Submitted by Adam Taggart via Peak Prosperity,

Sometimes it pays to step way back and look at things from a high level.

In response to the 2008 crisis, the world’s major central banks pumped an unprecedented amount of monetary stimulus into the system — all in the name of kick-starting enough economic growth to pull the planet out of its fundamental sinkhole of Too Much Debt.

More than six years and over $4 trillion later, what exactly can we say it did for us?

Not enough, as the following short video summarizes.

Many of you are already well-familiar with this theme. Hopefully this video provides a welcome reminder that you’re not crazy, despite the persisting artificial heights of today’s asset prices. And perhaps more important, it’s intended to be an easily-sharable resource for waking up new ears to our message of prudent caution.

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January 20, 2015 7:39 am

Only in the world of banking can a debt be reclassified as an “asset”..What utter bullshit! The “money” of real value, gold and silver, have been manipulated by the crooks. I can’t wait for the next step, the one where the FED/IRS attempts to steal our IRAs/ retirements, and bank accounts. If Americans allow this to happen, we deserve to be thrown into the toilet and flushed to hell.

January 20, 2015 8:53 am

Ragman, not only in banking but in the calculation of GDP, back in 2013 the US became the first nation to include debt as an asset.
GDP rose 3% while the debt to GDP dropped.