Tucker: ‘In 2003, Warren Wrote A Book About How The Entry of Mothers Into The Workforce Has Been a Disaster For Families’

Via Information Liberation

On his show Monday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson highlighted a 2003 book from Elizabeth Warren and her daughter where they argued “the entry of mothers into the workforce has been a disaster for families and the country.”

The book was titled, “The Two-Income Trap.”

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Tucker Carlson and the Plight of the Yellow Vests

Guest Post by Tom Luongo

I have to hand out sincere kudos to Tucker Carlson. His opening salvo for 2019 was one for the ages. It was a broad-ranging, fifteen-minute rhetorical tour de force.

Tying together Mitt Romney’s vulture capitalism, unchecked immigration, political corruption and the destruction of the middle class family, Carlson laid out a story that if everyone took off their ideological blinders for a few minutes (myself included) would see as simply a horror show.

Carlson’s thesis is that the American family is disintegrating. He’s right. But it’s not just America. It’s everywhere globalism has been the watchword of public policy, ie. Europe as well.

The Yellow Vests in France began protesting over a rise in diesel fuel tax to support climate change initiatives and has morphed into a full-blown revolt against globalism, neoliberalism and French government institutions.

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American Cicero

Guest Post by The Zman

In an apocryphal exchange between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, Fitzgerald said, “The rich are different from you and me.” To this Hemingway replied, “Yes, they have more money.” This gets repeated a lot, because it tickles the egalitarian sensibilities of most Americans. A big part of what has kept America together since the Civil War is the myth that ours is a classless society. Some people have more money and power than others, but that’s entirely due to merit, not class and connections.

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Make Pacific Life feel the pain for pulling their ads from the Tucker Carlson show. Boycott the motherfuckers.

Language: The Indispensable Fundamental Actuator of False Orthodoxy

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

In Ayn Rand’s penultimate magnum opus, “The Fountainhead”, there was a minor antagonist by the name of Ellsworth Toohey whose raison d’etre was to undermine Rand’s ideal man and protagonist, Howard Roark.

Although Toohey considered his parasitical power as having a major stifling effect on capitalistic society, in reality, all his cumulative efforts ended up as a mere minor footnote in the long march of Man; as evidenced in the story’s denouement and ensuing towering city skylines.

Of course, much of Rand’s life consisted of excoriating the parasitical aspect of the Collectivists and their government, as both defined by dependency; in stark contrast to the rugged self-reliance of the men who moved the world.

In The Fountainhead, a discussion took place whereby Toohey said he wanted to make the “ideological soil” infertile to the point where young heads would explode prior to expressing any individuality (or similar to that).  Then, later, near the end, Toohey asked Roark what Roark thought of him, and the egoistic, self-reliant architect replied: “But I don’t think of you.”

In reality, is it possible today to ignore the Collective? Or, has it propagated sufficiently to where it can be ignored no longer?

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Leftist Protesters: ‘If Tucker Carlson Didn’t Want To Get Mobbed In His Own Home, Then Why Did He Disagree With Us?’

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After an antifa group was widely criticized for mobbing Tucker Carlson’s home and chanting “We know where you sleep at night!” the group defended itself, pointing out that if Carlson didn’t want to get mobbed, then he shouldn’t have disagreed with them in the first place.

As critics denounced the frightening actions of the mob, the group stood firm, claiming it was Carlson’s own fault for not parroting leftist talking points on his program.

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A Mob Showed Up Outside Tucker Carlson’s House And Ordered Him To ‘Leave Town’

Via The Daily Caller

A left-wing mob showed up outside Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening, posted pictures of his address online and demanded that he flee the city of Washington, D.C.

Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller and host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” was at the Fox News studio when the angry crowd showed up outside of his house.

At least one of the protesters went all the way up to Carlson’s front door, where they left a sign with his family’s home address written on it and rang his doorbell.

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The Unpardonable Heresy of Tucker Carlson

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Unpardonable Heresy of Tucker Carlson

Our diversity is our greatest strength.

After playing clips of Democratic politicians reciting that truth of modern liberalism, Tucker Carlson asked, “How, precisely, is diversity our strength? Since you’ve made this our new national motto, please be specific.”

Reaction to Carlson’s question, with some declaring him a racist for having raised it, suggests that what we are dealing with here is not a demonstrable truth but a creed not subject to debate.

Yet the question remains valid: Where is the scientific, historic or empirical evidence that the greater the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of a nation, the stronger it becomes?

From recent decades, it seems more true to say the reverse: The more diverse a nation, the greater the danger of its disintegration.

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The Treasonous Democratic Party

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

If America had more honest, fact-based journalists with integrity like Tucker Carlson, we would not be, as we are today, dissolving as a country.

In this one TV broadcast— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGlj2T1tITg–Carlson shows that the Democrats have gone far beyond “lying through their teeth political partisanship” into deranged hatred of President Trump and the American people who elected him.

The Democrats’ insane hatred of “Trump deplorables” has firmly allied the Democrats with the corrupt military/security complex in a plot to overthrow the elected President of the United States. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/07/26/cia-fbi-doj-plot-to-overthrow-the-president-of-the-united-states/

Carlson presents the former heads of US intelligence in the corrupt Obama regime accusing President Trump of treason against the United States for trying to normalize relations with Russia and endangering the United States for trying to make peace.

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