Every day I wonder why Obama hasn’t been impeached. Everyone I talk to wonders why Obama hasn’t been impeached (even many liberal democrats). Even Ann Coulter wonders why Obama hasn’t been impeached, only she’s got some answers.

Article reprinted in full with permission from the website on which it appeared

Submitted by Angry White Dude


If any of you didn’t get the chance to watch Ann Coulter last night on Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show, you will now! As always, she minced nary a word when it comes to his ‘Oneness‘, his race, and the real reason he hasn’t been impeached already!

When it comes to the gutless-wonders on the republican side of the aisle, what she stated fits the spineless so-called leaders to a tee. We all know they’re afraid of the msm, let alone their own shadows.

Author and columnist Ann Coulter joined FNC’s Judge Jeanine Pirro last night. Coulter defined the differences between a normal use of executive orders, and what President Obama is currently doing in regards to Obamacare, Immigration reform, and drug legalization. She added,

“This is the bottom of the slippery slope and I think he would be impeached if he weren’t America’s first black president.”

Listen to what was said and see if you agree or disagree.

Now, here’s a good piece about this subject that speaks volumes:

Ann Coulter was dead on about how this destroyer of the republic has been permitted to get away with all the crimes he is committing because of his skin color. Obama is rewriting obamacare, immigration law, drug laws etc which is outside the scope of the Executive Branch. He has committed a bona fixed act of treason when he sent aid to Syrian rebels aka terrorists too! Congress remaining silent to emperor 0′s power grabs has set a very dangerous precedent. He now knows he can go even farther with his power grabs because NO ONE will stop him. Liberals will never speak out because they want to see the radical agenda implemented knowing barry is the only one who will be able to pull it off.

“I suppose there may be something that Congress could do with the purse but not with the Senate in democrat hands and I mean unfortunately I hate to say this, the Constitution is not supposed to be overruled by political correctness but I wasn’t joking at the beginning, I just… the first black president is not going to be impeached”


It is infuriating to hear this clown being referred to as the “first black president”. No he isn’t, obama is the first mixed race/ bi-racial president. To even refer to him as the “first black president” is racist. He has a white mother and grandparents that raised him unlike the black father who abandoned him. I challenge each and every one of you to call out those who identify him in this manner as racists. They including pundits, crap media etc are all denying his white half!

If we had leaders with a pair between their legs who would admit this maybe they could get the courage and initiate impeachment proceedings. That of course is just a wet dream for Americans because as long as Harry Reid runs the Senate and progressives (on both sides) infest Congress emperor obama will never be impeached. Those of you asking “why haven’t they done it”, “just do it already” etc etc it’s NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Make no mistake about it obama has broken more laws and violated the Constitution more than any other POTUS including Bush but more importantly Nixon who went down for far far less! But because of his skin color he is untouchable! Meanwhile we are in a full-blown Constitutional crisis that the DC destroyers know but don’t care as they build their kingdoms and prepare for the collapse that is coming!



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February 16, 2014 9:26 pm

Black, half black or white, this congress doesn’t have a spine. If we believe in a fourth turning we had to have a obama. I still have a bad feeling.

February 16, 2014 9:39 pm

The reason I think B O has not been impeached is dirt.He is Using NSA to blackmail.Yes its a theory,but looking at what he does to the people that gets in his way-True the vote,Tea Party for example. Dem Cummings and Shummer using the FBI CIA IRS at their disposal to intimidate and harass.Notice a few dead journalists,one with motor blown out of car.Latest target is the author of Obama”s America Dinish D Souza (still alive)He must of really got under his skin.Chief Justice Roberts for his vote in Obamacare should be thrown out if true.Speculation that he was blackmailed over the adoption of his children.The corruption now is so bad and so deep , I do not know why the people have not said ENOUGH!

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 16, 2014 10:23 pm

Because congress itself would need to be impeached. Of course they won’t impeach.

February 16, 2014 10:58 pm

dear reader. political in-correctness was devised to get the idiots out to vote on something, anything, to keep you slobbering ninnies at each others throats so legislation can be slid under your salivating lips nose.

to wit…

“Private communications revealed as a result of the Congressional enquiry into Scanlon and Abramoff’s consulting business demonstrate a contemptuous attitude to both clients and supporters. Indian Clients were referred to as “troglodytes” and “monkeys”, while Christian Conservatives were called gullible “wackos” who could be manipulated to vote on demand:

The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, the internet and telephone trees … Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them.”

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
February 16, 2014 11:51 pm

It may sound like a technicality, but impeachment occurs in the House, conviction in the Senate. The R’s control the House. They could impeach tomorrow morning if they wanted. They don’t, because doing so would upset the one party rule.

We have one party in Washington: the big government party. Hint: You and I aren’t in it.

February 17, 2014 7:51 am

The NSA has dirt on his opponents, he protects them, they protect him.

February 17, 2014 8:34 am

Excellent post! We are indeed at the bottom of the slope and the coffin containing the USofA awaits us. Obobgo will start driving the nails and 8yrs of Hitlery will finish the job. My wife and I spent a wonderful weekend with the family and I looked at the grandkids with incredible sadness. Not because of conditions today, but because of what they will certainly face as young adults. A small example of PC gone rampant: my company officially recognizes MLCoon day as a holiday but President’s Day? Not so fast, White Boy!

February 17, 2014 9:24 am

“The Senate needs a 2/3 vote for a conviction to actually remove a president from office.”
——— wiki

Good luck with getting 66% of the Criminal Class voting to oust the Big Criminal.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 17, 2014 11:22 am

I believe that Obama issued two demonstrably fake birth certificates. I believe that he intimidated John Roberts to change his vote on Obamacare. I believe that Michael Hastings was murdered (and Vince Foster too). I believe that Obama uses the IRS to target opponents. I believe that the NSA has usable dirt on a lot of politicians. I believe that Republicans in congress are too chickenshit to impeach any Democrat – especially a black one – after how the Clinton impeachment played out. Nonetheless, none of the above facts is necessary to explain why Obama’s perfidy is tolerated. Ultimately what matters Is that enough of the populace is OK with how he rolls. The Obama fans I know, when confronted by evidence of illegality, are still oK with him because he’s on their team. Even now that his popularity’s down, it’s only because they’re upset about the insufficiency of their free shit.

February 17, 2014 11:47 am

I’ve sent several letters over the last couple of years to both my senators and representatives. Its pointless.

My elders assure me that its important to engage myself in the political process, but the complete absence of anything resembling true feedback is disheartening to say the least.

I’ve received nothing but form letters, thanking me for my interest and then either completely miss the point of my message (audit the fed letters) or give me such a political response that they may as well of said nothing (Syrian war involvement).

I know when I’m being snowed, the only thing keeping me from increasing my involvement is the piling high stack of work. Increased rules and regulations mean that everyone in my company puts in a full 45 hours a week, if not 50+.

Every second I take to post here I have to make up at the end of the day or get buried under an avalanche of backlogged work.

I think thats one of the key things that rarely get commented on: the people taking the brunt of this turning are the ones that don’t have the time to stand up for themselves. The free shitters and congresscritters have all week to screw over the producers, whereas the producers only have a handful of personal hours each week to defend themselves.

February 17, 2014 8:39 pm

@TPC: I hear and understand what you’re saying. You can give yourself ulcers trying to fight the system from within the system. Doesn’t work. Too many rats in too many boxes.

Adjust your goals to do the following:

#1. Put you and your family in a small, as self-sufficient community as possible (or make the preparation to do so -NOW) where you will eventually know a lot of people and they get to know you.

#2. Convert your company to mine the wealth which you have created over time through it. Sad, but you have to stop thinking of your employees (ask Lloph about that) and think of yourself. Spread the generated wealth into assets that can’t be confiscated except at the point of a gun.

Go Gault. If you’re the kind of guy that has to be working all the time, fine – take a year (minimum) and build your own home first (I’ve built four of mine), then re-educate yourself (if needed) to become proficient – if not brilliant – in a trade that you can use in a smaller community to good advantage. Then find a hobby or two completely divorced from your new trade skills so you’ll have something fun to do while you wait a bit for the trade re-training to become effective (or work at it part time). Gardening is a great hobby to work with your sweetie and when you harvest your first kohlrabi, peel it and eat it right there in the garden, you will then know what I mean..

Good luck in any event – and events to drag us down are closer that any of us thinks..