Putin will be in the driver’s seat come Winter. The EU will rue the day they agreed to the U.S. economic sanctions against Russia. When they are freezing their asses off and their economies are a shambles in January, the sanctions will be lifted. Book it Dano.

Europeans can count on Russia to supply all the gas they need to stay warm this winter, according to Vladimir Putin. But the President warned that any action by Ukraine to disrupt the transit of fuel, will be felt across the EU. Read More:

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October 17, 2014 8:34 am

The French already reneged on their sanction promise to not supply the Russians with two helicopter carriers. I am POSITIVE there is other reneging going on ‘under the table’. Sanctions RARELY work, everyone knows that. Well, the head nigger in chief doesn’t.
In other news, Philly is slated to get 6 – 8 FEET of snow this winter. You got a snow-blower yet?

October 17, 2014 8:50 am

I wonder if Gazprom would be a good investment idea?

October 17, 2014 8:54 am

It is fascinating to me that for hundreds of years now, the Europeans have treated Russia like a red headed stepchild.

Many times if you look at all kinds of different data maps of Europe, the data just stops at the eastern Poland border. Kind of like dropping off the edge of the world on medieval maps. Dragons be there.

It is almost never acknowledged by the Euro-dilettantes that Moscow is in fact, the largest city in Europe. The whole Metro is nearly 20 million.

The Europeans hold themselves in such high regard, and they are continuously forgetting that Russia is not only their neighbor and technically half in Europe, but they like to pretend that as soon as you cross that border there lies a country of bearded Rasputins living in Siberian log huts.

They prefer to forget that the Russians utterly defeated the two biggest military expansionist campaigns of the last two centuries – Napoleon and Hitler.

The Russians are laughing at them. They could give a fuck less what Frau Merkel thinks or that toady David Cameron. They know that Russian cities and towns are heated roasty toasty all winter long, virtually for free via the hot water system, and they don’t care one fucking whit that half of Europe – and especially Ukrania – is going to be burning the antique furniture to keep warm this winter.

The west is a smug asshole that about to have its ass whipped by the bad kid that lives in the big house at the end of the road.

Underestimate the Russians at your own peril, fools.

October 17, 2014 10:15 am

We have 38 acres of land, at least half of which is needing to be cleared of deadfall and unneeded trees. And a wood stove.

Bring it.

October 17, 2014 9:29 pm

Little known facts, might shed some light on Germany’s feelings towards Russia.

From VT

October 19, 2014 1:40 am

“Little known facts, might shed some light on Germany’s feelings towards Russia.”

Per your link provided, Hagar, horrific Russian rapes and murders of German women are probably true. Then again, the Germans committed the same sort of atrocities in Russia. Or did you forget who invaded whom?

And I don’t care if all this shit occurred during or just after the war. Human nature will instinctively turn very cruel when cruelty is unnecessarily inflicted. Payback is a bitch.

October 19, 2014 2:09 am

SSS says: And I don’t care if all this shit occurred during or just after the war. Human nature will instinctively turn very cruel when cruelty is unnecessarily inflicted. Payback is a bitch.

Which is why the bell tolls for us.