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January 19, 2014 1:13 pm

I know that Demons and Repugnants are the left and right wing of the same bird of prey, but I confess, I hate Obombya for his hypocrisy, and statist policies.

January 19, 2014 1:32 pm

Virtually all of us regulars have seen this video.

But, Billy is still a newbie.

Soooo — BILLY!! THIS IS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! (Please comment on it)

January 19, 2014 1:37 pm

Oreo’s very own words and voice set to music. Pretty creative. Pretty funny.

January 19, 2014 1:39 pm
A White American Who Loves Obama
A White American Who Loves Obama
January 19, 2014 1:52 pm

This is the most putrid racist site I have ever come across. Obama saved America! Or, have you assholes forgotten the mess George Bush got us into? We were on the very verge of an Economic Depression that would have made 1929 look like a walk in the park. But God looked kindly upon America and gave us a second savior. You jackasses have never had it so good. You have jobs, homes, cars, food, and security. Where is your gratitude?

Won’t you please join me in songs of praise?

January 19, 2014 1:53 pm

Where’s the video of Obama getting impeached, then tried for treason?

January 19, 2014 2:30 pm

Barack (H) Hypocrite Obama speaks with a forked tongue. He is a hypocrite, plain and simple. He portrays himself as a messiah for the downtrodden. He seems to resent white people, even though he is half white. He apparently hates businesses, ( you didn’t build that ) large and small, because his policies are destroying them. And he despises rich people who make too much money.

And yet, in his downtime, he chooses to rub elbows with a bunch of elitist, rich, successful, white men. He preaches against capitalism, but sure wants to share the wealth generated from said capitalism. Obama says “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” Obama just wants to make sure he gets his part of the wealth when it’s spread.

Hypocrite-in-chief Obama is not our friend. He is always pointing a finger of blame to anyone and everyone for the plight of our nation and it’s citizens, and feigns concern over us. But his actions speak much louder than words. It seems King Obama is thumbing his nose at us. He is a master manipulator, deceiver, and liar.

Barack Obama seems to be unaccountable to anyone, making-up or disregarding laws at will. And apparently there is no way to stop him. The sheeple voters thought this politician had all of the answers to their woes. Are they getting what they asked for? Obama’s goal reiterated throughout his campaign for the presidency was to ” fundamentally change” America. And fundamental change is what they got. How’s that working out for you-all.

January 19, 2014 2:48 pm

Obama is the biggest hypocrite president the history of the USA.

President Obama has recently promoted inequality as a fundamental threat to our way of life, saying, “The combined trends of increased inequality and decreasing mobility pose a fundamental threat to the American Dream, our way of life, and what we stand for around the globe.” You can read the rhetoric here. Let’s look at the reality.

The president suggested policy initiatives to address these issues, so presumably, the president’s policies can make a difference. What has he done so far?

He has presided over corporate bailouts, not only declaring the Wall Street banks too big to fail, while a multitude of small businesses did fail, his policies continue to support the banking industry through low interest rates and the payment of interest on reserves held at the Fed. Banks holding bad mortgages were bailed out while individual homeowners were evicted from their homes.

While the president does not directly determine Fed policy, Bernanke was all-in on the president’s agenda, and now the president has appointed Janet Yellen as Fed chair because she supports a continuation of those policies.

The low interest rate policy has hurt small savers, who tend to keep their savings in fixed-interest assets, but has propped up the stock market where the wealthier tend to invest.

The president’s support for extended unemployment benefits has taken away some of the incentive for people to find work, which is the best way to escape poverty.

After campaigning against them, the president worked hard to preserve the “Bush tax cuts,” with ultimately just a small increase in rates for the highest-income individuals.

Then there is Obamacare, which provides financial incentives for employers to convert full-time jobs to part-time jobs to avoid the health insurance penalties, further eroding opportunities for those at the bottom of the income scale.

What has been the effect of the president’s economic policies? The unemployment rate remains high, at 6.7%, and long-term unemployment has spiked to its highest level in history, largely because of the extended unemployment benefits. The labor force participation rate has fallen from 66% in 2008 to below 63% today, so fewer people are even looking for the jobs that could help them escape poverty.

In 2008 13.2% of Americans fell below the official poverty line. By 2012 the poverty rate was 15%. The president’s policies have increased poverty.

How about the rich? The Dow Jones Industrial Average, which hovered around 8,000 when the president took office in 2009 has more than doubled to top 16,000 today.

Despite the rhetoric, the reality is that the president’s policies have created more inequality. They have hurt the poor, but Wall Street has done well.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2014 3:23 pm

A White American Who Loves Obama says:

“Won’t you please join me in songs of praise?”

absolutely wicked satire, never mind the thumbs down, all that means is at least 2 peeps here require a 2X4 across the forehead to get the message.

January 19, 2014 6:48 pm

The above article posted by Admin is a load of crap.

There never were “Inalienable rights”. George Washington destroyed this country.