These Are The Safest Cities In America

Via ZeroHedge

The phrase “small town America” often conjures up images of white picket fences, well-trimmed lawns, and big houses. But how safe is modern-day suburbia in America?

Some of the smallest places in the country can actually be among the most dangerous. Take for example Bessemer, Alabama, with a population of around 26,000 and a violent crime rate of 33.1 per every 1,000 residents.

That said, there are many small cities that are true havens for families across the United States. Visual Capitalist’s Avery Koop uses this map to showcase the safest cities in the U.S., using FBI data and Census Bureau populations compiled by NeighborhoodScout in 2023.

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These Are The Safest Cities In The World

Via ZeroHedge

During a time when crime rates in the US – particularly violent crime – are steadily creeping higher once again after declining for roughly a quarter-century, readers may wonder: What are the safest cities in the world?

Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that few of them are in the US. In fact, when it comes to urban security the Asia-Pacific region is the world leader. In the Economist Intelligence Unit’s latest ranking of the world’s safest cities, Tokyo has once again taken the top spot. Singapore and Osaka (Japan’s second-largest city), came in at No. 2 and No. 3, respectively.

Amsterdam came in at No. 4, making it the safest city in Europe. Notably, the Dutch capital confines most non-violent crime to its infamous red-light districts, havens for prostitution and drugs.

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