Who’s The SCOTUS Leaker? One Conservative Journalist Thinks He Has The Answer

Via The Blue State Conservative

Who’s the SCOTUS leaker?

Many people believe it’s a clerk for one of the liberal justices.

Ted Cruz believes a clerk for Sotomayor is to blame, although he says he doesn’t have proof.

It’s just a hunch… and at this point, that’s all we have are “hunches.”

But a clerk for a left-wing justice just seems too easy and a little too “on the nose” doesn’t it?

That’s a package wrapped up too nicely, and with a perfectly predictable bow — so perfect that it just doesn’t feel “right.”

So, I went snooping around the internet today to see what folks were saying about the leak, and I found something from someone who I respect a great deal, and I thought I would share his theory with you.

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