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January 21, 2015 3:27 pm

I wonder if by then there would be riots in the streets?

Nah, still praise for obama I bet, he’s such a nice guy, he tries hard, he’s half black and gay don’t you know.

January 21, 2015 5:05 pm

My husband has been dragging his feet about rolling his 401k savings into IRA that can be removed, albeit with penalty… He just can’t decide what to do with it.

And… it’s…gone!

I paid the penalty 5 years ago and got my life savings out, minus 10% and then the taxes for that year. It hurt, but at least it isn’t sitting there waiting for the FSA to take. It was in the boating accident with my silver.

January 21, 2015 5:44 pm

Holy Schnikeys will people freak out.

My guess is since it is mainly white, non-union, non-government, non-big company, middle and lower classes, there won’t be riots.

Just a marked uptick in suicide/homicides of families.

See, they do have a plan…

Keep your powder dry and your fiat in contingency supplies

January 21, 2015 6:11 pm

Not gonna happen. Too many Amerikuns with too much in these programs(trillions) and armed to the fucking teeth. Govt can talk and posture all they want, they will not attempt this. Unless, of course, we are disarmed. Then all bets are off.

Drowning in Parasitism
Drowning in Parasitism
January 21, 2015 6:39 pm

Must reads for the doomed:

Americans Are Making a Grave Mistake With 401(k) Plans

PBS Drops Another Bombshell: Wall Street Is Gobbling Up Two-Thirds of Your 401(k)

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
January 21, 2015 7:00 pm

“Not gonna happen. Too many Amerikuns with too much in these programs(trillions) and armed to the fucking teeth.”

Who would you shoot? Would you even know? How would you find out?

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 21, 2015 7:30 pm

When the lights go out due to an EMP (either natural solar flare or false-flag or legit enemy strike), the banks will claim they “lost” your account info…just like the IRS lost those e-mails. If the EMP is severe enough, it just might really fry the data unless their disaster recovery is protected either underground (think Iron Mountain services) or Faraday-caged.

January 21, 2015 7:44 pm

I see this happening, not by outright theft as in “We the government just took your IRA, come try and shoot us.”

But by outright theft as in, “Damn, another market crash, we never saw it coming, give us your IRA and we, the government, will guarantee you a 1% return…… trust us.”

And the people will happily hand it over, so it can be protected from the evil wallstreet shysters.

Whatever happened to obama’s last years SOTU plan for a MyIRA?

January 21, 2015 8:13 pm
January 21, 2015 8:39 pm

Obama’s plan to tax formerly-exempt withdrawals from 529 college savings plan is the first step. This is the trial balloon to see just how much more “stealth” theft we’ll tolerate. Families who lived in voluntary poverty for two decades, doing without meals out and new clothes, driving ancient cars and living in substandard housing, to send their kids to college without running up debt, will be robbed to pay for the “free” non-education of others who wouldn’t make these sacrifices. Most 529 plan savers are not rich people, but are often lower-middle class, and they are stone furious at this blatantly unfair proposal.

If this flies, expect outright theft of our IRA and 401K plans, and finally, our savings accounts.

There is no shelter anywhere. Every other country looks worse.. either it is a hyper-expensive northern European country with confiscatory taxes, or its some “developing” shithole that looks idyllic from the vantage point of the swank resort you’re vacationing at, which view changes pretty drastically when you try to actually LIVE in a place with rampant crime, undrinkable tap water, and governments so corrupt and unreliable that they make ours look clean and competent compared.

January 21, 2015 10:43 pm

Laws are already in place (written by bank lobbyists) to seize individual checking and saving accounts and/or retirement funds per bail-ins if a bank or Wall Street goes under. Your money (per legal lingo) belongs to them once it’s deposited or invested, not you.

401Ks and all other electronic retirement funds are low-hanging fruit that will be confiscated by the government sometime in the future. When the banks get their nuts in a wringer due to their own malfeasance or bad investments (and they will), the general populace will pay for it.

As for myself, I lost all my hard assets and misc valuables in a boating accident last year off the coast of Puerto Rico, right over the 28, 000 ft deep Atlantic Trench. The boat capsized and I lost everything. Lucky for me I was a good swimmer. Tragic I tell you. Just tragic. Now, I don’t own shit.

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January 21, 2015 11:07 pm

Indialantic – bummer. Glad you survived.

January 22, 2015 12:38 am

I don’t have a better place to put this, so I thought I would just post this comment here. Don’t worry, I just want your attention for a moment, not your money.
I’ve mentioned in the past about the government poking into my ebay business.

Some time ago, I tried to sell some nbc gear as a potentially useful item for dealing with Ebola contamination. Not long after, Ebay told me to pull the ad because the government doesn’t want anyone selling anything that promises to prevent or cure Ebola. This doesn’t appear to stop anyone, since if you type “Ebola” into Ebay, hundreds of ads still pop up. Based on my observations, I suspect the government runs its own spot checks at frequent intervals while Ebay preemptively cancels ads on their own.

At the time, I changed my ad to protection for an outbreak of “West African Nasties” (WAN), and explained that I wasn’t allowed to use the actual name of the disease that starts with “E.” That ad has never been touched. I also contacted other dealers with similar items. They confirmed they had similar experiences with having their ads closed unexpectedly. You can appeal these arbitrary ad-kills, but not much comes of it.

The next chapter to the story was, months later, I got some books, like Preston’s The Hot Zone, and Garrett’s The Coming Plague. (Great books!) I offered these 2 books for sale, along with a CD-ROM I put together with a small pile of my own research about the issue, for a tidy sum, and I offered, at no additional charge, a BONUS COLLECTIBLE COMMEMORATIVE EBOLA SUIT!

I made it absolutely, painfully obvious this suit was NOT to be used as a Cure or Preventative. I also made it painfully obvious this suit, though identical to what I have for my own use, is not to be used for anything. I stated multiple times in the ad this stuff was purely for educational and entertainment purposes. Finally, I stated, “This kit is PURELY A COLLECTIBLE ITEM TO COMMEMORATE THE GREAT EBOLA OUTBREAK OF 2014 AND IS FOR COLLECTING AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.

Certainly, the items in it are all fully-functional, NEW or NEW/Old Stock items, but they are sold only for your entertainment and educational use, NOT to cure or protect yourself from the deadly threat of Ebola.

So if I were you, and I believed in the threat of Ebola, which has already infected and killed people in America, Europe, Africa, etc I would read these two books and the CD-ROM of data.

Then, I would NOT inspect this kit.
I would NOT put batteries in the filter pack and check it.
I would NOT keep this kit in my house, in my car, or on my person.
I would NOT stay abreast of the news, the CDC, or the WHO websites.
I would definitely NOT stay alert to potentially sick people around me and stay ready to wear this gear if and when Ebola gets out of control.

After all, this is just a collectible item to commemorate the great Ebola Outbreak of 2014.”

I just re-wrote a portion of the ad and re-posted it. This evening, I received a phone call from Ebay. I have NEVER heard from Ebay before. They do not like to talk to you on the phone and purposefully make it a wild goose chase to try and get a rep on the phone. Try contacting them some time.

The Ebay rep told me there was a problem with my Ebola ad. He explained it is standard procedure for Ebay to remove ads offering Ebola cures and prevention to prevent profiteering and the sale of useless items. I laughed and asked him if he had looked at my ad. He stated he had not, but the FDA had specifically identified my ad for removal. I wasn’t just dinged for having Ebola in my ad, but specifically singled out by the FDA. He stopped to look at my ad and apologized when he realized I was NOT selling a cure or preventative for Ebola. He said he would contact his superiors and the FDA to explain the situation. The FDA and the next tier up may shut me down, anyway, but for now, I’ve passed inspection.

I asked him how the FDA had any say over my ads on Ebay. He explained it could actually fall under the FDA’s purview and/or the CDC. I was a little shocked the CDC and the FDA could tell me what I could sell on Ebay, especially since it is neither food or drugs, let alone diseases. I asked the man if this did not, in fact, start to cross into a Freedom of Speech issue. He didn’t think so.

It makes me sick. What business does the government have entering into my potential business affairs? I’ve broken no law and, if you read my ad, certainly NOT offered a cure or preventive for Ebola. What business is it to them? If I sold something that was a blatant BS sham item, say a pink propeller beanie, and claimed it could cure Ebola-BANG!-canceled on order of the government. Sell the same crap for the common cold or Herpes or HIV and it’s cool. Why the government suddenly stakes out a claim on this one issue, I don’t know. I’ll be curious to see how long my little ad survives the tender mercies of the government and its 8th grade reading level minions.

I now return you to the forum that was already in progress…

January 22, 2015 3:10 pm

Pirate Jo: it depends on which collection of govt thieves attempts to steal our money. IRS, Treasury, Banksters, &tc. It doesn’t really matter. Maybe you really believe we’ll just stand by if they attempt this. I do not. The day the first dollar of savings, checking or retirement is stolen, this country comes apart at the seams.

January 22, 2015 3:26 pm

[imgcomment image?w=600[/img]

This is a frilly weird shark, thought to be extinct 80 millions of years ago, found off the coast of Australia.

Analogous to your 401K when generations hence sift through the ashes and find your 401K statement.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 23, 2015 3:12 pm

@gilberts, the CDC has some sort of claim/patent on one of the Ebola strains, so that may be why they are touchy about eBay selling anything related.

@ragman “The day the first dollar of savings, checking or retirement is stolen, this country comes apart at the seams.”

Not so fast, most of the people who have the cojones to put up a fight for anything probably don’t have much money in a 401k, checking, or retirement to begin with.

“Roughly three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings, according to a survey released by

Fewer than one in four Americans have enough money in their savings account to cover at least six months of expenses, enough to help cushion the blow of a job loss, medical emergency or some other unexpected event, according to the survey of 1,000 adults. Meanwhile, 50% of those surveyed have less than a three-month cushion and 27% had no savings at all.”

See that? More than a quarter of the population surveyed has NO SAVINGS AT ALL.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 23, 2015 3:19 pm

However, there is a big pot of money that TPTB have their eyes on, but the people who own it can probably absorb some kind of bail-in if it didn’t exceed 10%–more than that may be a tipping point to where the pitchforks could come out:

“In 2012, about 52 million American workers were active 401(k) participants, and there were about 515,000 401(k) plans.

“As of June 30, 2014, 401(k) plans held an estimated $4.4 trillion in assets and represented nearly 18 percent of the $24.0 trillion in U.S. retirement assets, which includes employer-sponsored retirement plans (both defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) plans with private-sector and public employers), individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and annuities. In comparison, 401(k) assets were $2.2 trillion and represented 16 percent of the U.S. retirement market in 2004.”

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