The majority of Americans seem OK with just waddling through life, accepting the lies and misinformation blasted from the boob tube and their various iGadgets by their owners, gorging themselves to death on Twinkies and Cheetos, paying 15% interest on their $10,000 rolling credit card balance, and growing ever more dependent on the welfare/warfare state to provide and protect them from accepting personal responsibility for their lives. A minority of critical thinking people have chosen to question everything they see and hear being spewed at us by the propagandist mainstream media, the corporate fascist government, and the powerful banking cabal that has an iron grip upon our throats as they choke the life out of the global economy in their never ending desire for more riches and more power.

The decline of the Great American Empire cannot be attributed to one factor or one bogeyman. There are a multitude of factors, villains, and choices made by the American people that have led to our moral, civil, social, and economic decline. The kabuki theater that passes for our electoral process is little more than a diversion from our imminent fate. Neither candidate for President has any intention of changing the course of the U.S. Titanic. Our rendezvous with destiny has been charted, and there aren’t nearly enough lifeboats. Those who built the ship and recklessly navigated it into a sea of icebergs will be the 1st into the few lifeboats. The leaders we’ve chosen, the choices we’ve made, and our unwillingness to deal with facts and reality have set in motion a disaster that cannot be averted. It’s a shame the majority of Americans have the math aptitude of a 6th grader, because the unsustainability of our empire can be calculated quite easily. Math is hard for Americans, but denial and delusion are easy.      

Oddly, a couple of late September days in Wildwood NJ were able to crystalize many of the aspects of our cultural and economic decline in my mind. I should have just enjoyed the 72 degree temperatures, a few beers, and the freedom to read a book on my deck. I wish I was just oblivious to my surroundings, but my weekend in Wildwood NJ was an eye opener. Everywhere I turned I saw something that made me laugh, shake my head in disgust, or wonder how our government could have become so inane, incompetent and out of control. We all generalize based upon our preconceived beliefs, but sometimes what you see is what you get. The weekend started normally with a morning bike ride on the boardwalk with my wife and son to the Hereford lighthouse in North Wildwood. Along the way we passed the usual suspects on the boardwalk: the obese, the tattooed, the pierced, and the blue haired. I wish I was exaggerating, but I saw a dozen hoveround and rascal scooters carrying extremely obese Americans on par with this person:


If I wanted to be politically correct, I’d call the fat asses cruising on their “free” rascal scooters, the weight challenged disabled on their powered mobility enhancement vehicles. You know a trend has become a massive scam, when South Park dedicates an entire show to the shame of obesity and the scooter brigade. The majority of the scooter squad jamming up the boardwalk was less than 50 years old. They weren’t disabled. They were just too obese and lazy to wobble down the boardwalk to the next junk food joint. They were certainly in the right place. The Wildwood boardwalk is home to pizza topped with cheese fries, chocolate covered bacon, fried Oreos, funnel cake topped with powdered sugar, and 64 ounce sugar laced lemonade. The place would make Nanny Bloomberg’s head explode.



We’ve all seen the commercials for the Scooter store urging anyone on Medicare to rush in and get a power scooter or wheelchair “at little or no cost to you”. The entitlement “free shit” mentality permeates our culture. There is a cost and it is over $800 million per year, paid for by the 53% who pay Federal taxes.  Records from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services show that the cost of motorized scooters and wheelchairs to the government health service for senior citizens rose 179% between 1999 and 2009, the last year for which full records are available. This data is fascinating as the number of Americans over the age of 65 only increased by 18% over this same time frame. The bill in 1999 was $259 million; in 2009 it was $723 million – and is surely over $1 billion today. This is another billion dollar scam being funded by your tax dollars, but there are no spending cuts possible according to our beloved Congressmen.

A recent report by Medicare’s inspector general also showed that 61% of the motorized wheelchairs provided to Medicare recipients in the first half of 2007 went to people who didn’t qualify for them. (Only people who cannot get around without one are supposed to be eligible.) The inspector general found that Medicare is billed an average of $4,018 for a motorized wheelchair that normally sells for $1,048. As a taxpayer, you will be shocked to find out that people are selling their “no cost” Rascal 600 B mobility scooters on eBay. I’m sure the keen eyed government drones working in the Health & Human Services agency are policing the resale of taxpayer paid for scooters. I find it amusing that scooters have various naming classes, just like BMW and Mercedes. The vast majority of people I see tooling around on their “mobility scooters” are just plain fat. They aren’t over 65 years old. On my Sunday bike ride I was flabbergasted and amused by the sight of a 350 pound woman on a Rascal with the pedal to the metal pulling a 275 pound man in a wheelchair attached by rope. The plague of slow metabolism is sweeping the countryside.    


While I was relaxing on my deck reading and trying to blot out the nightmare visions of obese boomers in Rascal formation like German panzers invading Poland, a brand new SUV pulled into the parking lot across the street. After five minutes, the driver’s side door opened and out sidled a four foot five, two hundred and fifty pound female senior citizen in all her girth. She waddled to the back of the SUV and opened the hatch to extract her walker with wheels. She began berating the three hundred pound dude that got out of the passenger side to come and get his walker. Then she motored off towards Laura’s Fudge, while her hubby conserved his energy waiting by the SUV. Minutes later she scooted her way back hauling a sack of fudge. They then trundled off towards the boardwalk, most likely headed for Kohrs Bros for a double dipped fudge ice cream cone or some Boardwalk fries smothered in cheese.   


Based upon my unscientific assessment of the people walking on the Wildwood boardwalk, I would conclude that 35% of the people are obese, 40% are overweight by 20 or 30 pounds (myself included), and 25% are in relatively good shape. After checking the government statistics, my assessment appears to be accurate. Who is to blame? The easy answer is to just blame the individual for their lack of self-restraint and inability to contain their impulses. But when you consider that 160 million out of 232 million adults in this country are either overweight or obese, along with 11 million adolescents, there must be something more sinister behind the phenomenon. There is no doubt that a major portion of the blame must be laid at the fat feet of those who could have exercised restraint over their cravings, but the words of master propagandist Edward Bernays provides another factor in the equation:

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” – Edward Bernays


Bernays reveals a truth that is self-evident to those with critical thinking skills. Sadly, few Americans exhibit any thinking skills whatsoever. Our society has bifurcated into those who control and those who are controlled. The overlord Double Plus Alphas in our society consist of the Wall Street banker cabal, the executives of our mega-corporations, Federal Reserve governors, Washington DC politicians, Federal government apparatchiks, the propaganda experts in the mainstream corporate media, and the secretive billionaire set that manipulate and maneuver behind the scenes. The first step in controlling the Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons, as Aldous Huxley knew in 1931, was to indoctrinate them with propaganda in our government run schools. This mission has been accomplished. The vast majority of school children graduate from the government school system with no ability to think critically or question what has been spoon fed to them as facts. The fascist alliance of corporations and the state begin in the public schools, with product advertisements by corporations now subsidizing school budgets. The road to obesity is paved with chicken nuggets, fries and pizza dispensed by the government schools on a daily basis.

Just as in Huxley’s Brave New World, America has been built upon the principles of Henry Ford’s assembly line—mass production, homogeneity, predictability, and consumption of disposable consumer goods. In the dystopian novel, members of every class, from birth, are indoctrinated by recorded voices repeating slogans while they sleep. Huxley didn’t imagine the power of TV and other mass media outlets to do the same while we are awake. We are bombarded day and night by propaganda from mega-corporations to buy their products. Mass consumption of processed food sold by the likes of multi-billion dollar corporations Kraft, Pepsico, Coca Cola, General Mills, Nestle, and Unilever is the chief cause of the obesity epidemic in America. The few know how to manipulate the many through messaging, repetition and persistently molding the opinions of the feeble minded non-thinking masses. The billions spent by corporations on advertising to convince the masses that eating a Wendy’s Baconator, KFC extra crispy bucket, or Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, washed down with a two liter Mountain Dew or Cherry Coke, is a tribute to the invisible government running the show. Huxley and Bernays had it all figured out eighty years ago:            

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the masses by the invisible government Alphas has transmuted citizens into overweight, non-thinking, debt dependent, egocentric consumers. This was not a mistake. The powerful interests used their control over the banking system, media outlets, and political system to lure the willfully ignorant into a debt financed lifestyle through the Federal Reserve created inflation, Wall Street peddled credit cards, auto loans and “creative” mortgages. The manipulators convinced the manipulated that borrowing today to buy houses, cars, bling, tech gadgets, clothing, and fast food was preferable to what previous generations of Americans had done – save to buy things they wanted or needed. This behavior seems to be completely irrational as a people that once saved 12% of their income and carried a moderate amount of debt chose to reduce their savings to 0% and not worry about tomorrow.


It is easier to understand when you realize who benefitted from this purposeful shift in societal norms. The low debt, high savings, production era from 1950 through 1980 benefitted the working middle class, allowing millions to improve their standard of living. The rising debt, low savings, consumption era, from 1980 through today, benefits the 1% Alphas while impoverishing the middle class and sentencing the lower class to a lifetime of dependent servitude to the state. Who benefitted from debt fueled conspicuous consumption and continues to benefit today? The peddlers of consumer debt on Wall Street and the mega-corporations that convinced Americans they couldn’t live without that 5,500 square foot McMansion, BMW X5, stainless steel appliances, 84 inch 3D HDTV, iPhone 5, diamond encrusted Coach handbag, and thousands of other Chinese made trinkets that pile up in underwater homes across the land, benefitted tremendously. The proliferation of debt resulted in obscene profits for the financial sector, record profits for the mega-corporations that shipped production to Asia in order to take advantage of the slave labor, and three decades of wage stagnation and increasing debt for the average working middle class American.    


The financialization of America was a conscious decision by the oligarchs. They controlled the issuance of credit. They controlled the currency and level of inflation inflicted upon the masses. They controlled the corporations selling consumer goods on credit. They controlled the Congress, courts, and government agencies with their deep pocket lobbying and buying of influence. Lastly, they controlled the media messages and molded the opinions and tastes of the masses through their Bernaysian propaganda techniques perfected over the decades. In one of the boldest and most blatant acts of audacity in world history, the Wall Street/K Street oligarchs wrecked the world economy in their insatiable thirst for profits, shifted their worthless debt onto the backs of taxpayers and unborn generations, threw senior citizens and savers under the bus by stealing $400 billion per year of interest from them, and enriched themselves with bubble level profits and bonus payouts. Meanwhile, median household income continues to fall, real GDP is stagnant, true unemployment exceeds 22%, and 47 million people are living on food stamps.   


The propaganda being flogged by the oligarchs since 2009 is the supposed deleveraging by the American consumer and trying to convince the ignorant masses to resume borrowing and spending. It’s working. Consumer credit outstanding is at an all-time high of $2.73 trillion as the Federal government has dished out billions in student loans to 50,000 University of Phoenix MBA aspirants sitting in their basements quivering with anticipation of on-line graduation and future six figure job with Goldman Sachs. The Feds have also added the impetus to the “strong” auto sales through their 85% TARP ownership of Ally Financial by doling out 7 year 0% auto loans to subprime borrowers in urban enclaves around the country. The oligarchs aren’t worried about these loans being paid back, because they are reaping the profits today. The future losses will just be foisted onto the taxpayer, as always. Total credit market debt of $55 trillion now exceeds 350% of GDP. The National Debt of $16.2 trillion will exceed $20 trillion in 2015 no matter who wins the Presidency in November. The oligarchs adapt and control whoever occupies the White House. It is essential for our owners to keep debt growing at an exponential rate or the Ponzi scheme collapses.

Narrow minded ideologues want a simple answer to a complex interaction of generational, cultural, economic, political, and criminal factors that have conspired to put the country into a predicament that, at this point, will inevitably lead to economic collapse. The truth is the American people have learned to love their servitude. They have willfully chosen ignorance over truth. They’ve chosen to believe what their keepers have instructed them. They’ve chosen to trust the storylines generated by the corporate media rather than think critically and question everything. They’ve chosen obesity and sickness over health. They’ve chosen debt financed faux wealth over savings based real wealth. They’ve chosen safety and security over liberty. They’ve chosen dependency over self-reliance. These choices were aided, abetted and promoted by the Alphas through their ability to manipulate and control the unthinking masses. Huxley understood the power of propaganda and brainwashing decades before it was perfected by our owners.  

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”Aldous Huxley

The saddest part of this episode of the Decline & Fall of the American Empire reality show is the continued delusion of the majority of the populace, as their desire for material goods and fair share of the entitlement pie outweighs their sense of obligation to their children and grandchildren. Their chosen ignorance is fulfilled through their attachment to their personal digital ignorance gadgets and supported by what passes for government education. The truth is obscured and hidden under waves of triviality, reality TV, and data manipulation by our government masters. The dystopian nightmare that engulfs our country has thus far resembled Huxley’s vision of a shallow populace easily distracted by consumerism, pleasure seeking, cultural trivialities, and a never ending ability to be distracted by meaningless minutia. Orwell’s darker vision of surveillance, captivity, information control, authoritarianism and pain will become the norm once the existing social order falls.   

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” In 1984, Orwell added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that our desire will ruin us.”Neil PostmanAmusing Ourselves to Death

I despair for my country that has chosen to eat, amuse and borrow itself to death. But my despair is deepest for my children and their future. The greed, corruption, myopia, selfishness, and disregard for the well-being of future generations by current and past generations has left a barren and bleak landscape for my children. The Huxley vision of America consuming and amusing itself to death is coming to a painful conclusion, as the limits of a fiat currency and debt based lifestyle become evident. Those in power are preparing the masses for a more Orwellian vision of America when they are forced to pull the plug on the existing paradigm. The Patriot Act, NDAA, military exercises in our cities, militarization of local police forces, warrantless surveillance of our communications, searches and seizures in our airports and train stations, purchase of millions of rounds of ammo by government agencies, implementation of drone technology, camera surveillance, attempts to control the internet, manipulation of economic data, and executive orders allowing the President to take over all commerce while imprisoning citizens indefinitely without charges, are the next step in our descent into a dictatorship of tears.

The question is whether we will stand idly by, fiddling with our gadgets, tweeting about Honey Boo Boo, or will we regain our sense of duty to the future generations of this country. The manipulators are powerful, rich, connected and FEW. Those being manipulated, controlled, and abused are MANY. There will be a revolution in this country whether you like it or not. The existing social order will dissolve during the next fifteen years. What replaces it is up to us. George Carlin described what our owners want.

“Politicians are put there to give you that idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations, and they’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, and the City Halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear.

They’ve got you by the balls.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want; they want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want—they don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interest.”

What do “We the People” want?      


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Major Kong
Major Kong
October 8, 2012 9:31 am

It felt like you were channeling Kunstler in the first paragraph. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Dirty Billy
Dirty Billy
October 8, 2012 9:32 am


October 8, 2012 9:47 am

And if things weren’t bad enough, Medicaid in Texas has a travel voucher program! A person can get free medical care and the working sheeple can pick up the tab for the out of town trip to the specialist that also gets paid piddle for their services. Sometime somewhere all this has to stop and folks need to become accountable for themselves and their life. Maybe in the next life,think so? John

Appalachian Trail Deblazer
Appalachian Trail Deblazer
October 8, 2012 9:53 am

I started reading this on”Washington’s Blog”, into the 2nd paragraph (I thought this sounds like Jim Quinn”. I saw “Wildwood” and I knew who wrote it, as I suspected.

Ameikans have to have “Be told what they want”.

October 8, 2012 9:59 am

Charles Hugh Smith has a great complimentary piece on his blog today. Might think about adding it to your reading list.

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
October 8, 2012 10:10 am

Well, Admin., I had to come out from my self-imposed STFU (Thanks!, TeresaE 😉 ) to just say,


I don’t know how we, as a nation, can EVER crawl out of this deep, dark hole. Too many just don’t understand what’s been, and is being, perpetrated upon them.

If only every man, woman and child could read your truth, there might be a glimmer of hope.

October 8, 2012 10:22 am

Religion is the opiate of the masses.


Marx didn’t have TV.


Nice piece,Jim. I may not always agree with you on everything, but I am in complete agreement with this one. Expecially with regards to how I feel about my kids and their future.

October 8, 2012 10:27 am


Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
October 8, 2012 10:37 am

“What to many appears to be a “conspiracy of elites” is just our way of life.” – Kunstler. I don’t buy the “corporations brainwashed us” schtick. Every type of television show and advertising simply gives people what they want, and they want junk food. We belong to a stupid and self-delusional species. Sorry, it sucks, but there it is. You only get brainwashed if you allow yourself to be, or if you want to be.

October 8, 2012 10:49 am

My late mother got to the point where she could not walk more than few steps even with her walker, so her doctor authorized an electric scooter for her. Medicare ponied up and the scooter was ordered. The chair did improve her quality of life for the three more months she lived. I was appalled, however, that with many thousands of dollars sitting in bank accounts, my mother was given a $4,000 scooter, no questions. It did not cross her mind that the gift was not “free” from the government. It was then I understood fully why Medicare will go broke.

I was of course advised to sell the chair after her death. I refused on principle and looked around until I found somebody who needed it and passed it on.

October 8, 2012 11:09 am

There used to be a site called “This is why you’re fat” with pictures of gastronomic abominations. Can’t find it now but here’s a picture gallery:,0,7682770.photogallery

October 8, 2012 11:13 am

I’d like to set up a scam phone line that people call in to get a free scooter, and mail them a copy of South Beach Diet instead.

October 8, 2012 11:15 am

Honest to god true story.

Went to visit my mom and dad last week. Mom can BARELY walk. She is suffering today from deprivations inflicted upon her in a Soviet prison camp during WWII. It literally takes her 5 minutes to walk from the kitchen to the TV room in the back of the house, and it’s a small house.

So, I suggested to her that we (I) look into getting her one of those “free” scooters. It would make her life so much easier, I thought.

She had a twofold response. First, she said that sitting in a damn scooter would only make things worse long term. That she needed what little “exercise” she could still have by walking, however slow and painful it might be. Secondly, that IF she ever wanted one she would buy one. In fact, she scolded me; “When have we ever asked for anything free … and why would I start now??”. She was really insulted by my suggestion.

Then, last night Ms Freud and I watched a movie on HBO, “The Education of Little Tree” … a beautiful movie set during the Great Depression. In one scene Little Tree (the young boy) gives his home-made moccasins to his little friend (a girl) who has no shoes The little girl’s father is upset with this, returns the moccasins, and says “We don’t accept charity from no one.”
How did this happen? That in less than one generation we went from fierce self-sufficiency (even when doing so was painful) to blood-sucking leeches? That in less than one generation we’ve forgotten the meaning of the word, “pride”?

We CAN become like that again. But it will take a governmental/economic collapse. The government will eventually run out of “moccasins” to give away. The people that survive will have to learn to make their own.

October 8, 2012 11:16 am

Pirate Jo

Our conscious mind is discriminating..but it is a fact that our subconscious mind (which is always on and listening) believes whatever it hears. Media inluence on our subconscious is real and powerful.

October 8, 2012 11:19 am

I go through much the same issues when me and my wife try to relax. It makes it difficult to enjoy life, thats for damned sure.

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October 8, 2012 11:19 am

Actually that was me, not anonymous.

October 8, 2012 11:19 am

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Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
October 8, 2012 11:21 am

What a convenient way to blame others for an individual’s choice not to think.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
October 8, 2012 11:21 am

My lords this was a great way to have a cup and a read.

The result of trading future consumption for a meal today……

Like rats our society just kept on hitting the tab for cheesey poof pellets, grew to the size of Jabba the Hut and slobbered down the future attached to a perch like a laughing ball of shit.

The end of the line is actually a good place to be if you think about it.

October 8, 2012 11:25 am


You wrote:
“She had a twofold response. First, she said that sitting in a damn scooter would only make things worse long term. That she needed what little “exercise” she could still have by walking, however slow and painful it might be. Secondly, that IF she ever wanted one she would buy one. In fact, she scolded me; “When have we ever asked for anything free … and why would I start now??”. She was really insulted by my suggestion.

Then, last night Ms Freud and I watched a movie on HBO, “The Education of Little Tree” … a beautiful movie set during the Great Depression. In one scene Little Tree (the young boy) gives his home-made moccasins to his little friend (a girl) who has no shoes The little girl’s father is upset with this, returns the moccasins, and says “We don’t accept charity from no one.”

This is the way I was raised. Your Mom rocks! My parents would have never accepted free anything from the government or charity. The idea was repugnant to them.

October 8, 2012 11:28 am

Brilliant essay – thank you.

October 8, 2012 11:29 am

“How did this happen? That in less than one generation we went from fierce self-sufficiency (even when doing so was painful) to blood-sucking leeches? That in less than one generation we’ve forgotten the meaning of the word, “pride”?” – Stucky

Honestly, its something that I wonder pretty often myself. I grew up in a VERY small community, and about half of the students were rural farm kids, and the other half were “city kids.”

The farm kids formed the core of our athletics, scholastic, and musical teams. We didn’t always do the best, but we went out and gave it our all, and in such a small school it was the norm for students to go out for 3 sports, a scholastics team, and go to state competition in music (choir or band).

In short, we worked hard and had pride. Now, some have fallen off that train, however by and large we all still work our asses off and put in a good showing no matter where we are or what we are doing.

College was an eye opener for me. What I previously thought of as “lazy city kids” were actually hard working people compared to the fuckwads I saw on a regular basis. This trend has continued on long after I graduated, and am now teaching part time.

My best students:

Anyone in the military
Farm kids (they might fuck around, but a single low grade usually straightens their ass out)

My worst students:

Millenials (most of them can’t even write legibly), especially the under 23 crowd
Boomers (good writing, fairly solid work ethic. Just too busy questioning everyone around them and typically are terrible group members.)

Are those generalizations? Bet your ass. Are they accurate? Well, this is America so odds are you have a pretty big ass, and more of it to bet.

There is no pride anymore. No work ethic. I grew up watching Centennial, John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. My favorite movie of all time was, and is The Cowboys.

Our country has a LOT of problems that need to be fixed before it can start righting the ship, but getting off the government gravy train is one of the first things that needs to be addressed.

October 8, 2012 11:32 am

I don’t want to get sidetracked and turn this into a “food” thread …. but, you folks really need to pay attention. I have posted before my fierce “anti-sugar” views ….. especially, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Now, here is a brand new study from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey;


The culprit? HFCS. —–

“All evidence points to high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Fructose seriously taxes the liver, where it is completely metabolized. For perspective: only 20% of glucose, on the other hand, is metabolized in the liver. … We are destroying [children’s] bodies with packaged and over-processed foods. In the name of convenience—we are killing the youth. “

Folks, you are also killing yourselves, regardless of age. PLEASE … PLEASE … read food labels …. and put back on the shelf anything with HFCS …. no exceptions, ever. Your liver will thank you.

October 8, 2012 11:34 am

Pirate Jo

You don’t know me. Nobody tells me what to think. I take total responsibility for my words and actions. But I do know something about hypnosis, having studied it for years.

If you watch TV, it has an influence on you.Believe it or don’t believe it.

I never ever watch TV. I try to warn smart people like you. Mostly they don’t get it.

October 8, 2012 11:45 am

Stucky: I knew a lady who was all of 4 1/2 feet tall. She told me she was born during the Great Depression and damn near starved to death, stunting her growth, because her father wouldn’t accept charity. Now if your kids are REALLY in danger of starving to death I think you should swallow your pride but starvation is not typically a problem in the US, yet.

October 8, 2012 11:45 am

Stop eating wheat and flour. Start walking… Just avoiding the wheat/flour will stop any carb cravings. You will lose 20 lbs before you know it and you will feel better too.

October 8, 2012 11:46 am

@Stucky –

HFCS is perfectly acceptable in sane quantities. The problem is that these kids are drinking a 55gallon drum worth of HFCS every year.

October 8, 2012 11:53 am


Any behavior that leads to a pleasurable experience will be repeated, especially if that behavior requires little work. Psychologists call this pattern “positive reinforcement.” This is what we mean, technically speaking, by addiction. In this sense, television certainly fits into the category of an addictive agent.

When you watch TV, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. In fact, experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman showed that while viewers are watching television, the right hemisphere is twice as active as the left, a neurological anomaly.1 The crossover from left to right releases a surge of the body’s natural opiates: endorphins, which include beta-endorphins and enkephalins. Endorphins are structurally identical to opium and its derivatives (morphine, codeine, heroin, etc.). Activities that release endorphins (also called opioid peptides) are usually habit-forming (we rarely call them addictive). These include cracking knuckles, strenuous exercise, and orgasm. External opiates act on the same receptor sites (opioid receptors) as endorphins, so there is little difference between the two.

Indeed, even casual television viewers experience such opiate-withdrawal symptoms if they stop watching TV for a prolonged period of time. An article from South Africa’s Eastern Province Herald (October 1975) described two experiments in which people from various socio-economic milieus were asked to stop watching television. In one experiment, several families volunteered to turn off their TV’s for just one month. The poorest family gave in after one week, and the others suffered from depression, saying they felt as though they had “lost a friend.” In the other experiment, 182 West Germans agreed to kick their television viewing habit for a year, with the added bonus of payment. None could resist the urge longer than six months, and over time all of the participants showed the symptoms of opiate withdrawal: increased anxiety, frustration, and depression.

The signs of addiction are all around us. The average American watches over four hours of television every day, and 49% of those continue to watch despite admitting to doing it excessively. These are the classic indicators of an addict in denial: addicts know they’re doing harm to themselves, but continue to use the drug regardless.

First of all, when you’re watching television the higher brain regions (like the midbrain and the neo-cortex) are shut down, and most activity shifts to the lower brain regions (like the limbic system). The neurological processes that take place in these regions cannot accurately be called “cognitive.” The lower or reptile brain simply stands poised to react to the environment using deeply embedded “fight or flight” response programs. Moreover, these lower brain regions cannot distinguish reality from fabricated images (a job performed by the neo-cortex), so they react to television content as though it were real, releasing appropriate hormones and so on. Studies have proven that, in the long run, too much activity in the lower brain leads to atrophy in the higher brain regions.

Taking this into account, television is like a double edged sword: not only does it cause the endocrine system to release the body’s natural opiates (endorphins), but it also concentrates neurological activity in the lower brain regions where we are motivated by nothing but the pursuit of pleasure. Television produces highly functional, mobile “bio-survival robots.”

Herbert Krugman’s research proved that watching television numbs the left brain and leaves the right brain to perform all cognitive duties. This has some harrowing implications for the effects of television on brain development and health. For one, the left hemisphere is the critical region for organizing, analyzing, and judging incoming data. The right brain treats incoming data uncritically, and it does not decode or divide information into its component parts.

The right brain processes information in wholes, leading to emotional rather than intelligent responses. We cannot rationally attend to the content presented on television because that part of our brain is not in operation. It is therefore unsurprising that people rarely comprehend what they see on television, as was shown by a study conducted by researcher Jacob Jacoby. Jacoby found that, out of 2,700 people tested, 90% misunderstood what they watched on television only minutes before. As yet there is no explanation as to why we switch to the right brain while viewing television, but we do know this phenomenon is immune to content.

For a brain to comprehend and communicate complex meaning, it must be in a state of “chaotic disequilibrium.” This means that there must be a dynamic flow of communication between all of the regions of the brain, which facilitates the comprehension of higher levels of order (breaking conceptual thresholds), and leads to the formation of complex ideas. High levels of chaotic brain activity are present during challenging tasks like reading, writing, and working mathematical equations in your head. They are not present while watching TV. Levels of brain activity are measured by an electroencenograph (EEG) machine. While watching television, the brain appears to slow to a halt, registering low alpha wave readings on the EEG. This is caused by the radiant light produced by cathode ray technology within the television set. Even if you’re reading text on a television screen the brain registers low levels of activity. Once again, regardless of the content being presented, television essentially turns off your nervous system.

Television has also spawned a “culture of fear” in the U.S. and beyond, with its focus on the limbic brain-friendly sensationalism of violent programming. Studies have shown that people of all generations greatly overestimate the threat of violence in real life. This is no shock because their brains cannot discern reality from fiction while watching TV.

Television is bad for your body as well. Obesity, sleep deprivation, and stunted sensory development are all common among television addicts.

So I hope we’ve firmly established that television is an addictive drug, one that is no better than opium, heroin, or any other opiate. Television is just as (and possibly even more) harmful to the body-brain as every other drug. But there’s one big difference. All other drugs apparently pose a threat to the established social order. Television, however, is a drug that is actually essential to maintaining the social infrastructure. Why? Because it brainwashes consumers to throw money at the gaping void of their meaningless, terror-filled lives. And by brainwashed, I mean they’ve been hypnotized using very subtle and established techniques which, when coupled with television’s natural effects on brain waves, make for the most ambitious psychological engineering ruse ever concocted.

Psychophysiologist Thomas Mulholland found that after just 30 seconds of watching television the brain begins to produce alpha waves, which indicates torpid (almost comatose) rates of activity. Alpha brain waves are associated with unfocused, overly receptive states of consciousness. A high frequency alpha waves does not occur normally when the eyes are open. In fact, Mulholland’s research implies that watching television is neurologically analogous to staring at a blank wall.

I should note that the goal of hypnotists is to induce slow brain wave states. Alpha waves are present during the “light hypnotic” state used by hypno-therapists for suggestion therapy.

Krugman, Herbert E. “Brain wave Measures of Media Involvement,” Journal of Advertising Research 11.1 (1971): 3-9. Krugman later became manager of public opinion research at General Electric.

For more on brain state changes occasioned by watching television, see: Emery, Merrelyn, The Social and Neurophysiological Effects of Television and their Implications for Marketing Practice. Doctoral dissertation. Australian National University. Canberra, 1985; Nelson, Joyce, The Perfect Machine (New Society Pub: 1992).

October 8, 2012 12:03 pm

“We are bombarded day and night by propaganda from mega-corporations to buy their products.” —–Admin

I know the below pic will be huge. The link is at the bottom.

It appears there are two types of companies in America; 1) huge and, 2) mom & pop. Middle sized companies, like llpoh’s, are going the way of the dinosaur. So it SEEMS to me, anyway.

I read somewhere that 90% of ALL media is controlled by less than 10 companies. If you watch TV it seems like there are only about 20-30 commercials … the same old fucking shit over and over and over …. like Progressive and all those gold selling sites.

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October 8, 2012 12:05 pm

I’m SORRY folks. I had no idea it would be that huge. (That’s what Ms. Freud said the first time she …., nevermind).

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
October 8, 2012 12:10 pm

“If you watch TV, it has an influence on you.Believe it or don’t believe it.”

How does that refute what I said? Your sentence starts with “If you watch TV,” – well the damn thing doesn’t turn on by itself! I don’t watch TV either – and that is my CHOICE, just like the decision to zone out in front of it every night and believe everything they hear on it is the choice other people make.

The comment about banning books was true – it isn’t about banning books, it’s about nobody wanting to read them. These are individual choices, and the fact that our society is full of the people Admin is writing about just reveals the cumulative effect of all those individual choices. The conspiracy stuff is just silly. Yes, there is a small group of powerful, wealthy people. You know what they did? Looked around and saw themselves surrounded by all these stupid, gullible people with no self-discipline and said, ‘It is going to be so easy to make money off these morons!’

October 8, 2012 12:10 pm

Yeah, I was trying to post and the site went down. Now I know why. Stucky broke it!

October 8, 2012 12:11 pm

Hey there,
With your permission, I would love to reprint some of your articles (one at a time).
I publish a new mag on the Apple Newsstand to its 100+ million iPad users.
Wiser Now takes a serious look at relationship–spirit, self, family, animals, money, media, politics, etc.
A couple of Davos’ articles appear in the October and November issues, as psychopathy is one of the issues I focus on.
Thanks for the great work you’re doing.
Jan Holloway
Editor, Wiser Now
Publisher, Saxony Hill Press
PO Box 1076
5800 SR 26 | 2nd Floor
Dubois, Wyoming 82513

October 8, 2012 12:13 pm

Despite Michelle Obama’s efforts to improve American’s diet the government may know that it is best that the dull and stupid be crushed by their own weight.

Medicare costs, on average, $11,000 per year to provide, Nursing home care $6,000 per month minimum. Alzheimer care far more. Social Security $1500/month or so for 15 or 20 years. We all know the benefits promised the people in their ‘golden years’ cannot be paid for so, instead of damning the 300lbs plus citizen let us celebrate them as true patriots willing to give their lives in the cause of national solvency.

What does it cost to keep a person on baconators, meatball subs and Big Gulps as compared to expensive pharmaceuticals and biologics? Let’s not forget that the obese patriot will have used their own resources to reach sufficient girth and weight to qualify for government financed therapy.
Giving these people a Federally funded personal mobility device is a simply a cheap reward in recognition of their self sacrifice.

October 8, 2012 12:13 pm

Mind control is real – the American people have been subjected to it for decades, if not centuries. The ability for a small group of people to control a much larger group – crowd control – is as old as civilization.

It was the greatest trick of the devil to make people think he didn’t exist – it was the greatest trick of the propagandists to make the people think they were informed, in charge and valued.

If we are a Nation of overweight, entitled, inattentive and incurious people it is because that is what the small group of elites want.

October 8, 2012 12:19 pm

“HFCS is perfectly acceptable in sane quantities.” ——- ThePessimisticChemist


The FDA also says benzene is perfectly acceptable in sane quantities. Benzene … the stuff used in rubber, lubricants, dyes, detergents, and pesticides ….. the stuff produced by combustion of crude oil and gasoline. Yippeeee!!

To each their own. As for me and my loved ones, we will never voluntarily and knowingly consume this shit, no matter how small the quantity.

Danger Man
Danger Man
October 8, 2012 12:21 pm

I was saying the same thing 30 years ago. Nothing will change, it will only get worse.

October 8, 2012 12:25 pm

“As for me and my loved ones, we will never voluntarily and knowingly consume this shit, no matter how small the quantity.”

Thats your right, and I love you for it.

PS: For a laugh, send out your most common carbohydrate sources for pesticide/herbicide testing sometime.

October 8, 2012 12:40 pm

I can totally commiserate, Jim. It’s even worse when you go live overseas for any reasonable length of time in a half-way developed country that is orderly, respects property rights, and wants to do the things, without instant gratification or expediency, that at one time, genuinely made America great.

My thinking on this has evolved from “what’da we gotta do to change this shit?” to one of “fuck it!”….”how do I personally escape these fools?” because in the modern age, it won’t be like Rome, or even the British Empire, some long drawn-out repetitious decay process as the compressive concrete slowly fractures under pressure. The US Empire functions in “tension” and failure is sudden & complete.

October 8, 2012 12:42 pm

Pirate Jo

I wasn’t really trying to refute everything you said. Not at all. But you wrote:

.” I don’t buy the “corporations brainwashed us” schtick. Every type of television show and advertising simply gives people what they want, and they want junk food. We belong to a stupid and self-delusional species. Sorry, it sucks, but there it is. You only get brainwashed if you allow yourself to be, or if you want to be”.


: “What a convenient way to blame others for an individual’s choice not to think.”

Many people do turn on the TV set, including all the folks who were posting here the other day on Jim’s Revolution post. I don’t think most of them want to be braiwashed. They are seeking entertainment..or perhaps news.

But they do get bombarded with suggestions that they don’t even notice consciously. I don’t like the term brainwashing, but essentially that’s what’s happening.

So is that brainwashing then accidental? No, I don’t think so. Do the people who own the networks understand what they’re doing? Yes.

Do giant corporations that sell hundreds of products made out of corn syrup know what’s going on? yes.

So, to me, that does constitute a conspiracy…..between people who want to sell evil shit, and people who want to profit from mass advertising. The same people want to influence how we vote.

They own the FSA….but they also influence a lot of people who consider themselves above that level. Just sayin’

I’m shutting up now. I didn’t meant to annoy you or offend you. I’m glad you don’t watch TV.

October 8, 2012 12:44 pm

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude”

Already here. We are a nation of drug addicts. Food is a drug, and being obese is drug addiction; opiates released from stuffing yourself, fatty foods have same effect as cocaine, endocannibinoids (weed) from fat cells. As addicts, obese and overweight people are in denial, the hallmark of all addictions. And, all addicts need an enabler. SNAP, Welfare, Disability, government dependance.

Then there’s the actual drugs, legal and illegal. Most of the 47% dependent on the government are on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, or pain meds, usually all three. They are stoned, and many of the FSA take illegal drugs. It’s funny, because meth, marijuana, heroin, etc. are illegal, but when you do a drug test on the FSA, more than half have illegal drugs in their system that in no way preclude them from receiving their benefits. The government turns a blind eye, they don’t want to know (enablers).

The government enables obesity, laziness, marriage out of wedlock, graft, fraud, because people can get away with it. They can get away with weighing 400lbs, because somebody else is responsible for the consequences, not the individual. SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid have managed to enable/remove all personal responsibility from the population; they enable people to smoke, become obese, destroy their health and become unemployable, because they pay. The welfare/socialist/communist state that is now the U.S.A. will collapse, personal responsibility will be violently thrust back on the individual, who will, like any drug addict when they go “cold turkey”, will revolt, become violent, and go through withdrawals. It won’t be pretty.

“How did this happen? That in less than one generation we went from fierce self-sufficiency (even when doing so was painful) to blood-sucking leeches?”

Baby Boomers; see “BOOMERS – PARASITES ON THE ASS OF AMERICA” post. Once you destroy all morals, ethics, values, and spirit, there is nothing left; no personal responsibility, no right and wrong, “anything goes and nothing matters”. There is no going back.

Which leads me to my last point. The article above blames external sources for the behavior of Americans. The reason people are lazy, obese, and government dependent is because they do not have to take personal responsibility for themselves. You cannot blame schools, fast food, corporations, the ruling elite and banksters for people being obese, lazy, destroying their health, going into massive debt and living off the government. People do it to themselves, nobody forces them to eat, take drugs, run up credit cards. Every drug addict, every American, has to take personal responsibility for themselves. Blaming everyone else is just another symptom of denial. Americans won’t be “cured” until the whole country and economy collapses. The government will never stop enabling the destructive behavior of the individual.

On a positive note, there does seem to be more awareness. I used to feel like an outcast, preaching about these problems, and getting ridiculed. Not so much anymore, when South Park covers the topic, it’s getting close to raising awareness. Obesity has to be treated like smoking, that it’s “not okay” anymore, but good luck transferring food addicted people back to personal responsibility and moderation. Will probably never happen; but the coming collapse will cure the obesity problem.

October 8, 2012 12:45 pm

Obviously that was me again.

(Eddie, taking responsibility for poor commenting technique)

October 8, 2012 12:48 pm

I remember my grampa telling me how the nazis got rid of all the people they didnt deem acceptable.No mental hospitals,gay folk. Kind of reminded me of your article.
Anouther article that just shows that people are responsible for theyre own actions.
Your just a bit hung up on fat people.So what are you wanting?reducation camps?What the fck,you want them to get electroshock or what?Sterilize them?
I do find it sad when fat folk with fat kids load up theyre grocery cart with crap.I also notice the large amount of soda pop people buy.But hey its still a kind of free world.

October 8, 2012 1:05 pm

“Yeah, I was trying to post and the site went down. Now I know why. Stucky broke it!” — KaD

Could be, but I doubt it.

It took me about 5 tries to even log on —- kept getting “Error establishing database connections”. Then when I was finally able to log on, I had to “submit comment” several times.

I then decided to “clean up” my PC. I ran my “cleaner” programs. Went to “add/delete” programs and got rid of a bunch of shit. And then rebooted. My ‘puter runs nice and fast now … but, I’m still getting “errors” and getting booted off.

Anyone else?

October 8, 2012 1:05 pm

The criminals in Washington have managed to enslave 47% of the population in “state dependance”, thus freeing them from having to be gainfully employed, married, sober, normal weight, pay taxes, or be responsible for their own actions or behaviors. “Your life is a crime, you live just to sleep and eat”.

You cannot buck human nature, evolution, and instinct, however. Humans are hard-wired, instinctively, to work, to produce, to build shelter for themselves, to protect themselves, to survive. The government has tried to remove instinct, to dehumanize the population, by making them dependent. The pathology generated by government dependance, drug addiction, sloth, gluttony, greed, pride, destruction of the family, poverty, is inhuman, and so we descend into inhumanity: decline, decay, delusion, and despair.

The 47%: Domesticated humans

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In order to live on this street
You suck from the government teat
You’re lower than slime
Your life is a crime
You live just to sleep and to eat

October 8, 2012 1:10 pm

Meet the world’s biggest government enabler:

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“I jacked up that government spending, 30% increase in Welfare spending, almost 50 million on SNAP, 8 million more on disability. I’ve domesticated more humans than any other leader in history, and it only cost $6 trillion in debt”

October 8, 2012 1:13 pm

Every single one of us has responsibility for ourselves to make choices in what we eat and how much exercise we get. Exercise is free!!

I do understand it is NOT our choice what is being done with our food and water supply. We have to do the best we can to ban together and fight it!

October 8, 2012 1:17 pm

Cows used to be independent and free-range
Horses used to be independent and free-range
Pigs used to be independent and free-range
Humans used to be independent and free-range.

How they’re domesticated, just like cows, horses and pigs.

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October 8, 2012 1:19 pm

“Thats your right, and I love you for it. PS: For a laugh, send out your most common carbohydrate sources for pesticide/herbicide testing sometime.” —- TPC

I love you too, and your posts. Really. I wasn’t trying to “slam” you.

I fully understand that even the veggies I bought at the farmers market this past Saturday may very well be contaminated …. even if the farmer claims they are “organic”. Our soil is contaminated, and our air, and our water. It is very likely I am consuming benzene, in spite of my best efforts to avoid that and other chemicals. It appears hopeless at times to try to stay “pure” in this Chemical Planet.

All I can do is take every possible step to reduce the risk whenever and wherever possible…. and hope for the best.

October 8, 2012 1:19 pm

Well said. Readers should familiarize themselves with MK Ultra project (still very much operational). Plenty of survivor stories from Cathy O’brien, Cisco Wheeler and Brice Taylor to name some. Good accounts on how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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