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May 20, 2014 8:33 am

When dems pass immigration reform and all those illegals become legal?

Those lazy free shit army liberals will be outside looking in screaming “Dey took R jobs!” Lack of work ethic, its a bitch.

May 20, 2014 5:20 pm

Card , the dems are pushing amnesty…sigh….while the Pugs do what? ..get a grip son.

May 20, 2014 10:19 pm

Americans I know get mad @ the Chinese. It’s not like they stole the jobs by gunpoint, politicians & the elite sent the jobs there in a BS policy called “wage arbitrage”, masquerading as “free trade”. A big scam. U can’t have balanced trade with a country that pays their workers a few dollars a day for a 12 hour shift.

The Republicans will vote for “amnesty” too. More cheap workers for their corporate masters & it will cause more internal chaos among Americans fighting for the table scraps.

Why wouldn’t both parties vote for amnesty? It’s a win win.

May 21, 2014 9:29 am

@Econman, that continues to crack me up.

It isn’t the low wages, nor the “Chinese,” it WAS Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Tip O’Neil, Newt Gingrich and Walmart, followed quickly by the Big 3 automakers.

The evil of Walmart is NOT the retail wages paid to retail workers, all they did is transfer the W2s from Mom & Pop to Wally.

Their true evil was the destruction of the suppliers – which is where the family supporting jobs used to come from.

We can’t compete with China due to government regulations NOT pay. If it were pay only, we would still have jobs as the hassle and shipping costs do not compensate for the difference in hourly wages.

OSHA, EPA, local regulators, taxes, paperwork, THESE are the reasons jobs were offshored. The couple bucks in extra wage savings is nothing but a bonus.

This is why it is impossible to fix problems in this country. We NEVER “fix,” nor gripe about the real problems, we focus on the debate the politicians, elite and MSM have laid out for us.

One needs to ask themselves how it is that Bill Clinton went from being unable to afford a mortgage on his NY home (to get Hillary into the Senate) in 2000, to becoming a very, very, very, rich man?

That is where our jobs have gone, and by looking around, that is where they will stay too

May 21, 2014 9:35 am

Ask llpoh, he’s written a number of outstanding, IMHO, of posts on how difficult it is for American manufacturing to compete with the Chinese given the suffocating regulations/taxes/bureaucracy placed on American business thanks to our fed.gov.

If the POINT of the fed.gov is to destroy the middle class, create millions of people dependent on the fed.gov, destroy the USD, and bring America down to the rest of the world, well, after 8 years of Obama it’s almost mission accomplished.

Makes ya’ kinda’ wonder if that was “the plan” all along.