This from a country that eats dog, thinks asbestos is a healthy ingredient in pet food, pisses in the water they drink, has to wear masks to breath their own air, and has dead livestock floating in their orange colored rivers. Having our chicken declared not suitable for consumption by the Chinese is the ultimate slap in the face.

China bans imports of U.S. poultry amid bird-flu concerns

Published: Jan 12, 2015 3:58 p.m. ET

Ban follows discoveries last month of strain of H5N8 influenza in wild birds, backyard flocks

Getty Images

China has banned imports of U.S. poultry and eggs following the detection of avian flu in noncommercial flocks in the U.S. late last year, according to a U.S. poultry-industry group.

The ban follows the discoveries last month of a strain of H5N8 influenza in wild birds and in a so-called backyard flocks of guinea hens and chickens in Oregon, as well as the detection of another strain in California and Washington. The cases were confirmed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

China’s ban affects shipments of breeding stock, including live chicks and hatching eggs, as well as poultry and eggs, according to the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council. The group criticized China’s decision, saying the bird-flu outbreaks in the U.S. have occurred far away from the major U.S. commercial poultry-production regions.

China’s action comes after more than 20 countries, including South Korea and South Africa, have imposed restrictions on imports of poultry products from certain U.S. states or the whole country.

The USDA has said the bird-flu viruses haven’t been found in any commercial flocks in the U.S., and the detections in noncommercial birds pose “no immediate public health concern.” A USDA representative wasn’t immediately available for comment Monday.

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January 12, 2015 5:40 pm

If you ever saw how these chickens are raised, you might reconsider eating them too.

From hatch to plate in 6 weeks. Gee, I wonder how they manage that?!!!

Home-grown chickens take 6-12 months to reach table size, but your commercial chicken farmer gets the job done in 6 weeks.

Best to avoid those 6 week old chickens. The chinks are on to something, and I kid you not. Just not for the right reason.

January 12, 2015 5:49 pm

Makes sense. The Chinks take EXTRAORDINARY care in processing Chinko-Chickun

There is this brader, early early he ride his bike to go around all the chicken farms looking for a good deal. What is he looking for?
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He is actually looking for cheap chicken, why cheap chicken? Well … if the chicken got sick its worthless to the farmer rite? and this guy go around all the chicken farms looking for sick and dead chicken buing them at only RMB1 each
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These carcasses are then being store at the front yard of this chinese house, waiting to be processed. Yea its freaking dirty but what can you ask for la??!!! those are dead chicken you know?
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Not all chicken are dead, some are only half dead or prolly a chinese zombie chicken like the one standing at the side of the entrance there!
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These carcasses are then de-feathered by soaking them into a rusty wok filled with hot water.
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Feathers plucking experts!!
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They will then slaughter the “chicken” and seperates the organs from the body
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The “chicken” will be transfered here for the “cleaning process” I doubt those water in the sink are able to clean these “chicken” at all, looks like the water will further contaminate the “chicken”!!! just look at the wall there! look at those gory stuffs covering the wall!! WTF!!!!
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This is the part where they spray colors on the “chicken” to make them looks like they were marinated lidat, the whole thing are done on the filthy floor and look at the fler wearing slippers. He dont even wanna walk on the floor barefooted and they expect us to eat this “chicken”??!!!
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January 12, 2015 6:01 pm

Stuck – so the chinks eat yummy diseased chickens and the white eyes eat steroided up chickens.

Rock meet hard place.

January 13, 2015 1:08 am

Hmmm. Eat more bacon.


January 13, 2015 6:36 am

Voting with our dollars means we buy the expensive organic shit – and since it costs more we eat less, lose weight, get healthy and then they’ll have to try and kill us some other way.

Or the other farmers see the profits, start growing organic, capitalism kicks in, markets begins to reflect supply and demand and the price comes down and we all get health and lose weight and they have to come up with some other way to kill us all.

Or crony capitalism steps up, the PPT enters the pork belly, chicken gizzard markets, jacks the price around so we all go crazy and drink ourselves to death.

Or we just move to China, eat the contaminated shit and die straight away.

January 13, 2015 2:47 pm

Are steroids,antibiotics and chlorine considered contaminates?

January 13, 2015 7:54 pm

Yes. This is why I don’t buy ANY food from china or asian countries. That massive pollution has to get into the soil and the food supply. Regulation is worse than here, although we’re trying. That and other reasons. Gotta be smart when it comes to food… your health depends on it.

January 14, 2015 11:28 am

Cover story for China to back Russia’s decision.

The cover is the “bird flu” bullshit. Since we have no bird flu here.

It sounds to me like the “bird flu” cover was generated on this side of the pond. Wouldn’t want the sheeple to think that people that eat bugs are smart enough to stop eating the fake poisons we call “food.”

Funniest thing is that over 70% of our processed chicken comes from China. The workaround this ban is most of our chicken now is shipped to Mexico for slaughter and pre-processing, then shipped to China for finally chemical processing, then shipped to Walmart for us to eat.

Wonder if their ban includes the chickens that are imported to be exported again?

Wonder if their ban includes the chickens raised here and slaughtered in Mexico?

Wonder why people continue to refuse to research our modern methods and rely on advertising and paid for government officials for their “facts?”

Ok, not true, I don’t wonder at all.

Good for you China. Good for you.