Thanks Michelle: Black Market In Food Items Springs Up In US Schools

Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,

Kids to Michelle Obama: Here’s Where you can Stick your School Lunch Rules


flood level

A close-up of one of the Nanny State’s new “healthy school lunches” – a.k.a. the flood level of Halo 3 – via Twitter


Politicians have always labored under the entirely mistaken impression that one can keep people from doing what they actually want to do, or that markets can be suppressed by outlawing them. The greatest monument to this folly is the utter failure known as the “war on drugs”. Even those who believe in the notion that the government should look after the “Volksgesundheit”, or, as is far more likely in the case of drug prohibition, should enforce Puritanical morals on people against their will (while ensuring the profitability of officially sanctioned drug pushers in the form of the pharmaceutical industry on the side), must admit by now that the effort has been a spectacular and costly fiasco.

After Germany’s reunification, old medical records and statistics were rediscovered in the former GDR, which allowed researchers to complete the historical record back to 1871, when Germany was first unified. Upon studying these statistics, they inter alia found out that use of the drugs considered most dangerous – assorted derivatives of opium – has been precisely as prevalent among the population after prohibition as it was before it. In other words, the health benefit of prohibition was precisely zero. So who is benefiting? Apart from the already mentioned pill-pushers, this cartoon seems to cover it:



Beneficiaries of the drug war

Cartoon by Tim Kelly

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