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Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 11, 2015 11:08 am

Thought it’d be 1% on one side, 50% freeloaders on the other.

February 11, 2015 11:15 am

Government-Paid-Enterprises (GPE’s) include the old Military-Industrial-Complex, but more prominently now are the Medical-Industrial-Complex, the HigherEd-Industrial-Complex and the Banking-Industrial-Complex.

Banking has been around for a thousand years, usually behind the scenes. It underlies the following, as well.

Military adventures have long been a means of pulling wealth into the hands of the few.

Higher Ed is an overt scam build on the idiotic premise that EVERYONE is smart (enough to be an engineer, a teacher, a doctor/lawyer/whatever). This is a new fashion, a FAD, and is rapidly burning out its fuel.

It is the Medical Industrial Complex and the swindle of “medical insurance” (3rd party payers in general) that is relatively new. It is born of FAITH in science as a belief system (not as a means of investigating questions) and a secular fear of death’s permanence.

Medical services are rapidly moving to the Number 1 spot for leading causes of death, a predictable condition when payer and customer are no longer the same people in a “market.”

Never have so many resources, so much capital, been tossed into a vast pile and burned. The “Sick-Care” system of CHS’ description is an abomination, and if added to everything else the FDA lords over (food quality, presence of poisons in the food chain) we see just how stupid it is to entrust ANYTHING to a coercive system above which there can be no checks and balances.

And people wonder why I’m an anarchist.

February 11, 2015 11:19 am

Obama’s ACA is the “rising costs” side of things that is rapidly killing the Middle Class.

Welfare moms are, according to a relative of some doing so with whom I spoke yesterday, moving from IL to WI for the more lucrative welfare benefits.

She said in WI they’ll provide a woman with kids a house. A FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE, in her words.

I wonder why my son who lives in WI is working his ass off to pay for his 3 bedroom house…while also paying for this other bitch’s 5 bedroom house.

We are rapidly approaching where the SINGULARITY occurs, when those paying for all this bullshit suddenly wise up and realize they’re being played for chumps.

People who are simply ASSUMED to LOOK like they’re on welfare will be painted with targets when the mood plumbs low. It won’t be pretty.

February 11, 2015 11:54 am

I love that song! Especially as done in Reservoir Dogs.

An ode to myself: STUCK in the middle with you

February 11, 2015 12:45 pm

D.C….I talked to a good friend yesterday whose daughter is a nurse . She graduated from a major university with good grades,has several years experience in her field .

She wanted to go nurse anesthetist school. 128 applied and 20 slots were available for the next session.

A former classmate got in whose grades were lower and her experience was weaker than my friends daughters.

She talked with the director of the program and asked why she wasn’t chosen. She was told because her interviewing skills were lacking .

Don’t get me started about the parasites . Two years ago when the Obozo phones were being given out in Charleston a local radio show went to the give away and filmed it. Just about every person was driving a nice car. BMW’s, Cadillac’s , Mazima’s and Escalades were the norm .

Of the 46 million vermin ( remember rats multiply quickly) on welfare probably 5 million deserve it

Stuck in the middle…nope not me. A great song though .

Now I’ve had a nurse anesthetist put me to sleep 4 times in the last 18 months….do you think I give a crap about whether she can interview well . This is the kinda’ crap invading our schools !

February 11, 2015 12:46 pm

How the hell did the last paragraph get put in that position… was right under the nurse portion of my post !!!!!!!!

February 11, 2015 12:50 pm

Welcome to going to jail for acting suspicious.

Dubuque widow charged over husband’s cash
Associated Press 5:24 p.m. CST February 10, 2015

DUBUQUE – An Iowa widow is charged with a crime and had nearly $19,000
seized from her bank after depositing her late husband’s legally earned
money in a way that evaded federal reporting requirements.
Janet Malone, 68, of Dubuque is facing civil and criminal proceedings under
a law intended to help investigators track large sums of cash tied to
criminal activity such as drug trafficking and terrorism.

But some members of Congress and libertarian groups have complained that the
IRS and federal prosecutors are unfairly using it against ordinary people
who deposit lawfully obtained money in increments below $10,000.

At issue is a law requiring banks to report deposits of more than $10,000
cash to the federal government. Anyone who breaks deposits into increments
below that level to avoid the requirement is committing a crime known as
“structuring” – whether their money is legal or not.

The IRS has increasingly used civil forfeiture proceedings to seize money
from individuals and small businesses suspected of structuring violations,
according to a review by the Institute for Justice, a libertarian group.

Facing criticism of the practice, the IRS announced in October that
investigators would no longer seize funds in cases involving legal sources
of money “unless there are exceptional circumstances” and would focus on
illegal sources. A U.S. House subcommittee is expected to hear testimony
about the practice Wednesday, at a hearing called “Protecting Small
Businesses from IRS Abuse.”

Larry Salzman, an attorney with the Institute for Justice, criticized the
government’s case against Malone given its declared shift in practice.

“This is shocking because it demonstrates that prosecutors are not taking
seriously the IRS’ alleged policy change not to prosecute legal source
structuring,” he said.

Federal prosecutors added a misdemeanor criminal charge last week alleging
Malone willfully violated the law, after her husband had been warned about
the practice four years ago. Malone is expected to plead guilty next week
and let the government keep the money, under a plea agreement filed Monday.
The charge carries up to one year in jail and a $250,000 fine.

IRS agent Jeff McGuire first went to Malone’s home in 2011 to investigate
alleged structuring by Ronald Malone, who was dying of cancer, records show.
Ronald Malone admitted that bank deposits totaling $35,500 he’d made could
appear to be structured and signed a form acknowledging he’d been warned
about the law; no charges were filed. Janet Malone was present for part of
the meeting.

Shortly before his death in October 2011, Ronald Malone told his wife about
a briefcase containing $180,000 cash from his job as a publishing executive,
gambling winnings and investment income.

She deposited some of it in increments between $5,800 and $9,000. The IRS
obtained a warrant to seize it based on suspicion that the transactions were
meant to avoid reporting requirements.

Janet Malone was irate when she learned of the 2013 seizure, noting that she
didn’t sign the form warning her husband and didn’t remember details of the
earlier visit because “she was in a state of despair over her husband’s
health,” according to an IRS affidavit.

Spokesmen for the IRS and U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to talk about how
the case fits with the new policy. Malone’s attorney declined to comment.

February 11, 2015 3:34 pm

ALWAYS move money (cash) in a way that intentionally gets a CTR (currency transaction report) generated.

NEVER give them an excuse. NEVER.

In our times where each of us unknowingly commits “3 felonies a day,” we have no choice but to knuckle-under to the demons who rule us.


Because we are ruled by demons because our brain-dead neighbors consent to it. Until the hell that is this Orwellian Nightmare starts falling like asteroids on our neighbors’ heads, nothing will change. We will be ruled by utter demons…who just act like bureaucrats.

February 11, 2015 3:37 pm

I agree, Buckhed.

Racial set-asides, 3rd wave (all men suck) Feminism, endless Social Justice Warrior BS, it’s all filling a reservoir of rage among those of us who simply want to play by a reasonably fair set of rules.

No typical person alive today either held slaves or WAS a slave.

Quotas and beating down Caucasians (especially male ones) is intolerable…absolutely intolerable.

Redistributive taxes and racial/sex set-asides are modern versions of slavery.

It’s time for a slave rebellion.