The Borg Initiative

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio

The systemization of abominations…

— The Science Behind Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip | WIRED

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of technological terrorism, two inseparable and interrelated concepts have emerged: Neurowarfare and Transhumanism. These concepts stand at the forefront of the cognitive battlespace, raising profound questions about the boundaries of human potential, the ethical problems of technological augmentation, and the ever-expanding horizon of warfare in the digital age. Transhumanism is the gateway to an even more complete form of psychological warfare, one where your very neurons and motor functions are capable of being hijacked; where the human mind is a literal battlefield.

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At least TBP doesn’t have to bow to Google or Amazon or Youtube or Twitter or the other ten ad companies that have banned TBP. It’s a badge of honor to be banned by these pricks. We don’t rely on them for any revenue. It’s now mostly donations from readers who value free speech and the truth. It seems PayPal de-platformed ZH, so I guess they’ll eventually de-platform TBP. We’ll just switch to another donation platform. We are at war, whether you like it or not.

Fuck off Google! - Let's kick Google and co. out of our Lives and ...

Via ZeroHedge

Here’s what’s going on.

We can do what the Federalist did, and pull the entire comment section to stay alive, or we can implement a filter to comments which avoids triggering a limited number of keywords that started this whole fiasco (one can figure out the context there) and get reinstated. At the same time, there are legislative developments in the pipeline which we reported on earlier, which may or may not come to pass. We are not holding our breath.