Ruptly’s drone caught the iconic beauty of tulip fields in the Netherlands, as the spring flower season gets into full swing.

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April 28, 2014 8:04 am

I know we have folks here who live in the Michigan/Indiana/Illinois area. The Holland (MI) Tulip Festival is a really lovely trip to make. Millions of tulips.

The only authentic and functioning Dutch windmill in North America
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The park near downtown Holland
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Some years are better than others. Tulips don’t last long in warm weather. But this is a cool spring and I’m guessing it should be spectacular.

April 28, 2014 8:10 am

Again, for those in the area and maybe interested in going, I found a link for you that will give you a better feel for the “Best Small Town Festival” in America (according to Readers Digest).

And yeah, you’ll find this …… and you’ll LOVE it.
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April 28, 2014 9:04 am

Jesus Christ what a bunch of fucking pansies.
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April 28, 2014 9:15 am

Goats’ cheese dip in tulip petals recipe

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1)– Remove the tulip petals and trim the bottom of each one with a pair of scissors or a sharp knife.

2)– Place the petals into a bowl of clean, cold water and set aside.

3)– Mash the goats’ cheese in a bowl and then beat in the curd cheese and plain yoghurt.

4)– Finely chop the fresh dill and stir it into the goats’ cheese mixture and then season to your taste.

5)– Take each petal and carefully wipe the front and back with a kitchen towel. Arrange the petals on your serving platter and then place a teaspoonful of the goat’s cheese dip on top.

April 28, 2014 9:20 am

Tulip Vinegar

Making flavored vinegars is a simple process and most of the work is waiting for the vinegar flavor to “bloom”! As for taste…well that is difficult to describe. It is very pleasant and somewhat sweet like a drop or 2 of honey vinegar if there is such a thing! I will use the tulip vinegar in my breads, salad dressings and there’s nothing like a tsp of vinegar to bump up the flavor of chocolate cupcakes.

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For the easy recipe, go here —-> http://bigblackdogs.net/tulip-vinegar/