If you thought People of Wal-Mart was too harsh of an assessment of the ignorant masses, you are wrong. Let’s hope it only takes 3% to 5% of the population to start a successful revolution.

26% of Americans Do Not Know the Earth Revolves Around the Sun

The National Science Foundation conducted a 10-question quiz. It was given to 2,200 Americans. One question was whether the Earth revolves around the Sun or the Sun revolves around the Earth.

74% got it right, 26% got it wrong.…

So, this is what we’re up against. And these people are going to have the intellectual ability to distinguish between minarchism and anarcho-capitalism? The Non-Aggression Principle? Why non-interventionism is both pragmatic and moral? Why Austrian economic theory is right and Keynesian theory is wrong?

Notify of
June 26, 2014 5:57 pm


Geez.. okay, fine, whatever… you are officially, The Most Hated Person on TBP and King of the Downvotes. You want talk shit rights? You can have them…

I’m just here making rigatoni for dinner…

“Score. Is. 56.To. 54. You. Lose.” – Downvote Douchebag

Fraid not, Douchy… see, you gave me 365 cumulative downvotes. You only gave flashy 122.

Might want to jump back on your Fag-O-Matic spoofy thingy and get busy… lots more time for you to waste doing this dumb shit…

Rigatoni’s ready.. laters..

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 26, 2014 6:21 pm

My. Game.

My. Rules.

June 26, 2014 6:52 pm


Sorry. Eating dinner.

Come back later when I have a fuck to give…

June 26, 2014 8:25 pm

Persnickety says:

@flash, Smokey has the all-time TBP badge of dishonor for downvotes, and they were all legit.

26th June 2014 at 4:13 pm

Really? Funny-thing back then, and none of my doing,but for some strange reason, I could vote up or down as many times as I liked…but as soon as I changed ISPs my Democracy disappeared, not that I abused my majority vote, mind you.,,jus’ sayin’

Billy, I concede the most hated da’ man Black Knight.

June 26, 2014 8:32 pm

SSS- Bullshit, as usual.

I had 10 STRAIGHT pink screens (negative rating) on my comments in a drug thread once, including 3 STRAIGHT “comment hidden due to low rating,” 1 of which was a total shutout, 0 thumbs-up and something over 30 thumbs-down. The masses were in a fucking feeding frenzy.

phhttttt!!!! I’m talking apples and you’re talking submarines..30 thumbs down for one comment ?., I got 101…top that super sleuth..I’m on top of Billy now.He probably thinks it tastes like chicken …..hope he don’t decide to hunt me down and kill me for that little snark.

June 26, 2014 8:40 pm

Personally , I feel that if the vote vote was limited to women only , we the people . would have not only a saner more mature government, but a one of increased fiscal responsibly as well. Thumb me up , Scotty.

June 26, 2014 9:44 pm


Nah, I ain’t gonna hunt you down…

Tell you what. You can be a Sith Lord on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I’ll take Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and we can alternate Sundays…

Besides… they have bacon..

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 26, 2014 9:45 pm

The decline of the political discourse in the USA closely parallels the enfranchisement of women and minorities. Just saying.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 26, 2014 9:51 pm

Persnickety says:

“The decline of the political discourse in the USA closely parallels the enfranchisement of women and minorities. Just saying.”

It can’t get more basic than – ‘it’s the economy, stupid’

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 26, 2014 9:52 pm

then there was Mondale’s ‘where’s the beef’ campaign

June 26, 2014 10:48 pm

“you are officially, The Most Hated Person on TBP and King of the Downvotes. You want talk shit rights? You can have them … I’m just here making rigatoni for dinner… ”
—-Billy @ SSS

Glad you saw the light. As for that rigatoni shit, only a limp-wristed Special Forces weenie would whip up that losing dish. I’ll bet you make a smoking soufflé, don’t you? And your Eggs Benedict is off the charts, isn’t it?

Fighter pilots make stuff like pork-fried rice, which is exactly what I treated my family to tonight. Threw in some straw mushrooms and diced water chestnuts this time. Fried rice is Oriental chile. Start with pork or beef slices and rice and you can fire in whatever shit trips your trigger. One caveat. No peas!!!! I hate fucking peas. Subtract the peas from this pic.

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el Coyote
el Coyote
June 27, 2014 12:09 am

I got two thumbs down on both comments, Yeah! I’m on my way to challenging SSS’ record. Dang, hate is energizing. I feel like Hulkamania right now, bring it on, baby. Wooo!

June 27, 2014 3:44 am


Determine. Number. Of. . Votes. Required. To. Negate. . Votes. By. 100%.

Selected. Targets:

Subject A: Of. Relative. High. Intelligence.
Subject B: Of. Low. Intelligence. Relative. To.
Subject A.

Priority. Change:

Negate. One. Comment. From. Subject. Of. Higher. Intelligence. As. Accumulating. Data. On. Subject. B. Has. Been. Determined. To. Be. An. Inefficient. And. Misuse. Of Resources.


The. Three. Votes. Given. To. Subject A. For. Comment. Posted. On. 26th. June. 2014. At. 10:06. AM. Was. Successfully. 100%. Negated. By. 298. . Votes.

Mission. Accomplished. Good. Job. Everyone. Yes. Our. Votes. Count.

Message. To. Subject. B.:


(FYI. The. Message. Is. Not. Related. To. Nor. From. My. Friend. Gort.)

June 27, 2014 3:59 am

It. Is. Apparent. Certain. Symbols. Do. Not. Translate. To. The. Comment. Window.

Determine. Number. Of. . Votes. Required. To. Negate. . Votes. By. 100%.


Determine. Number. Of. “Down”. Votes. Required. To. Negate. “Up”. Votes. By. 100%.


The. Three. Votes. Given. To. Subject A. For. Comment. Posted. On. 26th. June. 2014. At. 10:06. AM. Was. Successfully. 100%. Negated. By. 298. . Votes.


The. Three. Votes. Given. To. Subject A. For. Comment. Posted. On. 26th. June. 2014. At. 10:06. AM. Was. Successfully. 100%. Negated. By. 298. “Down”. Votes.

June 27, 2014 6:16 am

Persnickety says:
“I wouldn’t count their prior secession as a success, Buckhed. Maybe they should start winning spelling bees before they try to secede again.”

Really? Read, do the math and get back to us regarding Yankees versus redneck kids and spelling bees.

Champions and Their Winning Words/Sponsors (1925 thru 2013)

June 27, 2014 6:30 am

And BTW, this years spelling bee competition ended in a tie for the first time in 50 years, between a 14 year old from NY, and a 13 year old from Texas.

June 27, 2014 6:43 am


I ain’t no special forces type, but only an air farce zoomie would serve his family that swill… polk-flied lice? Bleah. Surprised you don’t just feed your family fried cat. At least tell me you got some hot sauce to go with it to kill the taste…

In all honesty, I actually do make a whip-ass spinach lasagna… like, 5 pounds of cheese. Gramma taught me how to make it. Shit’s awesome. You walk past it and the shadow of your ass gains 5 pounds.. 🙂

See, I learned how to cook because

1) most of the females in America are spoiled rotten and have no earthly clue how to cook and
2) junk food is okay once in a blue moon, and I enjoy Campbell’s Tomato Soup as much as the next guy, but if I didn’t cook for myself, I would fucking starve…

When I married the missus, I was pretty damn glad she could cook. Still trying to learn her how to make American stuff, but damn near everything she makes rocks out loud.. you should try her Venison Sauerbraten… holy shit is that good. And Maultaschen… dear lord..

June 27, 2014 6:45 am

300 down thumbs!!!!…I’ve never been more proud …suck it Billy…no need to share titles… you lose.
There can be only one.

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June 27, 2014 6:49 am

FWIW, real men..i.e. a Black Knight are experts in the art of eggplant parmesan .

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June 27, 2014 6:51 am


PS. I’m a pea-hatin muhfuggah too. ‘Cept for fresh snow peas. Them little fuckers are okay. The rest blow…

June 27, 2014 6:56 am


The fuck IS that?!? Looks like Walt Disney threw up on a plate… and I think it moved.

Yep. Best kill it with fire. Just hose that shit with napalm and move on…

And I already told you fags I conceded the title… ain’t gonna get in a bitch-fest over who sucks the most. You can suck the most all you want, flashy.. 🙂

June 27, 2014 7:05 am

Hey flashy,

That ‘zag don’t have near enough cheese… doesn’t come within 40 miles of having enough cheese.

Cheese is a Staff of Life. Needs more. Other Staves of Live are real butter, real cream, bacon, booze, smokes, sugar Coke (not that shit they make with that goopy shit… “chemically identical” my fat ass), Swiss chocolate, donuts, krullers, steak grilled medium rare… and a good cup of full-on leaded coffee. None of that “caffeine free” bullshit in this house…

June 27, 2014 7:08 am

flashy’s “eggplant lasagna”…

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 27, 2014 7:15 am

This culinary masterpiece is the artistic rendering of the mild mannered egg plant into something of great renown and unmatched succulent delight. …a la’ the homely Mona Lisa transformed into some great work of art, although I’ve yet to get the jest.

[imgcomment image[/img]

The truth is Billy, you’re probably more hated on TBP than I as truth tellers of the blunt and in your face unsugarcoated truisms often are….just some dick with a thumb scratch to itch…but once the booger eater found you were delighting in approaching the all time TBP thumbs down record the Billy hater switched his thumbs down to me…jus’ saying…you da king of haters….or so some gutless homo-tendic curs not willing to admit the security of tribal ties would have US think..It’s been my experience that if the herd does not agree with you , you are probable on the right track..

June 27, 2014 7:20 am

Billy, the photo from image Google, my EP has loads of mozarrella topped with parmesan , enough to douse even the more industrialized flame thrower.s..but seriously quality cuisine is not something children should be playing with, therefore I don’t recommended it for the inexperienced.

June 27, 2014 7:23 am

Build one of these and then you can really get to cooking , smoking , grilling , boiling , baking ect…

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 27, 2014 8:07 am


“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

Regardless of who the King of the Downvotes is, I’m just happy the little shit-weasel targeted me. Like you said, it means I’m on the right track… I wonder how much time fuckchop wasted trying to troll us, only to have it blow up in his fucking face like an ACME dynamite kit? Makes me smile…

Dude, I’ve had eggplant ‘zag. It ain’t bad. Not something I would eat all the time, but it ain’t bad. Hat’s off to anyone who can make that goofy lookin’ thing into tasty lasagna…

And on a totally unrelated note, THIS looks fuckin awesome! Greeks and Spartans kicking ass to Black Sabbath… yeah, I know it’s a movie based on a comic book based on what really happened… but still.

June 27, 2014 8:35 am

Billy…Damn..can’t wait..300 is my all time favorite movie. Real men fight with swords…booger eating bed-wetters kill from the sky..

June 27, 2014 9:02 am

I am quite proud of you 76 thumbs down, twice nobody is more deserving.

June 27, 2014 9:25 am

If voting solved anything it would be outlawed.

’nuff said.

And wow, somebody sure had time to kill. Nice job on a complete waste of your day. Your vote surely counts too.

Other than a futile attempt to vote against local tax elections, and current local incumbents, I’ve known for a long time the voice of reason, intelligence and sanity, isn’t with me at the polls.

All I can do is vote against the current scum-sucking, paid-for-life, corrupted, POS. I no longer have the illusion that I’m voting for anything except a new scum-sucking, paid-for-life, soon-to-be-corrupted, POS.

Ah, choices.

Doomed. We are so freaking doomed.

June 28, 2014 12:58 am

bb…a 26 percenter….

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
June 28, 2014 5:41 pm

Of course all it actually takes is TOR and as many browsers as you can install.

And no, I was not behind the current flockass of northerly pollex.

But it is curious everytime anonymous hacks something we lose rights when they say they fight for internet freedom. Dumbfuks.

June 28, 2014 6:23 pm

Of course all it actually takes is TOR and as many browsers as you can install.

Negative. For. TOR.

But it is curious everytime anonymous hacks something we lose rights

Negative. For. Hacking. Ergo. No. Rights. Have. Been. Lost.

Think. In. The. Confines. Of. Ockham’s. Razor.

Bwa. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. !.