Smokey would tell me to eat shit. I’d tell him to kiss my fat ass. The China bubble is bursting at this very moment.

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John A
John A
May 9, 2013 11:56 am

I had heard about this a few years ago, but I didn’t believe it. This is really bizarre.

May 9, 2013 12:12 pm

Now that its been on 60 minutes, its real. From seedy underworld blogging to truth, all thanks to our bullshit media. Wish old Leslie would point that camera on the fed or metal etfs, etc.

May 9, 2013 12:15 pm

Bubble? What bubble??? Eat shit. (j/k)

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May 9, 2013 1:08 pm

I read somewhere that the Chinese build those cities / suburban communities WITHOUT supporting infrastructure … like, you know, .. sewer lines.


Within a decade those pretty little cities will become one massive 30 blocks of squalor. Admin’s dream.

May 9, 2013 1:13 pm

When Nature takes over unmaintained manmade structures.
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Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
May 9, 2013 3:21 pm

We’ve got lots of people here who could fill up those places. I’m thinking about 800,000 lawyers, the banking class, the entire Obama administration, Congress, the homeless, telemarketers….

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 9, 2013 3:33 pm

in China it’s the government that has spent some $2 trillion to get these cities built – as a way of keeping the economy growing.

Absolutely Insane.

May 9, 2013 6:32 pm

“Unlike our market driven economy, in China it’s the government that has spent some $2 trillion to get these cities built – as a way of keeping the economy growing. The assumption is “if you build it, they’ll come.” But no one’s coming.”

Sorry Leslie…”Our G’mnt” just printed eight TRILLION on god knows what to prop up and create the next bubble!!

May 9, 2013 10:55 pm

Is this any worse than multi trillion dollar faked up ‘wars’ in the Middle East? Iraq? Afghanistan?

How about multi-billion dollar weapons systems that the military doesn’t want that cost many billions but cannot be cancelled for political reasons?

Or maybe printing $85+ billion per month forever and blowing it into the big financial bubble we are building here?

At least, these buildings will be there if needed. Japan was offered one when Fukushima was thought to require the evacuation of Tokyo, or so I read.

Now turn to the Us. Millions of homes standing empty due to foreclosure, and millions more in the process. Malls that are becoming empty shells. Cities sliding into ruin. (Detroit, Chicago, NYC, LA, etc.). 18,000 miles of soup lines. Factories closing.

Where is the difference? After all this is the ‘Bash China’ decade by order of your masters. You will hear no positive info about China from the MSM. Better keep in mind that most of your ‘stuff’ comes from China or the parts that it is made from.

And I only watched this commercial riddled video to the second commercial. That is all America is anymore. Commercial propaganda.

September 22, 2013 6:31 am

Excellent news for RealEstate

October 3, 2013 6:10 am

Urvashi, you may pay a premium because you’re a paid commenter, not unlike the ACA Navigators that have been commenting on new stories about it.

Obamacare is going to get defunded because it’s an unmitigated disaster.

May 15, 2014 7:00 am
May 15, 2014 8:01 am

Unlike our free from government interference markets… centrally planned grifting going on is dis’ here US ” done freed” market..none at all.

Gillem Tulloch:
Unlike our market driven economy, in China it’s the government that has spent some $2 trillion to get these cities built – as a way of keeping the economy growing. The assumption is “if you build it, they’ll come.” But no one’s coming