
Kappa Beta Phi

Fed was Yucking it Up While the World Was Imploding in 2008

Fed: “We’re Not Clueless”

Friday Fail

Blame the Weather

Swirlogram of Death

Blame the Liberals

Housing Crash 2.0 Well Under Way



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February 21, 2014 9:24 pm

With Fannie and Freddie buying up almost all of the mortgages being written out there, how will the housing market ever collapse again?

February 21, 2014 10:42 pm


Hey LLPOH!!!!

You know what? WE ARE RELATED!!!

See, the grave of a young boy, some 12,600 years old, was discovered in Montana back in 1968. Genetic testing performed by Danish geneticist Eske Willerslev shows that not only is the boy’s bloodline… check this out:

“More than 80 percent of all native peoples in the Americas–from the Alaska’s Aleuts to the Maya of Yucatan to the Aymaras along the Andes–are descended from Montana boy’s lineage.”

But it gets EVEN BETTER!!

“…descends from a Siberian tribe with roots tracing back to Europe. Some of the boy’s ancestors are likely even to have lived in present-day Germany.”


“Archaeologists discovered 30 ivory pendants at Mal’ta, the Stone Age settlement site near Lake Baikal where the remains were found. The pendants show great similarity to ones found at Hohle Fels cave, an important Paleolithic site in southern Germany’s Swabian Jura mountains.”

Hey Llpoh? GUESS WHERE MY ANCESTORS ARE FROM!!! Yep, you guessed it – Southern Germany/Black Forest…

Soo.. I guess that makes us VERY distant relatives.


Oh… and I guess that means that… “Native Americans” are actually… dare I say it? WHITEY?!?!


Oh man, you do NOT know how much I am enjoying this!!!!!

February 23, 2014 11:59 am


I don’t have a clue how these scientists can track DNA from some Stone Age kid in Montana to “prove” he had European roots.

But something stinks in Denmark. Cuz, you know, the kid from Montana looks just like a kid from Germany!! haha

ACTUAL Native American Indian before the Mexicans fucked up the gene pool;
[imgcomment image[/img]

February 23, 2014 1:03 pm

El Stuck-o The Great

Dude, I am enjoying this immensely because of how the various Indian tribes have clamped down on DNA testing of ANY bones found that happen to be old.. they claim that the bones are from “their ancestors” without any proof whatsoever and our own Government kow-tows in agreement.

BUT! Like the article says, that big clamp the Indians wield only applies to Federal Lands, not private. The kid was found on private land, so the Indians can get stuffed, can’t they?

Eminent DNA geneticist Jedi chick shows up, works her DNA mojo on the bones and HOLY SHITBALLS!! Guess who we’re related to!

THAT”S why the Indians don’t want DNA testing done… because it will, and has, blown away the fantasy that “Native Americans” were the first and ONLY humans to inhabit North America in all of history… which I have always held to be bullshit.

This fits into my “not enough history” theory. Humans have been around for 250,000 – 300,000 years, but only have 8,000 years or so of shit written down? Say what? There’s LOTS of shit that we just do not know, mostly because all the evidence is under fucking water right now (glaciers melt, sea levels rise, cities get drowned, people move elsewhere, drowned cities get forgotten about) or have been ground to dust. How many major glaciations have there been in the last quarter million years? I remember reading there have been FOUR major glaciations… if you have a city, town, whatever, and then Mother Nature drives a glacier 2 miles thick over it, there ain’t gonna be anything left. Even our best minds say that a modern city will last, at most, a couple thousand years if abandoned, and then they rot to dust…

And the DNA evidence from this kid proves that human groups have been in contact with each other for far, far longer than anyone has even imagined… They call him part of the Clovis culture, and that’s okay. But the same group will ignore the Solutrean culture, calling it “fringe” or “alternative” to cast doubt because it doesn’t fit the Bering-Sea-Land-Bridge-Native-Americans-were-first politically correct narrative… other things too, like the red haired giants that lived in the Southwest that the Indians THEMSELVES admit to wiping out…. and then the skeletons were found, proving what the Indians themselves said, and all that was promptly ignored or classified as fake or “lost” or some shit…

Modern dogma preaches that “Native Americans were first, and there shalt be no others”. Anyone who looks too closely at their “theory” will get tossed out of the Priesthood and shunned…

Plus, I like to poke Llpoh with a pointy stick… we’re distant cousins. Family can do that…

February 23, 2014 1:20 pm


I think your “not enough history” theory is interesting and makes perfect sense.

I honestly don’t follow these type of stories. Too confusing. Hell, I couldn’t even follow that stuff in High School science class …. like my fellow Austrian, Gregor Mendel and his dumbass experiment with fuckin’ peas. I failed that class. Fuckit.

Didn’t they determine the first human mother was some black chick in Africa? Fuckit!!

February 23, 2014 1:22 pm

Goddamn. Who voted down my hot German Indian?

Must of been that Mexican bean-o, El Coyote.

February 23, 2014 1:37 pm

I always thought Lipoh sounded to white to be all Injun but billy if your family came from Germany then we are kin folk because mine did too.You and I have the same family background which means we have the same DNA and IQ .Oh the joys of science.LIpoh will get a good laugh out of this!!!!

February 23, 2014 2:34 pm

Stucky, you may find this interesting, then: Native American Sailed to Europe with Vikings?

There apparently was a belief that certain tribes, including the Mandan of North Dakota, had blonde / blue-eyed members because of Viking ancestry. That’s apparently been disproved, although it’s known that Vikings did have at least one settlement in what is now Nova Scotia.

There’s also some other interesting research that puts humans in North America about 50,000 years ago.

February 23, 2014 3:05 pm

All this evolutionary DNA testing has been shown to be fake or unreliable.You can test a 100 times
And get a 100 different results.This testing is a tool.evolutionists use to further the lie of evolution.They use fraudulent testing to get fraudulent results to keeping telling the lie so rich
Atheists will keep sending money and have something to justify their depraved ,immoral lifestyles.
It all lies and I never thought so many would be so gullible.Any one that gives me a thumbs down is contributing to these lies and becomes a liar himself.

February 23, 2014 3:45 pm


North America was never “found”. It was common knowledge that there was a land “over that way”, a fact that many cultures have exploited.

Not to harp on the Solutreans, but the history goes something like –

Archaeologists dig down into the dirt, and find a historical record of people. Remains of fires, animal bones, tool fragments, spear points, etc. They get down to about 13-14 thousand years back or so, and then POOF! A whole lot of nuthin’…

There’s this gap in the record of several thousand years, and then more fragments, remains of fires, animal bones and spear points picks back up again.

Thing is, the older spear points, etc, are WAY more sophisticated and advanced than those found later, which is ass-backwards. Flint is hard enough to work, but these points were works of art. Not only were they indented at the bottom so that you could lash it to a lance or pole (or arrow), but they were deeply fluted along their lengths, which provided a place for the split lance to go… really advanced shit for a bunch of hunter-gatherers.

So, the archaeologists, following the Bering-Sea-Land-Bridge-is-Holy-Writ dogma, they figure that if they looked in Siberia at about the same time frame, or a bit before, they would find technology that was closely related. Almost prototypical.

WRONG! They go to Siberia and look around and HOLY SHITBALLS! The tech is not only unrelated, it is totally different. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

So, they get to thinking “Where the fuck did this shit come from?”

They go looking around and HOLY SHITBALLS!! Where do they find tech that is almost identical? Southern France.

But, but… that’s IMPOSSIBLE! Right? The “native americans” came over the Bering Sea Land Bridge, right? Fucking RIGHT?!?


See, they get to looking at these remains in Southern France that date to the same time, or just before, and what do they find? They find the bones of deep sea fish.

You say “Well, big fucking whoop… they caught some fish”. The thing is, you can’t catch these kinds of fish from the shore with a net or even a hook and line… matter of fact, you can’t catch these types of fish even if you had a canoe and could go out a few miles off the coast…

You needed sea-faring boats. Blue water boats. You had to go WAY the fuck out there to catch these big bastards.

Which means that-

A) The tech found in Virginia and the American Southwest matched the tech from Southern France during the same time period.

B) The guys in France had the tech, blue water sea faring boats, to reach North America.

C) The gap in the archaeological record matches up perfectly with some great catastrophe that struck North America. Theory is that a meteor hit the glacial ice sheet, resulting in predictable chaos.

D) The meteor that hit the ice sheet wiped out the early Europeans – or rather most of them. This theory is backed up by the undisputed fact that an entire species of tree was also wiped out across the continent during the same time period.

E) After the meteor hit the ice sheet and wiped out nearly all humans in North America, there is a gap in the archaeological record of several thousand years. Then it picks back up when Siberians crossed the land bridge…

This is what I believe happened… but, we don’t have anything else other than that because nobody is looking in the OBVIOUS places – underwater, about where the shoreline would have been back before the glaciers melted. I’m willing to bet that there is a huge treasure trove of “stuff” buried in the sand and mud, but nobody wants to go looking…


February 23, 2014 5:07 pm

“because nobody is looking in the OBVIOUS places – underwater” ——— Billy


Mysterious pyramids were found off the coast of Japan …. structures seem to have been carved right out of bedrock in a terra-forming process using tools previously thought unavailable to ancient cultures.
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Another guy digs up a lost underwater civilization the size of Paris off the coast of Egypt.
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Article; “Underwater City Ruins: 7 Submerged Wonders of the World”


Underwater City Ruins: 7 Submerged Wonders of the World

February 23, 2014 5:54 pm

Billy ,so what ,what is your point?

February 23, 2014 6:13 pm

Germans are just living proof that the Romans fucked water buffalo. Just saying.

February 23, 2014 6:21 pm

llpoh, an Indian, talking about buffalo booty. Ain’t that precious?

llpoh, woos his date before having his way with her.
[imgcomment image[/img]

llpoh anxiously awaits Sloppy Seconds
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February 23, 2014 6:47 pm

And do not get me started on Austrians. Stuck: “I ain’t German I iz Austrian”.

For fuck sake, Austria has been, next to Belgium, Europe’s bitch for millenium. No telling what their bloodlines are. Their womenfolk been drilled by every Tom, Dick, Jacque, And Mario since prehistorical times.

First the celts bent them over, then the Romans, then the Bavarians, Slavs, and Avars. Hell, even those mighty French warriors took their turn speading a little good cheer and DNA through the region.

And then of course, there is that Austrian specialty – inbreeding. They are renouned world-wide for it. The one great dynasty they managed to form was ruined because they could not stop porking their sisters.

Yep, them Austrians should have stuck to wildlife and left their blood relatives alone.

February 23, 2014 6:54 pm


Your understanding of Austrian history is on par with Nonanonymous’ understanding of the Bible. Comic book variety at best, nonexistent at worst.

I would do a thread on it to edumucate you, but no one would read it, so fuckit, you get to remain in the dark.

February 23, 2014 7:18 pm

All billy is saying is you ,he ,Stucky and me are all.kin folks and your part of the family swindled the land away from the white part after they stole the land from your side.

February 23, 2014 9:26 pm

Native American home, circa 1800’s
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Austrian home, circa 1800’s
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I win.

February 23, 2014 10:23 pm

Native Americans, circa 1800:

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Paintings of actual Austrian Circa 1800:

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We may have lived in tents but we knew enough not to bang our close relatives.