British Woman Arrested For Silently Praying Near Abortion Clinic

Via ZeroHedge

Americans tend to believe that freedom of speech is a value represented across all of western culture from the US to Europe to Australia and beyond.  However, this is simply not the case.  While there have been numerous attempts to degrade the 1st Amendment in America, being arrested outright by police for your thoughts alone is not a low we have sunk to yet.  In the UK and through most of Europe it’s a different story.

UK laws designed to prevent the obstruction of businesses have opened the door to policies called Public Space Protection Orders, which create a “buffer zone” around certain areas or buildings and prohibit activities that, in the words of UK authorities, foster “anti-social behavior.”  Yes, this is as Orwellian as one could imagine, but it gets even worse.

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Luongo: There Is ‘More Than A Whiff Of Desperation & Fear” Emanating Across Europe

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

All I hear is that lonesome sound
The Hounds of Winter
They harry me down

– Sting

By a narrow margin Boris Johnson’s clownish Defense Minister Liz Truss will become the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. She doesn’t have a lot of time to put together a government lest the U.K. have to suffer through yet another general election.

Truss, by virtue of her full-throated support for Ukraine against Russia, was the choice of those Tories committed to maintaining the UK’s relationship with the US, leaving it nominally more independent from the European Union.

Davos man-child Rishi Sunak, the darling of the Remainers of City of London the true hounds of winter here, failed to overtake Truss in the end. What started as a Davos-style decapitation of Johnson, who rightfully deserves to be jailed for his undermining Russian/Ukrainian peace talks in April, ended with the female version of him in office.

While I’d like to say I’m happy to see Davos lose another major conflict in Europe, empowering the US neoconservatives is not a win here. In the end, the deep ties between the US and UK intelligence and military services won out in the Tory leadership battle.

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