churches gave themselves over to the glorification of soldiers; and corporations scrambled for government money to build these new systems.

10 years on, it’s not just the “paranoid crackpots” anymore who can see that Orwell’s Big Brother of 1984 is terrifyingly real and more sinister than even he could have imagined.

The reality is this: Americans now live under the largest and most invasive surveillance state in the history of the world. This has been confirmed and admitted, even by the talking heads of the mainstream press.

I know there have been too many stories, passing too quickly, for most people to see this in all its gory detail, so I want to clarify and simplify a bit.

First, I’ll give you a list of recent stories (all since mid-May), with links, so you can check any of them you want to. Then, I’ll give you a brief, simple summary of where Americans stand now.

To Sum Up

The list above contains only recent and major stories. There are many others, but I want to keep this brief.

So here’s where we stand now:

  1. There are no more legal protections that matter. The 4th amendment is (was) “the law of the land,” and it is very clear. But that doesn’t matter: A pile of court rulings have been given precedence, and the Constitution no longer applies.
  2. The US military can – if and when it wants to – arrest and imprison anyone (foreigner or citizen) for as long as they want, without a trial.
  3. Acts of torture (“advanced interrogation techniques”) are legal, and secret courts are in regular operation.
  4. The US government (through many agencies, most notably the NSA and FBI) is collecting nearly every email, text, chat, phone call, and web site surfed. This information is already being used in government prosecutions.
  5. Government officials lie to citizens with impunity. Citizens who lie to officials go to jail. (Ask Martha Stewart, and a thousand less-famous people.)
  6. You are physically tracked 24/7 by your cell phone and car license plates.
  7. Large corporations are helping the US government run the most complete surveillance state in the history of the world.

Is this is something you would agree to, if given an option?

Is this what you want your children or grandchildren to grow up in?

Do you think Thomas Jefferson would agree to this? Would Abraham or Moses support this? Would Jesus?

What Now?

The first thing we have to do is to gain moral clarity: to be clear on the fact that this is morally wrong. Not legally wrong, but morally wrong.

Because if it is morally wrong, then it remains wrong, no matter how many high-and-mighty authorities proclaim it to be right.

In other words, you need to believe that morality is more important than legality, which is really the core of the Judeo-Christian ethic that underpins our society. (You can deny it if you want, but that doesn’t make it false.)

Once we are morally clear on this subject, the rest follows naturally. But you have to get clear on this, inside of yourself. Writers like me can provide you with facts, but no one can do your internal work for you.

So, do you think this is morally wrong? And if so, why?

Be clear about the answer to this question. It’s the starting point to the struggle for personal freedom.

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]