NJ college: Professor fired for racially insensitive remarks


NEWARK, N.J. (AP) – A New Jersey community college has fired an adjunct professor after officials say she made racially insensitive comments on Fox News.

Essex County College’s president announced the decision Friday, two weeks after Lisa Durden’s appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

College officials said they received complaints about Durden’s interview with Carlson. Durden, who is black, discussed a Memorial Day event held exclusively for black people hosted by a Black Lives Matter group.

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Paradigm Shift: RFK Jr Goes Off on Vaccine Safety Live on TV, No One Attacks Him

Guest Post by Jack Burns

When Robert F. Kennedy Jr was a guest this week on Tucker Carlson’s show (FoxNews), he said it was only the second show he’d ever been allowed to discuss the topic of vaccination dangers. The reason why, he says, is because shows are paid billions per year by pharmaceutical companies in advertising dollars and they don’t want his message to be discussed.

RFK Jr., like many others, is sounding the alarm with respect to childhood vaccinations. Many of the vaccines are mandatory, and not vaccinating one’s children, as TFTP has reported, runs the risk of having one’s children taken away, and put into the custody of the state. Some parents are imprisoned by the State for not vaccinating their children. Still, others are made to appear unstable for even suggesting vaccines cause autism and are dangerous for the health of children, even though one executive-level Center For Disease Control researcher blew the whistle that the CDC knew they covered up information supporting that case.

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Tucker Carlson Induces Cognitive Dissonance in Bill Nye the Science Guy over Climate Change

Guest Post by Scott Adams

Here is the best (and weirdest) example of cognitive dissonance you will ever see. The set-up is that Bill Nye, an engineer by training, and a proponent of science, is defending climate science on Tucker’s show.

The first weird thing is that Bill Nye starts by talking about cognitive dissonance being the only reason that anyone would be skeptical of global warming. But he seems to not understand the concept of cognitive dissonance because he believes only the other side could be experiencing it. The nature of cognitive dissonance is that you don’t know you’re in it when you’re in it. It is only obvious to observers. If Nye had been objective, he would have noted two equal possibilities: Either the skeptics are experiencing cognitive dissonance or the proponents of climate science are experiencing it. But whoever is in it can’t know. It is only obvious to the other side. That’s how it works.

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