That DUM Bitch Has Made School Lunch Worse

mooshell bambam

Moo-shell is an unbelivable tw-unt, it is easy to tell when she has entered a room because one can “smell the sulfur coming off her cloven hooves.”  She has done the impossible, her initiatives have gotten school lunches to look even more like dogshit than they did when I went to school.  At least the school’s policies are also making it difficult for kids to bring your own lunch.  I thought she would be Pro-Choice.  The reasoning behind not allowing lunches from home, to ensure the eating of healthy food.  HAHAHA, take a look at the meals these kids are eating and tell me with a straight face they are healthy.

calvin and hobbes laughing

Ok, now pick yourself up off the floor.

When the government school system isn’t poisoning the minds of our children, destroying their free will & creativity and teaching (sic) them via the lunacy that is Common Core, they are literally poisoning their bodies with this shit they call “food.”

Bottom line: Sending kids to public/government school is child abuse.

Mac Slavo’s post below.

Michelle Obama’s School Lunches In Pictures: “Is That Photo Taken From Death Row?”

Mac Slavo April 8th, 2014
One of the purported successes of Michelle Obama’s tenure as First Lady of the United States has been to help Americans get fit and eat right.

She’s launched a wide array of initiatives targeting Americans receiving government nutritional benefits, as well as school lunch programs across the nation. Nowhere have the First Lady’s efforts been more visible than in the cafeteria’s of America’s schools.

Within days of Obama’s new USDA regulations taking hold parents and schoolchildren launched complaints surrounding the rationing of meals, a move that left kids hungry and school districts frustrated with all of the additional paperwork and program expenses. The USDA subsequently upped the rations to assuage frustration.

But according to America’s kids Michelle Obama has been “out to lunch” when it comes to satisfying hunger. It’s so bad, in fact, that black markets for food have popped up in schools and kids are taking to their social media pages to share their outrage.

Do you want to see what Michelle Obama considers eating right? Check out these pictures and comments – sourced directly from government run cafeterias around the country.

As you see what passes for health food these days keep in mind that school’s are increasingly restricting children from bringing their own lunches from home, often citing nutritional requirements as the reason.

An appetizing ham and cheese tortilla wrap:


Chili cheese dog with a side of veggies:


Can I get another scoop of brown with a sprinkle of yellow? Oh, and don’t forget my biscuit!


Seconds anyone?


Students weigh in:



When mom joined her daughter for lunch, here’s the wonderful meal prepared by the caring cafeteria staff:


On the flip side, here is what Michelle Obama’s children enjoy for lunch at the Sidwell Friends school attended by her daughters Sasha and Malia. In this particular case the school was paying a tribute to Pearl Harbor Day and the kids feasted on Asian Mushroom Soup, Oriental Noodle Salad, Teriyaki Marinated Chicken Strips, Garlic Roasted Edamame, Vegetable Fried Rice and Fortune Cookies for dessert:

sidwell friends - lunch

And of course, how can we talk about healthy eating, school lunches, and Michelle Obama without mentioning the White House organic vegetable garden? The First Lady shows of her green thumb in the picture below. It turns out, however, that because of her busy schedule she didn’t actually grow any of her food. The White House gardeners did, and they did a heck of a job.


Straight from America’s organic gardens to school lunch tables coast to coast.

Original HERE.

Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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April 9, 2014 8:57 am

It just totally weirds me out, now to look at pictures of her and think that she might actually be a MAN! I don’t want to jump on the nutter bandwagon, but the youtube video someone posted here was pretty convincing! She does look rather masculine.

Creepy shit.

April 9, 2014 9:58 am

My daughters a senior, I packed her lunch and my son’s lunch for 12 years. never missed a beat, they have never eaten a school lunch. Daughter’s lunch today consisted of water, a protein bar, an orange, pasta, and a bag of bacon, the bacon is a staple. Fuck the government, I’ll pack my own lunches. I also pack my wife’s lunch each day, I’m a cheap bastard. Funny though I always ate the school lunches in the 1970’s, I would often eat 2 or 3 lunches and at least 6 milks, whole milk, WTF is with the low fat milk. Lunches were 35 cents and milk was 10 cents.

April 9, 2014 10:51 am

Michelle is taking racist revenge on the fools who voted for “O”. The regime is serving up shit and calling it ice cream. She is laughing at you ofay fools for eating it.

April 9, 2014 11:02 am

Lunches for them.

Lunches for us.

That’s how it works.

But, not forever.
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April 9, 2014 11:05 am

” ….. she [Moochelle] might actually be a MAN!” ——— Tim

Correct. Moochelle showing the size of her schlong …
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April 9, 2014 12:07 pm

When I was in highschool they fed seniors the same as they fed elementary students. The meals stopped being filling in the 5th grade.

In middle school/highschool if you didn’t eat more food than the school provided, you wouldn’t have enough energy to practice your chosen sport afterwards.

Not to mention the quality, which was pathetic.

They argue “bring your own lunch” but you got harassed if you did that. We had a peanut butter scare, and after that your own lunch had to be pre-approved, otherwise you wouldn’t be allowed to eat it.

Bring a non-approved lunch and don’t have cash for school lunch? Have fun going hungry.

Even if you manage to navigate the morass of stupidity, you can look forward to a cold lunch since the only microwave in the area is in the teacher’s lounge, and students aren’t allowed in there.

Man I really hated school.

April 9, 2014 12:07 pm

That stupid negro cunt, shoving her agenda down everyone’s throats. She’s pissed away hundreds of millions of other people’s money on her free trips to China, Aspen and Martha’s vineyard. Blacks and Mexicans are even more obese than the average American, but no mention of that. She’s an embarrassment to this country, and went all the way to China just to play the race card, and say what a rotten country this is, even though she took the affirmative action train to Princeton and Harvard. She’s a fucking negro hypocrite, just like the rest of ’em in Washington and everywhere else. Poor victims, sucking the taxpayers dry.

Once it comes out that her “husband” is a fucking homo and sucked Reggie’s cock and got butt fucked for eight years while in the White House, she’ll be an even bigger laughing stock than she is now. After we finally get the mulatto and the wookie out of office, and evict them from the White House, she can finally get that sex change she’s always wanted. Fuck her.

Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
April 9, 2014 1:35 pm

“Moochelle the skule lunch Tzarina” is just helping the kids to be ready for their bright futures.

Serving Shitty low quality food in minute portions is simply acclimating kids to happily accept their meager daily rations in camp FEMA as adults.

April 9, 2014 5:18 pm

Those of you who have children ….. Think of your wonderful comments when looking them (or your grand children) in the eye….

April 9, 2014 5:27 pm

Wow ,go fuck yourself .Now that’s a comment the grandkids will like.

April 9, 2014 6:29 pm

if you want to numb yourself blind, read moochelle’s senior thesis at princeton. it’s just fucking brutal.

make it past the first ten pages and stucky will give you a blow job.

April 9, 2014 6:36 pm

It’s hard to say, who I hate more, the mulatto or the wookie….

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April 9, 2014 7:22 pm

” … read moochelle’s senior thesis at princeton ……… make it past the first ten pages and stucky will give you a blow job.” ———- archie

fuckme fuckity fuck fuck. What a horrible piece of writing. Page 8, the beginning of the introduction, Moochelle states the purpose of the “thesis”.

Lemme summarize it for yeew;; —— Do uppity niggers like other uppity niggers, poor niggers, and white people?. She says that while at Princeton she never felt fully accepted, and that made her more aware than ever of her niggard-ness. I am not kidding, and it gets worse from there.

You must skip to page 53 and read Moochie’s “Major Conclusion”. Well … if you can … as it is the most convoluted, twisted, difficult to read, run on sentences, incoherent thoughts, repetitive, ….. oh, never mind, it simply SUCKS.

Lemme summarize it for yeew —– niggers who go to Princeton tend to hang out with other nigger, but once they graduate and become Alumni these niggers become uppity niggers and don’t like lower class nigger no ‘mo. I am not fucking kidding.

My Conclusion: Moochelle was a race baiting cunt way back then and she did well to marry a race-baiting half nigger Oreo.

End Result. I read more than eleven pages so I sucked my own dick.

April 9, 2014 7:37 pm

stucky, thanks for the chuckle.

i can’t believe you tortured yourself reading that soiled toilet paper that passed for a thesis. christopher hitchens said something to the effect that it was written in an unknown language.

April 9, 2014 7:57 pm


I love giving ………. wait for it ……….. chuckles!

Now, regarding me sucking my own dick. I truly hope people don’t respond with — “Hope you were kidding Stuck!”. ha!

April 9, 2014 8:25 pm

Stuck, you’d never be able to suck your own dick. You’d never get past your moobs.

April 9, 2014 8:30 pm


Krist Almighty. The only person more infatuated with my moobs than me is ….. YOU.

Send me your email. I’ll send you some provocative poses, like this;

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April 9, 2014 8:34 pm

Ok I read enough to know this woman has a fairly low IQ
She received a degree a Princeton for this crap?

Seriously a 10 yr old could have written this.

April 9, 2014 8:36 pm

And thanks for the summary of Mooch’s thesis. I would expect no less crap from an affirmative action graduate of an ivy league palace. I wonder if her advisers could even force themselves to read it. But she’s black, and so passed with flying colors (pun intended). Then these imbeciles are passed up the ranks into government and power. No wonder our country is quickly becoming a third world shithole.

April 9, 2014 8:52 pm

Looks like Barry’s Midas touch is shared by Mooch. Everything he touches turns to shit. Everything she touches is shit.

April 9, 2014 9:03 pm

A monkey could have written that thesis……or a wookie……


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Hey, I’m equal opportunity…..

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April 9, 2014 9:25 pm

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The Stunning Metamorphosis Of An “Obama Girl”

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/09/2014 19:29 -0400

This is Carey Wedler (the one with the Obama shirt) approximately six years ago, when she was, in her own words, a fervent “Obama girl” who believed the myth about “hope and change.”

And this is Carey Wedler now, grown up, who has finally “googled the news”, and having seen through the lies, realizes that Obama has “become exactly like the George Bush” that she “used to so vitriolically hate.”

Below are some of her observations on all the “mayhem and crime” committed by the president:

You bailed out bankers and placed them in your cabinet.
You placed Monsanto in charge of your FDA
You helped out pharmaceutical and health insurance companies with Obamacare
You expanded Bush’s wars and started new ones with drones branding yourself a humanitarian war monger
You bragged about crippling sanctions against Iran though they directly affected civilians
You extended the patriot act and asserted your right to spy on the American people
You asserted your right to detain them without trial
You seized the authority to assassinate Americans without providing any evidence of their guilt or offering them due process of law
You viciously punish journalists and pursue whistleblowers who expose your crimes though you vowed to protect them when you were running for office
You arm Al Qaeda insurgents and refused to close Guantanamo, and you along with congress have criminalized protest
And still you have the audacity to scold dictators about democracy, protests and freedom

Her conclusion:

Mr. Obama – you are the biggest fraud that has ever been perpetrated on the American people and it’s been a long time since I bought into it so I think it’s about time to burn your shirt.

April 10, 2014 7:54 am

Thank you for this Harry.

The meals MUST be less than 300 calories. For growing children, with at least half not eaten by any of them.

They MUST have “whole grain” option at least half the time. My best friend’s husband works in a major bread maker and he does NOT allow his family to eat the “whole grain” stuff they produce for market and institutions – like the schools.

The kids HATE the food, but, rest assured, Weight Watchers (whom holds 6 days a month of their “food” on the kids’ menu), LOVES it.

As far as ANY naturally occurring fat goes. I have LOST weight by doing nothing more than switching out whole milk for the skim I was told to drink.

Yes, I LOST weight by drinking whole fat milk.

Many that cannot tolerate milk, CAN drink whole fat milk.

Culling. Absolutely culling us. Denying growing minds and bodies both the fat, nutrition and calories they need to properly develop is yet one more “oops.”

My not fat ass it is.

Culling us.

April 10, 2014 8:53 am

Did anyone watch the Moochelle-is-a-man video?

I don’t feel like watching a half hour of that stuff – and that’s only part 1 of 2 — if it’s bullshit. And at first glance, it seems that it is.

Yeah. she’s 4-bag ugly and all that. But I’ve seen pics of her younger years, and while she was never pretty, she did look more feminine. Free shit makes people age badly. Plus, how does the vid explain the two children? (Maybe Barrrrack gave birth?)

April 10, 2014 9:08 am

@TE – “Yes, I LOST weight by drinking whole fat milk.”

It staggers my mind how much these kids have to be eating for them to look like blimps by age 8.

April 10, 2014 9:11 am

Also, is this thesis for real? It almost seems like troll bait…

April 10, 2014 9:46 am

Is what thesis for real TPC?

April 10, 2014 9:57 am

There is not one kid in America that was fat due to school lunches. Ever. Not one.

A 15 year old boy will burn 300 calories in an hour sitting on his ass. Well, a normal weight 15 y.o.

They weren’t feeding them poptarts and cheetos before.

Kids are picky, kids need calories. What kids don’t need is low-fat, high carb and chemical, concoctions that offer few calories and even less nutrition.

We were fed hamburgers, pasta in every imaginable combo from tuna casserole to spaghetti, pizza, pizza burgers (which were mini pizzas on buns, what a high carb, kick in the ADD, delight those were). And there were maybe TWO fat kids in a school of 400. And I think they were from the same family. What a coincidence. I didn’t eat school lunch often though, I hated it. I brought a PB&J sandwich everyday for the first 7 years of school with the exception of pizza and spaghetti days.

We punish everyone for the sins of a few. It makes no logical sense and now this philosophy is putting our very children’s health at risk.

When China slows the stocking of our grocery shelves, and the inevitable government “fix” swoops in, if the school lunches are any indication we are going to be nutritionally starved to death by the experts.

The size of their “appropriate” portions/nutrients will starve many, thankfully I cut way back on my serving sizes so I could survive as long as I had a few choice supplements. Hopefully there will be a black market for them because the “nutrition” I see in those meals is nothing but a chemically added afterthought. Enough chemical nutrition to keep you alive, but not make you feel that way.

I’m so damn tired of being protected by these fools. Why isn’t the rest of the country?

April 10, 2014 10:01 am

“Is what thesis for real TPC?” ——– TeresaE

Moochelle’s. The link archie posted @ 6:29, and I summarized @ 7:22

April 10, 2014 10:14 am

It’s real. Politico published it. Snopes cleared it as true.

April 10, 2014 10:25 am


I watched the video when I saw it on ZH in the comments. Since then have been making people hold up their hands and staring at their heads. I think the proof is rather suspect unless about 1/3 of the US is transgender.

That is certainly not to say that Moo isn’t an Alien from Planet Zog. (Calvin and Hobbs)


April 10, 2014 11:22 am

@TE – I was a farm boy and a football player as were all my friends.

We all ate more than 4k calories a day. Easily. We ate seconds and thirds at lunch every day if we could snag it. They had to stop with the salad bar because it barely fed the senior class, let alone anyone else.

@Stucky/Admi – That depresses the shit out of me. Race baiting at its finest form. She got a degree from Princeton for writing a paper that boils down to “My College Experience as a Black Person”.

Complete horse shit.