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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 8, 2012 3:02 pm


You’re paying the INTEREST on the meals past generations have eaten!




Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
May 8, 2012 3:25 pm


May 8, 2012 3:39 pm

Baby boomers ate their meal and sent them the bill, took their clothes and shoes, ran their car into the ditch, and screwed their girlfriends. Too bad they don’t have a “baby boomer assassination” app for their iphones.

May 8, 2012 5:13 pm

Fuck the milllenials. They can blame themselves for voting for Barry instead of Paul in ’08.

May 8, 2012 5:58 pm

I don’t like CNBC but that was a damn good rant. This is an issue that isn’t talked about enough. Our younger generations are suppose to be our future leaders. They will be the generation to hopefully rebuild this county but how much success will they have if they are unemployed, broke, and enslaved by debt. Where is the hope for these younger generations when those in Washington continue to do what is best for special interests and election purposes and continue to piss on the Constitution? Do the younger generations even have a voice? Ron Paul is winning the 30 and under votes but that isn’t enough.

Unless Ron Paul becomes our next president, the next 4 years will be another 4 wasted years with no growth, more debt, and more unemployment. For the majority of Americans, they will never enjoy the standard of living Americans enjoyed for the past 30 years.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 8, 2012 8:29 pm

No, fuck YOU Zara, or should we run the demographic voting for Paul today?

Really. The fucking writing’s on the wall: There won’t be any paying down the debt. There will be pain to service the interest. The more that wake up to this generational war, the better.

The icing on the cake is that a lion’s share of the debt was created at the moment it was spent… it isn’t even a real person really sweating his/her capital.

Goodbye dollar. Hello servitude.


May 8, 2012 9:00 pm

@Zara: You will compare our one accomplishment (voting in Barry) versus what previous generations have accomplished?


I think despite everything the genuine hatred that Boomers typically feel for my generation is going to be the straw that breaks the camels back. Even at work I constantly get chain emails from the CEO/admin staff mocking millenials non-stop, and bragging on the debt they are leaving us with, bragging on how crappy the economy is, and that it will be our problem not theirs.

Its tiring.

May 8, 2012 9:06 pm

TPC, I have never encountered that. The only generational conflict I have observed after 55 years as a boomer was directed to the previous generation, and even that died out long ago.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 8, 2012 9:13 pm


We all know there’s some lazy morons in every generation, but what you say is dead on. It’s like some giant joke and people who were barely old enough to drive are the punch-line.

Zara’s blaming folks in their 20’s for Obama? Who fucking nominated McCain?

Next, the world’s ills will be placed square on the backs of college kids because they’re on smart phones…. the blame cast by some old fart on a fucking computer blogging the internets.

Really. My sympathy is GONE for the Shallowest Generation (boomers) and about dried up for their mini-me Xer henchmen.

May 8, 2012 9:15 pm

I’m on the receiving end of it fairly often, which is funny given my life and the direction its going. I’m about as far from a stereotypical millenial as you are going to find.

“You’ll be lucky to ever get a decent job, companies that are hiring want people that are reliable, which excludes anyone from your generation” – My boomer mother. My boomer mother who pissed away massive amounts of money and has lived on credit her entire life. She also stole thousands off of me when I was a teenager to pay off her credit cards, and stiffed me with a lot of household bills and such. If there was ever a poster child for the Boomers, she is it.

“See, millenials don’t understand that they should respect their elders, we have more life experience and they should listen to us. They don’t know a damn thing, they are just kids!” – Coworker.

Then there are the comments on social media platforms, and even blogs like this one. The comments go on and on and on…..

Thats ok, piss on me for awhile longer. If shit keeps going south it wouldn’t be difficult at all for me to pull up stakes and move to another country, which is a damned shame because people like me are the ones you want to keep around. I’m already in the $100k tax bracket at the age of 25, looks like I’m in for a long life of giving boomers my pay checks to pay for the cigarettes and diabetes.

From the bottom of my heart, Zara, fuck you.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 8, 2012 9:25 pm


I’ve half the mind to suit up and help herd them into those FEMA camps they keep yammering about…

May 8, 2012 9:40 pm

TPC, I’ve never heard of any story remotely like yours. Many boomers, including myself, had parents whose heads were fucked up by depression, war and the conformism of the 50’s. For many of us, including every friend I have ever known, we determined to treat our kids as we had been treated and placed them first in our lives. Where the fuck do you think the counterculture came from?

May 8, 2012 9:55 pm

@Zara: “I’ve never heard any story remotely like yours.”

Ask around. I’d tell you to ask peers who are millenials, but statistically speaking you probably don’t know any unless they are a legacy brat, and I don’t count those worthless shits anyway, so I guess you will be left asking your barista.

As for my personal life growing up, you probably haven’t heard a story remotely like that either. Its great, there’s abuse, gun violence, lessons on drugs, multiple divorces, crazy injuries, and at its center a geeky kid who just wants to read his books!

I could be on Oprah! lol

May 8, 2012 10:15 pm

Eating a meal with us Boomers must seem like sitting down with Satan and having him serve you a shit sandwich.

So sorry Millenials, but you are fucked. If it is any consolation, since we Boomers are older and sicker, we’ll die off pretty quick, mebbe make a good meal or two for y’all, and then you can remake the world the way it should be.

May 8, 2012 10:22 pm

@Hope: I kinda doubt people will die off that fast, modern medicine is good for two things: causing obscene debt, and keeping people who should have died a long time ago alive forever.

May 8, 2012 10:29 pm

Fun through the ages.

I recall reading somewhere the rough translation of a hieroglyphic in an Egyptian tomb: “The young are going to the dogs.”

Remember, too, “Never trust anyone over 30.”

Yeah, I had that forty-some years ago: “You lot fucked up the world for us.” As if it didn’t feel fucked up from the time I was born.


You probably never voted so never made any mistakes. Demographics are fun, tho …
” … over 50 million Millenials available for voting in November. A lot of first-time votes who ‘came of age’ in 2008 and had the naivete shook out of them since; they won’t be so gullible this time. The current group of first-time voters were just starting school at turn of the century, all they’ve known is ‘shit happens’. Who they gonna blame?

November could be a game changer just like 1860 was.

May 8, 2012 10:32 pm

Popular wisdom has been that, as they hit retirement age, baby boomers will leave the workforce in large numbers. Now a news report says that many baby boomers may defer retirement because of poor finances and too much debt.
Boomers will probably be running the FEMA camp.

Read more: Why Many Baby Boomers May Not Likely Retire When They Hit 65 | Dark Daily

May 8, 2012 10:40 pm

The whole dept and reckless spending has been around me my whole life.Well with the government anyhow. Its just now its gotten to incredibly insane levels.

May 8, 2012 10:44 pm

@The PessChem: Dude, come the crash, there will be NO modern medicine. Trust me, as a doctor, I have had to cope with Tropical Storm Allison (when the entire Texas Medical Center went under water), and Hurricanes Ike, Rita and Katrina. The medical system is at the end of a very long and very fragile supply chain. My best guess is that we’ve got 2 maybe 3 DAYS without power and the whole thing folds up like a paper hat.

Then what? I did this analysis at one point, looking at the numbers of hospital inpatients on a given day + nursing home patients + retirement home people + disabled people + frail elderly people. It came to something like 50 million people probably dead within the week.

Then you get all the people on hemodialysis, cancer treatment, need for oxygen/nebulizers, diabetes, heart patients, solid organ transplant patients, they will all be dead within 10 days to 2 months, probably another 20 million people, conservatively.

People will probably flock to the now dysfunctional hospital for medicine, food, water, perhaps some leadership, but they will find is a house of horrors, with dead and dying patients, probably most of the staff gone to take care of their own families. (Don’t think I haven’t racked my mind and my soul over what I would do if I was in the hospital if the grid went down for good.)

We don’t need to go into the horrors of JIT food distribution system.

So, my friend, Boomer Long Pork is definitely on the menu.

May 8, 2012 10:55 pm

I think I’m a touch more positive thinking than you HZK lol

May 8, 2012 11:03 pm

Novista, I cast my first POTUS vote in 1976 for Carter. However in ’72 I canvassed for George McGovern, who I got to meet personally. I still recall McGovern fondly. He was a lot like Ron Paul…sincere, honest, genuine…exactly the same man in private that he appeared on television. He was also a war hero having piloted B-24’s out of Italy over central european targets which, especially late in the war when German artillery was concentrated as their territory shrank, was a very dangerous job.

In 1980 I voted for John Anderson and in ’84 for Reagan. In ’88 I was a minor LP official and not only voted for Dr. Paul but had dinner with him and Russell Means, both of whom were after the LP nomination (Means is one scary-ass looking dude). After my inevitable LP burnout in the nineties I got sucked into the whole lesser of evils thing and voted for both Bushes once. I don’t think I voted in 1994 (disliked Perot…his stupid followers remind me of the Tea Party today…go after the FSA but don’t touch my medicare and kill all muslims. After Dubya proved to be a lying neocon, I swore off that completely. I didn’t vote in 2004 and voted wrote in Dr. Paul in ’08.

Today I cannot say anything would have been different if Mondale, Dukakis, Gore or Kerry had won. I do have a special hatred of Gore so that may be the exception. The only thing I really had against Dukakis was his promise to hire thousands of IRS agents as his solution to the deficit.

May 8, 2012 11:04 pm

Well someone is going to pay, the question is who and when. Maybe the boomers will wake up and realize the people changing their diapers in the FEMA camps eventually may just be millenials, and will start having more compassion. Maybe the millenials will find a way to keep kicking the can themselves, although I don’t see enough time left for that to happen. Maybe the gen x’ers like myself will hit the brakes on this runaway train before it’s too late, which I don’t think it is. Too bad as a country we are more divided than ever: racially, economically and generationally. When TSHTF, and the social safety nets rip away, the boomers will be very dependant on help from the millenials, debt won’t be an issue when the lights go out.

May 8, 2012 11:12 pm

How do you think the 47 million people on food stamps are going to feed themselves when the economy collapses and the welfare faucet is turned off?

“I estimate it would take a disruption of food for 72 hours before America (or any of the first world countries) would collapse into complete disorder, chaos and lawlessness. We are three days from anarchy*.“
Michael B., Survivalist

May 8, 2012 11:15 pm

My offer to build the milk/cheese plant, cannery, bakery, winery, brewery, distillery and power plant (employing a reverse archimedes screw) at Rancho Quinn is still open. Plus a wood gas generator to power the tractor.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 8, 2012 11:16 pm

the boomers will be very dependant on help from the millenials, -matt


I dont get shit from the govt. Nor for all the SS dollars, FICA, that bastard on your paycheck, have I ever collected a cent.

No. I do not depend on the Millenials, and I never will. I would rather be like an old family pet canine and wander off into the woods and meet my maker than to be a burden upon my echo.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 8, 2012 11:26 pm

I was born in 1960, my dottir in 1987.

I have bought her cars and did all I can for her.

When she turned 18 she moved out of her mothers [we are divorced] apartment, and has never looked back. I help her all that I am allowed to.

Dont give me this I will be dependent on my offspring shit.

I have raised a very smart, independent, and likable person who wil tell you to fuck off when you raise this boomer mythology thing. I am so tired of blame game crap I could piss a 16d nail as its preferable to the stoopit that, today, passes ffor truth.

May 8, 2012 11:29 pm

KB, I have paid close to $150,000 in child support. I dare anyone around here to top that.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 8, 2012 11:34 pm

Divided we shall rule!!


May 8, 2012 11:34 pm

ThePessimisticChemist says:

I think I’m a touch more positive thinking than you HZK lol

What about the future makes you positive?

Did you read- EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD IS OVERVALUED(The Emperor is Naked: David Stockman)?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 8, 2012 11:35 pm

KB, I have paid close to $150,000 in child support. I dare anyone around here to top that. -Z

i certainly cant, nor do I accept your dare. =)

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 8, 2012 11:39 pm

I wish you well in your business model Z

I like cheese and wine. I will support you.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 8, 2012 11:43 pm

Bill says: “Dont give me this I will be dependent on my offspring shit.”

[imgcomment image[/img]

Zara says: “KB, I have paid close to $150,000 in child support. I dare anyone around here to top that.”

May 8, 2012 11:44 pm

Z – you shoulda kept it in your pants, nailed it to your leg, or turned gay. It would have been a lot cheaper and much less painful.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 8, 2012 11:49 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

“Bug out bag = NWO Soldier Snack Bag”

-NWO Soldier

May 8, 2012 11:50 pm

Colma that was good!

May 8, 2012 11:50 pm

Self-preservation is a bitch, it can change your way of thinking.

You were born in 1960? me in 1963. of course neither of us has relied on millenials, or any one for our survival. But isn’t the ponzi scheme based on today’s workers funding the retirements of the previous working class? Are you saying you have no intention of taking a SS check when it’s your time?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 8, 2012 11:53 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 8, 2012 11:53 pm

Show me a man that has a penis with a brain and I will show you a billionaire that does.

May 8, 2012 11:55 pm

Taking care of our parents is exactly what this society used to do and needs to get back to. When my dad’s prostate cancer metasticized and was faced with the inevitability of spending his final months in a nursing home, instead I, newly divorced, moved in with him, cooked his meals and eventually cleaned his bedpan. It was not fun and he had generally treated me like shit when I was young in the most important areas, namely encouragement and emotional support. But he did keep a roof over my head and in a material sense provide more than he needed to. It was my gift that even in the end he never acknowledged. Fucker.

Given what I have paid for my children, I’d have no problem accepting their help at some point in the future, if needed.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 8, 2012 11:57 pm

Self-preservation is a bitch, it can change your way of thinking. -matt

So is pre-supposing the future. which has not worked out well for any prophet to this point in time.


You were born in 1960? me in 1963. of course neither of us has relied on millenials, or any one for our survival. But isn’t the ponzi scheme based on today’s workers funding the retirements of the previous working class? Are you saying you have no intention of taking a SS check when it’s your time?


May 8, 2012 11:59 pm

llpoh says:

Z – you shoulda kept it in your pants, nailed it to your leg, or turned gay. It would have been a lot cheaper and much less painful.

I should have chosen a different hole to put it in. Actually I tried to do that, but she persued me and I had a hard time saying no.

May 9, 2012 12:00 am

@Sensetti: I’ve read everything on this board since I first discovered it, I think I just have a slightly different definition of what constitutes a collapse, and exactly what will happen.

@KB: Good for your children (I mean that in all honesty). Many of us were not so lucky.

Go go 50% divorce rate.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 9, 2012 12:02 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 9, 2012 12:03 am

Can I just call you Pale Rider from now on?

May 9, 2012 12:04 am

T-Shirt based on Z’s earlier life:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
May 9, 2012 12:05 am

I ran out of fingers to count “Step-Parents”…

May 9, 2012 12:05 am

One more thing, back then the best place to meet women who had their shit together was in college. I had other priorites at that time and rarely dated. Later on it was much more difficult. In the eighties, unless you were lucky, you were stuck with the mostly worthless venues of bars, weddings and church (if you were into that stuff). In this aspect, millenials (boomers too) have a much easier time now with internet dating sites.

May 9, 2012 12:06 am

Damn, that came out illegible. Basically it said this:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 9, 2012 12:07 am

Can I just call you Pale Rider from now on? -matt

I am not RE, nor wish to be.

May 9, 2012 12:09 am

Internet dating sites? Just go to a Barnes and Noble and try not to look like a stalker, works like a charm.

you are cracking me up, how many Simpler Piss beers have you downed so far?