A Randian Derides “Libertarians” Who Don’t Support Ted Cruz

Guest Post by Eric Peters

My recent column, A Long, Hot summer (here) which wasn’t so much a defense of Donald Trump as it was a celebration of the salutary effect Trump’s candidacy is having on the irremediably corrupt GOP establishment, brought forth some defenders of (of all things) Ted Cruz. Now that the other frontman for the irremediably corrupt GOP establishment has been Trumped, all Hope is pinned on the former Bush Machine operator, who is – with an effrontery that would startle Borat – touted as an “outsider” who will rescue “our freedoms” from the grasping talons of the dread Hildebeast.Cruz 2

One such defender of Cruz questions the “Libertarian” (his air quotes) credentials of those who dare to criticize Cruz.

I thought perhaps it might be of interest to print – and then dissect – his missives.

Here goes:

Goodness, I am so glad to be assaulted on three or four sides by righteous “libertarians”! If one cannot figure out that a comment about a two inch penis is a “micro-aggression” than I guess it would be hard to explain just about any thing else in the world. As Mick Jagger once said “Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke”. The political process in this country is barely functional. I have hardly endorsed any political candidate over another except to say that a Dem victory in November will be a disaster for any of us who value liberty. If you think that now is the time for revolution in this country, I empathize, but in the same breath dare you to proclaim it so. And while you are at it make sure to publish the names of yourself and all of those who will rise up with you to overthrow the Government. Truth or dare baby. And just to make it interesting, I knew Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard. You folks have no idea. Sayonara, I am becoming quite bored with this discourse. Besides, I trust my motor vehicles are quite a bit more interesting than what you drive anyway.

My response:

Continue reading “A Randian Derides “Libertarians” Who Don’t Support Ted Cruz”

The National Enquirer Runs Story of Multiple Ted Cruz Affairs…

Via The Conservative Treehouse

Oh dear, the National Enquirer has come out with a story claiming evidence of multiple sexual trysts by presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz.

Worse yet for the Cruz camp, the framework within the article is structurally very concerning:

cruz tabloid


The National Enquirer is indeed a tabloid – and as such there are various grains of salt that should be applied when reviewing anything they present.

However, that said, they have been unfortunately accurate for more than a few presidential hopefuls:  Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson and John Edwards to name a few of the more infamous examples.

Beyond the story itself there’s a few presenting elements which point to a high degree of confidence, and as a consequence ‘legal avoidance’, on the publishers’ part.

Firstly, they post pictures of the collective mistresses.  NE would never legally “go there” if they did not hold a very reasonable certainty the outlined players were factually part of the story.

Secondly, there’s at least one face in the group that is easily identifiable.

When you accept the NE editorial/legal requirement for research and attributed comment prior to publication, you recognize there is more than a strong probability each of the outlined group (pictured) was contacted prior to publication; and one of those is very close to the Donald Trump campaign.  Ergo, it’s entirely likely presidential candidate Donald Trump knew this story was coming out.

Which puts candidate Trump’s prior discussion and opinion of media libel in a strangely much larger, and more substantially prescient, aspect.  3-D political strategy not withstanding.

The National Enquirer has essentially baited the hook in a typical manner and one famously utilized by Andrew Breitbart.

So now they wait and see if, and how, the Cruz campaign responds.   It is entirely possible the story could explode exponentially depending on the severity of any denials or admissions therein.

update-1UPDATE:  Since the publication first hit the newsstands (depends on region) the Twitter-sphere has lit up with conversation about the scandal.  It appears many political followers believe they have identified two of the blurred out images within the National Enquirer story.

Continue reading “The National Enquirer Runs Story of Multiple Ted Cruz Affairs…”

Toward A Grand New Bargain: How Donald Trump Can Clear The Field And Realign American Politics

It’s actually pretty easy. At an apt moment very soon, Trump should offer Governor Kasich the VP slot and Senator Cruz the vacant Supreme Court seat.

Such a grand bargain would not only clear the primary field and quash any backroom hijacking of the nomination by the Washington GOP establishment; it would also permit each man to play his highest and best role at this great inflection point in the nation’s history.

That is, Donald Trump’s job is to destroy the Republican/Neocon establishment and bring working class America back into a modern version of a McKinley-style Republican Party. Ted Cruz’ task is to spend a lifetime bringing strict constructionism back to the high court, thereby helping to restore constitutional restraints on a leviathan state that fundamentally threatens personal liberty and economic freedom and prosperity in America.

And, yes, there really isn’t much for a washed-out, me-too Republican pol like Kasich to do at all. Except to get out of the way and exercise his apparent talent for preacherly uplift as America’s eulogist-in-chief at foreign state funerals.

Beyond the rightness of it, there’s some pretty potent logic for the politics of the deal, too, There would be lots of of winners all around—–most especially the long-suffering American people.

Continue reading “Toward A Grand New Bargain: How Donald Trump Can Clear The Field And Realign American Politics”

Teen Tit Film

That Ted Cruz … conservative Christian …. “JESUS IS LORD” ….. yeah! ….. wants to “take over the world” ….. and star in a “teen tit film“.



The Cruz campaign most recently found itself engaged in a bit of quick damage control after one of its campaign commercials toting “conservative values” was discovered to have a porn actress involved as part of the cast. Amy Lindsey has starred in such films as, “Kinky Sex Club,” “Milf,” “Carnal Wishes” and “Sex Sent Me to the ER”.


BTW ….. I saw “Milf”.   Very good movie from start to finish; great directing, mesmerizing script,  costuming is out of this world.  Cum shots could use a little work though.  Lots of morality lessons. Not very funny. So, I’m sure even HF would like it.

Ron Paul: Ted Cruz is no libertarian

Via Politico

Now that Rand Paul is out of the race for the White House his father Ron Paul, who ran in 2008 and 2012, isn’t impressed by Ted Cruz’s attempts to pick up the “free market” libertarian banner.

“You take a guy like Cruz, people are liking the Cruz — they think he’s for the free market, and [in reality] he’s owned by Goldman Sachs. I mean, he and Hillary have more in common than we would have with either Cruz or Trump or any of them so I just don’t think there is much picking,” Paul said of the Texas senator on Fox Business’ “Varney & Company” on Friday.

Surprisingly, the elder Paul seemed more attracted to the views of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money in the Democratic primary.

“On occasion, Bernie comes up with libertarian views when he talks about taking away the cronyism on Wall Street, so in essence he’s right, and occasionally he voted against war,” the former Texas congressman said when asked if there was a candidate who was truly for the free market.

“It’s hard to find anybody — since Rand is out of it — anybody that would take a libertarian position, hardcore libertarian position on privacy, on the war issue and on economic policy,” Paul added.

“So I always say: You can search for a long time, but you’re not gonna find anybody in the Republican or Democratic primary that even comes slightly close to ever being able to claim themselves a libertarian,” he concluded.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/ron-paul-ted-cruz-libertarian-218822#ixzz3zOowKjIk

You, an accidental terrorist? Thank Ted Cruz


It’s bad enough that the US government has the authority to revoke your passport if you have a “seriously delinquent tax debt.” That little gem was buried in the 2015 Highway Funding Bill, which President Obama signed in December.

But now, Senator and presidential candidate Rafael “Ted” Cruz (R-Texas) wants to go further. He’s introduced a bill that would revoke the citizenship of any American found providing “material assistance” to a “foreign terrorist organization.”

Revoking citizenship is a time-honored way of dealing with political enemies. In ancient Rome, you could lose your citizenship for theft, murder, or treason. Once you lost your citizenship, you couldn’t get it back. Roman citizens couldn’t be sentenced to death, but once you lost that status, the state could kill you at will.

More recently, Nazi Germany stripped millions of its citizens of their nationality. The Citizenship Law of 1935 held that only individuals with a German bloodline qualified for German citizenship. Everyone else, including millions of Jews, Roma, and anyone with dark skin, became mere subjects of the state. The law provided a legal basis for the imprisonment and murder of hundreds of thousands of stateless former German citizens and later, millions of (mainly) Polish and Russian Jews.

Continue reading “You, an accidental terrorist? Thank Ted Cruz”

Cruzing on Empty

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Ethanol – corn alcohol – won’t take you as far as a gallon of gas.Cruz lead

But that doesn’t mean it is isn’t powerful stuff.

Politically powerful stuff.

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is feeling the heat right now as the ethanol lobby pressures him to openly commit to expanded support for federal ethanol mandates – a kowtow every recent presidential candidate from both parties has done up to now.

The ethanol lobby’s potency derives not only from the money it has and the campaign contributions it can make (or not) but also from the fact that – in a presidential election  year – the Iowa Caucuses are critical.

And Iowa is a farm state.

Cruz has at least criticized the federal Renewable Fuels Standard – the law behind the force-feeding of ethanol alcohol down the gullets of Americans and their cars.

But The Lobby is very persuasive.


And we are not talking “family farms” here but rather, enormous agricultural combines that exploit the family farmer by applying artificial economic pressure (via government subsidies) to divert food crops to ethanol production. Corn that  would otherwise be used to feed people – or animals that feed people – ends up being used to make ethanol, which is then mixed with gas in various concentrations.

Currently, 40 percent of the U.S. corn crop goes to ethanol production – up from just 10 percent as recently as 2005.

Continue reading “Cruzing on Empty”

Trump v Cruz & Goldman Sachs


While Trump has held rallies and they are now playing Born in the USA to distinguish him from Cruz who was born in Canada, the real issue Cruz is not addressing head-on, is the New York Times revelation that Cruz failed to properly disclose large loans he received during his Senate campaign. Trump brought up the issue, but in a half-ass manner. Cruz quickly retorted: “Thank you for passing on that hit piece on the front page of The New York Times.” Cruz continued: “The entire New York Times attack is that I disclosed that loan on one filing with the United States Senate … but it was not in the second filing with the FEC.” Cruz even admitted: “Yes, I made paperwork errors … but if that’s the best hit the New York Times has got, they better go back to the well.”

However, that is interesting, but who gave him the loans he forgot to disclose? None other than Goldman Sachs. When you run for office, you are BY LAW required to disclose the source of your funds. It just does not cut it to say – oh, I forgot. Sorry, that disqualifies you from holding office and others have been seriously investigated for such lapses of memory.

Putting that aside, the source of the funds was the notorious Goldman Sachs. The dishonesty here is that Cruz has pretended to stand against the bankers. “Like many other players on Wall Street and big business, they seek out and get special favors from government,” Cruz told the New York Times previously. How dishonest is this statement and then forgetting to report a loan from Goldman Sachs? His wife Heidi, is a managing director at Goldman Sachs and has taken a temporary “leave” during his presidential campaign.

I am sorry. But Cruz is bought and paid for and would be in the pocket of the New York Banks no different than Hillary, Bush, or the rest of them who take money from this crowd. You do not forget to report a loan from Goldman Sachs when your wife is a managing director. Come on. How stupid do we have to be to entertain this excuse?

The War On Terror Has Created 6500% More Terrorism

Submitted by Kit O’Connell via TheAntiMedia.org,

An analysis of terror attacks since 2002 suggests U.S. efforts to combat terrorism – i.e., the “War on Terror” – have led to a dramatic increase in death and suffering from terrorism.

Published this year on Sept. 11, Paul Gottinger, a staff reporter for Reader Supported News, analyzed incidents of terrorism from George Bush declaring the war on terror in the aftermath of 9/11 through the present, and found a staggering 6,500 percent increase in terrorism. Gottinger, who used data provided by the State Department in his analysis, found that casualties have increased by 4,500 percent.

Countries occupied by or being bombed the U.S. military seem to fare worst of all:

Continue reading “The War On Terror Has Created 6500% More Terrorism”


I know absolutely zero people who are enthusiastic about a Jeb Bush presidency. There is no grass roots support. The people of this country don’t want a third Bush as their president. But, as you can see from the chart below, what you think does not matter. The deep pocketed billionaires who select our president have chosen Jeb. Cruz and Rubio are fall backs. They don’t want any parts of Rand Paul. He frightens them. They think he might be a trojan horse who will implement his old man’s plans if elected.

Hillary and Jeb will be the nominees. Your vote doesn’t matter. Book it dano.

Infographic: The U.S. Presidential Candidates Raising The Most Money | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista


  • The “Audit The Fed Bill” was passed in the House of Representatives with overwhelming bi-partisan support with a vote of 333-92 in September 2014.
  • Senator Rand Paul’s Bill has 30 cosponsors including Ted Cruz (R- Texas), Mark Rubio (R- Florida), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), and Richard Shelby (R-Alabama).
  • If passed it would likely be vetoed by President Obama who this week proposed a $4 trillion budget for fiscal year 2016.
  • Since the 2008 Financial Crisis solutions of Quantitative Easing and ZIRP, the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has expanded to over $4 trillion.
  • The Federal Reserved paid an all time record high profit of $98.7 billion to the United States Treasury for fiscal year 2014.
  • The first ever partial audit of the Federal Reserve in 2011 by the Government Accountability Office revealed the Federal Reserve secretly gave $16 trillion to domestic and foreign banks between December 2007-June 2010:

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)