Happy Friday!!!


Obamacare: A Comedy of Terrors

Brilliant Marketing Strategy

Jamie Dimon Knew About Madoff Ponzi Scheme

Starting a College Fund

Chinese Pig in a Python

College Graduate

Tragic Olympic Accident

The Two Party One Party State

Kiev: River of Blood

Ukrainian Parliament Negotiations




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February 21, 2014 9:38 am

Well, Ms Freud and I got a hearty morning chuckle from this article.

The Swiss can’t scramble jets after normal business hours!! Too funny.

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February 21, 2014 11:44 am

From something called the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index.

The two Happiest States are North and South Dakota. The two Most Miserable States are West Virginia and Kentucky. Poor Billy …….. is he REALLY happy?

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February 21, 2014 4:18 pm

Another “ranking” for the US — guess which cities do well, or poorly, with income equality?

Brookings: All Cities Are Not Created Unequal

The latest U.S. Census Bureau data confirm that, overall, big cities remain more unequal places by income than the rest of the country. Across the 50 largest U.S. cities in 2012, the 95/20 ratio was 10.8, compared to 9.1 for the country as a whole. The higher level of inequality in big cities reflects that, compared to national averages, big-city rich households are somewhat richer ($196,000 versus $192,000), and big-city poor households are somewhat poorer ($18,100 versus $21,000).

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February 22, 2014 1:23 pm

“The two Most Miserable States are West Virginia and Kentucky. Poor Billy …….. is he REALLY happy?” — The Stuck One

Dude, who the fuck figures this shit?

How can you quantify a FEELING? (Excuse me sir? I’m from the Bureau Of Nosy Statistics. Can you rate your desire to choke the shit out of me on a scale of 1 to 10? Grrk!–*)

Kentucky is a gorgeous commonwealth… the people are solid. If you stay away from the cities, you should be just fine. Other than the occasional retard leftist trying to run for office, there’s not a lot to piss me off… which means my default setting is content…

February 22, 2014 1:42 pm

Yeah. Those “studies” are truly as worthles as tits on a hog.

My ex-wife’s aunt lives in southern Indiana, just across the river. In fact, she considers herself a Kentuckian. She, in turn, has relatives in Kentucky whom we’d visit once or twice a year. It IS beautiful country, and I always had a blast.

New Jersey IS the most miserable fucking state in the union. The FACT that they got that wrong tells me all I need to know about that bullshit study.