Your Money AND Your Life

Submitted by aka.attrition

Source: Edward Snowden –​

Summary: It’s a fairly long read so I’ll summarize it for you: Central Banks bad, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) bad, fiat money bad, m’kay. However, the article offers a good insight into what CBDC is and how it could potentially affect us all.



This week’s news, or “news,” about the US Treasury’s ability, or willingness, or just trial-balloon troll-suggestion to mint a one trillion dollar ($1,000,000,000,000) platinum coin in order to extend the country’s debt-limit reminded me of some other monetary reading I encountered, during the sweltering summer, when it first became clear to many that the greatest impediment to any new American infrastructure bill wasn’t going to be the debt-ceiling but the Congressional floor.

Continue reading “Your Money AND Your Life”

Mucks’ Minute (or maybe two)

The Argument for Fiat Money


Now that title got your attention, didn’t it?

Here in the middle of governmental chaos and confusion, political bickering and turmoil, moral decay and dishonesty, debt through the roof with mathematical proof that there is no way to pay it back and that will, at any rate, result in a Depression worse than the last “Great One” and before we’re through, if history is a guide, it will likely be a world wide Depression of a size never before seen or experienced.  The killer drop in oil prices is simply the next bubble in line to pop!  And there are dozens more right there in line to follow.

So,  I am making a case for fiat money…

No, I’m not nuts, just trying making a point.

First, as we all know, all debt must be paid – all over the world.  The debt may be repaid in real goods (gold, silver, productive output, etc)  Most countries of lesser stature – but the group is growing by leaps and bounds-  merely thumb their noses at creditors and default.  Ireland just did that by offering (and getting ) payment of $0.10 on the dollar for the Bank of Irelands debt to the Euro-banks (which never made the Main Street Media in any form or fashion and only Reuters carried the story – to this day!).

Iceland, on the other hand, just told their European creditors to bugger off and defaulted on the whole debt.  After suitable screams and wails from the EU Banks, Iceland is now on the healthy road to recovery, albeit with a greatly reduced (and temporary) access to debt markets.  But they are growing again from a lower base which is better than sinking to a lower base yet through “austerity” and going deeper in debt and juggling fiat money loans while building an even more fragile pile which WILL FALL DOWN in the future.

That’s the honest way out of debt.  Default, bankruptcy, a few mea culpa’s, a few years of suffering from depreciated currency and, followed by the start of honest growth (if that is at all possible in a world of depleting resources), all is well and things get better.  Falling availability of resources is a whole ‘nuther story..

Down Central America and South of the equator they have this default business down pat.  North of the Equator not so much.  Oh sure, Russia did it – but they had so many natural resources nobody noticed much except the banks that got bailed out.  Further more the crash (and that is what it is) of oil prices will shortly see Russia and their captive cronies default again to much greater and world wide devastation  than, say Zimbabwe or Greece (Greece is in a state of continuously defaulting under a “tent” of obfuscation)  who tried a simple default but thanks to the EU who will nail their feet to the floor and torture them for years to come (unless they pull a typical Grecian reaction and burn the place down to stop it).  For some reason they can’t bring themselves to give up the dole and work for a living.

Russia is a different bag.  When they default this time, (after a likely crack-up first), all their dependent annexed countries will find the subsidies gone.  Cuba will go very hungry as they now subsist on Russian handouts. Venezuela, a doomed country with nothing but oil between it and universal poverty will, shortly, go up in a poof of smoke and disintegrating civility and drop into a medieval existence of subsistence farming , small feudal villages and a 500% increase in the numbers of street vendors.

The current not so comedic problems with debt and budget in our own battered, dinged and buried beyond the neck (we’re barely breathing now!) in debt U.S.A. will continue into  yet another “kick the can” attempt which will eventually (if not now) fail.  I’d like for it to fail now and get it over with that’s a personal wish.

That doesn’t address the title of this article, does it?  The Austrians want to return to the gold standard.  The Republicans want to stop (all of a sudden, I might add) excessive Government spending, the Democrats desperately want to “kick that can” (at least past the 2016 Presidential farce) so that things can continue as they were/are – which isn’t going to happen.

Well, what the Republicans and Democrats want to happen will probably both happen – one after the other – and then game over.  Or maybe sooner.  The world will not allow the Democratic no-plan and the American people will throw out of office every Republican in Washington if the Republican’s really cut back spending to where it matters! Neither political party has the guts or statesmanship or leadership to do what’s necessary, so we will, very likely, follow Russia (at a slower and more painful rate) into and maybe under the pit of at least partial hyper-inflation  before the deflationary bullet is not bitten but fired!  Either way, we are well and truly doomed to a Depression of much greater extent than that of the 1930’s and world-wide at that – but no one wants to admit it.

BUT – big but..  what happens then?  Most likely, the pendulum will swing and inflation will (properly) get blamed for all our problems and we’ll reset the economy by going to some sort of commodity money – based on gold and silver most likely, but it could be carrots, or wheat or something else our “new” Government figures they can control.  (We will never, sadly, punish the real villains, ourselves, for allowing it to happen for the umpteenth time).  Let’s assume it to be old style bi-metalism and an attempt to  restate our medium of exchange (the dollar) to whatever the current world price of gold happens to be with silver priced at some fraction to that of gold.

Ah – says a large part of the audience, heaven is upon us and all will be well.

Which probably will not be a truism for the first few years to a decade or two.

But then we struggle up from our debtor/defaulter dungeon, climb back over the edge  of the pit and wonder of wonders – start to grow economically speaking!  After all, after an inflationary crash and depression, there are a lot of poor people, sadly in this case, probably fewer people as well, and a little bit of growth goes a long way in that situation.  With or without resources.

One problem.  Where does the “real” money come from to allow the growth that is so badly needed?  I know the commodity money fans will say that we don’t need more money – prices will naturally fall as production slowly rises all with the same amount of money (thanks to better technology and higher productivity) – and that is true in the small limited sense.  A fixed money supply does not, however encourage anything. This situation of “encouraging” things is handled by those who run the government at the behest of monied, influential PTB to their own benefit with no thought to the general public or economy at large.

Entrepreneurship is sometimes muzzled for lack of credit (after all, credit is just money that’s advanced on the premise that interest will be paid on it and it will be paid back in a set period of time, right?).  Credit keeps you from spending years and years saving up a stake for a new business you just “know” will (maybe) be successful so monetary growth in a fixed money supply economy is limited to the growth of the commodity that the money is “fixed to”.

Now, from the human view, this is unacceptable because it just to damn slooooooow.   We humans are “speed balls” when it comes to inventiveness and entrepreneurial ability provided we stop paying people not to work and knock off paying welfare moms (and their sperm suppliers)  money for children produced.   I doubt government will exist by then in any significant size other than local, perhaps state and bare bones federal so we may be able to get on with it anyway.

But we’re not talking small stuff here, either.  We’re talking about dragging 150- 200 million people – and much more if you consider the world at large – out of a much poorer place back up the human conditional ladder into some kind of higher location. (Please note the smaller population quoted for the US..  Scary? Bet your bippy it is)

Voila! We need more money!  Fractional banking and more money/credit will do it as it will encourage borrowing for those with good ideas and allow people to buy more things and spend and increase demand for all sorts of good stuff like sofas and cars and houses and flat screens and transport and a replacement for that tent we’ve been living it and perhaps a diet that would include more than potatoes and dandelion greens and new shoes for the kids and – and – maybe with the new money we can restart the school down the road in the next town so we can stop home schooling the brats!  In addition, with just a little more money to go around, Johnny Smith can borrow a little of it and start that wood cutting business he’s been wanting to do out on his property!   What a wonderful idea and all it needs is more money than is allowed by locking in the supply of it to the “Cross of Gold” (and where have I heard that before?).  Let’s print some!

Now we come to the crux of the problem.  Commodity money doesn’t work fast enough because it limits the ability of the economy to grow by other means than technology and productivity improvements reducing the prices of goods and services.  Commodity money is rigid.  It doesn’t encourage anything, good or bad.

Please read that paragraph again.

Fiat money, which one gets when not using a commodity based money works fine for a little while.  A little while.  From the get-go the citizens get screwed because he who pockets and spends fiat currency first (i.e. governmental entities and banks) gets the most use out of it —– unless the issuance of said fiat currency is limited to no more than the HONEST value of the gross production of goods and services of the Country (or the State, or the local community) minus the outstanding debt that needs to be paid off sometime real soon now.

I’ll spell it out,  P-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-O-N.

Not government spending (National, State or local), not welfare, not social programs of any kind, not education, not health and welfare – NOTHING but productive earnings of a country (and I include all three of the above whenever I say “country”).  If the country actually earns more than it consumes, then it is able to tax itself a bit to handle things like national defense, interstate and international commerce negotiations, even local police if you’ve got some problem drunks.  No fair counting anything other than production of goods and services required for those things that are in demand for both domestic and international use.

Also (and this will bring some boo-blahs), so called free trade where intelligence is hauled overseas and mixed with fiat money to put people to work at 1/20th the cost of domestic labor sucks and I am no fan of this destructive commercial behavior. Tariff the  products when they return to our shores or what you end up with eventually is what we have today:  We produce next to nothing, most all important production has moved off shore and all we have is the mathematically unworkable system of buying products produced in foreign countries by selling them debt that will never be paid back to get money to buy their products –  a Ponzi scheme larger, by far, and enormous proportions never seen before that is now coming home to roost with our unstoppable unemployment, , ever lowering wages (compared to ever rising prices), skill loss, our manufacturing capability mostly dead, a consumer driven society dying from debt that can’t be paid and a future that will be a depression of far Greater Proportion than the last one.

We are and have been exporting our fiat financing to the rest of the world.  So far they take it.  Later, they won’t.

Now to get back on subject, a purely commodity form of money will not work efficiently for an advanced (if smaller) technological society.  It hasn’t worked in the past and it won’t work in the future.  Commodity money will arrest inflationary problems overnight once the general public see and understand that it will arrest inflation of the money supply.  True. Overnight.  The human race has been there and done that a number of times.

Fiat money, unanchored to anything, on the other hand, always destroys a civilization in which it is used as over time, venial rulers, kings, despots, tribal chiefs, emperors, presidents and congressmen find that it’s so much easier to print more fiat money (in the form of cash or credit – which is the same thing in two different siren suits) than it is to explain to the citizens why they should give up their hard earned “productive” money to the government to do things they don’t care about or want.  This way, the government (of any sort or variety) can spend more than the country can produce and tax away to the government in the form of scalping excess production.  These “upper caste rulers” can then buy votes (in a democracy) and fund huge police forces.  Remember the TSA ordering a billion rounds of ammo?  Has your local police force got a tank yet?  My town does and I live in a little calm community on a lake in Central Florida.  And, of course,  in not so democratic countries, it’s easy.  These politicians (and anonymous corporations and contributors who fund them) can stuff the pockets of favored people including those “governing” the country and their cronies and do all manner of mischief with money they have no business having.  Especially now that there is virtually no limit to anonymous fiat cash that can be funneled to political parties with the newly passed “bribery special” funding bill that cleared both houses of Congress last weekend.  Now we look forward to who can purchase the most crooked Congressional, Executive and Judicial people. As if we needed more of that crap anyway.  Turns out that who spends the most wins the elections, determines the judicial appointments and who gets screwed and who doesn’t.

The result of this is slow (don’t be too speedy, now!) depreciation of the fiat money doesn’t kill the golden goose very quickly as an excess of money encourages growth that is not necessarily productive, not necessarily safe (hence a percentage of the growth is false!) i.e serial bubbles; so standards of living usually climb for a while – sometimes a long while – thanks to technological progress and productivity gains that technology brings.  This can go on for a long time – think five generations for the United States – not too shabby an effort even if it has now run off the tracks.

But sooner or later, the ruling scions, bankers, scam artists, politicians, stock sellers and check loan artists get greedy.  Why?  Because every time you add to the debt of the country, you cut down on the productivity of the country.  The more debt you have to roll over and suffer paying the interest for it, the less money is available for productive (REAL production) purposes.  So the gross production (and true products) of the country starts to fall. ROI falls. Savings crunch. The middle class is decimated by such bizarre policies as ZIRP (another name for paying for things by the government and keeping banks from folding up without really having to pay for it (which is a proven failed method that goes back to the Roman Empire with coin shaving et al)

THIS IS A POINT THAT WE HAVE ALREADY PASSED.. Mark that on your calendar.

Things tend to go to pot pretty fast after that happens because every fiat dollar of debt incurred beyond that point actually reduces production capability that much more and it is not linear.  Mathematically,  it turns out to be exponential so the curves of doom rise ever faster until they are unsustainable as they are now.  So crash already and get it over with..

Now what do we do on the other side? What kind of money are we going to use when all the dung has been flung, the depressing future is in the past and we see the light of day and start thinking of eating more than one meal a day?  (I apologize for the doomer slant – but I am not optimistic about the comfort of the coming period of time.)

First, our problem is not with start up money as we can cobble together a commodity based money to dig our way up the side of the pit.  It may very well be that commodity money will be the only way we can do so.  Time will tell.

Sooner or later, we will, once again, need more money than commodity money allows us to have because of the ever limited supply of the base commodity and that is the question.  What can we use?  History is not kind here.  And further (as in Germany today) the memory still lives of worthless “money” (i.e. fiat), hardships unbelievable and a tough row to hoe to get themselves back into a decent level of prosperity (only 75 years of hard work and a large saving rate)..

Our problem is not money, you see, it is human nature.  Human nature is what drives fiat money based systems into disaster, not what is used for the “money” or medium of exchange.   Yes, I know the “real” requirements of money – intrinsic value, small, divisible, retains value over time, readily acceptable in trade, blah, blah, blah.….  Fiat money fills all those requirements if we would just stop printing so damn much of it in paper currency and issue of credit (be it loans or bonds or derivatives or whatever) all based on a nebulous “fractional” banking and credit system.  I have ten bucks so I can loan out $100 because no one will ever want all their money back at one time ; a fairy tale that has sunk many a nation and oh so many individuals.

So, fellow voyagers,  after exploring a good part of the in and outs of fiat money and credit I have come to the conclusion there is no valid reason to create a medium of exchange (paper and credit) that is not rigidly capped by the amount of gold, silver, increasing productivity and technological enhancements of the country involved.

Which kind of blows away the title of this Mucks’ Five Minutes piece (but that was to suck you into reading it in the first place!).  There is truly no case for fiat money at all.  Period.

One exception.  In the event of true National Emergency (invasion or an asteroid) or someone nukes us that requires the Last World War to commence.  Then, sadly, all bets are then off and we are in the soup again.  That has happened time after time after time in history and history will always repeat – usually with different timing, flavors and smells and even outcomes, but repeat it will.

As for today’s debt problems?  Forgetaboutit. The end game is baked in the cake.  We are all going to get poorer by and by and as to investments, he who looses least wins!

But we still need to think about and discuss the other side of it all.  Just in case there is another side.



Money in America, Part Five


Previously, we learned that the early 20th Century was a whole new ball game. A new and improved banking reform demanded by the people, with help, led to the Federal Reserve System. The “war to end war” commenced and ended, more or less …


Although peace broke out on November 11,1918 an Allied naval blockage hemmed in Germany for eight more months. Some 250,000 civilians, estimated, died in this period of disease and starvation. The necessity of importing food and the refusal of a loan from the United States meant Germany’s gold reserves diminished.

The signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919 ended the blockade. Germany had neither representation nor an invitation to the treaty completion. German reparations were specified at 132 billion marks (US$31.5 billion) and loss of territory, as well as limitations of their military. (The final reparation payment occurred in October, 2010.)

A few movers and shakers sat on the carpet playing their own version of ‘Risk’ and redrawing the world map to their liking. Meanwhile …

The Return of the Gold Standard

Great Britain was one of the victors of World War One – at a cost. They, and others, had monetized the debts for the war effort, double, triple or quadruple their money supply. Germany had extended to eight times pre-war! Only the United States had remained on the classic gold-coin standard, a dollar equal to one-twentieth of an ounce.

By February, 1920, the fiat pound sterling was worth one-third less than the pre-war value. Other countries were worse; the German mark had depreciated by 96 percent.

The British had a plan, floating exchange rates had to go: only a return to the pre-war value of the pound sterling would save the day.

Only one thing was wrong with this idea: an overvalued pound meant their mercantilist export market would suffer. A further complication to the alternate of a realistic value was the trade unionist movement – a deflationary policy was unthinkable. Britain would continue a monetary expansion – inflation – from the new standard and easy credit would solve all problems.

A policy was formulated, provisional on the U.S. maintaining an inflational policy to prevent adverse flow of British gold out of the country.

Britain hedged with the Gold and Silver Embargo Act of 1920, vowing to return to a gold standard by 1925. Both countries had seen an immediate post-war boom – and a ‘correction’ in 1920-21.


That Unknown ‘Correction’

Not many people apparently know of the U.S. Recession of 1920-21.

The Federal Reserve had been compliant in easing policy to support World War One. According to New York Federal Reserve Governor Benjamin Strong, the Fed was Treasury’s agent and servant. Independence … Anyway, by 1919, U.S. Inflation had risen over 27%. The Wilson administration slashed federal spending severely and by November, the federal budget was balanced. In concert, the Fed Reserve raised interest rates, sequentially to a final 7%.

This one-two punch to the economy resulted in employment and productivity declining and finally falling remarkably in June, 1920. Farmers, misled by high food prices in wartime had expanded land holdings based on cheap credit. The 7% final Fed’s rate was a killer. Wholesale prices overall declined by half. Bankruptcies on the land and general contagion bottomed the economy. Briefly – the economy immediately bounced upward (not a dead cat bounce) and the short-lived hardship was forgotten in the bling of the Roaring 20s.

Most everyone knew Great Britain intended to restore the gold standard. Speculators took advantage and a return to the prewar value of the pound stering was effectively priced in – objectively, it was overvalued.

Warren G. Harding had assumed the presidency in 1921 and further assisted the recovery by cutting government spending even more.

Incidentally, there was another Harding during this era: William P.G. Harding, second president of the Federal Reserve, 1916-1922. then president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1923 to 1930, when he died. Connecting more dots … Carter Glass was Secretary of the Treasury from late 1918 to early 1920.

Great Britain’s post war recovery was not quite reflected in the unemployment rate, which varied between 9 and 15 percent even into 1924. The government countered this with a new unemployment program. Most of the problem involved the export industries. J.M. Keynes offered some opinions and criticism during the period. (By the way, he insisted his name was pronounced “Canes” or “Cains.” Or maybe it was “Cain’s descendant … )

“When stability of the internal price level and stability of the external exchanges are incompatible, the former is generally preferable.

There is no escape from a ‘managed’ currency, whether we wish it or not. In truth, the gold standard is already a barbaric relic.”

A Tract on Monetary Reform – 1924

Keynes advocated semi-monopolistic structures operating under government approval and with government supervision. He also favored eugenics. And he appeared to believe that individual or private business self-interest should be replaced by the “intelligent judgement” of government. For the common good.

Keynes surely appreciated the U.S. Federal Reserve System. Before 1914, government issued gold certificates were 100% redeemable. FRNs afterward were only 40% backed by gold. Aha, thus the money supply increased during the war years a great deal.

Benjamin Strong had gone to England in 1916 to set up monetary coordination between the two countries. He met Montague Norman, then deputy governor of the Bank of England and a personal and professional friendship began that ended only in 1928 when Strong died.

A dozen years working together can accomplish a lot. The goal was to return to a gold standard with the pound sterling at $4.86, its pre-war value. To accomplish this, the U.S. would maintain inflationary policy to keep gold from leaving England. Strong and his New York Fed purchased U.S. government securities from November 1921 to June 1922 and the money supply grew. To enhance this policy, Norman also advocated lowering Fed interest rates.

Strong was ill through much of 1923 and the Federal Reserve Board sold off much of the government securities. On his return, Strong intervened again and again the money supply increased.

Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon received the rationale that keeping American prices higher than British would establish the pound around par and facilitate the return to the gold standard. By early 1925, a line of credit to Britain of $200 million in gold was necessary to keep the scheme alive. The House of Morgan assisted with a $100 million line of credit. No one in authority disagreed with these maneuvers, neither Mellon nor the Federal Reserve Board. Higher prices in America supported the pound sterling.

Even so, Norman came to America for a serious talk with Strong and “Jack” Morgan, seeking reassurance about returning to gold.

Harding had died in office in August, 1923 and Vice President “Silent Cal” Coolidge had become the new president. Business as usual. Except …

… there was this: Weimar Germany and war reparations. The German war machine was powered by the printing press – the national debt went from 5 billion marks to 156 billion. Their wartime government had imposed price controls but the flood of money printing overwhelmed such efforts.

The first reparations payment, at 2 billions of gold marks at the 1913 value came due in June, 1921. A combination of gold, currency, coal, iron and wood sufficed to keep the wolves from the door.

But prices had caught up well and truly with the supply of money and in 1922, it appeared a default on the next installment was inevitable.

“Jack” Morgan organized an international reparations conference; to no one’s surprise, no easy answer was available. The German cost of living index that June was 41 but had risen to 685 by December.

France had its fifty-year grudge for the defeat of 1871 and with Belgium, invaded the productive Ruhr industrial area in January, 1923.. The Weimar government ordered a general strike. To pay the idled workers and support families who’d lost their homes during the 18-month occupation, there was only one quick answer: print more money!

Imagine at a given moment that a person orders one cup of coffee at a cost of 5,000 marks – and minutes later, a second cup had risen to 9,000.

Overall the mark had gone from 4.20 to the U.S. Dollar in 1914 and by November, 1923, one dollar fetched 4.2 trillion with a T marks.

Klaus Mann, a writer of the day: “What breathtaking fun it is to watch the world coming off the rails … the complete depreciation of the only truly credible value in this godforsaken era: that of money.”

His brother, Golo Mann, a historian: “What was there to trust, who could you rely on if such were even possible?”

A critic of the government at the time was interviewed and asserted that the high cost of living was the biggest problem Germany faced. “We intend to make life cheaper,” he declared. His name was Adolf Hitler.

The Gold-Exchange Standard!

At last! Years in the making, the British Cabinet announced the return to gold on March 25, 1925, with conditions: a $300 million credit line from the U.S., no Bank of England change of the bank rate, and the new pretend standard would be based on gold bullion and not gold coin redemption. Also, the Chancellor of the Exchequer would discourage the domestic use of gold coin. If this didn’t work, there was always the legislative hammer.

By comparison, the classical gold standard empowering redemption in gold coin restrained issue of the currency and government excess. The bullion standard thus disempowered ordinary people but kept exchange for international trade.

The Gold Standard Act of 1925 specified a minimum bullion bar of 400 gold troy ounces. Montague Norman explained it this way:

“ … confidence in the value of money does not depend upon the existence of gold coin … in times of abundance hoarding [of gold coin] is bad because it weakens the command of the Central Bank over the monetary circulation and hence over the purchasing power of the monetary unit … the use of monetary gold can be limited, in case of need, to the settlement of international balances.”

In point of fact, however, Britain would be on gold and European countries effective went on a pound sterling basis. Effectively, European countries would redeem their masses of international trade currency for pounds as reserves.

The beauty of this was that Britain could issue more pounds for settlement which was a stealth opportunity for European economies to inflate their own money supply due to greater pound reserves. Such a deal!

America was the exception in this scheme but the Strong-Norman connection ensured U.S. Dollar inflation and no gold would flee jolly old England.

Some European countries fared better than others, initially. France, for example, had experienced significant inflation to the rate of 240 francs to the pound. Under the British plan, France returned to gold at 124 francs/pound. Germany, Austria, and other countries that experienced hyperinflation returned to the pretend gold standard at a more pragmatic rate.

Immediate post-war prices were high due to the armies of fiat dollars sloshing around the world. Those early masters of the universe feared ‘deflation’ so much that the falling prices of 1920-21 convinced them without much effort that an inflationary policy was the best response.

Some 39 countries were embroiled in the gold-exchange standard by 1926, and 43 by 1928.

Governor of the Bank of France, Emile Moreau had this to say at the time:

“England … putting Europe under a veritable financial domination … remedies prescribed always involve the installation in the central bank of a foreign supervisor who is British or designated by the Bank of England … guarantee against possible failure they are careful to secure the cooperation of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Moreover, they pass on to America the task of making some of the foreign loans if they seem too heavy, always retaining the political advantages of these operations.”

In the U.S., the money supply from 1921 to 1929 increased 61 percent. This certainly helped Great Britain but not enough. The self-serving policy of a strong pound sterling in reality shot themselves in the foot and fettered their export market. Also, militant trade unions maintaining a high wage rate also exacerbated high unemployment. During the whole of the Roaring Twenties, Britain’s unemployment rate remained around recession grade and was eleven percent by 1929.

Meanwhile, American prices had started to decline in the middle of the decade, and this threatened the balance again Britain. Not to be undone, the dynamic duo, Strong and Norman called a secret conference in 1927. Britain had already suggested to France that perhaps the pound sterling might have to be devalued. The duo met with counterparts from the French and German central banks. Even the Federal Reserve Board in Washington know nothing of this.

Strong promised more inflation, a boost to the stock market, and a further purchase of $60 million sterling to backstop that British pound. He also made significant purchases of U.S. Securities.

An article in The Banker, a London journal, praised Strong as “a friend of England in her greatest need.

Strong died in October, 1928, from a lengthy illness, and never saw the fruits of his labors.

The stock market certainly benefitted by Strong’s attentions, doubling in 1929. Before President Coolidge vacated the White House in March, 1929 he praised the American economy as “absolutely sound” and said stocks were cheap.

Black Thursday and Beyond

Belatedly, the Federal Reserve tried weakly to stuff the easy money genie back in the bottle. But the trends were already in place – July, 1927 unemployment, 3.3% and Dow Jones Industrial Average, 168. Early October, 1929, unemployment around 5%, DJIA, 343.

Coolidge had said back in 1927, “I do not choose to run for president in 1928.” He already had five years in and believed that too often, the man became the office. Harding, before him, had offered Herbert Hoover a cabinet post. Hoover chose Commerce, which was a minor position – and he aimed to change that. Harding died in office and VP Coolidge rose to the White House and though he kept Hoover in place, he privately referred to him as ‘Wonder Boy’.

The 1928 three-way early race for Republican nominee led to Hoover being nominated on the first ballot. The election went resoundingly to him with Democrat Al Smith winning but six states.

Hoover courted the press in his first seven months but after Black Thursday, his availability was diminished. Having already made a name for himself as a reformer and regulator of early radio, he made more plans for reform. He disliked laissez faire ideas and advocated public-private cooperation, expanded the civil service and unleashed the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service on tax evaders like Al Capone.

Far from the “do-nothing presidency” faux reputation believed by some, he was a very busy administrator with hands in every pot, domestic and foreign.

Meanwhile in the last week of October, the Federal Reserve was still assisting Montague Norman; doubling the hoard of government securities and adding $300 million bank reserves increased liquidity, fuel to the fire on Wall St. Speculators on margin included more people than you can imagine: elevator operators, shoe shine boys, housewives, farmers, college students; it seemed every American was acting on the latest hot stock tip.

Volatility had increased with large swings both ways. DJIA peaked at 381.17 on September 3, the culmination of a six-year run.

On Thursday, October 24, the market fell by 11% after the opening bell.

Panic! The House of Morgan, Chase Bank, and the National Bank of New York met to agree on emergency funding. Richard Whitney, vice president of the New York Stock Exchange was chosen as their facilitator. He placed massive orders for blue chip stocks, U.S.Steel and others. By the day’s close, the DJIA was only down 6.38 and everyone breathed a sigh of relief until …

“Black Monday”, October 28, the market opened to massive selling and lost 13%. “Black Tuesday” followed with another drop of 12%. Sixteen million shares were traded that day, setting a record that lasted nearly 40 years.

One of the triggers for the instability was the anticipation, or dread, of the passage of Hoover’s Smoot-Hawley tariff.

Despite more interventions, the market continued to slide until November 13, 1929, with the Dow closing at 198.60. Then a bear market rally (dead cat bounce) took the peak to 294.07 on April 17, 1930. From there, the market declined to July 1932 when the Dow closed at 41.22. Only in November, 1954 did the Dow see a figure reminiscent of the 1929 peak.

The so-called ‘do nothing’ president got his tariff, part of an overall plan of price and wage manipulation, the Glass-Steagall Act, the National Credit Corporation, forced migration of Mexicans back to Mexico, the largest peacetime tax increase in history, the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, the Emergency Relief and Construction Act, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation – and more. Truly, these were the seeds of the New Deal.

Hoover’s policies claimed he did too little, too late, nothing worked – and then there was the debacle of the Bonus Army.

He accepted a nomination for re-election in 1932, likely because no other of the party wanted the job. Franklin Delano Roosevelt called Hoover “jelly” and people not only threw rotten eggs and fruit at his appearance but several assassination attempts were thwarted. By the election, Hoover won only as many states as Al Smith had in the previous election. Roosevelt captured the presidency, the house and the senate, and increased Democratic representation in many states as well.


Our next episode will begin with the real default of 1933, more interventions, the recession within the Depression, and the real end of the Great Depression.