Will Tribalism Trump Democracy?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Will Tribalism Trump Democracy?

On July 19, the Knesset voted to change the nation’s Basic Law.

Israel was declared to be, now and forever, the nation-state and national home of the Jewish people. Hebrew is to be the state language.

Angry reactions, not only among Israeli Arabs and Jews, came swift.

Allan Brownfeld of the American Council for Judaism calls the law a “retreat from democracy” as it restricts the right of self-determination, once envisioned to include all within Israel’s borders, to the Jewish people. Inequality is enshrined.

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Macleans’ Desperate Globalists

By Gerold

WW III began long ago with the global elites waging economic warfare on the rest of us. The globalists are losing as demonstrated by the UK’s ‘Brexit,’ the election of Trump and Spain’s Catalan separatist movement. But, the “One Worlders’ are not going down without a fight.

Below is an example of the elite’s desperation. This editorial appeared in the December 2017 edition of Canada’s national news-magazine, Macleans. (Link)

In the print edition, it’s given the title “The Four Horrors,” but the online editorial is titled “Canada must step up to defend a globalized world.” I suspect they’re tailoring the title to their audience. Print media readers tend to be older, more conservative and age-blessed with a bit more skepticism than online readers who tend to toward youth and gullibility (except this blog’s readers, of course.)

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