Fascinating interview. Ron became a doctor as a form of resistance to the state. He knows how medicine was practiced before the government took over in 1965. Government creates nothing but problems. Then their solutions make the problems worse. And so on.

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January 25, 2014 1:25 pm

why is none of the video working today? is this the new TBP rules?

January 25, 2014 1:28 pm

sorry, looks like it’s my phone’s browser problem.

January 25, 2014 2:39 pm

Makes me very sad to watch such videos of Ron Paul …… that America would reject such a fine human being.

January 25, 2014 2:56 pm

Two other personal, for me, pluses for Ron Paul.

He was a flight surgeon in the Air Force and Air National Guard from 1963-1968. As a former Air Force pilot, I can attest to the outstanding professionalism of nearly every flight surgeon I ever met. They are responsible for not only the medical care of the pilots, but also the pilots’ families.

The second fact about Paul, which I didn’t know until recently: “Paul also co-owned a mail-order coin dealership, Ron Paul Coins, for twelve years. Paul spoke multiple times at the American Numismatic Association’s 1988 convention. He later sold his interest in the business to his partner.” As a coin collector for nearly 60 years, I can also attest that coin dealers who are less than honest and scrupulous don’t last very long. The word gets around very quickly among collectors and dealers, who police their ranks closely. And to be invited to speak at the annual ANA convention speaks well for the respect he gained in the numismatic community.

The strength of this man’s integrity and character is so obvious, even I can see it.

January 25, 2014 3:31 pm

SSS, Ron Paul walks the walk. His entire investment portfolio consists of precious metals, coins and mining stock.

January 25, 2014 11:46 pm

I had some students in econ, they asked me if I liked any politicians. I showed them some Ron Paul speeches, Ron running rings around Giuliani in a debate, explaining blowback, Ron embarassing Bernanke, …They said it was obvious he was the best candidate for President, but they figured no way he’d get in. If somehow he did, they figured he’d be JFK/MLKed.

Exactly 6 months before the 2008 meltdown, I showed them an article about how the politicians had some secret meeting, only done a few times before, no press, no 1 allowed to speak publicly about it. We ran numbers & figured out the economy was going down for good. Next step was never ending money printing. Didn’t know they’dget away with 6 years of lies & phoney numbers, but we underestimated the stupidity & pussification of the public.

January 26, 2014 2:12 am

I agree with you, Econman, except one thing.
In recent years, I have come to a realization that I, and every American I have ever known, have been duped into believing great speeches make great leaders. We have become suckers for bold words and little else. I can’t think of many politicians who actually DO any of the shit they talk about. In the end, while people remember great speeches from politicians, such as Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, FDR’s No Fear, JFK’s We’ll help free people at any cost, Obama’s I stopped global climate change, etc, what they forget is Lincoln was an American dictator who threw something like 40,000 citizens in prison for opposing him, FDR was, arguably, an American dictator who forced Americans to give up their personal wealth, created a teetering bureaucracy that hobbles us TO THIS DAY, and actually made the Depression worse, JFK was a weak, pathetic leader who failed to help the Cubans he promised to help in his campaign, and Obama… well, nothing he’s ever said meant anything.

No politician can be held great just for his speeches. Realistically, speeches are the very last thing you should care about. They’re just performing a one man show. When you vote, you’re merely voting for the best performer, since you have almost no way of knowing what they’ll actually do once elected.

Once you realize their speeches mean nothing, you are free to ignore them. My wife was surprised when I refused to watch the presidential debates in 2008. She thought they were very important, but I saw no purpose to watching two essentially identical candidates strut and preen and perform in what was essentially a highschool popularity contest. As George R. R. Martin writes, “Words are just wind.” The only thing that matters now are actions.

Once upon a time, in 1997, I was in the Ukraine. I saw a TV show there that was amazing. It was called Detektor and it appeared to be a host interviewing a politician with a voice stress analyzer running at the bottom of the screen. What better way to see if a politician actually believes what he’s saying? Since then, I read it is illegal to run a voice stress analyzer on US politicians. The politician who would consent to this kind of scrutiny would be worth watching.

I think the Bible was pretty good on this subject: By their fruit you will know them.

January 26, 2014 12:32 pm

Ron Paul is a good man, excellent morals and ethics, helps other people, is honest, in short, a respectable man. A leader, somebody I would follow into battle.

Instead of him, what do we have? A half-breed homosexual lying piece of shit with no morals or ethics, no accomplishments, no leadership, a narcissist psychopath socialist, enslaving a hundred million to government dependence, removing their humanity and fostering hatred, destroying this nation from top to bottom. Thanks be to the millennials and Mexicans for giving us the scourge.

January 26, 2014 10:25 pm

Ron Paul is not a politician he said this is what I believe elect me if you agree or not. So he had an up and down “political” career but he would always give a direct answer to a direct question. But Americans want promises not honesty….just sayin!!!

January 26, 2014 10:39 pm

“Instead of (Ron Paul), what do we have? A half-breed homosexual lying piece of shit with no morals or ethics, no accomplishments, no leadership, a narcissist psychopath socialist, enslaving a hundred million to government dependence, removing their humanity and fostering hatred, destroying this nation from top to bottom.”

You know something, Doc? You need to stop pulling your punches. Everyone on this site is getting sick and tired of trying to figure you out. Just once, for heaven’s sake, step up to the plate and tell us how you feel. It’s really not all that difficult.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 27, 2014 12:05 am

AWD says:

“Thanks be to the millennials and Mexicans for giving us the scourge.”

Obama, the first Mexican president. We voted for him so he could deport a million of our compadres and set up roadblocks to ask us for papers. We are our own worst enemy. I have seen the error of my existence and internalized and accepted beaner hatred. Fuck me and my kind, we have sunk the USA to the level of a third world country, I would off myself but Hillary is counting on my vote.

We have got some amazing political power, too bad we don’t know who to vote for.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 27, 2014 12:12 am

Let’s try this again:

Ron Paul is a good man, excellent morals and ethics, helps other people, is honest, in short, a respectable man. A leader, somebody I would follow into battle.

Instead of him, what do we have? A half-breed homosexual lying piece of shit with no morals or ethics, no accomplishments, no leadership, a narcissist psychopath socialist, enslaving a hundred million to government dependence, removing their humanity and fostering hatred, destroying this nation from top to bottom. Thanks be to the people of Chicago for giving us the scourge.