DIY Practical Christmas Gifts

The best: DIY Practical Christmas Gifts

Most of our practical Christmas Gifts posts last week were things you can “buy” either at a store or online. Ready to go, and ready to gift. Just “wrap and roll!”

But we feel some of the best gifts you can give to anyone are things you built or made yourself.

Something about putting the time (other than driving to the store or clicking a few buttons) and especially the effort into creating something that didn’t exist before has more meaning.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

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Practical Christmas Gifts 2016: Let there be light

The latest flashlights are the brightest {practical Christmas gifts}

Continuing our Practical Christmas Gifts category – are products we love (and use): LED Flashlights.

While everyone and their brother thinks they have good flashlights on their stupid mobile phones – nothing beats a nice CREE LED flashlight. They come in all sizes for all situations.

Let me run down three today. For various budgets and situations.

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Practical Christmas Gifts 2016: Books

Books make practical Christmas Gifts every year!

Around this time of the year – we enjoy sharing what we feel are more thoughtful presents to give people. Part of our ongoing Practical Christmas Gifts category.

And understandably – books almost always make our cut. Why? Because they work without electricity and enrich the mind in ways “apps” or other mindless media can’t.

So here are a few that might fit someone on your list this year.

Continue reading “Practical Christmas Gifts 2016: Books”