Open Letter To Janet Yellen

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Written by a Zero Hedge reader, and a concerned citizen

Dear Chairman,

I would like one member of the FOMC to take the time to tell the American public the truth about the last seven years and monetary policy.

That the sole aim was once again to bail out the insolvent institutions that continue to exist today, mainly Bank of America and Citigroup, all-the-while understanding that under the guise of QE, the Fed would directly/indirectly purchase the equities of these institutions to present this ongoing façade at the expense of the American people.

That monetary policy assisted directly in the destruction of the middle class and the wealth divide that has grown wider at any time in recent history.

That capitalism has been destroyed along with our capital markets directly due to monetary policy, no fundamental price discovery exists in regard to any asset class, and this, from the beginning was the motive.  A motive which would/did allow these same insolvent institutions the ability to re-package and sell toxic garbage to yield starved investors due solely to the Central Banks around the world.

That you completely understood when implementing the policies, that these losses would be borne eventually, but disregarded this fact to allow the institutions to de-leverage.  That Central Banks were cognizant of the executive bonus pool at these same institutions and as regulator, continued to bless the opaque, black box accounting practiced by all to justify the said bonus pool.  Once again at taxpayer and investor expense.

That you have been out of policy tools for some time, had no intention, and continue to have no intention of raising rates, but have been backed into a corner where the only tool left is rhetoric.  Rhetoric which is only possible due to the current flood of liquidity which the banks must have continue or we will indeed find out immediately, who in fact, is still insolvent (see above).  I would even go as far to suggest that if you aimed only in the short-term to attempt to move the credibility scale and did raise short-term rates, the curve would flatten further working towards inversion, further damaging the insolvent institutions you represent.

That you and your associates completely understood the damage you were doing to 80% of the American population and chose to ignore this fact due to the conflict of interest that exists in representation.

That you understood from the beginning that the stress tests were for propaganda purposes only and bared no basis in fact given a  repeat of the 2008 crisis.

I believe that this would represent a start, coupled with sending independent forensic auditor teams into every systemically important institution to allow the taxpayer to see exactly what they have been/continue to support, and what the true state of each of these institutions actually is.  The façade needs to end to begin to rebuild trust, the damage has been done, and the longer this current situation is allowed to continue, the longer the road to recovery.

A concerned citizen.

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March 21, 2015 6:22 pm

I can’t wait to see Yellen’s Five Year Plan.

March 21, 2015 9:26 pm


Dude belled the cat. In public.

If he didn’t have a target painted on him before, he does now…

March 21, 2015 10:20 pm

Yes this is a good start and at the same time, re-institute mark to market, THEN let’s see who’s still standing. Any that aren’t need to go bankrupt just like any other company that isn’t “making it”.
We can get around to lynching the players as things progress. If it were on pay-per-view, I’d buy the package.

Triple H
Triple H
March 22, 2015 7:38 am

Completely agree with the article and the comments up to this point. However the reality is stated clearly in the article “further damaging the insolvent institutions you represent”.

These and any requests like them for transparency, honesty, mark to market, or concern for a capitalist market with justified market price setting will never happen for the clear reason of the institutions they represent.

Chanan Steinhart
Chanan Steinhart
March 24, 2015 12:54 pm

As long as most of people internalize and accept the set of believes the establishment sell them, this ripoff of the middle class will continue… since 2000 and till today the median household income dropped by 9% . In 1998 Wall Street bonuses were less than 10 Billion dollars, today they are close to 30 Billion. What can Wall Street show in return?
Serfdom existed, more than anything else, because people of the time agreed and cooperated with that system. As long as the people of the US will believe that freedom means to sing at football games “the land of the free” , and chose every two years between two corrupted parties, they will continue to be used.