So much for funny Friday. I woke up to the news below. A crazed gunman methodically and systematically slaughtered 14 young people and wounded 50 others at the midnight opening of The Dark Knight Rises. He had multiple weapons and used tear gas to disorient his victims before murdering them. It was clear that he planned this well in advance. The authorities have not released his name or any details about his motive. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess his background. I bet he is a 20 year old white guy. We will find out he was a loner in high school. He never had a girlfriend and had few or no friends. His parents are probably divorced. He doesn’t have a job. He’s felt alienated from society and has been living in a fantasy world for years. Somebody probably assessed his mental state within the last two years and concluded he was a danger to himself and others, but the system did nothing. In retrospect, there will be a list of clear signs that he would eventually go off, but no one wanted to get involved.

I think his choice of this movie was purposeful. He didn’t choose Hangover 2. He chose a movie about alienation, pain, societal collapse and darkness. This was done as a statement about our increasingly degenerative society. People communicate on electronic devices. We hole up in our houses or apartments, cut off from human contact. There are evil villians sucking the last vestiges of wealth from the lowly serfs. The anger, pain and disillusion are palpable throughout society. People are confused. They can’t figure out the enemy. Government can’t protect you. Government is the main reason for this alienation. The kneejerk reaction of the liberal dogooders will be to ban guns, as if guns caused this slaughter. Banning guns will not stop the slow methodical decline of our society. It is much larger than guns. It is our entire culture. Materialism, greed, selfishness, profit at any cost, isolation, lack of personal responsibility, and delusional willfull ignorance have overwhelmed our country.

Fourth Turnings always reach a climax when those on the perceived side of good have a final showdown with the perceived side of evil. We are likely a few years from this showdown, but there is no guarantee that good will vanquish evil. A revolution is on the horizon. Everyone will need to choose sides. There will be no one allowed to stand on the sidelines.

My son and his friends went to the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises last night. He arrived home safely. My heart goes out to the mothers and fathers in Colorado whose children will never return. 


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July 20, 2012 10:50 pm


makes ya wonder doesnt it, things that make you go hmmmmm……

Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036536_James_Holmes_shooting_false_flag.html#ixzz21DYa6V5F

July 20, 2012 10:56 pm

How fortuitous that Hilary and the Messiah are set to sign the UN gun control treaty next week.

I wonder who set this patsy up.

Cui bono?

July 20, 2012 11:29 pm

He may mysteriously end up dead.

July 21, 2012 12:33 am

Some nut job and now its 24/7 about bad guns. So many millions of people your bound to have so many crazy people do something.

July 21, 2012 12:51 am

Something about this smells. How did a poor graduate student get the money to buy thousands of dollars worth of guns, ammunition and military quality body armor?

He’s wearing full body armor (chest, throat, groin, legs and helmet) while shooting up a movie theatre full of kids and young adults where the odds of anyone packing heat is zero, then surrenders to the cops without a fight in the parking lot. It makes no sense. Also, why would he fill his apartment full of booby traps and then warn the cops about it?

July 21, 2012 1:01 am

zara, sounds like you read the article i posted above…. or are a student of the obvious. either way, i couldnt agree more.

July 21, 2012 1:13 am

Dilligaf, no I didn’t see your link. I don’t always read all the comments here since they mostly consist of soft porn posted by SSS or AWD, or testosterone-fueled attempted internetz beatdowns. Put up a post about Israel and I pay attention. 🙂

July 21, 2012 1:45 am

Zara said, “I don’t always read all the comments here since they mostly consist of soft porn posted by SSS or AWD……”

Another note of appreciation from Zara to two people who have sent in ARTICLES to this site on a wide variety of subjects. Zara’s motto……

“Let no good deed go unpunished,”

July 21, 2012 2:44 am

SSS says: wahhhsniffsnorful.

July 21, 2012 8:39 am

Omitted disclaimer: The CHATHAM POLICE DEPARTMENT doesn’t follow this policy and only hires the very best of the highest intelligence.

July 21, 2012 10:19 am

I don’ t know how any American in possession of an ounce of cognition can feel safe as long as the federal , state, city and county governments continue to issue firearm to fucking imbeciles.
We’re not safe from armed tax feeding thugs in our cars, work or homes.That should be clear to all.


Neighbor Tedd Richards woke to the sounds of the shooting. “I heard about seven or eight gun shots. got up and heard a woman screaming,” he said.

According to a Lake County Sheriff’s Office spokesman, two deputies showed up at Scott’s unit around 2 a.m. Sunday morning. They were looking for attempted murder suspect Jonathan Brown. Deputies said they found Brown’s motorcycle in front of Scott’s apartment and believed Brown was inside.

They said they knocked on the door and when Scott opened the door, he had a gun in his hand. Deputies said Scott had the gun pointed in their direction, so one of the deputies opened fire, killing Scott.

FOX 35 news has also learned the deputies did not announce they were law enforcement when they knocked. They said they didn’t announce themselves out of fear the suspect would run. A deputy spokesman said it’s not required to announce themselves in these situations.

Either way, people who knew Scott said it’s a tragedy. There is no word on whether the two men knew each other.

July 21, 2012 10:22 am

Will Griggs documents one law enforcement travesty after another, even if the worthless fucking FBI doesn’t .



July 21, 2012 11:08 am

I rarely go to theaters because I have quite a nice home theater and the patience to wait for the DVD. In my neck of the woods Regal theaters are downtown which I avoid like the plague and China recently bought the AMC chain of theaters so I guess my theater going days are over. I certainly won’t miss all the inconsiderate assholes texting on their brightly lit phones throughout the movie nor will I miss the unreasonable ticket prices. When I did go, I always had a gun on me. I’ve developed a little routine before leaving the house……spectacles……testicles…….wallet…….firearm. Before frequenting a business, I always have to scan the front door area for signs posted against carrying firearms. Those that prohibit CC don’t get my business. I had to install under seat firearm safes in my vehicles in case I need to visit the post office or some other govt entity but I sure hate leaving my gun in the car.

Until the gestapo is permanently deployed to every public place in the country, remember that when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away. Even when the gestapo does get deployed, they will waste minutes waiting for backup.

Not sure if this was a false flag event aimed at gun control. Seems like Obummer is doing badly enough in the polls that he dare not speaketh about gun control until he is installed as dictator or until he wins the next election……whichever comes first. It does seem very odd that this guy had so much armor. Besides the continued gun control flap this is going to encourage, I wonder about the, see something, say something edict of the current leader becoming mandatory under threat of prosecution. Perhaps mommy Holmes will be the test case? I predict that her days of peace and sanity are now gone forever.

July 21, 2012 4:27 pm

“But the nation? Oh, well, its seams are all coming apart. The nation doesn’t matter to factions; only the interests of the favored group does. And that is why American society does not work. It is a nation whose people do not live together; they merely live side by side, where neighbors who have lived side by side for years break into violent conflict over the most trivial of things: a barking dog, a crowing rooster, a loud party, a minor inconvenience as, for instance, a parked car, children playing in someone’s yard, a tree-limb extending over a property line, a sign or even an American flag on a pole, the color of a house, the height of a lawn and the kind of plants in it—just some of the recent neighborly conflicts I have observed.

America is a nation comprised of people who revel in conflict. Even the legal system is adversarial. Our cities, or at least parts of them, are war zones. More people are killed daily in America than in Afghanistan. Since Americans can’t get along with each other why would anyone expect them to get along with the rest of the world? What makes anyone believe Americans care if Sunni and Shi’as get along?

The human condition will never improve until governments everywhere begin governing for the people, all the people, and none but all the people. So long as governments govern for the benefit of special groups, antagonisms, dislikes, and hatred will prevail; the Earth will seethe with conflict.”


July 21, 2012 5:44 pm

I’d like to see the manifesto that confesses he had planned to be a well respected rich doctor his whole life and now with Obamacare he knows he will be just a like a factory worker in the newly fashioned government one size fits all medical program and couldn’t stand the thought.

July 21, 2012 5:53 pm

todd, I’d have given you about a dozen thumbs up but it would only accept one!

July 21, 2012 6:03 pm


As a physcian, facing the disaster that is ObamaTax, if I was to go ballistic like this guy my target would have been a bit closer to the jackasses that foisted this shit on us, just sayin.

Now there are reports that some body in the audience got a phone call and openedvthe door to let this guy in. It is a lead story on drudge right now.

False flag anyone ????

July 21, 2012 6:39 pm

I_S, not overt gun control, at least not at first. They will be registering and limiting the ammo.

Yahoo had a story earlier about the kid having 6000 rounds of ammo in his place.

Yep, ammo. Of course, Holder has already said this publicly, so it won’t be a shock to me.

It will be to the millions of gun owners that only watch MSM and belong to the NRA.

I don’t really worry about that though, it won’t be long and we’ll have ratified (now without voting!) the UN Small Arms treaty and all this discussion will be a moot point.

For me the best part is that the gun violence won’t stop with taking away legal ammo and legal guns. The brothers in the hoods have millions of unregistered guns that the government can’t find now.

You just can’t regulate stupidity and evil, but I’m sure we will keep trying.