Interview with student pepper sprayed at UC Davis.

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November 21, 2011 12:31 pm

“Chancellor Katehi’s walk of shame.”

November 21, 2011 12:46 pm

I simply can’t understand how those people can just sit there and let that fat slob cop spray ’em down. I simply can’t understand how anyone watching can remain passive while that fat slob cop sprayed those people down. I cannot understand how a city, and county, a nation, a world, can stand by and allow that fat slob cop to spray those people.

When are people going to take action, do something, before the world is in flames?

November 21, 2011 12:47 pm

That Pike looks like a caricature, a parody, of a mall cop. A wannabe real LEO. Decked out in tacticool gear, a weasel-like man whose web-belt barely confines his corpulent abdomen, he pretends that he has real authority. I have no doubt he was beaten up regularly as a kid, but he now bullies other kids. Against real criminals, he’d be shitting his pants.

They make movies that satirize this dude. Paul Blart, Mall Cop. Police Academy.

November 21, 2011 12:49 pm

You want to know how the Nazis rose in the 1930s? They empowered people like that Pike.

Hollow man
Hollow man
November 21, 2011 1:17 pm

In this country today. A lawfull order belongs to those who have the power to inflict harm or pain. What doew that leave for response by the Americain people? Well, i do not see it happening. Nope it not going to be me. Abody out there willing to go there and take him and his buddies on?

November 21, 2011 1:21 pm

It was interesting to read how the protesters had been having friendly conversations with Pike just the day before. What a nutjob. Probably a good reminder of how people tend to conform to their chosen roles in the play, and superficial friendliness is just that – superficial.

He belongs in a supermax serving 10 life sentences.

November 21, 2011 2:18 pm

We need to see about a half million people from all over the country descend on Davis in a peaceful demonstration and bring that city to its knees for just a day or so. If not, and the “authorities” see they can do this sort of thing and nothing happens, it will confirm that the people have lost and every whimper of protest will be met with a crackdown. Let’s hope all those CA hippies still have something left.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
November 21, 2011 3:30 pm

my home town and my old school continue to make me proud.

violent cops–‘administrative leave’; idiot police chief–‘administrative leave’; county district attorney–asked to investigate uc police department violence, independently.

allow the chancellor to resign with dignity–clock is ticking. you are finished. easy way or hard way.


Sunday November 20, 2011

An Open Email to Linda P. B. Katehi, PhD (or EngD? sorry, i’m not sure)
Chancellor, University of California, Davis

Dear Dr. Katehi:

Your public statement issued Sunday morning November 20, 2011 included the following sentences:

“I am deeply saddened that this happened on our campus, and as chancellor, I take full responsibility for the incident. However, I pledge to take the actions needed to ensure that this does not happen again.”

Here are three simple, essential actions you can take immediately, that are the best possible insurance that this indeed does not happen again.

1) Fire the Chief of UC Davis Police Annette Spicuzza. Immediately. For cause.

2) Telephone the Yolo County District Attorney, Jeff Reisig. Ask that he immediately investigate the battery attack with chemicals upon a dozen of your students. Strike that ‘ask’. Insist. Demand. Promise full cooperation from your office, from the UC Davis police department, and promise that his investigation will not be interfered with nor obstructed.

3) Resign. So that you will never again be able to cause this to happen.

If this seems too much, that’s ok. Just skip to #3.

That is the single action that is needed from you to best insure this will never happen again. The truth of this is obvious to everyone but you.

You will serve the university better by submitting your resignation than by forcing Governor Brown and the citizens of California to fire you. Either way, you are finished as Chancellor. You are going to leave, very soon. Unlike your actions on Friday, you can today do the right thing.

I am gratified you have accepted full responsibility for the incident. I am further gratified by your pledge to take action. Unfortunately, that responsibility now requires that you to resign your position.


Howard in New York
UC Davis student, 1974-1977
Member of Davis, California Community, 1967-present
Aggie for Life.

November 21, 2011 7:08 pm

Sterling job, howard