A Stucky Poll: What do you like or don’t like about TBP?

First of all, what my intent is NOT about. This is not about Administrator, the great things he has done. This is not a “tribute” thread. Leave direct references to him out of it, if possible.


To a lesser degree, this post from a newbie, Alan McCracken:

“I wanted to drop a note before I deleted your blog from my favorites for good. I’m taking advice from the Silver Shield and am dumping toxic people and things . I agreed with virtually everything that you wrote about financially and politically. I was willing to overlook the racist crap because it didn’t directly affect me. Then comes the gays and other fringe freaks comment. When you attack people for who they are and not what they do or say, YOU LOOSE ALL CREDIBILITY. We are around you at most times. Be careful since we might “convert” you, asshole.”

To a much, much greater degree, this comment from Big Dog, Muck About.

“My conclusion, maybe it’s time I moved along and leave the arguing and bickering and stupidity to the late Boomers, tattoo’d Millenniums and just bow out.”

What we have here are two people fed up with TBP; one left for sure, another might. Both are just too fed up with the bullshit; the name calling, the slurs, the bickering and stupidity.

Admin’s general stance has been that if you want to leave, then do it and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, no one cares. But, I know he does care, not always, but often. He was sad when Smokey and I left at the same time. I’ll bet he’s at least a little sad Howard doesn’t post here anymore. I know he’ll be sad if Muck About leaves, as will I. I don’t care much when a Newbie leaves. I am almost always sad when a Big Dog leaves, even if I didn’t agree with their views. People leave for all kinds of reasons. I just hope we can stop or slow down the reason being …. us.


This is about all of you, and me. Long timers, often known as Big Dogs, and newbies alike. It’s mostly about We, the People; what we post, how we post, how we interact. What turns you on. What turns you off. It’s pretty wide open.

You can be general; “I hate dopplegangers.” Or, you can be specific; “I hate Stucky’s doppleganging habits”. I do realize naming names can turn this thread into a real shitfest. But, we like that too! Or, don’t we? Anyway, let’s be real. If you simply say, “I hate dopplegangers”, we all can figure out that it’s mostly Stucky we’re talking about. Might as well be specific in the first place.

This can also be about policies. Some might say there are no policies here, that it’s wide open. Well, “wide open” is a policy, is it not? I don’t want to make more work for Admin, and he may not even have the time or inclination to implement new policies. And that’s fine. Policy comments are a good way to “get things off my chest”. For example, I think we need a Banning Policy. Posters who attack a family member should be banned. It doesn’t need to be permanent; maybe 1 week, 1 month, or such.


1)- “laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.”

Metaphorically speaking, I think a lot of us here are “crying alone”. I am hoping there some catharsis if we can cry together. Get things off our chest.

2)- If nothing else, to restore sanity to my TBP life. The level of shit flinging has been unreal this past week, especially the tone, which has traversed from “fun” to downright vile and mean. I’ve been throwing around words I normally abhor; cunt and nigger, and even wishing people were aborted. I wrote (but won’t submit) something called’ Stucky’s Grand Apology and Fuck You Tour” — about using the power of hate to thrive and motivate.

Ms Freud rarely reads this site, but I forgot to close the TBP window when I went to bed. The “Should we be Optimistic / Pessimistic” shitfest thread was open. She gets up earlier than I do. She read it. I get up, do my thing in the bathroom, go to the kitchen, say “Good Morning”, and she responds, “What the fuck has gotten into you?” She only uses the f-word every 6 months, so she was a bit overdue. She was aghast, asked me to explain myself. I told her about Stucky 2.0, how I was going to fling shit nonstop, fight hate with hate, that I was joining the Dark Side, that being nice was just to fucking hard. She laughed, literally, and said, “What a crock of bullshit.” She was overdue on that word too. But, she’s also correct. It just isn’t me. I can count on one hand the number of enemies I’ve made in my real life. I tried real hard to be something I’m not. I just can’t continue down that road.

3)- I am hoping for better understanding and maybe some changes in behavior.

No, I’m not so dumb to believe we’ll all be holding hands around the campfire singing Kumbaya. I honestly don’t want to hate SAH. I let my emotions get the better of me. I should have done a MUCH better job trying to understand her, to find some common ground, instead of only differences. If people say they really hate doppleganging, I doubt I’ll cut it out altogether. But, I’m will to curtail it, if it means TBP will be a better place. That kind of thing.

4) – To stress that for us TBPers there is more that unites us, than divides us. The 3 shitfest threads I participated in the past week — Boomers, Creation, Truthers — don’t amount to a pimple on an elephant’s ass in the big scheme of things. We are so fucked as a people and nation, and we’re (me) getting too sidetracked by the incidentals.

5)- I hope no more Big Dogs leave.

6)- To issue a sincere and heartfelt apology. To SAH for calling you a despicable name and wishing you dead. I was wrong. To Colma for calling you a despicable name, and shitting all over your post. I was wrong. (I might even try to like Bad Religion). To everyone else who was turned off by my bullshit and whom I may have offended, I’m sorry. I hope we have a “Do Over” button.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 5, 2012 1:07 pm

TBP is what it is.

I don’t have time for rules or moderating.

I know there are some people who are aghast at the language and outrageousness of some of the comments. My recommendation is go someplace else.

Some people want this to be a serious website like Ritholtz or MISH’s sites. They are in business to make money and use their blogs to drum up business. Most of the websites out there are attempting to make money. I have a job completely separate from this website. I write my articles sitting in bed watching the Philles or Flyers.

I have no desire for this site to become some serious mainstream blog like Jason Rines wanted. It had 382,000 visitors last month, even with all its flaws.

TBP – take it or leave it. I really don’t give a fuck.

Stuck – I like having you around and you are free to say anything you want. I like all versions of Stuck.

September 5, 2012 1:08 pm

I’ve been to this site for about a year, mainly to read J. Quinn’s articles; he is the absolute best, as he writes in a manner that everyone can understand the subject and the subject itself is covered thoroughly. As a reference, I read J. Mauldin, Porter Stansberry, Martin Armstrong, and others.

September 5, 2012 1:13 pm

I prefer arguing issues, not personal attacks.

I tolerate the ad hominem, and actually that can lend strength to ones argument – those that disagree cannot refute ones position.

I like TBP the way it is, though. I would not want to see it changed. (OK perhaps an edit button for those rants I make when drunk and I make grammatical errors)

September 5, 2012 1:27 pm

“TBP – take it or leave it. I really don’t give a fuck.”

That should be the new subtitle of the site, right below “The Burning Platform” above.

A perfect summation.

September 5, 2012 1:38 pm

When I first came to this sight I was taught real quickly to respect the Big Dogs. An exhibition of disrespect was met with teeth, very sharp teeth. LLPOH set me straight right out of the box and I could probably still quote his lecture word for word today. It went something like; post what you will but respect the old timers until you have paid your dues. You could post anything you wanted but a newbie better not tell a Big Dog to “fuck off”, that individual would have a flurry of 40 post and pic’s driving them into the ground. That is missing now, no respect, no order, and no balance.

Anyway I love TBP and respect all the old timers. Thanks for your participation.

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September 5, 2012 1:51 pm

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September 5, 2012 1:53 pm

I like it as it is. I’ve never called for banning anyone or changing the rules. The less rules, the better.

I don’t play the victim game, if someone pisses me off or plays unfairly with me – I’ll tell them off directly, probably 4-5 times. I would never ask for a moderator or banning anyone.

Even I like to throw shit, write outlandish things that aren’t my real opinion, or stir the pot sometimes. To have the freedom, you have to be able to give it. To dish it, you have to be able to take it.

Doppelganging though, I’m not a fan of. I’ve been chastised a few times for “not knowing the players” well enough to talk about them — well, you can’t ever know the players if there is continuous ID theft and can’t figure out who is who, or whether or not they actually wrote something or not.. I’ve also been jumped all over for things that were posted by people (Sticky) Doppelganging me. I love the attacks if it’s over something I posted, don’t like logging in after a while off and finding a thread of people ripping me up on what they seriously thought was me, when I have no idea what they are referring to. I would hope people self-regulate the Doppelganging and use it more sparingly, as its just too damned confusing and 9/10 not even funny. If its in moderation and obviously funny, go ahead.

September 5, 2012 1:58 pm

Well, personally, I love the Wild Wild West approach myself. Sites that are moderated get very boring and one-sided as the moderator inevitably stakes out a position and silences dissent.

As a hard-core Doomer, I don’t expect people to shower me with rose petals and tell me how brilliant, witty, funny and awesome I am every minute of the day. I am NOT Obama, after all, heh. With what we’re facing in this country, it is never too soon to grow a couple, toughen up and get with the program.

However, the sometimes scorched earth approach to naivete or ignorance can be off putting to some and perhaps we should take it easy on the newbies, at least in the beginning. Give people the benefit of the doubt, perhaps.

There is so much great stuff posted on this site, it would be awesome to continue to increase its readership. (Of course, a better platform than wordpress would help, hint hint, like Simple Machines Forum.)

That being said, outright assclownery and vicious unprovoked personal attacks should be met with a thermonuclear flaming.

September 5, 2012 2:10 pm

@Sticky – Personal attacks here have never made me feel like leaving. Only being doppelganged made me want to leave this place. I kind of feel like if you can have a “conversation” with me without me participating, then what is the point of me participating? We can all just leave and you can talk to yourself all day long. It does seem psycho.

Personal attacks are either funny and on point, or they are vile and stupid. I have the right to an opinion on which is which, so does everyone. We all judge each others words here for their merit – throw your attacks, and do it under your own name and stand by them. This is also why the Doppelganging offends me when it is done to ‘trick’ others and put words in my mouth. I’ll stand before anyone’s judgment on what I say. Say things in my name, without my consent, for the purpose of making others hold me responsible for words that arent mine? That is some sick shit and doesn’t support the free exchange of ideas.

John Angelo
John Angelo
September 5, 2012 2:12 pm

There are SO many choices on the internet when it comes to non-mainstream sources and people are free to shop around. There’s an epidemic of thin-skinned people in the US (and very well elsewhere) who I’m convinced enjoy being offended in some masochistic fashion. When they get offended they take all of their problems out on an undeserving source, whether online or in person. In my opinion, it’s insecure to be offended when someone challenges “who you are.” You “aren’t” that, you’ve “chosen” that, whether it’s a sexual orientation, faith, race, political belief, career, etc. You could probably even make that argument for gender, but I’m not going down that rabbit trail in this post. If you want to know how someone defines themselves, they’ll usually make it known quite early in a conversation. I’m a Christian, white, male, heterosexual, American (Virginian) of Italian heritage, athletic, college-educated, businessman (marketing) and not ashamed of anything I am or stand for. I don’t need someone else’s approval to confirm myself and I’m not interested in confirming someone else. Have people on this site made posts that I disagree with or use profanity that I choose not to use? Absolutely. That’s their prerogative. I enjoy the humor, the thought-provoking posts and comments, and the community. More that enough said. JA

biggy mofo
biggy mofo
September 5, 2012 2:13 pm

Yo Mister Stucky

you be just uh big fat whitey nigga wif nigga-titties. I seen yo’ picture beotch. You mah fuckin hate yo’self cuz you whitey, so you mah fuckin hate brothas else. You give mah fuckin hate an’ so you git mah fuckin hate back. All you mad stupid whitey crackers is da same. If you didn’t mah fuckin hate yo’self, we’s couldn’t git away wif calling you racists fucks. You dum honkies ganked da whole political correctness an’ civil rights jive hook, line, an’ sinker. Now, you git fucked in da ass by muh motha fuckin main nigga Barack, an’ you smile an’ laugh as he shoves da red-hot poker further an’ further up yo’ ass.

we’s welfare fold, all 100 million o’ us, just sit back an’ laugh our asses off while you dum fuq crackers werk yo’ asses off every day, stress out until you gots uh heart attack, yell at yo’ beeotch wives an’ dumbshit kids, an’ try ta pay off yo’ debts. It’s funnier than watching uh Tyler Perry movie. we’s welfare folk don’ gots nahh debts, only you mad stupid motha fuckin crackers. ah hope ta sheeit you don’ ban muh motha fuckin black ass off o’ here. ah ain’t gots nuttin’ bettah ta do. ah done sold muh motha fuckin SNAP benes off dis here monf fo’ some fine chronic an’ uh few roxors-o-crack, an’ ah’m sittin back chillin. You dum whitey fucks is gonna be cuttin yo’self ta pieces fine ass soon, an’ we’s’ll keep collecting our free money, our free EBT, our free chickn n` corn bread ‘n waffles an’ housing, an’ all da other free goodies you idiot crackers git so pissed off ’boutbut keep giving us. Now quit reading dis here, an’ git yo’ whitey asses back ta werk, you gots taxes ta pay don’t make me shank ya!

John Angelo
John Angelo
September 5, 2012 2:17 pm

By the way, would it be possible to create a log in form and register a user name and password? I’d also include the option to message users directly.

  John Angelo
September 5, 2012 2:28 pm

John Angelo


My little wordpress website was created for me by friends, for free. My budget for website improvements is $0.

Avalon once tried to improve the site by adding a plug-in and the site disappeared for three hours.

It is what it is.

September 5, 2012 2:26 pm

Stucky, even if the flamefests no longer occurred, this site is “toxic.”

The toxicity is related to the content – not the commentary.

There is NOTHING POSITIVE about the corruption, collusion, craziness that Quinn (and others) report on.

Learning (uncovering) more and more and more of it does wear on the soul. At least mine.

Yes the threads you mentioned went nuts, that happens when people under the pressure we are under (as those that SEE the rot). But usually, I think the flaming, shit-throwing, and name-calling serves to actually lighten my mental load.

It is sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, and my gawd, I need that!

Other than the WordPress limits (edit goddamit, how can they NOT have an edit function?), I don’t want this place to change.

ps- Ms. Freud nailed it. And I just like Stucky version # be damned.

September 5, 2012 2:31 pm

I think I’ve said it before. I liken this place to sitting in a bar with friends and some fucks I don’t care about, having enough beer in the system to remove the filters of phony ass politeness and discussing things in life that are absolutely more important than what you generally converse about with folks on a daily basis.

As a matter of fact (even though I don’t post as much as I used to) this to me is how true communication should be. Unfiltered and substantive. We waste so much goddamn time in real life trying not to offend anyone. Plus let’s be honest people. We are online here and 99% of us are under pseudonyms. If you are REALLY that hurt and offended that someone is calling out your SCREEN NAME in some vulgar terms, you’re a goddamn pussy. Seriously.

September 5, 2012 2:37 pm

I was a Mish reader. That is where I first discovered TBF. And it became one of my favorites, because it had a lot of good articles and news. I used to comment on Mish a lot but it stopped being fun and I stopped commenting. I still read Mish, but this is the only place I comment.

TBF is great because you can say what you want. I totally dispise politically correctness. I hate people who are politically correct. ” you can’t say this, or you got to call this group that, or you got to do this” Fuck that. I do what I want to , say what I want to. Call people what I want to. And on this blog you can do that. Hurray!!! Freedom. You can call a spade a spade, a thief a thief, a bastard a bastard, a cunt a cunt, and a liar a liar. And if you so desire you can use the awful dreaded “N” word, which black people use FAR more than whites.

If you believe in God and Jesus Christ, which I do, you can say it. If you are a devil worshipper you can say it. If you don’t believe in God and are an atheist, you can say it. If you hate democrats or republicans you can say it.
In other words, you are a free person on this blog. Most blogs can’s say that, for they bow down to the powers that be, the politically correct police. Fuck that.
Also, the man who runs this blog is a cool guy. I don’t agree with him on a lot of shit, but he will talk to you. He don’t think he is above commenting. And he puts out a fine blog which I read everyday.
So, I like this blog and will continue to read it.

And as a side note, please folks, support our good president. He is our leader and our saviour. He watches over us 24 hours a day and keeps his eyes on the people of all 57 states. He revamped our medical health care and fixed our auto industry. He saved our banks and created and or saves 5 million jobs. He killed the dreaded Osama and keeps us safe from harm. He never complains and takes full responsiblity for his actions. Obama is our hero, savior and our god. He will always be there for us no matter what. He only has our best interest at heart and never ever does anything selfish or evil. Only for us he slaves night and day to make us safe and free. Barack cares about us, as a mother cares about her infant baby, and would never leave us nor forsake us. Michelle looks over us as a good mother should. Barack is a hero. Barack is a wonderful being. Obama is the saviour of the world .
So, open your hearts, say your prayers and use your money to support our DEAR LEARDER, Barack Hussein Obama!!! Vote for him, pray for him and give to him!! Do your duty as an American!! You cannot go to heaven someday if you don’t fully support Barack Obama!!!!

September 5, 2012 2:43 pm

@stan: You are risk for a thermonuclear flaming for paragraph #4.

Be warned.

September 5, 2012 2:46 pm

Stan is right
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September 5, 2012 2:48 pm

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September 5, 2012 2:50 pm

@Sticky – if you can’t take it, don’t dish it. You’ve flung much more my way, and have called me such a long list of whatever that I cant even remember them all. I call you “Sticky” because I want to. You call yourself all kinda of things – including SAH quite often. If you didn’t talk about masturbation, semen, vaginas, and post beastiality pictures all the time, then I guess calling you “sticky” wouldn’t be funny or in point. I kinda think it is though. My opinion, you make your own.

September 5, 2012 2:57 pm


Sorry. I meant to say TBP. I don’t know which got into me.

September 5, 2012 2:58 pm

Btw. Who the fuck is SAH??

September 5, 2012 3:01 pm

This blog is so AWSOME And so much fun.

September 5, 2012 3:11 pm

I like turtles and arguing with Admin. No nudity!!!!


September 5, 2012 3:33 pm

Here’s a picture of the Mucksters car. Say hi to him next time you see him!

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September 5, 2012 3:39 pm

Sadly Stuck, I today discovered that I (crazyivan) had also been infiltrated by the FBI.

Thusly, I am unable to verify any truth.

September 5, 2012 5:45 pm

This thread is fail. There is no poll.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
September 5, 2012 5:52 pm

To Alan McCracken: My pet peeve…LOSE ALL CREDIBILITY, not LOOSE, dumbass, no wonder you don’t have the mental capacity to understand what people are talking about. Racism my ass!

Sorry Stucky.

September 5, 2012 6:07 pm

“When you attack people for who they are and not what they do or say, YOU LOOSE ALL CREDIBILITY. ”

1. I don’t seek anybody’s approval for what I say, nor do I care what they think.
2. I have my own credibility for myself and again, don’t care whether you believe me or not.

What I like about TBP is that I can comment, and in most any fashion I want. And if the government, or any other group doesn’t like what I say. EMS!

Muck About
Muck About
September 5, 2012 6:26 pm

This is me taking a trip in the Prius.. Getting better than 100 MPG..


You can either like TBP and the honesty, sarcasm, anger, humor, sexual innuendoes, god threads and all manner of shit throwing monkey comments or you don’t. TBP is not like any other blog on the internet. Live with it, love it or leave it.

By the way, SAH, you’re my kind of girl. Keep dishing it out!


September 5, 2012 6:30 pm

Cant please everyone. Obviously you please a lot of people. If it feels good – do it.

September 5, 2012 7:13 pm

Fuckity Fuck Fuck, Stucky has a tender, considerate side. I’m outta here.

September 5, 2012 7:16 pm

But this was supposed to be about TBP. Leave it as is, but try to control the real vile shit throwing. My upbringing in the Alaska bush can’t handle it.

September 5, 2012 7:36 pm

Like: uncensored, lots of smart people willing to share their experiences and provide an education, lots to learn, funny, good fights, good articles, Avalon, Admin, Big Dogs, Big Dog wannabees, good pics, Salma, people who know what they are talking about, stomping stupid newbies, welcoming smart newbies, encouraging newbies to become smart, dopplegangers, newbies that became smart, well-respected contributors like Sensetti, Muck, Kill Bill, SSS, AWD, Punk (when he shows up), SSS, Cynical, Mike (whichever location), Stuck (and all of his fucking iterations), Hope, Teresa, Mary (who is doing something great around here, and which totally wipes out my memory of the times she has pissed me off!), PJ (you cradle robber you), and others too numerous to name and to whom I apologize for not mentioning by name, political comment that isn’t politically correct, and of course all of the shit-stirring, nut-kicking, back-stabbing, nipple-twisting, hair-pulling, and name-calling that goes on around here.

What I do not like: true racism (rather than non-poilitically correct conversation) and anti-Semitism, newbies that try to run before they can walk and show no respect for what is really happening here, ad nauseum Boomer-bashing (some of it is fun, but sheesh it sure can go overboard), folks that speak when they should listen, that think they know what they do not know, that cut-and-paste as a way of life, and are closed off to learning from those special folks that hang out here. I also hate that there is sometimes little acknowledgement of the efforts that Admin and some others make in order to present a steady stream of info to all the shit-throwing monkeys.

September 5, 2012 8:48 pm


Listen to the Ms., your 2.0 was over the top. You are one of my favs, but please don’t shotgun people in the face, it is messy. I don’t want you on the road again, she is a good women and puts up with you.

September 5, 2012 8:59 pm

stuck aka drama queen .
I don’t have the time to read all comments tonight , but I would like to say to any offended by the comments…simple solution …don’t read ’em.


September 5, 2012 10:53 pm

My only complaint (if you could call it that) is there is far too much content to keep up with. I always feel like I’m missing something! Other than that, TBP is perfect!

September 6, 2012 12:22 am

Welcome to the wild, wild west, beotches-leave well enough alone. I even have mixed feelings about an edit feature for wordpress-it’s kind of fun to see mistakes for all to see, and see how folks (self-included) handle their fuck-ups and drunken rants. No bans, unless Admin sees fit. Which ain’t likely unless someone goees WAY out there.

September 6, 2012 12:22 am


September 6, 2012 12:46 am

Zarathustra says: “This thread is fail. There is no poll.”

from thefreedictionary.com

poll (pl)
1. The casting and registering of votes in an election.
2. The number of votes cast or recorded.
3. The place where votes are cast and registered. Often used in the plural with the.
4. A survey of the public or of a sample of public opinion to acquire information.
5. The head, especially the top of the head where hair grows.
6. The blunt or broad end of a tool such as a hammer or ax.
v. polled, poll·ing, polls

Just sayin’.

September 6, 2012 3:11 am

Alan McCracken is a newbie that was offended by anti-gay remarks. He didn’t understand that at one time or another this site offends just about everybody and that he shouldn’t have taken it personally.

I agree with everything Llpoh wrote except I agree with SAH about doppelgangers. You can be 5 different people at one time, do you really need to use some else’s name?

Aside from Admin’s feature posts which are great and are what got most of us here in the first place, I feel there is far too much content. I am retired and have plenty of time but it has got so I can’t read all the posts and comments in a day. Some of us are getting burned out trying to keep up and this is becoming the theburnedoutplatform.

I have stopped reading the political posts. Everybody here either hates Obama or Romney or hates them both. I don’t think this website will change anyone’s opinion of either so why read or post about it?

If someone doesn’t agree with me then call me stupid or ignorant, I don’t mind that. I don’t see why some find it necessary to use vile name calling or post insulting pictures, it doesn’t really prove your point, does it?

September 6, 2012 3:37 am

Easy. This place is a 24/7 bullshit detector. It is an almost-completely unregulated forum of fact AND opinions. The old saying about “follow the money” is where TBP starts and no punches are pulled when it comes to sorting out what’s actually happening.

I still want to make a TBPTV Channel. No other TV shows out there speak truth to stupid on a regular basis, and certainly not as colorfully as the contributors around here would. Come on… Stewart/Colbert need a nemesis.

September 6, 2012 12:34 pm

Thanks for raising this question, Stucky. Its good to see you embracing your elder statesman side, if only for one thread.

My thoughts on TBP:

TBP — First Amendment REALLY practiced here — 100% of the time.

Free speech has consequences, and reveals character.

In an internet blog format, the scroll button is mighter that the most scorching comment, and one can jump in or out at any time.

Has name-calling EVER solved a problem or enlighted a debate?

Admin is a highly skilled practioner of the rule of persuasion: People are persuaded by what they see for themselves, not what they are told by others!

September 6, 2012 7:47 pm

I LOVE TBP BECAUSE STUCKY IS SO FINE[img]http://www.motifake.com/manbearpig-ugly-face-smile-manbearpig-womanbearpig-demotivational-posters-9406.html[/img]

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
September 6, 2012 7:47 pm

Things I like about The Burning Platform.

Cynicism. Truth. Jokes. No PC bullshit. Funny pictures. Facts. Teasing SSS about weed. Admin’s articles.

Things I don’t like.

Actual racism. Actual partisanship. Actual stupidity.