Something to Think About on the Fourth of July: The Democrats and the FBI Have Nazified America

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Peter Navarro, 73 years old, was Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy during the Trump administration. I do not know him.

Last February the Democrats subpoenaed him to appear before the Democrats’ “Select Committee on the January 6 Attack,” a show trial operation trying to invent an “insurrection” by people who took selfies sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair.

As Trump had declared executive privilege, Navarro simply observed the president’s right and refused to appear.

There is nothing unusual about this. It has been happening forever.  Personally I do not know if executive privilege is a good idea, but it is a fact.

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Taking A Firm Stand Against Tyranny: Peter Navarro Tells Pelosi’s Coven of Commies to Pound Sand

Via The Blue State Conservative

by Justin O. Smith

The recent June 3rd 2022 arrest and indictment of seventy-two-year-old Peter Navarro, a former top trade advisor to President Trump and a highly competent lawyer, is one more example that the January 6th Committee has taken powers it hasn’t any right or authority to have and use, as it now acts like a Soviet Union era tribunal in several attempts to manufacture crimes to fit their political enemies in the Republican Party, instead of any real investigation to serve any Congressional legislative purpose. Rather than follow those principles set forth by Thomas Jefferson, in the Declaration of Independence, or James Madison, in the U.S. Constitution, they are acting in contravention to our American founding principles to destroy the people’s freedom and liberty and serve their own ambitions for greater power and self-motivated revenge, as the servants of the ideologies of Marx and Mao and the tyranny they seek to impose as masters of a massive, monolithic authoritarian socialist state.

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Trump aide Peter Navarro exposes the dangerous Dr. Fauci: Devine

Via The NY Post

Dr. Anthony Fauci is in for a shellacking Tuesday when a bombshell new book by former Trump economic adviser Peter Navarro lands.

“In Trump Time, A Journal of America’s Plague Year” is a rollicking personal diary studded with insider confidences, and it sets its sights squarely on the chief medical adviser to the president.

Navarro writes that Fauci did “more damage to this nation, President Trump and the world than anyone else this side of the Bat Lady of Wuhan.”

He holds Fauci accountable for “everything from the Wuhan lab gain-of-function catastrophe and suppression of low-cost therapeutics such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to the political, partisan and deadly delay in delivering the Trump vaccines to the American people.”

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Peter Navarro Issues Report on Voting Irregularities: ‘The Emperor, In the Election, Has No Clothes’

Submitted by West Coast Deplorable

Via Epoch Times

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro listens to a news conference about a presidential executive order relating to military veterans outside of the West Wing of the White House, on March 4, 2019. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

Peter Navarro, who serves as an adviser to President Donald Trump, concluded in a report on the integrity of the 2020 election that the allegations of irregularities are serious enough to warrant an urgent probe and substantial enough to overturn the results.

The findings of the report (pdf), released on Dec. 17 and titled “The Immaculate Deception,” support the claim that the election “may well have been stolen” from Trump. Navarro, who is director of the White House Office for Trade and Manufacturing Policy, produced the report in his capacity as a private citizen.

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