Purity of Soul

Guest Post by Fred Reed

An Excursion into Northern Politics of Race

Race riot in he South, 1863. Wikipedia: “Rioters subjected black men to the most brutal violence: torture, hanging, and burning.” Eleven were lynched. The Southern mob depicted here were afraid that if the North won the Civil War, freed slaves would take the jobs of whites.

Virginian though I am, a son of the Shenandoah, and brought up among the lazy rivers of the state of Marse Bob Lee and Stonewall—rivers where the sun always seemed to shine and you could mostly catch catfish, and almost think that being alive was a good thing until further experience intervened—I have to admit the deep vileness in the Southern soul. Yes. It was this that brought forth such scenes as above. I cannot deny that the events portrayed happened in the South.

The south of Manhattan, anyway, the drawing being of the race riots of 1863 in New York, in which Yankee mobs killed 115 or so innocent people, many of them black.

Here was early evidence of the deep regard in which Yankees held black men—and still hold them if you look at actions and not protestations. There is nothing like a damn Yank to tell how good he is, how drowning in the curds and cream of human kindness, without in his actions displaying a trace of it.

But should we be surprised? These were the same blue-coats who exterminated the Indians. “The only good Indian,” said the Yankee general Sherman, “is a dead Indian.” Such charitable musings were not unique to him. It was a Yankee named Custer, if memory serves, who after the war devoted himself in the name of the Yankee government to killing Indians, though with mixed results. Yet another Yankee general, Phil Sheridan, wanted to slaughter the western buffalo to starve the Indians to death. I cannot withold my admiration for Northerners for the consistency of their racial philosopy.

Do not misunderstand me. I do not mean to imply that Northerners are the world’s mother lode of preening fraud and practiced hypocrisy. I mean to state it. To talk to these geysers of virtue, you would be sure that their principal object in life was to help the black man, to admit him to the human race as an equal and a brother. I imagine them waking up in the middle of the night thinking how they might advance their darker brethren. Most of them likely do not get enough sleep because of it.

Yet I confess a desire for confirmation. I want to say to them, “Yea, verily. And when was the last time you had black friends to dinner?”

Or even, “And while we are thinking of your deep wells of goodness, those crystalline pools of measureless depth—when was the last time you dined in a restaurant where the majority of the patrons were black…ummm?”

As I thought.

I remember years back that the Washingtonian, the suburban coffee-table magazine of the Yankee Capital, surveyed the news room of the Washington Post, that epicenter of racial oneness, of inattention to color, to see how many of the white reporters sent their children to the black public schools of Washington. “All of them,” I hear you say. “Such paladins of brotherhood could do nothing else.”

Zero. Not one child in a black school. The minute the wife knew that she was pregnant, the couple moved to Montgomery County, Maryland. But no, no! Not because of race! Perish forefend. It was because, well…the shopping was better. Yes, that was it. The shopping.

But perhaps the best way to compare the dark night of the Southern soul with the supernal radiance to the north is to compare the schools the two regions provide for their freed slaves. One would expect schools in the South to be poor, and they are. But in the North, surely the schools are of a high order, well regulated, producing through their lofty academic standards black graduates scoring high on the SATs and not needing the humiliations of affirmative action.

Surely this is what we will see. Otherwise we would have to concede that, 150 years after the Civil War, the North is still holding black children in illiteracy and squalor. Then, Lord save us, we might doubt the purity of Northern intentions.

Fear not! Nothing can be more admirable that the black schools of such northern precincts as, say, Newark, Trenton, Camden, New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, Cincinnati, Flint, Gary, St. Louis, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Chicago, and Washington—schools in the very intestines of Yankeedom. Why, one can hardly tell them from Groton. They display for all to see the superior morals of the North.

They do indeed.

Yanks love to talk about slavery, which they say was horrible and inexcusable. It was. This is today like blaming Jews for killing Christ (“Gosh, Rachel, you don’t look old enough.”) But logic confuses Yanks, so I will not essay it. Anyway, slavery existed because in economic terms it was well suited to plantations, and accomplished the enrichment of greedy men of negligible decency—which is to say, businessmen.

For horrible, try Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation – 1838-1839

But slavery was ill-suited to an industrial state. It lacked flexibility. You had to feed and maintain slaves whether business was up or down. They were a burden and a responsibility. Kindly Yankees hit upon the superior idea of sweated labor, usually of immigrants who had no way of defending themselves. These could be fired when convenient. If they then died it was a matter of no account as, the Lord be praised, more were arriving by the boatload.

And so the pious men of  Northern money, who went to church every week, learned to work children twelve hours a day in tubercular dimness, where they grew deformed from poor diet and died early of lead poisoning and rickets.(Try How the Other Half Lives: A Jacob Riis Classic (Including Photography)

Immigrant children in New York, cared for with humanity and love.

Of course this wholesome system sometimes resulted in unfortunate revelations. If to save a few dollars the master of a noisesome tenement neglected to install fire escapes, and in the ensuing conflagration girls were clutching each other and jumping to their deaths from the seventh floor to avoid being burned to death—ah, well. The ways of God were mysterious, and girls easily replaced.

There was no slavery, though. That would have been immoral.

Halloween in New York. The children are disguised as malnourished slum kids with no schools, while their pet horse naps.

After the Civil War, Yankees continued, as they do today, their encouragement of integration for everyone else. Yankees are always sure of what someone else ought to do. Since most blacks were in the South, it was safe to be for racial amity as the North would not have to practice it. When blacks migrated north, the Yanks contained them in poor parts of the cities, as they do today (consult the list of cities foregoing). There were occasional adventures such as the Harlem Renaissance, when fashionable Northerners could go to the Cotton Club and mingle, barely, with real blacks. “Why, they are just like people, almost. Look at them dance!” Uptown, they might keep a few trained and gelded blacks around as ornaments. That was the extent of it.

Is this not what one would expect, in the light of the Yankee’s firm belief that blacks are an inferior strain, half devil and half child, bearing the mark of Ham and incapable of the higher forms of civilization? No, Yanks do not say this, but their every action gives the game away. Always they lower the standard for the black man, but never try to raise the black man to the standard. Why? Because they do not believe that blacks can reach the standards of whites. What is “affirmative action” but the belief that a black cannot perform at the white man’s level?  Sometimes they talk of “the tyranny of low expectations.” Indeed. But who in Newark holds those low expectations?

Southerners, I reckon.

Forgive me. I do not mean to offend residents of the North, where virtue runs in the streets until it clogs the storm drains, and the low-hanging branches of trees are damaged by the halos of pedestrians.

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Muck About
Muck About
April 5, 2015 7:50 pm

Religion or quarreling subspecies of the human race will do us all in in the end. Our “intelligence” has enabled us to build the tools of our own destruction and we ride hypocrisy as if it were a horse (lying in the street), trampling morals, ethical models and the larger and more unwieldy “civilizations” get (i.e. ungovernable), the worse it becomes. (Believe me, Malthus was right – just got his timing off!)

Luckily, Mother Nature (i.e. the universe) will take care of it by and by and we, as a group of “sentient” pimples on a small insignificant planets’ ass will go the way of all else in the universe. Entropy was never supposed to be a smooth decline.


April 5, 2015 8:17 pm

I grew up in the segregated South. Never really came in contact with a Negro until I was in USAF. The Black folks I worked with were outstanding! Why? Because there wasn’t any AA or any other bullshit programs. They were competent, confident, and professional. My life depended on their performance and their lives depended on mine. WTF happened in the last 45yrs? Now many, if not most Blacks are whiny, entitled, arrogant children. Everything offends them. I don’t blame the Yanks for segregation.

April 5, 2015 8:36 pm

I remember the racial attitudes/behavior of my many Northern cousins (and uncles) in Connecticut, when we traveled there from Texas for summer vacations during the late 50’s and 60’s. They were much more negative towards blacks than any of the adults/friends in Texas that I knew. That is what I recall as a young boy and early teen.

I also remember the first day of 9th grade (1966) when the blacks were bused to our school. I recall looking over at them as a group and seeing uneasiness and anxiety in their faces. After two weeks passed, it was a nonevent and we were just classmates (other than a few dumb asses, both white and black).

April 5, 2015 9:19 pm

Ragman, the *army* (for God’s sake) tries to avoid recruiting anyone with an IQ below about 85.

In the Air Force, I venture to say the darker-skinned folks you worked with were pretty average across ALL Americans for intelligence. No wonder you had an unremarkable (good) experience.

Try working with large numbers of people who are below that 85 cut-off. I strongly suspect that would be an entirely different experience.

We insist on judging people by their group (race, skin-color, religion, culture, etc.) and sometimes we focus on one end of the spectrum presented, other times we focus on the other side of the spectrum.

For 50 years we’ve tried to focus on the brightest blacks, whites, etc., thinking that we could all get along. We’re in the midst of a change in focus, to the worst (dumbest, least self-controlled) blacks, whites, etc. and what will inevitably emerge is a different NARRATIVE, one that makes people unwilling to mix.

I’m not saying one narrative is right and one is wrong, I’m lamenting that we’re stuck judging people by some aspect that allows us to group people into collectives.

In a time of inter-group conflict, a whole lot of suffering is meted out to people who did nothing to deserve it.

April 5, 2015 10:04 pm

Every few at bats, fred gets the meat of the stick on one. This one’s in the upper deck. Hot dawg.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 5, 2015 11:14 pm

I enjoyed his last article also (I forget the topic) there’s no need to fuck anybody, T4C. Old Fred approaches his topic with equanimity and even-handedness.

April 5, 2015 11:21 pm

Was not born in the south but live here now.Overall I would say there a lot of bitterness , anger and resentment between white and blacks.Most suppress this hostility with fake smiles and a lot of avoidance. I never see blacks and whites together unless they are forced through government action.(jobs ,or in government buildings.,).A lot of blacks blame whites for their problems and more whites are tired of being blamed.Whites I have talked to hate affirmative action and other race based programs. They also detest the crime in the black community.I don’t have much hope for anything better especially when you black race hustlers making money and white liberals using blacks to further their political agenda.

April 5, 2015 11:22 pm

I was sitting at work the other day with a guy who grew up in PA surrounded by all whites (I imagine all hicks from coal country) and 1 black family and 1 asian family. He said he couldn’t understand racism and prejudice.
I grew up in the South and told him about seeing it from both sides. Blacks attacking whites. Whites attacking blacks. Racist blacks. Racist whites. I never knew it was different other places until I left.

Oddly, it’s the North, such as PA and OH and MI and ID that are known as the big states for neonazis. Like ID, where I used to live-Sand Point was HQ for the Aryan Nations. I’ve read Detroit is home to one of the biggest nazi groups out there. So it’s hard to believe the South is really the epicenter of racism and must forever sit on the pedestal of guilt.

April 6, 2015 7:55 am

dc: I came in contact with the low IQ bunch when I was between airline jobs. Worked construction and we occasionally picked up workers from the “labor pool”. Not only were they lazy, worthless assholes, they also fought with each other over nothing. Total waste of money and time! Now 95% of ’em are like that.

April 6, 2015 8:43 am

Nice to hear from you Muck About. Hope thing are going good for you.

April 6, 2015 8:45 am

Dewey Street, Newark, was white when we first moved there.

Then a black family moved in down the street, and the two white families on either of them moved to the ‘burbs.

More blacks came. More whites left.

Within 5 years all the white people ran away from the blacks. We were the LAST white family on Dewey Street. Dad finally saw the light — and saved money to buy a house — and we left for the safety of the white burbs.

Newark today is pretty much Blackville City.

Multiply that story times a few million times across the Northeast. There’s your Northern Neegrow Luv right there.

April 6, 2015 8:55 am


Divisive Anti-White, Anti-Christian U.S. Military Indoctrination Program Targets Patriotic Citizens As Domestic Enemies

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What follows below is an outline not of how America is working to build a cohesive military for the defense of our nation but an alarm bell of how our once-cohesive military forces are being converted into divided and resentful groups targeting a particular sector of those within their ranks as well as the American population in general. What is being sown are the seeds of dissent and rebellion against the American principles and our nation within the ranks of those sworn to defend it, and it’s been going on since 1971.

The foot in the door of this subversive, dangerous nonsense are the “Equal Opportunity” officers and an entity called the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI). Why are they needed? They are a Trojan horse of mind manipulation and entitlement. They serve to purpose in the advancement of the fighting abilities of our troops, but they do serve to compromise and misdirect their loyalty.

Throughout history, great leaders have naturally risen to the top. While education is key as expertise in strategy, tactics, military history and technical skills are critical to varying degrees in different specializations, leadership abilities, particularly in a military setting, reveal themselves quickly.

Then again, the United States is suffering from a fifty-year infestation of political correctness, accelerated to the level of madness under the current regime. Under their Marxist guiding principles everything must be equal, although they disguise it as an equal opportunity, it’s not. It’s forced “equality” based upon superficial factors irrespective of ability. It is the insertion of a preferential, superior opportunity, a 180 degree opposite from the false narrative being advanced.

Todd Starnes of Fox News reported recently on the propaganda manual used to brainwash and justify the Marxist indoctrination of American military personnel in the U.S. Army. He describes a 637 page manual used by “Equal Opportunity” officers which has at its core a message that “healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian” men hold an unfair advantage over other races, describing them derisively and in great detail as the “White Male Club.”

An excerpt from the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) manual reads, “Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege.” Maybe that sickly black lesbian should be working as a community organizer for the SEIU rather than expecting the military to degrade themselves to her level, possibly getting more qualified people injured or killed in the process.

Starnes notes that the manual instructs troops to “support the leadership of people of color. Do this consistently, but not uncritically.” That certainly sounds racist against white people. Perhaps Mr. black “president,” Mr. black Attorney General, Ms. black Attorney General nominee or Mr. black DHS Secretary would like to look into that once they have sufficiently recovered from their victimization by the privileged white folk.

Those who “successfully” complete the three month “train the trainer” DEOMI brainwashing sessions at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida are then sent out to propagandize at military installations around the country.

Starnes also points out that the litigious ultra-leftist, anti-American, racist propaganda organization, The Southern Poverty Law Center, is relied upon heavily in the course material related to “extremist” groups. As a result, those with traditional patriotic, conservative, constitutional values such as evangelical Christians and Catholics are demeaned by DEOMI instructors as examples of intolerant bigotry.

A section of the manual titled “Power and Privilege” details what would come as a shocking revelation to many hard-working white people who are dedicated to being productive members of society, that “whites are the empowered group.” Once again quoting from the Marxist playbook, and this time using their own terminology, the manual declares that “White males represent the haves as compared to the have-nots.”

Military personnel are literally being instructed to see racism everywhere they look and to seek it out. The document reads, “Assume racism is everywhere, every day” and instructs them to “notice code words for race.” The propaganda coaches them to “understand and learn from the history of whiteness and racism.”

Starnes quotes additional sections of the blatant anti-white hate text as:

“How to be a strong ‘white ally,”“One of the privileges of being white is not having to see or deal with racism all the time,”“We have to learn to see the effect that racism has.”

One of the most disturbing sections of the manual describes on page 181 how status and wealth are typically passed from one generation to another, delegitimizing the inheritance of wealth and with it the right of inheritance. This is clearly the laying of a foundation for the justification of wealth redistribution. The manual indicates the inheritances “represent classic examples of the unearned advantages of social privilege.” How much of a leap will it be for the Marxists behind the throne to declare, as they did in Russia in 1917, that private property no longer exists with a military force believing that it is ill-gotten, unfair to them and illegitimate?

As if to accentuate that point, the manual adds, “As such, the unfair economic advantages and disadvantages created long ago by institutions for whites, males, Christians, etc. still affect socioeconomic privilege today.”

Adding to the oppressed, victimized narrative, the guide portrays whites as over-represented and blacks underrepresented in positive news stories, that middle class blacks are still poorer than middle class whites and that the press coverage falsely portrays blacks as overly criminally inclined.

The manual takes a preemptive strike to shore up their illegitimate and inappropriate attacks against white people, deriding their message in a section titled, “Rationalizations for Retaining Privilege and Avoiding Responsibilities.” One has to wonder what happened to the objectivity of military “training” of the past.

It says, “Today some white people may use the tactic of denial when they say, ‘It’s a level playing field; this is a land of equal opportunity.’ Some white people may be counterattacking today by saying political correctness rules the universities or they want special status.”

It adds, “If white people are unable to maintain that the atrocities are all in the past, they may switch to tactics to make a current situation seem isolated.” It closes the section by urging the “students” to “support the leadership of people of color.”

If there were a message urging recruits to support the leadership of white men or heterosexuals the national media would be up in arms. Their silence proves once again that bigotry against whites, conservatives, heterosexuals and Christians is totally acceptable in today’s society. Somehow, we privileged fat cats who are just scraping out a living have it coming.

Starnes took his information to Lt. Col Allen West, who, in spite of being a career military officer, was unaware that this was going on. West promised to press for a congressional investigation.

Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit http://www.rickwells.us

Read more at http://universalfreepress.com/divisive-anti-white-anti-christian-u-s-military-indoctrination-program-targets-patriotic-citizens-as-domestic-enemies/


April 6, 2015 9:43 am

@Flash, that, and the not physically ABLE (mainly women) are the #2 reason, in my thoughts, that Russia/China axis would kick our everloving asses.

I liked Fred this week, as long as you stay out of the Big Shitties of the South, the race relations seem different than here. Of course the same can be said of Michigan and other states with Big Shitties but lots of rural areas. Doesn’t God have a history of not liking Big Shitties?

April 6, 2015 10:07 am

TE, the TPTB’s deliberate push against a strong national defense can in no way be construed to be pro-national sovereignty.

“…a republic if you want it ?” Benny Franklin’s ghost

“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”
―Douglas MacArthur

April 6, 2015 10:19 am

if the stupidity of the lard-ass blue line weren’t so hazardous to the health of the general public ,their keystone cop antics would be downright hilarious.

Marathon Bombing Response Report: It’s Ugly


Did you notice that? Let us lay out the facts for you:

The two sides of the firefight were the Tsarnaevs (with one black-market, defaced-serial-number Ruger pistol between them)… tamerlans ruger…and in the other corner, an uncoordinated swarm of cops from at least five agencies.
The Tsarnaev with the gun (Speedbump, aka Tamerlan) shot his gun dry and threw it at the cops, and charged the cops. But the firefight, now one-sided, continued. Because the police were arrayed in a 360º Idiot Ambush around the suspects, they all perceived incoming and returned fire. Fortunately, they can’t shoot for $#!+.
A Watertown cop tackled Tamerlan and took him down. But the one-sided, leaderless, uncontrolled “firefight” continued.
Then brother Dzhokar (Flashbang) got in their jacked vehicle and took off… running over Speedbump and mortally injuring him. (Yes, he was killed by his and his brother’s incompetence, not the random, unaimed contagious fire of dozens of cops).
As Flashbang exited, stage left (in Boston, all sides of the stage are left…), the police drumfire finally connected with someone — Dic Donohue, a Transit police officer. Note the passive voice: Donohue “was shot.” No wonder they’re all gun banners here, they never get the word about the people doing the shooting.

The deeper you drill down in the report, the worse it gets. It wasn’t a planned law enforcement response: it was lawless chaos, reminiscent of the Keystone ineptitude of the LAPD Chris Dorner response.

April 6, 2015 10:37 am

No shit Flash. It isn’t sovereignty, it is the attempt to turn local cops into a standing army when the shit hits the fan. Because the troops may be tied up elsewhere. Also the reason Bush/Cheney made deals with Canada and Mexico to use their troops in our country. That’ll be great for national sovereignty. (that was sarcasm)

The Republic died when victory was declared in the Civil War. No one, except the banksters and industrialists, noticed.

We firmly, most assuredly, believe in the right of some men to be “better” or “owed” and allow them to rule us.

I’m coming to accept that this is what we get for those beliefs. Apocalypse is always on the human horizon. Our belief in the false Idols of God, Science and Money, will wipe us out long before God has to send Angels of Death. We are doing it to ourselves.

Peace Flash.

April 6, 2015 6:34 pm

Of course Fred is correct here, even if he is flogging a dead horse. In fact, the north participated in the slave trade. Witness the self indulgent liberal barf inducing documentary, “Traces of the trade ” whereby we “Yankees” made a fortune off of selling rum for flesh.

But you know what Fred, that was a long time ago. We yanks apologize for whatever you’ve been bitching about all these years.

How’s about writing about a certain powerful and rich ethnic group that rhymes with news and begins with the letter “j”? Because, unless I’m mistaken, you tackle everything under the PC sun except this. And until you enter the fray on this issue, I will continue to view you as the redneck version of Jared Taylor.

That’s not a compliment by the way.