In Part One of this article I addressed the deceit of Hillary Clinton and politicians of all stripes as they promise goodies they can never pay for, in order to buy votes and expand their power and control over our lives.

I created the chart below for an article I wrote in 2011 when the national debt stood at $14.8 trillion, with my projection of its growth over the next eight years. I predicted the national debt would reach $20 trillion in 2016 and was ridiculed by arrogant Keynesians who guaranteed their “stimulus” (aka pork) would supercharge the economy and result in huge tax inflows and drastically reduced deficits. As of today, the national debt stands at $19.7 trillion and is poised to reach $20 trillion by the time “The Hope & Change Savior” leaves office on January 20, 2017. I guess I wasn’t really a crazed pessimist after all. I guarantee the debt will reach $25 trillion by the end of the next presidential term, unless the Ponzi scheme collapses into financial depression and World War 3 (a strong probability).

The total disregard for the most perilous issue confronting the nation by politicians of all stripes is a national disgrace, proving beyond a doubt the elite ruling class has no conscience, no sense of morality, and no loyalty to the common people or future generations. The sociopaths who act as if they are in control addressed the 2008 global debt meltdown by adding tens of trillions in new debt to an already unsustainable system, setting the world on a course towards total financial collapse and world war.

There is no denying Wall Street, through the greatest control fraud in history, purposely generated trillions in bad mortgage products, bundled them in packages of indecipherable derivatives, bribed and threatened the rating agencies for fake AAA ratings, sold them to unsuspecting clients, while simultaneously shorting them, and proceeded to destroy the global financial system in the process.

The national debt at the outset of this crisis was $10 trillion, with total US credit market debt of $54.5 trillion. The debt was too damned high. A massive deleveraging needed to take place, wiping out the bad debt and those banks who gambled and lost. But, those who would have lost were establishment Wall Street bankers, billionaires and politically connected players. The establishment circled the wagons, instructed their puppets at the Federal Reserve to do whatever necessary to save Wall Street, rolled out trillions of Keynesian claptrap spending schemes, and threw Main Street and specifically senior citizens under the bus.

Eight years later the national debt stands at $19.7 trillion and total credit market debt has leaped to over $64 trillion. The Fed has conspired with other central banks around the world (specifically the ECB and JCB) to follow suite, driving global debt to an all-time high of $152 trillion – 225% of a rapidly slowing world GDP. And this doesn’t include the trillions of bad debt within the financial sector, as insolvent banks like Deutsche Bank, all Greek, Italian and Spanish banks, and Citigroup teeter on the edge. Rogoff and Reinhart proved when the debt to GDP ratio in countries exceeds 90%, financial catastrophe isn’t far behind. What does that say about our global economy?

We have the greatest debt bubble in world history and neither presidential candidate thinks it worthy of 30 seconds during two 90 minute debates. Instead they focus on the important stuff like pussy, bimbo eruptions, emails, and mean talk. The proposals of both candidates would turbocharge already skyrocketing deficits. The people of this country should be scared shitless about the debt. But instead they are focused like a laser beam on Kim Kardashian’s latest escapade, twitter wars, facebook pictures of a distant cousin’s toe fungus, and the latest adventures of the Housewives of NY, NJ, OC, or Atlanta.

All honest borrowers know debt must be repaid. The U.S. government is not an honest borrower. With the national debt rising by $2.8 billion per day, one needs to question whether the U.S. government is an honest borrower. With annual deficits guaranteed to exceed $1 trillion per year for as far as the eye can see, how will the debt ever be repaid?

The Keynesian acolytes like Summers, Krugman, Bernanke and Zandi seem to forget Keynes promoted deficit spending during economic downturns, to be offset by surpluses during economic upturns. They are paid well by the establishment to forget. Hazlitt had to deal with superficial men of a similar ilk during his time. They care only for whatever cockamamie economic squandering idea they are paid to sell as the latest government salvation plan. The idiotic ideas never change, only the names of the foolhardy fanboys selling the idiocy to a disinterested and distracted populace.

“There are men regarded today as brilliant economists, who deprecate saving and recommend squandering on a national scale as the way of economic salvation; and when anyone points to what the consequences of these policies will be in the long run, they reply flippantly, as might the prodigal son of a warning father: “In the long run we are all dead.” And such shallow wisecracks pass as devastating epigrams and the ripest wisdom.” Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson

These pretentious so called economists always promote some scheme such as Cash for Clunkers, first time home buyer credits, national infrastructure rebuilding, war, and other broken window fallacy programs designed to get something for nothing. They declare haughtily the government can spend without limit and pile up trillions of debt because we owe it to ourselves. These are nothing but falsehoods built upon flawed logic and sold to a gullible public by media mouthpieces, crooked politicians, and dishonest bankers.

An honest man, not beholden to the establishment, like Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, who manages $150 billion, knows a debt bubble when he sees it. The world is approaching the limits of debt expansion. He also understands the issuers of the debt, holders of the debt and taxpayers cannot possibly all be satisfied in the long run. It’s the common working stiff who will be screwed again.

“Debt is fundamentally a liability even though it is treated as an asset by those who “own” it. As a result, holders of debt believe that they are holding an asset that they can sell for money to use to buy things, so they believe that they will have that spending power without having to work. Similarly, retirees expect that they will get the retirement and health care benefits that they were promised without working. So, all of these people expect to get a huge amount of spending power without producing anything. At the same time, workers expect to get spending power that is equal in value to what they are giving. They all can’t be satisfied.”

The Federal Reserve, in their frantic and illegal endeavor to prop up their insolvent benefactors on Wall Street and crooked politicians in Washington D.C., have destroyed the free market system based upon saving, investing, risk, failure and creative destruction. They have created a stagnant zombie economy dependent upon zero bound interest rates and rigged stock markets to maintain the appearance of normalcy.

Their zero interest rate policy has destroyed the lives of millions of senior citizens (with 3.6 million turning 65 every year for the next two decades), guaranteed the bankruptcy of pension plans across the country, and signaled to corporate CEOs that it is smarter to borrow billions and buyback their stock than to invest in capital, equipment or people. They have sapped the life out of the real economy, making it impossible to ever achieve 3% GDP growth again. The wave of Boomers retiring will be an anchor as former providers of taxes become users of healthcare and pension benefits.

The national debt is poised to reach $25 trillion by the end of the next presidential term. This would push the debt to GDP to 120%, up from 106% today. Remember, when this level has exceeded 90% throughout history stagnation and economic collapse was not far behind. This brings us back to the so called economic gurus of our time who condescendingly declare Japan’s debt to GDP ratio of 230% as proof deficits and debt don’t matter.

They fail to mention Japan has been in a three decade long recessionary death spiral with their stock market is still 57% below its 1990 peak. The predictable nonsense emanating from bloviating windbags for the establishment about the ever growing jenga tower of debt not being an issue is no different than their blather about the fraudulent housing bubble not being a problem in 2005 because it hadn’t burst yet.

The fact is the Fed has artificially suppressed interest rates for the last eight years in a failed attempt to make their warped academic theories work in the real world. Emergency level rates may have been necessary in 2008 and 2009, but keeping them at 0% for eight years reveals their complete capture by Wall Street and the establishment politicos. Now they are trapped. They can never allow free markets to regain control of our economy, as the slightest uptick in rates will now blow the global economy sky high.

The feeble minded politicians that pass for leaders believe the $10 trillion increase in debt since 2008 is no problem because interest on the debt is less today than it was in 2008. For the fiscal year just ended the interest on the debt was a mere $433 billion. That is based on an average interest rate of about 2.3%. The average rate in 2008 was about 4.5%. Ray Dalio, our smart hedge fund manager, points out an inconvenient fact for the mathematically challenged dimwits running this shitshow.

“It would only take a 100 basis point rise in Treasury bond yields to trigger the worst price decline in bonds since the 1981 bond market crash. And since those interest rates are embedded in the pricing of all investment assets that would send them all much lower.”

What the politicians ignoring the 20 trillion pound elephant in the room fail to tell the American public is a 1% increase in the average interest rate would cause interest on the debt to soar to $660 billion, a 52% increase over the FY16 level. A similar increase around the globe would blow a $1.5 trillion hole in governmental budgets. At the end of the next presidential term when the national debt will be $25 trillion or more, a 3.3% average rate across all bond durations would yield annual interest expense of $825 billion, almost double the current level.

Only a brain dead Keynesian, Ivy League educated economist, mainstream media spokesmodel, or bought off political flunky cannot see the inevitable financial Armageddon approaching unless we reverse course now. But there is absolutely no one within the deep state establishment with the moral fiber or courage to stand up and do the right thing. The plan seems to be to pretend the debt is not a problem, increase taxes and use the most vicious form of taxation – hidden inflation on those least able to pay – to make the unpayable debt less burdensome and screw the bondholders with guaranteed losses. Hazlitt had their number 70 years ago.

“Here we shall have to say simply that all government expenditures must eventually be paid out of the proceeds of taxation; that inflation itself is merely a form, and a particularly vicious form, of taxation. It is perhaps the worst possible form, which usually bears hardest on those least able to pay.” Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson

Politicians and central bankers play both sides of the fence when lying about inflation. Bernanke and Yellen have set a magical level of 2% inflation, which is somehow supposed to promote full employment and stable prices. Why 2%? Why not 1.8956723%? It’s just as outlandish in its conception. Over the last eight years we’ve listened to these highly educated boobs lie about raising rates as soon as inflation hit 2% or when unemployment dropped to 6.5%.

Inflation has been over 2% during these eight years and according to the BLS bullshit spreaders, unemployment is currently 5% – still no rate increase. We are lost in a blizzard of Fed lies. They are now trapped by their own lies. Normalization of interest rates will never ever happen. Negative real rates have been in effect and negative nominal rates are in our future. How Yellen and her fellow banker cronies sleep at night knowing they have destroyed and continue to destroy the lives of senior citizens, the middle class and the millennial generation is beyond me.

Here’s the game being played behind the curtain, never to be revealed by Hillary, Yellen, the captured dying legacy media, or anyone beholden to the establishment for their paycheck or bribe: (1) You keep the lower classes trapped in ghettos, dependent upon welfare scraps provided by the state for their sustenance. (2) You keep the masses dumbed down and socially stunted through government indoctrination in public schools. (3) You tax the working class heavily while convincing them piling up consumer debt is the path to happiness. (4) You bastardize, manipulate and fraudulently reduce the reported level of inflation in order to screw senior citizens out of their Social Security benefits. (5) You run up the national debt to astronomical levels while making $200 trillion of unfunded welfare promises to future generations. (6) Since the debt is unpayable, you generate man made real inflation exceeding 5% per year in order to inflate away the debt. (7) You never speak of this plan while paying your media mouthpieces to distract the populace with electronic bread & circuses. (8) As a last resort you start World War III to divert attention away from your traitorous actions.

As we come down the home stretch of this election, the stakes have never been higher. The future of the country is at stake. Do we believe in liberty? Do we believe in the truth? Do we care whether this country survives the next decade? Do we care about future generations? Then it’s time to stand up and be heard. It’s time to fight. It’s time for the putrid, corrupt, evil establishment to be eradicated like filthy roaches in your basement. Hazlitt sums it up nicely:

“The times call for courage. The times call for hard work. But if the demands are high, it is because the stakes are even higher. They are nothing less than the future of liberty, which means the future of civilization.”

In Part Three of this article I will dismantle Hillary Clinton’s pie in the sky delusional economic proposals with facts, logic, and a cold dose of reality. Feeble minded mathematically deficient ideologues need not read it. Their heads would explode.

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October 11, 2016 7:28 pm

(5) You run up the national debt to astronomical levels while making $200 billion of unfunded welfare promises to future generations.


October 14, 2016 5:56 am

$25 trillion? Bah. I think you’re low-balling the estimate.

Let me put it this way: the debt grew $5 trillion in the eight years under Bush. Under Hussein, it has grown just about $10 trillion in the last eight years. That looks like a trend of the debt doubling every eight years to me. Assuming (for the sake of argument) our country even has another four years to exist, that would mean the debt will likely be around $30 trillion by the end of 2020.

Also, you’re assuming World War III is going to wait for Hillary to need a distraction; contrary to conspiracy theorists’ tidy little narratives, world wars are not subject to being delayed for any politician’s convenience. Neither Archduke Ferdinand’s assassin nor Adolf Hitler waited around for Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt respectively to need a distraction from their failed domestic policies. Likewise, Vladimir Putin and his allies aren’t going to wait around for Clinton or Trump to ask them to start World War III; whenever they decide to strike, that’s when World War III begins, and that’s all.

October 11, 2016 7:52 pm

Makes me want to run to mountains right now but I can’t. The social strife and chaos caused by this collapse will be unimaginable to most people. The elites will use the chaos to create even greater centralization of power within the government and it will work .Most will beg government to do something.This will be the their excuse to completely gut our second amendment. Probably ban all cash transactions and revoke our freedom of speech / travel. Some scary shit.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 12, 2016 8:50 pm

bb, you are wise.

Emilio Camino
Emilio Camino
October 11, 2016 7:58 pm

Just to comment on your article is great. I’m surprised there are not many comments; perhaps by stealing Kim Kardashian.

Personally I appreciate your effort and your knowledge.

Thank you. Greetings.

October 11, 2016 8:36 pm

Thanks Admin. The Truth is what I needed to hear today.

October 11, 2016 8:43 pm

If Clinton gets into office, its WW3.

If Trump, a Civil War, which will unleash China/Russia/Islam to wage open war around the globe.

October 11, 2016 9:13 pm

I’ll take the civil war. At least there is some hope there.

October 11, 2016 9:03 pm

Best way to crash the system — run up lots of debt by buying gold. The debt will vanish in a collapse and you’ll have the gold, if you can keep a likely desperate govt from confiscating your gold. I suggest a hidden vault in the floor of your basement.

October 11, 2016 9:14 pm

One key thing about the national debt, or the other debts too, is that it can never be repaid. Not even a little. If you do the math, there isn’t enough money to pay off the debt. Its all a scam.

A key part of the scam is that when bankers create debt-money/credit, the amount isn’t enough to pay back the debt plus interest. As such, the debt always increases in the system. This is basically a modified Ponzi scheme. In a regular Ponzi scheme, the new money comes from investors, whereas in the central bank scheme, new money is created from new debt. It also lowers the value of the dollar, thereby making all working people poorer every year, ie the real cause of inflation.

The banks keep the scam going by controlling the schools (through the politicians, so-called Department of Education, better known as Department of Miseducation) and the media (through corporations), which keep the population blind to the scam.

October 11, 2016 9:20 pm

Thanks, Admin.

One small quibble. I do not think the zero interest rates have had as much direct effect on retiree savings as you seem to be saying. The vast majority of retirees have too little, or no, savings for it to matter. Even if the interest rate were 10%, 10% of nothing is still nothing. The pensions are being hit, but many are so underfunded it does not matter – they project 8% growth, when that is clearly impossible. Higher rates would perhaps have defrayed their collapse, but not eliminated it.

Interest rates should probably be about 4% higher than they are.

The interest on national debt would triple, the debt would blow out, new home sales would crash, property prices would crash, local property tax take would crash, the stock market would crash, auto sales would crash, general debt expenditure would crater (ie credit card spending), etc.

They have created the perfect storm. Any movement north in interest rates will now result in a full-on crash of historic proportion.

It is going to be ugly.

Trump is not going to turn it around. It is too late. The question is will the plane hit the side of a cliff, or crash on the rocks. The plane is going down. The issue is will there be any survivors.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
October 12, 2016 12:06 am

Llpoh, i think you are referring to a different group of people. The ones you are talking about, they are coming all right. But the generation my parents and Jim’s come from all did it just like Jim describes. And they’re getting fucked.

  starfcker the deplorable
October 12, 2016 12:44 am

When I think of the huge mess we are in, my gut feeling is complete and utter sadness for the seniors who were so careful to save and take care of themselves and the same sadness for the young who are never going to have a decent chance at a good standard of living through no fault of their own. When I think of the Baby Boomers, however, I feel nothing but repulsion for all the harm they have caused. In the song Land of Confusion, Phil Collins sang about “our generation will put it right”. Nothing could be further from the truth. We should be very, very ashamed.

October 12, 2016 1:53 pm

AH phooey, @Realist,
sure maybe many people have to be ashamed but many do not. The
only child, and an immigrant, I copied my parents’ financial examples.
Many friends growing up were Catholic and 8 children, minimum 6,
was the norm. None of these groups indulged in financial adventures.
People lived within their means and saved for whatever. Saving was
a habit. Saving vrs. investing. We were lower “middle class.” Whatever
we managed to accumulate for retirement was hit hard in 08. Now,
NO interest on our savings. The thieves in the Fed Reserve, Central Banks,
and corrupt pols think this is a big joke. Both of my boys have a chance,
at least, as they have both followed Mom far from the city. Albeit one is very
part time, his business still holds a profit, but he has a paid for house in the
countryside. The poor underclass/dependents have little chance…as do the
young people facing a part time job world.

Thank you very much Admin. for this series. Seeing it in black and white
makes it clearer and more will understand the situation we face.

October 12, 2016 9:44 pm

They have an opening on Hillary’s campaign for you for inter-generational conflict agitator.

October 12, 2016 1:21 am

Admin – I know there are many that have been hurt. Millions even. But the reality is that a very small percentage have been hit like your parents. It is terrible what happened to them. Your parents are to be congratulated. But Boomers that are relying on the SS ponzi scheme are taking a huge risk. That will end poorly.

I just wanted to point out that millions is true, but in general the failure to save and be personally responsible is endemic. And 80% have not saved a pot to piss in.

Additionally, retirees on SS/Medicare are receiving enormous transfers from the young, and are collecting vastly more than they ever paid in. Single income families particularly receive multiples more in retirement than they ever paid in. My parents certainly did, and it is appalling that future generations will bear the cost of that.

October 12, 2016 8:21 am

My husband and I are the exception. We saved our dimes and nickels so that we could retire before 60. We moved out here to the Ozarks so that we could live a back to the earth type of life, but we did expect to be able to garner some return on our savings.

At this point, we have determined our savings is best stored in stable form outside of the banks and thanks to articles like yours (current and past), we have been successful in transferring the majority of our retirement savings to another form and location so that the Hillbitch can’t just declare our savings as a bail-in because we were able to save so much it isn’t fair.

However, we are mad as hell.

David Jones
David Jones
October 12, 2016 3:51 pm

Now you have to be smart and convert your dimes & nickels before they have no value. Great job on explaining a really big problem. As for solutions, only do it for you and invest in real currency which is food, debt free living, water & food sources and alternative energy for your own property. All else put in barterable metals or other barterable items and be your own bank. That is it and a lot of prayer and keep quiet of what you have. Time is short!

  David Jones
October 13, 2016 3:52 am

Beans, Bullion, Bullets… and a Bible.

Didn't get a real chance
Didn't get a real chance
October 12, 2016 11:02 am

Don’t be so smug! What opportunity did I get to save? None! I was handed the shaft long before you were even born. I’ve lived my whole life hand to mouth until recently when my grandchildren became of age. They screwed the boomers right out of the gate.

October 12, 2016 1:57 pm

no chance…you are a loser

October 12, 2016 9:46 am

Admin – This is sort of amazing – I have invested along with my employers matching funds into the Social Security Trust Fund for about 45 years. If those funds had been invested at a nominal rate of 5.00% my SS check could be at least 2.5 to 3.0 times higher than it is now with a payout for the next 50 years or more!

Of course the government utilized $Trillions of the now bankrupt SS fund to finance the never ending wars in the Mid-East, The Military Industrial Complex, worldwide bailing out the too Big to Fail Banks.

Those funds could have been loaned out at 5.00% to finance home mortgages, student loans small, medium, large business loans, auto aircraft boat loans and even Credit Cards. This would also eliminate the need for a loan department in the Major Banks and possibly even The Federal Reserve.

This would have made the SS Trust Fund and even Medicare solvent forever, double or triple the SS recipient payout, and reduce the funding available for ME, MIC, TBTF Banks, numerous other Pork Projects and reduce the destructive influence the Big Banks have on the economy. This could have been a Win-Win situation for all us Middle Class Tax Slaves, the US Government and America.

October 12, 2016 7:22 pm

MIA – what a load of shit. You say “I have invested along with my employers matching funds into the Social Security Trust Fund for about 45 years.”

You haven’t invested shit. That money was spent. I posted the damn facts above. Go to the link, and read ’em and weep. People collect far more than they ever put in.

Invested my ass.

October 12, 2016 7:54 pm

Jeebus H Christ Lloph – I read all your previous posts and am familiar with how it’s run – I already know that all the SS proceeds have already been spent and SS will be bankrupt in a few years. What I was saying is that IF those funds had been invested at 5.00% instead of used for funding government shortfalls that the payout after 45+ years could have been double or triple what it is today. Sorry for the confusion.

You’re right SS is not presently an investment as it is presently set up – My error.

October 12, 2016 8:26 pm

MIA – 🙂

It is a slow day. Gotta leap on the slightest of errors. That is what we monkeys do. It is the detail we tend to fight over, as you well know, I was nice, though! I did not say blow me, etc. I have mellowed!

October 12, 2016 2:59 pm

Admin – I can speak to basically the same story for my mother and mother in law. I have done their taxes for a long time and years ago with Social Security, very modest pension money and their supplemental income from a lifetime of savings and doing without they were able to maintain their modest lifestyles and get by. Since ZIRP I honestly don’t know how they do it. With a non existent supplemental income and after they pay their property taxes there is damn little left to live on let alone get out and travel and do the things they dreamed of. Nothing pisses me off more than to see seniors struggle financially as a result of our banking cabal fucking up a working system just so they could game the system into evermore profits for themselves, whilst leaving a generation high and dry contemplating which kind of cat food to eat for dinner tonight.

October 12, 2016 12:19 am

“I do not think the zero interest rates have had as much direct effect on retiree savings as you seem to be saying.”

That may be true for the vast majority of retireees if yer talkin’ boomers but there is still a large contingent of Silent retirees out getting slaughtered and my parents are two of them. I know several others in my neighborhood. In another decade though interest rates won’t mean shit to the boomers as their average retirement savings are low five figures or less. They will find that their McMansions aren’t worth shit either as no one will be able to afford them.

October 12, 2016 1:57 am

IS – the Silents have benefitted enormously from the transfer of wealth from the young to them. They are receiving multiples more SS/Medicare benefits than they ever paid in. They have benefitted enormously from the system. The lost interest is a pittance compared to the transfers they have received.

The current young are getting slaughtered and retirees are the great beneficiaries. It is a monumental disgrace that the young are paying for the old. The following link details the facts on that in more detail.

A one earner couple are collecting triple in benefits to what they paid in – hundreds of thousands more.


October 12, 2016 2:39 am

You are correct in general terms and I understand and agree with you. My father didn’t retire until 3.5 years ago at age 70. He started working when he was 13 to actually help support his family. He hasn’t collected shit in SS payments compared to what he paid in. (yet) He won’t live long enough to collect more than he paid in.

That said, he is not dependent on SS but he’s far from rich. I suppose it’s ok though because the day his SS and USAF retirement is deposited, it is removed in cash.

October 12, 2016 6:30 am

Your old man sounds smart.

October 12, 2016 12:32 pm

Hopefully he’s taking that cash, a depreciating asset and buying appreciating assets, like precious metals and/or lead.

October 11, 2016 10:12 pm

“There is no denying Wall Street, through the greatest control fraud in history, purposely generated trillions in bad mortgage products, bundled them in packages of indecipherable derivatives, bribed and threatened the rating agencies for fake AAA ratings, sold them to unsuspecting clients, while simultaneously shorting them, and proceeded to destroy the global financial system in the process.” –from the article.

The most complete and succinct description I’ve ever seen. Volumes could be written on each element in that paragraph, but this encapsulation covers it all.

October 11, 2016 10:15 pm

Did you write this? ‘Honest debt must be repaid’?*
What exactly about debt in a fraudulent Ponzi do you consider ‘honest’?
I’ll tell ya’ what ‘honest’ is; It’s when you can look God (not G_d) in the face and tell Him that you told those dishonest fuckers to go fuck themselves.
That’s what Jesus did, ain’t it?

*It can’t ever be repaid as long as interest is attached, it’s a fucking scam so simple, that most will never discover it- the exponential function is a real bitch.
Please tell me you didn’t write this tripe- or even read it.

October 12, 2016 12:23 am

Near as I can, tell the words “Honest debt” do not appear in the article at all, so no, admin did not write that.

October 12, 2016 12:33 pm

Thank you!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 11, 2016 10:16 pm

Your math and opinion is well founded in fact and your criticism of those in any level of responsibility will never be held to account because we all want as much as we can get with as little input as possible that’s human nature for the majority . One point to debate is the pension issues , this is money that was to grow securely in an expanding economy for future security How ever it was pirated squandered in fee schemes and let’s not forget who is last in line for a share after the bankruptcy and remember there were people managing those on behalf of would be retirees and since the fix was in to bail out UAW retirement plan then either we claw all that back or cough it up for every person cheated out of a pension after all the powers that be will tax the rest of us into the gutter for government pensions to be paid well welcome aboard the retirement TITANIC ! I know we cannot expect any real fair fix but it’s fun to bitch about it till the shit hits the fan and it will . Won’t be the first time we were concerned with a body count but this will be in our back yard

October 11, 2016 11:12 pm

All you need to know about the competence of today’s academic establishment economists is that they are essentially all Keynesians and they ridicule Austrian economists.

However, the Keynesian master Samuelson year after year predicted that the Soviet Union would surpass our economy in a relatively short period of time, generally decades. And stuck to his belief at least until 1989 writing approvingly in that year as the Soviet experiment was about to collapse – for the umpteenth, but far from last, time that particular experiment has been run.

By contrast, an Austrian, Rothbard, in I believe the 40s, predicted the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union. Another, Von Mises, clearly stated some of the reasons that the command economy will not work.

However the command economy allows many mediocrities wealth and influence far beyond what they could earn in a free economy. Hence they will fight to the death and destroy the economy to keep it going just a little longer. Luckily for them, their arguments appeal to the ignorant, especially the willfully ignorant, who cannot see the obvious and inevitable negative effects of the leftist policies.

October 11, 2016 11:59 pm

Acetinker, while being a bit of a dick, is correct in stating that the national debt (Or many other debts for that matter) isn’t honest debt. The bankers created the money out of thin air. And since interest is attached, it can never be paid off. This is why many people call it debt slavery.

mark branham
mark branham
October 12, 2016 9:20 am

How long does an honest man remain honest in a corrupt system? How many honest men must get fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago(thank you Mr. Carlin)? How many times do I have to explain how bankers have rigged the system to make debt-slaves of us all before it begins to sink in?

In short, even thou I appreciate your blog, who’s the asshole?

and, how long before I’m banned again?

October 12, 2016 12:37 pm

If I have any one problem with Trump, it’s not highlighting this oncoming freight train that’s gonna flatten us. By doing so, if elected, he could begin to take measures to reverse this idiotic borrowing/spending. Reagan undertook similar tough measures in 80-82 and it send us into a deep recession with calls coming from both sides to change policies. He held fast and by 82, we went into a 25 year growth cycle. W with his wars and social spending killed it and set the stage for the Obama/Jarrett nightmare.

And if he’s not elected and this plays out like we know it’s gonna(we’re buying precious metals), he can stand back and…what? It’ll be too late. We’ll be eating grass.

I hope you’ve got some silver and lead.

October 12, 2016 2:07 pm

100% Admin.
Who “gets” their reasoning? No one because they are just quacking.
I have studied finance and politics for 5 yrs. and have inched my way to
some understanding. Your article has put the big picture into perspective
for anyone willing to see and comprehend.

October 13, 2016 4:03 pm

It’s very simple. How can an honest man honor a contract that is fraudulent to begin with?

That is what you don’t understand yet.

When a bank creates a loan, a mortgage to a man or us treasuries to the US government, for example, it does so fraudulently.

October 12, 2016 12:35 am

“As we come down the home stretch of this election, the stakes have never been higher. The future of the country is at stake. Do we believe in liberty? Do we believe in the truth? Do we care whether this country survives the next decade? Do we care about future generations? Then it’s time to stand up and be heard. It’s time to fight. It’s time for the putrid, corrupt, evil establishment to be eradicated like filthy roaches in your basement.”

I’m with you for the most part. If that fight involves ending the fed as a first strike I’ll be there willing to fight…….and die if neccesary…….to make that happen. Anything less than ending the fed is just pissing in the wind, perpetuating the status quo so that our owners….the bankers….can do it to our descendants all over again. I don’t have kids but I’d gladly die to put an end to the eternal nightmare of central banking.

I think the fact that the candidates spend so little time talking about the debt and its effects on us all is very……..very telling. I know Hitlary is owned by the bankers and I’m pretty fucking sure tRump is too. When your chirrens and grandchirrens are getting shuffled off to war we’ll know.

Gustav Horst
Gustav Horst
October 12, 2016 4:59 am

Please stop calling it Hillary. Call it Mrs Clinton because that is what it is.

The purpose of all this is one world government. Currency collapse is the means of achieving it. Remember when Mrs Clinton responded to some allegation last year from the UN headquarters? What gave it standing as a private citizen to speak from there?

RT Rider
RT Rider
October 12, 2016 5:56 am

I read this article, sitting in Heathrow Airport, awaiting my fight home, after spending a week in London and two on the continent. The last time I was on the continent for any lengthy travel was 8 years ago. The change has been astonishing.

The new world order of displacing white Europeans is well entrenched, with the major cities of Europe (including London) being rapidly converted to third world shit holes. I guess that what’s you get when you open your borders to third world savages.

Prices are huge and tax grabs are so obvious I’m amazed there is any tourism left here. This is most likely my last trip here, until I know that things change for the better, which might not happen in my lifetime. I guess I just hate being stolen from by thieving, avaricious, government.

My wife keeps asking me why they are doing this. My response is that it’s a last ditch effort to keep the modern welfare/warfare state alive, but it’s too late. And the people they are letting in are of low skills and intelligence, but savants in conniving and gaming the welfare state. Open borders and a welfare state is a disastrous combination, but the sociopaths have run out of options to force low inflation growth other than by population growth and wage suppression.

With the upcoming Italian referendum, I’d be amazed if they didn’t vote to leave. Their country is becoming Africanized at an amazing pace. Musloids are every where, as well as Blacks. Their country is literally being stolen from them. Couple that with busted, insolvent banking system, makes for a very grim future.

This process has running along for so long with seemingly no end in sight. One can be forgiven for wondering if this is the new normal and is impervious to systemic failure. How have they been able to keep it going for so long? The key to all of this, the underpinning of the whole system, is the ability to counterfeit money perpetually. They have created ways of managing the consequences of counterfeit money, through inflating asset prices across all classes, rather than commodity and consumer prices. They’ve put in place financial suppression schemes to control commodity prices when required, through derivatives and futures markets. They have kept wages low by offshoring and importing low wage, third world types.

So with all this, where is the endgame? In my opinion it has to be the destruction of a major counterfeit, currency(ies). This could be the Euro, the most contrived, counterfeit of them all. It could happen as soon as the Italian referendum, should they vote to leave. Global asset prices cannot survive that.

October 12, 2016 6:19 am

A country with 7,000+ nuclear warheads does not have to repay its debt.

Think about it before you vote me down, there’s a lot of wisdom in that little sentence. Oh, we also have printing presses and unlimited cotton fiber protected by those 7k nukes.

October 12, 2016 9:05 am

It may not be right but it has always been that way. The guy with weapons and the will to use them has always made the rules.

October 12, 2016 2:26 pm

indeed you have a valid point.

That said, what do you think of the bitter infighting in the comments
here? The one group is so nasty to the other. Savers v non savers, and
younger pounding the oldsters as frauds and thieves. I have been working
since age 15, first at Tasty Town/Gimbels. SS $ was taken from my check whether
I liked it or not. Do I deserve what I will receive? I don’t know. Perhaps people
can’t know how much SS $ is given out that is NOT withheld from any given
recipient. A parent dies? $800./month per surviving child. Immigrant from Russia?
(political refugee) Full benefits as a citizen worker. SSI $ for pot addiction and
criminality…also if there is an ADD child in the household? That is what I know.

Mismanagement and misuse of monies are the culprits far more so than aged
workers given some lousy <1K/mo. minus the medicare cost deducted. So, B4
anyone gets so angry at oldsters realize also the cost of barely functioning war
machinery…at billions a pop.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 12, 2016 8:10 am

The truth is a very difficult thing to live with for most people. It requires a lot of hard work mentally, emotionally and on a personal level, like good health, it must be maintained vigorously.

When you see so many people giving in to living with bodies distended from overeating, imagine what their level of honesty must be like in their lives. Now take this to the next level, an entire society predicated on falsehoods like “we are all equal” or “everyone deserves a college education” or “diversity is our greatest strength”. That someone with a character like Hillary Clinton is within planetary distance of consideration for the Presidency tells you everything you need to know about the current state of the body politic.

I sound like a broken record, but all complex human societies eventually become tinder for an epochal conflagration. As sad as it is to say, we NEED this. What is coming our way can be seen as a reckoning, but it is nothing more than a cyclical phase where the ground is being prepared for a new culture- something that is fresh, virile and vigorous. Ours is an animated corpse on it’s last lap and nothing can be done to slow down, stop or reverse the direction of it’s fate. Our DNA will make it through to the other side, our civilization will not.


  hardscrabble farmer
October 12, 2016 8:26 am

Thanks HSF… downloaded for listening while I work.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 12, 2016 2:31 pm

perfect and too true. I can not even understand what it
takes for an individual to grow to double their intended
size and still leave their homes for public viewing.

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
October 12, 2016 8:32 am

Hillary for PRISON 2016

October 12, 2016 8:51 am

I predict that by the year 2024, the national debt will be $42 trillion. And the interest on the debt will be….. drumroll… $433 billion annually. Health insurance policies will cost $1700 a month with $15000 family deductibles. Co pays will be $80. Coinsurance will be 50%. And half the country will vote for more of the same, because some recording from 20 years earlier will be endlessly played on all the media channels scaring mindless sheeple into bending over once again.

American politics is so easy to predict!

October 12, 2016 10:37 am

Very good, Iconoclast421 the Deplorable Prognosticator!

I will just add that the Republican candidate in 2024 will HATE blacks, mooslims, fags, lesbos, mooslims, and basically everything non-white …. while the Democrap candidate will claim to love them all.

Is that an accurate prognostication, or what?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 12, 2016 10:03 am

“…nature speaks in the language of mathematics…”

Galileo Galilei

That exponential curve in the first graph is not only reflective of the National Debt, it is the same as the amount of dead wood that amasses in a fully grown forest, the mass of coral skeletons in a reef, etc. at their peak. Each of those colonies of living things- all filled with individuals- make up the body of the collective organism. Their fate is the result of their success. Their vigor in rising to the level of ‘Western Civilization’, ‘Great Barrier Reef’ and ‘Virgin Forest’ are matched only by their rate of decline.

This is inescapable. The collective organism is doomed, only the surviving individual organisms will move into a new future, with the exact path as the last one.

Deplorable Paul
Deplorable Paul
  hardscrabble farmer
October 12, 2016 2:22 pm

HSF- Excellent analogy. Success breeds success, until it overbreeds to failure.
I only hope my kids/grandkids survive to be on the upslope side of the next curve.
I’ll teach them what I can. That’s all I can do.

I. C.
I. C.
  hardscrabble farmer
October 14, 2016 3:40 pm

There you go making perfect sense again…
Does this mean there is hope for the inevitable demise of corruptocrats ?
Are we approaching Peak Criminality yet???

(Admin, great series!)

cole bryan [POKESALAD]
cole bryan [POKESALAD]
October 12, 2016 10:39 am

Part I & II very concise, well researched, like a dagger but too many don’t understand what is transpiring right in front of them. My personal frustration is pegged. We have a fight either way. To defend is a position of weakness. This is all we have with two enemies. We must stop the rotting head and cutting it off is not the option. Replacing the rotting cause is only the beginning.

October 12, 2016 10:55 am

comment image

October 12, 2016 2:35 pm

I like it!

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 12, 2016 10:57 am

Very good, Admin. I would say you missed your calling as a writer, but you ARE a writer as well as your daily profession.

I’m thinking about what Iconoclast421 wrote about what 2024 will look like and I think that he is a very optimistic soul.

The middle class will be a memory by then and TPTB will be working to bankrupt all the next tier up of White Americans. The Military will be pretty much all colored, as will most police forces. There will be at the very least 20 million more new ‘immigrants’ from the ME and sub Saharan Africa, in addition to 30 million Hispanics. All of them will automatically be citizens by hilligula’s administration and a compliant congress.

So, in other words, it’ll be good times! Good times……

  Lysander The Deplorable
October 12, 2016 2:36 pm

Good men have many talents.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  Lysander The Deplorable
October 12, 2016 7:11 pm

Lysander, Jim’s not only a writer, he’s fast becoming a powerful voice. His dominance on ZH, and linking on RCP a couple of weeks ago are big stuff. Who do you think is reading this? The dummies? If you believe (as I do) that the internet is now the press, we are watching a transformation every bit as consequential as the printing press. Watch.

October 12, 2016 2:29 pm

“Deutsche Bank is one of the biggest links in the derivatives chain. If they break, the whole thing goes. . . . This is not a Bill Holter opinion. This is math.”

I think you might use that line Admin.
It’s not J.Q.’s opinion. This is math.

October 12, 2016 11:06 am

If the government knew how to allocate capital more efficiently than private citizens then Bill Gates would be working as a programmer somewhere, Warren Buffett would be living on social security and Jeff Bezos would be a clerk in a Borders store!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 12, 2016 9:22 pm

Just as the US government shouldn’t be trying to pick the ruler of Syria, the problem is the government trying to allocate stuff. A certain amount of government is necessary, but the best government would be one small enough to drown in a bathtub.

Barry Obarma
Barry Obarma
October 12, 2016 11:59 am

Trump has been shouting about the problem since day one.
Bush gave us the multi billion TARP, and then Obama came in and suddenly we were talking trillions.
This is all a predictable consequence of Bretton Woods 2 and FRB: your debt curve is wrong, though. It needs to accelerate.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 12, 2016 1:14 pm

Well done Admin. I appreciate the effort you have put forth to separate the mathematics from the politics. If one looks at current financial situation it is only dullards and snowflakes who fail to see the impossibility of paying off what has been borrowed and promised.

Hillary’s delusions will be over next few weeks be exposed by an unshackled Trump. Finally! Whether he wins or not makes no difference. He is at last using the same talking points as here on TBP, ZH and other so-called alt-right sites. The MSM and politcos on Potomac are in total freak mode. Trump has struck the match. They know the genie is loose.

The 4th turning is changing to a boil from slow simmer. Interesting times indeed.

October 12, 2016 2:12 pm

“If I have any one problem with Trump, it’s not highlighting this oncoming freight train that’s gonna flatten us.” —– MMinLamesa


YOU can handle the truth. I can handle the truth. But, I ask you to consider this truth; most people can’t handle THE truth!

Trump is giving people some truth, especially about the massive corruption in gooberment but, I think that’s about all they can handle. Give them too much truth and he’d lose a lot of people … not to mention the opposition would nail him to the cross for being so negative about America.

Donald is not a dummy, is he? I suspect that he knows a thing or two about national debt, and even the Fed. Bringing that up in an election is a losing proposition. Most people, D’s and R’s alike are fuckin morans.

October 12, 2016 3:12 pm

you are very correct. Should Trump get up there at the podium,
and read Admin.’s series all hell would break loose. Of course,
I’m being silly. One thing those with a few assets can do is
voluntarily lower their standard of living/consumption of unnecc.
stuff, and put back a pile of required items. Everybody is different.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 13, 2016 6:01 pm

Trump has spoken about the Fed bubble many times. He hasn’t hammered it home like the “build the wall” mantra, but he knows what’s up.

October 12, 2016 2:39 pm

” … what do you think of the bitter infighting in the comments
here? The one group is so nasty to the other. Savers v non savers, and
younger pounding the oldsters as frauds and thieves.”
—— Suzanna

Three words, Suzanna: Shit. Throwing. Monkeys.

Throw in two more words; “passion” and “intelligence”, and you get some hostile fucken hotheads!!! I’ve learned to either, a) laugh it off or, b) ignore it.

For example, were you here when we had the Boomer/anti-Boomer wars? For a long while fuk-the-Boomers type posts were seemingly an almost every day occurrence. I used to respond with extreme venom and nasty words (you know, just being ME!) especially to this crazy broad, I think her initials were SAH. She made Ann Barnhart sound reasonable. Anyway, have you heard me go off on anti-boomer anti-oldfolks stuff lately? Nope. I just laugh it off, and when I can’t I just ask Da Lawd to fill me with Da Holeeghost.

However, Bea can still get under my skin. And, on occasion, even my beaner pal, El Coyote.

October 12, 2016 3:16 pm

thanks Stuck,
I suppose any target will do for a cornered individual
without many options. I just see it as dangerous and
without merit.

I may have missed the previous boomer war…but
I will have to be laughing it off. Little point in
stretching the adrenals. Getting sick over it.

October 12, 2016 5:21 pm

Indeed, Stucky has become much more mellow in his old age. I suspect that he realizes that even his best rant will not change much.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 12, 2016 8:05 pm

Stucky- Like you don’t ask for it and return it in kind. Keeps us on our toes waiting for the next grenade. Pals are pals, don’t be a pussy.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 12, 2016 9:38 pm

Stuck, nice to know I’m having an effect. My grandson smacked me with the mouse, I gave him the satisfaction of an OW! and it just cracked his little heart out.
How can you not love to get whomped with the mouse when he loves it so much to hear you howl?
All that time watching wrestling wasn’t wasted, I got a lot of acting training watching WWE.

October 12, 2016 3:07 pm

This is a very good and insightful article. It generally agrees with my conclusions that I reached years ago – when prompted research it following the collapse in 2008. But, I have one point of dispute – albeit minor. There is no collapse coming; it already occurred. The machinations are merely a reflection of TPTB using ever tool in their arsenal to mask it. What I think we are now seeing is simple the next stage of the collapse starting to take shape. And, it is probably the most frightening because it will be violent – both bloody and life-altering.

Let me explain. Since the dot-com bust in 2001 (not 2008), TPTB has embarked on a great confidence game. The message is that everything is fine and under control. And, in the beginning, it was relatively subtle by simply using the same tired Keynesian talking points. I also say “relatively subtle” because it was grossly apparent to anyone was paying attention – which was/is not the average person. As economics deteriorated (specifically starting in 2008), TPTB became more overt and much bolder. It is now so apparent that the biggest government-loving, left-wing fools I know acknowledge that the BLS employment statistics are complete lies and that the MSM is a completely captured propaganda machine. While this steady progression of taking bolder steps may be due to arrogance, I doubt it; to me, it reeks of desperation. The reason is that Obama and his cronies have been deliberately attempting to start WWIII since 2011 with the Arab Spring, Libya, Syria, and so forth in the hopes of having a similar economic revival as his idol (Roosevelt) did with WWII. But, no one has had the desire or wherewithal to take him or his ilk up on it. Most everyone still has a hangover from the War on Terror starting in 2001 – which was at least convenient following the dot-com bust for the same economic reason. The fact that someone Obama – as President of the last remaining superpower – has resigned himself to starting a world war is a very telling indicator that the economic situation is dire.

Now what we have is Hillary (who will openly start WWIII by being the aggressor) or Trump (who will be the recipient of a serious of market crashes). This is the next stage of the collapse. And, at this stage, the TPTB will try to use whatever force that they have available to them to hold onto whatever they have. They will not come in the night to impose Marxist views; they will come for resources. TPTB do not care about any of you. They do not care about your wants, your needs, or that of your family. They do not care about politics. They only care about their material possessions, their wants, and their needs. And when they come, it will not be FEMA or the military that will come; it will be contractors or (as they were known prior to the 2000’s) mercenaries. Anyone who has the mistaken belief that “our military would never stand for this” is mistaken. As my father always said: “money talks and bullshit walks.”

Apologies for preaching from my soapbox. I am just growing tired of explaining this to people around me that spout off and refuse to listen or use any reason whatsoever.

October 12, 2016 3:50 pm

When elected leaders fail to follow the Rule of Law that the Prols are supposed to follow then why should the Average Joe “honor” the Rule of Law either??

Honest men?! C’mon, that’s an oxymoron! We all fall short at some point or another in this rigged market casino gulag (Thanks Max Keiser) debt slave system that encourages you to go into debt….Credit scores and ratings agencies are tools used to control as well as carrots to dangle in front of us to reward us and massage our egos and pump up our pride so that we can rationalize and ultimately dehumanize our fellow man who, more than likely, started in a different starting position in this “Competition” to accumulate the most shit before we die and get buried with it or use it to pay the boat man to cross the river! C’mon MAN!

October 12, 2016 3:59 pm

Immanuel Kant aptly warned in the 18th century that religion would soon take a back seat to science and that the “high priests” of science would sway the masses more than religious leaders….Fast forward to present day and you have scumbags like Larry Summers, Alan Greenspan, Paul Krugman, ManBearPig and their ilk preaching to their fanatics and manipulating data to justify their end goal, MORE CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING ON THE PLANET from resources including human capital/labor, and molding through a faux consensus what we are supposed to care about and how we are supposed to feel about the issues promoted through regurgitated talking points from the co-opted mainstream media!

October 12, 2016 4:17 pm

If a politician doesn’t honestly discuss the Maritime/Admiralty law system as part of the problem; instead saying that the Constitution rules this land instead of case law and the admiralty system, they are just going to perpetuate the status quo (just different members of the status quo). The status quo is not a homogenous group; rather, it is made up of factions; albeit many of these factions work together because their interests are similar!

When the “justices” (or JUST us’s) of this country say shit like this below, they get bagged on….atleast this guy is being honest!

According to 7th Circuit Judge Richard Posner in a post published to Slate, U.S. judges should stop studying the Constitution.

“I see absolutely no value to a judge of spending decades, years, months, weeks, day, hours, minutes, or seconds studying the Constitution, the history of its enactment, its amendments, and its implementation,” Posner argued.

“Eighteenth-century guys, however smart, could not foresee the culture, technology, etc., of the 21st century,” he continued. “Which means that the original Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the post–Civil War amendments (including the 14th), do not speak to today.”

Admiralty law and the U.N.’s Declaration of Human rights and all of IT’s “recommendations” really rules the world! Unfortunately not our Constitution. Every time we sign another treaty, trade agreement, or resolution like the fucking Copenhagen accord or the Rio one, we shred the Constitution and take power away from what was a Republic and put it into the hands of the global oligarchy!

John Doe
John Doe
October 12, 2016 5:16 pm

I really look forward to the Admins insightful articles. Intellectual truth by providing mathematical certainties and superb quotes from the great thinkers of the past. They tried to warn future generations, but evil was successful in infiltrating the public curriculum. Students are taught not to question the matrix, only obey. Drones are always easily identifiable when they openly denounce any and all conspiracy theory concepts as non consequential tripe. The times might be different, but the actors with the same moral depravity have remained the same.

October 12, 2016 5:54 pm

Jim….I agree with you and disagree with you about honest debt . The honest part is someone who pays off their 30 year mortgage as promised . What isn’t honest is that the bank creates the money out of thin air for the loan. Which in my opinion is criminal .

On a $200,000.00 loan, at a normal rate of interest of 5%,over 30 a thirty year period,the total repaid would $386,000.00 bucks. Pretty good rate of return for a digital click of the mouse at the Banskster Farm .

October 12, 2016 6:19 pm

A return of $186,511. over 30 years on a $1865.00 investment is awesome. How can you possibly go wrong with that!

Maeve the Queen
Maeve the Queen
October 12, 2016 6:47 pm

Is this article as accurate as the one you put up and later took down where you used Alec Baldwin’s drunken cell phone message to his daughter and attributed it to Kaine and then got blasted for putting up a made up lie?

October 12, 2016 7:29 pm

Maeve the queer – Are you just a whore, or are you a syphilitic whore? Inquiring minds want to know.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 12, 2016 9:36 pm

I hate Americans who name their kids Maeve or Finn or Aidan. It’s like people who have eyebrow piercings and hope they can catch you staring at it. Then they can give you a dirty look like “what are you looking at? Yeah my eyebrow’s pierced. What are you going to do about it?” You ask a parent about their kid, “what’s her name?” And before you even get a chance to ask “what the fuck kind of pretentious name is Maeve?” they say “it’s Irish”. I know it’s fucking Irish. And I know you’re 1/4 Irish, you stupid cunt. Makes me want to hit them with my fucking shillelagh.

October 12, 2016 10:16 pm

Iska – I gotta ask, seeing as you said “I hate Americans who name their kids Maeve or Finn or Aidan”. How do you feel about Shaniqua, Deshone, D’Malika, D’quan, Roshanda, Trayvon, etc.

Now, those piss me off. Maeve, Finn, Aidan not so much.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 12, 2016 10:50 pm

Those are just ignorant and pathetic, although points should be given if they use two or more apostrophes. I mostly wanted to start a paragraph with “I hate” and end with “shillelagh”.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Iska Waran
October 13, 2016 12:42 am

Mucho funny, Iska.

Private Benjamin inspired so many Nicoles and I suppose Halloween inspired all those Jasons. Where did we get all these Jennifers?

A while back, they tried to get folks to name their kids after medications, I seem to recall a character named Allegra. I expect some day I will hear somebody calling after Cialis or Levitra.

Yes, and boys might be sporting names like Red Bull or Axe. Harley sounds like a good name for a dyke.

October 13, 2016 3:27 am

How do you feel about LA-A? It’s pronounced Ladasha cuz the “dash (hyphen) don’t be silent”!

October 12, 2016 11:57 pm

Admin, fuckin aye.

October 13, 2016 10:30 am

I hadda make a comment when I saw 99. It’s a bad habit I can’t break.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 13, 2016 11:07 am

So, 3.8 trillion is but a drop in the bucket, what difference will that make?

  Bea Lever
October 13, 2016 11:11 am

It won’t make a bit of difference until the day it finally does.

Unfortunately, we won’t know when that day arrives until it is here. Which is why it is best to act as if that day is here.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 13, 2016 7:35 pm

Nah….they’ll just raise taxes to cover it.