Yippee!!! Average gas prices just broke $5.00 a gallon for the 1st time in history. Can you determine where on the chart our bumbling fool of a president stumbled onto the scene and immediately shutdown all oil pipeline projects?

Dementia Joe thinks he can win the November mid-terms by pushing gun grabbing and murdering the unborn.

Credit card debt at all-time highs as we enter recession. That should help Joe and his party of lunatics come November. And by the way, this is all the fault of Putin, Trump and white supremicists.

ECONOMY IMPLODING: 50 Year Record Shattered As US Consumer Is Devastated.  Take A Look At This… | King World News

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Slow Joe Can’t Tell The Difference Between Mask Mandates and Immigration Policies

Via The Blue State Conservative

Title 42 is a big deal… and in case you don’t know what it is, it’s a Trump-era public health order issued by the CDC that has enabled U.S. authorities to turn back most migrants, including people seeking asylum from so-called “persecution.” It’s set to expire on May 23 and everyone and their brother is talking about what Team Biden will do.

Will they cripple us even more at the border and drop Title 42, or will they give us breathing room and extend it? Many Dem politicians are flipping and siding with GOP and are asking Biden to extend it, while his radical communist WH spokeswoman Jen Psaki is appearing to rule out the possibility of delay.

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