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April 11, 2015 7:16 pm

I saw the start of the police state with Ruby Ridge and Waco. It is now shoot firs. What happened to the rule? that the copfuck’s life had to be in danger. Now they shoot them in the back.
The Kelley Thomas incident really pissed me off – and they got away with it.

April 11, 2015 11:04 pm

Sooner or later, shit like this is going to happen in front of a few liberty-loving, concealed-carry and packed citizens, who will step in as they should . The outcome may be monumental.

April 11, 2015 11:25 pm

He should have ducked.

April 12, 2015 12:20 am

He couldn’t duck! He was already eating dirt with his hands behind his back. To get any lower he’d have had to get up and beat those cops like the fucking scum they are. He took the higher road.

I hope this dude wins a criminal case against every cop that participated and then wins a civil case against each one that leaves them fucking bankrupt! Then, I hope he is convicted of identity theft and horse thieving and then hung.

April 12, 2015 12:26 am

He was beaten for being a pussy and surrendering. They really wanted to shoot him in the back while he was running away.

April 12, 2015 12:43 am

I posted this video in another thread somewhere. My comment was the cops really were negligent on this one. They should have shot the fucker out of the saddle, ran up, and put one in his head. You don’t mess with another mans horse, ever.

I tell ya this, the dude would not want to show up on my place an attempt to steal one of my horses. He’d understand the meaning of skinned alive. Enough said.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
April 12, 2015 5:17 am

They used to hang horse thieves. He’s lucky they only took him to the wood shed. Now he gets to cash out and live the good life.

April 12, 2015 5:20 pm

Indenturedservant ” I hope he wins a civil suit against each one that leaves them fucking bankrupt”
Unfortunately, thats not the way it works. While that would certainly be justice, the cops will, at worst, get some kind of written reprimand, basically telling them to try real real hard not to ever do that again(or at least not in front of a camera). While this guy probably will win a civil suit against them, it will be the local indentured servants of that county that have to pay for it our of their tax dollars. Those jackbooted thugs won’t lose a dime they will probably even get a put on administrative leave (paid vacation) while all this is getting sorted out. Fuck them, each and every one of them

April 12, 2015 6:59 pm

Smoke Jensen says:
“They used to hang horse thieves. He’s lucky they only took him to the wood shed. Now he gets to cash out and live the good life.”

So are the cops supposed to beat and kill the horse thief before or after the trial? What if your brother or father was riding in the area, got yanked off his horse and beat half to death because the cop thought he had his suspect?

Nothing would please me more than to see the scumbag criminals of this planet get their asses kicked but not until AFTER the trial. Even then it’s not at all certain that they’ll convict the right guy especially if the DA, cops, mayor or someone of means has it in for the suspect.

April 12, 2015 7:48 pm

One more question Smoke, who appointed the cops to mete out punishment and act as executioners?

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
April 13, 2015 1:31 am

I personally believe that if you have more than one witness ie. two or more to a crime then punishment should be meted out immediately. Why should there be a (show) trial if a criminal act is witnessed? That’s just lunacy to waste those recourses when you catch a guy red handed stealing. As far as the charge of ID theft they should have to prove their case because the cops did not witness that crime and should therefore provide due process.
Now as to your question about police being the JJ$E, of course not. But it has become the SOP because ‘we’ as their employers have not exercised our responsibility to watch the watchers. More specifically we have not held our politicians feet to the fire. Until we do the machine will continue to grow like a cancer until it completely consumes us.
My wife is a constant victim of ID theft. Every year she would have to report her DL was being used to open fraudulent credit cards. The last time they even head her sisters Ito to use as a reference. My wife finally got one of those Life Lock like services. I’d thieves have caused us major hassles with the credit reports rating agencies. As far as I’m concerned ID theft should invoked the death penalty.

April 13, 2015 5:12 pm

WOW Smoke….I don’t have time to list the thousands of cases where the witnesses lied or were flat out wrong . Thanks God we don’t have your form of law as a basis of justice .

April 13, 2015 5:14 pm