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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 24, 2014 8:49 am

I tell my libtard friends that I’m about 20% ‘don’t believe in global warming’, 5% ‘concede that there might be some truth to it’, and 75% ‘who fucking cares?’.

September 24, 2014 11:51 am

I’ve been swinging more towards “the climate is changing” lately, but I’m still not sold on the importance of man’s activity in such endeavors.

Ecological disasters? Oh yeah, thats definitely us. The climate changing? Our records are crap, sorry. Nothing we do will fix the fact that we have at best 100 years of decent data.

September 24, 2014 12:09 pm


As it has thousands and thousands of times on this pretty blue marble.

Quick, someone tell me the climatic effects of the magnetic pole shifting!? Which IS happening, and they have NO IDEA what will happen to our local climate because of it. WDC could wake up on a pole, or the equator. Again, NO IDEA.

Meanwhile, China, Russia, Brazil, India (the MAJORITY of the planet), will continue doing what they need to do to feed their people, our taxes be damned.

I absolutely “believe” in climate change.

I also absolutely “believe” the government and another 80,000 rules isn’t going to change it.

And I know that asking them to do so WILL result in further destruction of our society, our sovereignty and our kids’ futures.

F# the planet, rainforests, sharks, frogs, trees and kids.

F# ’em.

September 24, 2014 12:28 pm

Save the whales….nuke the seals !!!!

September 24, 2014 12:39 pm

“Meanwhile, China, Russia, Brazil, India (the MAJORITY of the planet), will continue doing what they need to do to feed their people, our taxes be damned.”

This right here is why logic needs to prevail on the climate argument. The US and Eurozone could absolutely cripple their economies with taxes promoting “green” technology, but then BRICS and the like will just charge on ahead.

September 24, 2014 5:48 pm

I’ve lived on the planet long enough to see a change in the climate. Whether or not it is changing due to our presence here I can’t honestly say. But stop for a minute and think about all the trees Humans have cut down over the last couple hundred years. That must have had some effect. Add to that all the wood, coal, gasoline, diesel, and other hydrocarbons we’ve burned and released into the atmosphere. That must have had “some” effect.
Finally, the idea we have only 100 years of data to go on is just bogus. What about the ice cores we’ve drilled in the Arctic/Antarctic that contain air bubbles trapped 1,000’s of years ago? What about old growth tree rings? Even layers of sediment and rock give scientists a clue.
Those of us living in California are about to get a “climate change reality check” when the new carbon tax on gasoline goes into effect in 2015. TPTB aren’t divulging the facts yet, but rumor has it the tax could add another 40 CENTS A GALLON to our already high gas prices.

September 24, 2014 7:42 pm

I’m still shaking my head at why people still believe in global warming.
It should be a dead issue by now !
Climate change is a given, universe-wide fact. Warming is a political BS cash grab.
The scientific community is rallying against this BS.
Once again –
Add countless research papers and analyses, ice-core records yada yada…
Move on !

September 24, 2014 11:50 pm

“Those of us living in California are about to get a “climate change reality check” when the new carbon tax on gasoline goes into effect in 2015 …. rumor has it the tax could add another 40 CENTS A GALLON to our already high gas prices.”

Might be time for a political climate change in Cali. Stop voting those people back in office. Not possible? Quit yer bitchin’ or move. Nobody here sympathizes with Cali’s overtaxed path to fiscal and economic suicide. No one.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2014 2:58 am

“I’ve lived on the planet long enough to see a change in the climate”. Fucking bullshit. Even if there has been a change in the climate, you couldn’t tell. You’re the guys who keep telling us (whenever it’s cold) that weather isn’t climate. You can’t see anything. You’re going to extrapolate from a couple of hot weeks or a typical CA drought? 1936 was hotter than any year in the last 100. None of us know. Besides, who fucking cares? So the weather of Philly becomes the weather of Wilmington. Big fucking deal.

John the bruce
John the bruce
September 26, 2014 8:42 am

I remember very hot years. I remember quite cool years. I am 48. I have noticed it is hotter in the sun, and cooler in the shade. I have noticed that high humidity is uncomfortable. I have never noticed high co2 even in an artificially high co2 environment.
We live on a 4.2 billion year old planet. We have no data that is greater than a blip on that long of a timeline. Nothing we observe can be viewed as anything other than weather on that great a timeline. Mankind is the greatest terrestrial disaster this planet has ever seen. Yet to blame weather on mankind is absurd.

September 26, 2014 5:13 pm

Man made climate change…not sure.
Man made ecological disaster. No doubt. We keep shitting in our own kitchen.