Reddit Censors Big Story About Government Manipulation and Disruption of the Internet

The moderators at the giant r/news reddit (with over 2 million readers) repeatedly killed the Greenwald/Snowden story on government manipulation and disruption of the Internet … widely acknowledged to be one of the most important stories ever leaked by Snowden.

Similarly, the moderators at the even bigger r/worldnews reddit (over 5 million readers) repeatedly deleted the story, so that each new post had to start over at zero.

For example, here are a number of posts deleted from r/news (click any image for much larger/clearer version):

Related posts from other sites – like 21stCenturyWire – were deleted as well:


And here are a number of the posts deleted by the moderators of r/worldnews:


Write-ups of the same story from other sites – like Zero Hedge – were also deleted:

Two Redditors provide further information on the censorship of this story:

This isn’t the first time Reddit moderators have been caught censoring:

Source links: Here, here, here, here, here and here.

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February 26, 2014 11:38 am

Reddit is one of the worse cases of internet censorship I’ve ever seen as both the mods and commentors actually side with the government pretty heavily.

Fiscal conservative talk is slammed by an endless parade of liberal progressivism, with articles in favor of reigning in spending gaining next to no traction whatsoever.

However, here is the interesting thing. Reddit has an upvote/downvote system similar to what we have here.

Your fiscal conservative rationalism might induce frothing at the mouth replies and a shit ton of downvotes, but still end up strongly positive in score.

Reddit might seem like a stronghold of liberal progressivism at first glance, but (much like people of the US) most just want the government to leave them the fuck alone.

February 26, 2014 12:15 pm

Except for ZH and a number of other sites, it would appear the government is taking over the internet. This has implications beyond belief. The depth of the liberal progressive socialist fascist reach is also beyond belief. The people doing this censorship need to be named, singled out, and taken out.

Our fascist government is the evil empire to end all evil empires. It’s far beyond what Orwell or any previous dystopian authors could imagine. It has to be stopped, at any cost. If not, pretty soon blogs and sites will be shut down or disappear; vanished into the vacuum of fascism, sent to an internet concentration camp.

We get more evidence every day that Silicon valley and the liberal fucks running these companies are the enemy, and they need to be dealt with like the danger they are. The next step will be shutting down every single blog and site that disseminates the truth. The FCC, FBI, DHS, NSA, or any number of other government terrorist organizations will, using one or more of the millions of “laws” on the books, shut everything down that doesn’t tow the party line. It’s so much more serious than people realize. When all the sites and blogs we use to see through the propaganda charade go dark, maybe people will wake up and do something. Unfortunelty, by then, it will be too late.

February 26, 2014 1:44 pm

It will take a few more breach’s of peoples personal info, banks info, credit card pin numbers, whatever, and the sheep will beg, no demand the government take over the internet, and protect them from the bad hackers.

February 26, 2014 2:08 pm

Trying to find a silver-lining …. and it is this; despite the attempts to delete the original article, IT CAN STILL BE FOUND. Not only can it be found, but even the attempts to delete it are known.

So fuck you redditt, — a site I have never visited and after reading this, never will.

February 26, 2014 2:38 pm

Fuck Reddit!