Scott Pruitt’s Real Crime

Guest Post by Bill Bonner

POITOU, FRANCE – It was a slow week, interrupted by the Fourth of July holiday.

Stocks bounced around a bit, going nowhere special. Even the Trump Show had been relatively calm, with no new ratings boosts.

Rumors of a deal on auto import taxes helped buoy up stock prices yesterday. Electric car maker Tesla’s share price was falling; rumor has it that Elon Musk is running out of time and money.

And bitcoin seemed to be recovering a bit.

But this morning, at 12:01 a.m., the shooting began. Donald Trump started his latest war. Bloomberg:

“China Warns: U.S. has started biggest trade war in history.”

Remember, “war is the health of the [Deep] state.” This will be no exception.

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Trump Picks Climate Change Skeptic for EPA

Guest post by Martin Armstrong


President-elect Trump’s appointment of Scott Pruitt is a major change from the Obama Administration’s insane EPA ‘climate’ regulations. Trump’s pick of Pruitt clearly means that he is standing up to the green establishment. Historically, EPA chiefs have all been just climate change advocates. Trump met with Al Gore and Leonard DiCaprio who are Global Warming advocates, listened to them, and then ignored their advice.

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