Cardale Jones is the quarterback of the National Champion Ohio State Buckeyes. This is what passes for a role model for American youth. Perfect!!!

Listen to him. He’s in Pre-med.

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January 14, 2015 8:41 pm

Right on brother. Power to the people.

January 14, 2015 9:12 pm

How did dat mofo even kwalify fer colledge?

January 14, 2015 9:25 pm

Why oh WHY WHY do American males continue to worship sports and anoint sports “heroes” as role-models for young boys? Why do the men in this country, and sadly, a fair number of women, continue to spend such huge money on tickets to sporting events and sports merchandise? Why do they act as though corporate and college team sports are the end-all and be-all of existence?

People, these guys are ENTERTAINERS, no more and no less. They may be fun to watch, but they are not the people who make things work and never were. People who succeed on the basis of their physical prowess or their beauty usually peak at a ridiculously early age, about 30 or so mostly, and their “success” has nothing to do with their brains and morals (or lack thereof), but owes totally to millions of dumb people who are willing to part with huge amounts of money just to watch a bunch of jocks tumble over each other on a football field, or some hot young thing act vulgar on stage.

When your son starts to look to these guys as “role models”, take him to meet real men who do real things, like a successful farmer, or the firefighter down the street who has saved dozens of lives while running an upholstery business on the side, or an engineer who helps keep our tech-dependent society running… not some over-muscled bonehead who, were it not for a stroke of amazing luck and a population of dumb people looking for someone to worship, would be selling used cars, or dealing drugs… or making license plates in a federal lockup.

I mean, do you really want your son aspiring to be a sports pro, something he has the same odds at succeeding at as a girl does of becoming a successful film actress? Entertainment is something that only one person in something like 33 million has a chance of succeeding at, and those who don’t succeed in a major way wash out completely. Were it not for the electronic distribution that makes it possible for these people to make money for every single tv appearance, or sale of associated merchandise, sports players and actors would all occupy the same extremely low place in society that was their lot in pre-technological times.

Why not make heroes of real men, like the engineers, scientists, doctors, and other productive and brilliant men (and women) who make our world function, and who developed the technologies that made it possible for some numb-wit sports player or other entertainer to make money every time his or her mug appears on a television screen?

January 14, 2015 9:36 pm

Cardale Jones as Dr. Ben Carson?… well maybe, but I don’t think so.

On the other hand, charismatic Cardale, as one who can string together two dozen mostly basic words with minimal grammatical and syntactical errors, might consider taking a professional leap to replace Animal House’s – film’s end – United States Senator John Blutarsky.

The only prob… Bluto was an Oregon boy who quipped memorably whereas the querulous Cardale isn’t quotable and only unquaintly qualifies because of having quashed quackers.

January 14, 2015 9:39 pm



We didn’t have a teeVee until I was in about 5th grade … and once we got one, I was limited to about one hour a day … and we only got 7 channels, 8 if you got UHF … and so I had ZERO sports models in my formative years. Thankfully.

What I did have was comic books.

My role model early on was Superman. Then I pretended to be Thor (seriously, I loved that comic). Now I pretend, from time to time, that I’m the Hulk … I like how he hates everything, and then smashes the fuck out of it.

January 14, 2015 9:45 pm

Why oh why aren’t small businessmen, preferably Native American small businessmen, anointed role models? We are worthy, I tell you.

January 14, 2015 9:53 pm

mmmmm … yup …. that’s about right.

January 14, 2015 10:06 pm

@Llpoh, really, why?

Because business owners do not make things nor produce societal value.

We only cheat and steal.

Go forth and ask 100 worker bees and government unionists and they will all tell you it is true.

Mr Cardale has to go forth and exercise, and then don a uniform and go to work for about 3 hours a week for one whole semester a year and you compare yourself to his great sacrifices? Ha!

@Chicago, nice rant. I, too, wonder the same things. The sad part is that is looks ever more likely that the only way to future success for our children will be to become movie stars, rock stars or pro-Athletes. Well, unless they were lucky enough to be born into a government/rich connected family, those ones will be fine.

We continue to fall, I would say “so far,” but we all know we haven’t even begun to see the depths of our future lives. These are the “good” times we will remember and tell our grandkids about.

He is right though, we shouldn’t be requiring idiots to graduate from college. This mindset has diminished education to the laughable point while dooming millions of non-book smart to a life of self-doubt and self-hatred.

Someone with his English capabilities has no business in a school of higher learning. Makes me long for the old days where they just handed the athletes B’s and allowed the rest of the students to actually learn something worthy of the title, “higher learning.”

Dumbing down education to accommodate ditch-diggers is one of the stupidest plans this country has ever implemented. And looking around at the destruction caused from so many of their other stupid plans, that is saying something.

January 14, 2015 10:16 pm

Hey, that’s bullshit!

Stucky doesn’t get to be Thor and Hulk!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 14, 2015 10:20 pm

He’s got a point in that most big-time college athletes are students in name only. Might as well cut out the bullshit about going to class. I wouldn’t want him to be my surgeon. He might say, “can I axe you…?” and I’d think he meant “ask”, but then he might really axe me.

January 14, 2015 10:52 pm

TE – we gotta get a smile on your dial. Don’t let the bastards get you down.

January 14, 2015 11:31 pm

“Why oh WHY WHY do American males continue to worship sports and anoint sports “heroes” as role-models for young boys?”

Pursuit of orgasm.

It’s not that hard. Fix their path to orgasm and you fix the path they choose.

January 14, 2015 11:47 pm

Stop pouting, Billy, you can be Mr. Fantastic cause you can really stretch the truth.

January 15, 2015 12:01 am

Chicago hit on some valid points, but I gotta comment on the merchandise thing. It’s not that it’s just merchandise; It’s that it’s cheap trashy stuff that YOU CAN’T EVEN PLAY THE SPORT IN! NOT THAT YOU EVER WOULD PLAY, AS THAT MIGHT REQUIRE YOU GETTING OFF YOUR ASS!

I went to Atlanta to visit my boyfriend last weekend, and on Saturday we met his friend at a bar to watch the ravens game (his friend is from Baltimore). Normally we meet at a gay sports bar (they do exist), but the friend apparently has trouble with lesbians because they only serve warm beer. We go to this other bar. The entire upstairs was for the Ravens game. 99% black, 100% too loud, and only 10% wearing any deodorant. The entire floor was covered with broken glass, and the spilled drinks made the floor sticky (at least I hope it was drinks. The people could have been pissing on the floor based on the smell).

We start watching. Say what you want about every other sport, at least they keep moving along and the end of an hour game is about an hour. Not football. The players would shove each other on the field for five seconds, a ref would blow a whistle (side note: why do football games need more refs than most sports need players?), and the talking heads would then analyze what just happened for a minute before the game could continue.

And the people were actually interested in that shit. I am the most easily entertained person I know, and I was bored the fuck out. Then after the game, everybody gradually left through Brownian motion. And remember how I said it was upstairs? There was a landing halfway between levels. And people were stopping on it. To catch their breath. HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET WINDED GOING DOWN, AKA WITH GRAVITY, HALF A FLIGHT OF STAIRS? GRAVITY IS DOING MOST OF THE WORK! And that was the semi-sober ones. Luckily, the drunk ones hadn’t started moving yet.

We finally get to the lower level, and go through the fire escape door into the alley. There were three Hispanic boys in the alley with a soccer ball. One of the semi-intoxicated land whale that was in front of us starts yelling at them that soccer was a faggot sport for boys with no muscles.

I think in the end sport teams boil down two things. First is tribalist instinct. The second is projection; if you support athletes, you’re almost like an athlete. Your not unhealthy because your morbidly obese; after all, look at how well (the overpayed steroid using professional) your team did. You’re at the top of your game! And what better way to be on the team than by buying their shit? $45 for an XXXXXXXXXXXXXL jersey? Show them how awesome you are! Doesn’t matter if the closest you come to actually doing a sport is being the deadlift weight for the paramedics. $30 baseball cap in purple with a bird on it? Who needs to worry about whether you should’ve used the money for deororant! $90 for awkward uncomfortable tennis shoes with no shoelaces? $25 for a purple noisemaker? Yeah, that’ll really show those faggot who actually do soccer or running or stairs. You’re a goddamn mother-fucking athletic supporter bitches!

Dumbasses. We need to bring back the saber tooth tiger

January 15, 2015 12:08 am

Broke ass bitches spending their monthly welfare check supporting the NFL.

January 15, 2015 1:07 am

@BamBam, oh my gawd, such a beautiful, epic, rant.

In another thread Llpoh said he had to put a smile on my face.

Thank you, thank you BamBam, that was it!

Winded when assisted by gravity, it is a wonder to behold.

Right up there with winded when walking twenty paces between handicapped parking spot and store provided rascals.

And we are spending billions and billions on chemicals to extend their lives. That comes with one bonus though, most modern meds carry near lethal, if not really lethal, potential “side” effects. We are beginning to see reduced lifespans and our infant mortality rate is amongst the worst in the developed world already.

Thanks again, the joy was much appreciated.

January 15, 2015 9:00 am

IMHO, bankruptcy for this industry of frauds can’t come soon enough.

For some institutions of higher learning, it may already be too late. Several elite universities in the United States are now on the verge of bankruptcy. Their expense structure is unsustainable. You cannot run a business of any kind where your top people work only five hours a week, or work even ten hours a week. Do it and you are going to go bankrupt, especially operating within the constraints of a system like tenure, where it is not possible to fire anyone, not even those who, by virtue of the system, do not work very hard in the first place. Add to that the fact that Ivy League universities are traditionally overgenerous with labor, because they do not want to appear to be filthy capitalists, and bankruptcy presents itself as a blessing. We saw it with the automobile industry. The unions would come around when the contracts were up, and the auto companies would cave in. They just kept giving away the store. Eventually it bankrupted the industry.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/jim-rogers-higher-education-is-a-bubble-2015-1#ixzz3OtlQD5eY

January 15, 2015 9:23 am

IMO professional sports keeps people from thinking – it’s a form of hypnosis, distraction and SOMA all rolled into one.

People get addicted – they have so little intellectual depth, creative pursuits or physical activity in their lives that “the team” gives them something to feel good about, it actually gives them purpose.

I can’t help but think the accession of sports goes hand-in-hand with the deliberate dumbing down of America – bread and circuses 24/7. I think if you took the TV out of peoples’ homes they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. I suspect that “the team” holds a lot of marriages together – they have nothing else to talk about.

It’s sad but I work with these folks day in and day out – all of them college educated and most of them addicted to the TV.