I’ve seen the liberal lying MSM pondering how WE could allow the riots, looting, burning and lawlessness to happen, as if it is our collective fault. Obama stands before his teleprompter and pontificates about the need for us to end the poverty that supposedly led to Purge Night in Charm City. That term cracks me up. The city has so much charm, its football team once snuck out of town overnight and headed to Indianapolis. It has so much charm its baseball team was forced to play a game with no fans in the stands.

I think most people can agree that Freddie Gray, a petty drug dealer, was killed in police custody for the crime of looking suspicious. The policemen who killed him deserve to go to jail for murder. As usual, the powers that be circled the wagons and intended to exonerate the hero first responders. The people of Baltimore had a right to be pissed. They had a right to protest. They didn’t have a right to burn businesses and cars. They didn’t have the right to riot, loot, and injure others.

It is the police department created and controlled for decades by Democratic progressive politicians that has committed the atrocities against the people who have been electing these progressives year after year. Baltimore has a corrupt, reckless, out of control police department enabled by a crooked and incompetent Baltimore politicians. The rap sheet for Baltimore’s finest is long:

  • Police commissioner Ed Norris was sent to prison on corruption charges (2004)
  • Two detectives were sentenced to 454 years in prison for dealing drugs (2005)
  • An officer was dismissed after being videotaped verbally abusing a 14-year-old and then failing to file a report on his use of force against the same teenager (2011)
  • An officer was been fired for sexually abusing a minor (2014)
  • The city paid a quarter-million-dollar settlement to a man police illegally arrested for the non-crime of recording them at work with his mobile phone.

The cries of racism and white oppression ring hollow. It’s a tired storyline. Facts are always inconvenient to race baiters with an agenda to extract more money from whites with a guilty conscience and the inability or unwillingness to speak the truth. Let’s examine some facts about good old Charm City, USA.

  • The fine citizens of this metropolis have not elected a Republican as mayor since 1963, before the War on Poverty began. That mayor’s 4 year term is the only interruption in Democrat rule since 1947. They have had Democrat control for 64 of the last 68 years, and sole control for the last 48 years straight.
  • Their mayor is black. Their previous mayor, Sheila Dixon, was black. She was convicted of embezzlement in 2010 and couldn’t finish her term. They had a white mayor (current Democratic Presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley) for eight years. The mayor before him was black.
  • Their City Council consists of 15 members. All fifteen are Democrats. The Council President is black. Democrats have had control of legislation in Baltimore for the last 50 years. Every program, policy, initiative, or school curriculum that exists in Baltimore was enacted by liberal Democrats.
  • The Police Commissioner is black. Approximately 50% of the police force is black.
  • The School Superintendent is black, along with the School Board. The district has an annual budget of $1.32 billion to teach 84,000 kids. The Baltimore school system ranks second among the nation’s 100 largest school districts in how much it spent per pupil at $15,700 per student. Only NYC spends more. Only two thirds of students graduate high school, despite this high level of spending.
  • The average SAT scores of Baltimore City public school students are: 379 in Reading; 376 in Math; 381 in Writing. These are the scores of the best of the best in Baltimore schools who actually think they should get into college. The average scores in the country, which still suck, are around 500. Students with these scores have about a 15% chance of graduating college. This is the ROI you get after spending $188,000 per student over their 12 year academic career.
  • The population of Baltimore is 623,000 and 63% are black. Median household income is $41,000, with 24% living below the poverty line. The home ownership rate is 48%. The percentage of college graduates is 27%.
  • The population was 950,000 in 1950, so it has fallen by 35% in the last 65 years. The population was 24% black in 1950. Decades of liberal Democrat policies drove most of the white population out of the city.
  • Baltimore’s violent crime rate is 370% higher than the U.S. rate. They have over 200 murders, 300 rapes, 3,600 robberies, 4,600 assaults, 7,800 burglaries, and 22,000 thefts per year. These are all 2 to 4 times the U.S. averages per 100,000 people.
  • Over 35% of all Baltimore residents get food stamps. Over 85% of the kids get free breakfasts and lunches at school. More than 60% of Baltimore residents are receiving some form of government assistance.
  • Baltimore’s welfare paradise is paid for by outrageously high taxes. It’s income tax rate of 3.2% is on top of the state rate of 4.75%. It’s property tax rate is more than double the other counties in Maryland. The sales tax rate is 6%. Corporations pay an income tax rate of 8.25%.
  • The percentage of out of wedlock births to black women in Baltimore exceeds 72%. Baltimore and Detroit are the two cities with populations over 600,000 with the highest percentage of single parent households – 59% to 61%.
  • The reported unemployment rate for Baltimore is 8.2%, one of the highest in the country. In reality, 42% of the working age population is not working. Young black men between the ages of 20 and 24 have a reported unemployment rate of 37%. But in reality, it is north of 60%. The number of employees in 1990 totaled 475,000. Today they total 365,000, down 23%.

It doesn’t take a village to raze, burn, and loot a village. It just takes 50 years of liberal economic and social policies. Of course the liberal media, liberal politicians, and liberal voters don’t think anyone should be blamed for the disaster that Baltimore and every other Democrat controlled urban shithole (Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Atlanta, Cleveland) have become over the last 50 years. Community organizer Adam Jackson, living up to the standards of Organizer in Chief Obama, declared that in Baltimore “the Democrats and the Republicans have both failed.” At least progressive community organizers have a sense of humor. How can Republicans have failed if the mayors and City Council have been 100% Democrat since the mid 1960s? I wonder how many Republicans were among the youths burning, looting, and destroying the city this week.

No Republican, and definitely no conservative, is responsible for the poverty, crime, educational failure, and disintegration of this lesson in Democratic rule. Baltimore’s police department is the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party, enabled by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing Democratic creation. They get all the credit for what Baltimore has become. The mayor of Baltimore is an incompetent bumbling fool. These corrupt, arrogant left wing boobs are incapable of running a school system, police department, or economy.

They know how to play race politics to get elected. They know how to increase taxes on the few remaining producers in order to redistribute it to their black voters. They know how to destroy businesses and jobs. They know how to create a welfare mindset among black people, enslaving them in poverty, dependency, and ignorance. Blacks have suffered the most from Democratic black rule. These riots will result in less businesses, less jobs and less taxes for the city. Blacks will be hurt the most, but they will continue to vote for Democrats. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Believing liberal welfare policies will fix the problems created by liberal welfare policies is insane. Liberalism is a disease of the brain and has infected a vast swath of America, especially in urban enclaves across the land.

Baltimore and every other Democrat controlled urban enclave in America are destined for decline, destruction, and civic decay. Baltimore cannot be fixed by spending more money on welfare programs. The country has spent $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs since LBJ declared his war on poverty. They haven’t moved the dial on poverty one iota. They have created generations of dependent black people, trapped in urban ghettos like Baltimore. If you can’t educate children for $15,700 per year, then you won’t educate them any better for $18,000 per year. Liberals will never admit their policies, programs, and corrupt practices created this national disaster.

Liberal welfare policies have encouraged and rewarded out of wedlock births. The 72% black out of wedlock birth rate is the single biggest cause of Baltimore’s long-term decline. Children without fathers are destined to be uneducated, unemployed, and underachieving. Children raised by married working parents who provide good role models are not on the streets. They are studying. They are not looting, killing, robbing or having kids when they are teenagers. There are no guarantees in life, but being stupid, lazy and ignorant guarantees a life of poverty. Liberal welfare policies pay these people to have more kids out of wedlock in order to maximize their welfare payments. There have now been three generations of black people entrapped by these demented welfare programs.

There is no will among the recipients or distributors of race based welfare payments to change their policies or programs. Therefore, every time a white cop kills a black person or a white store owner kills a black thief in Baltimore or any urban ghetto, the potential for riots, looting, and burning of businesses will rear its ugly head. The only guarantee is the liberals running the urban ghetto will not accept blame for what they have wrought. Farewell to the America of personal responsibility, work ethic, marriage, family, and valuing education.

The esteemed mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (of course a liberal black woman must hyphenate her name) summed up the disease of liberalism after her peeps had destroyed their neighborhoods the night before:

“It’s a very delicate balancing act, because while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

You reap what you sow America.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 30, 2015 10:08 pm

Admin said, “I think most people can agree that Freddie Gray, a petty drug dealer, was killed in police custody for the crime of looking suspicious.”

I can’t agree yet. Maybe by tomorrow. Maybe eventually. I don’t doubt that the cops might have murdered Gray. Maybe the odds are 90% against the cops, but I’ve seen too much outright bullshit since Change.Org started pushing the fake story of innocent 12 year old Trayvon being hunted down by a crazed white vigilante to just take the Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton slant on it yet. With a black mayor and a black chief prosecutor in Baltimore, I assume that any charges they can bring against the cops they will bring. We’ll see.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 30, 2015 10:13 pm

The rest of your article (which is the main point, after all) is 100% spot-on. Zero Hedge & others should pick it up.

April 30, 2015 10:14 pm

This is an excellent commentary and source of background information on Baltimore.
Recall that the Ferguson riots were supposed to be due, in large part, to lack of black representation on the police force and in city political positions. Baltimore destroyed that theory, since blacks pretty much run that city. I have another theory. Once the proportion of blacks reaches a critical threshold, then the city is finished. First, comes the blacks, then comes the lawlessness, Democrat leadership, and the opportunity to revel in anti-white racism. Show me a city, state, or country dominated by blacks and I’ll show you a deteriorating basket case. We have Detroit, Baltimore and numerous other cities as example. Zimbabwe and South Africa are countries that were very viable until the whites were kicked out. Nelson Mandela and MLK may have had good intentions, but they ended up paving a road to ruin. It’s no wonder the Progressives can’t handle the truth about this, because the truth isn’t pretty.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
April 30, 2015 10:15 pm

The only good thing to come out of this:
The more purely black these urban hell-holes become, and the more Federal money that gets poured into them, the more OBVIOUS it becomes that it’s the culture, the system, and NOT RACISM (nor race, per se), that brings about this horror.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 30, 2015 11:09 pm

Very well said, Admin!

May 1, 2015 12:10 am

When I was a kid I went to a few Orioles games in Baltimore. They had a good team unlike my ‘hometeam’ the Washington Senators. The first thing you saw coming into Baltimore was big illuminated sign across the top floors of some tall building that said Pepto-Bismol. I thought it was funny but back then Baltimore was a blue collar city ( Bethlehem Steel had a big plant there) and if making an over the counter diarrhea remedy was amusing to a 12 year old that plant probably employed hundreds of local people and paid them, if not what the Bethlehem Steel workers made, what we would call a living wage today. Bethlehem Steel’s long gone and I’d bet so is the Pepto-Bismol plant.

Today Baltimore has become a low wage version of Washington. Those people not living on government transfer payments are more than likely employed either directly or indirectly providing government services. Local government, the school district, the criminal justice system, social workers, bus drivers, health care etc. The whole modern panoply of government funded services. Take away public spending and Baltimore would look like Haiti but so would a lot of other US underclass cities. The problem is we are nearing the point where this nation can no longer afford to support its ‘Baltimores’.

The US government spends over $400 billion per year on servicing its $18 trillion debt. That with the Fed pinning interest rates to the floor such that a 10 year Treasury bond pays 2%. Were Janet
Yellen to raise rates to historical norms Congress would have to come up with another $400 or so billion PER YEAR in tax increases or spending cuts to service the existing debt. That’s about 10% of the Federal budget. With economic growth stuck at 2% despite all the trillions in accomodative monetary policy and fiscal stimulus that has been thrown at it since Obama took office and with the future fiscal outlook promising more trillion dollar deficits as the baby boom retires we have reached the limit of what we can afford to spend on our parasitic underclass population. That maybe what lies behind the ongoing black angst. They sense the end is near. That there will be no more Obama’s with $886 billion in stimulus funds and hundreds of billions of leftover TARP money to keep the Baltimore’s of America going even in their present decayed state. Worse still, the black middle class, largely composed of those employed providing all those government to services, are going to have to make room for America’s surging Hispanic population. This loss of government patronage and political influence is, in large part, what is driving this incipient black insurrection in my opinion. It is going to get a lot worse as blacks realize the government teat they have relied upon for almost 3 generations is drying up.

May 1, 2015 12:52 am

I’ll move this over here.

Sensetti says:

In the video you are actually watching them kill the man, but to the layman’s eye it’s not apparent. The crime was not in the take down, not at all. The crime is the dumb bastards moving him after he was hurt. Do you not realize these cops show up at traffic accidents and are schooled not to move a trauma victim, call for an ambulance and wait for help to arrive, then carefully roll them on to a spin board immobilizing the neck and spinal column. The city will pay millions to the family but not for the take down, not for the spinal damage, that can be explained as the cost of resisting arrest. But once you have that man on the ground and cuffed the cops own the situation from that moment on. Dragging an obvious trauma victim the way they did was negligent. As stated above my money is he died from an anoxic brain injury due to lack of oxygen from a paralyzed diaphragm.

“Diaphragm Paralysis is the loss of control of one or both hemidiaphragms caused by a traumatic injury or disease process which decreases or terminates the impulse of respiratory stimuli originating in the brain”

Just sayin

May 1, 2015 12:54 am

Nice one, Admin. Very nice.

The Baltimore Sat scores means the average score ranks them on average at the 14th percent, or equivalent to an average IQ of 83. And that includes the 35 per cent non-blacks.

Wow, what a surprize.

No matter how much is spent, those kids will never do better. Throughout the world, no group of blacks has ever tested any better.

Nothing can be done for it. Any city of blacks will have the same problems as Detroit, Baltimore, or Mogadishu.

Functioning societies are not possible when average IQs are 80.

The liberal left created a system concentrating blacks into one area, and those areas cannot be saved.

The only hope is to stop feeding those cities, and disperse their populations.

A war is coming, I fear.

May 1, 2015 1:15 am

Two things. Early education. Not head start, pre K, or anything like that. Just intensive rigorous elementary school focused on teaching every child to read well, and do basic math. The 3 r’s. Nothing else. No social promotion. And then we need to decide what a city is for. Prior to clintonomics, cities existed for specific economic reasons, example, detroit to make cars, LA for aerospace and movies.

May 1, 2015 1:21 am

Clinton signed on to agenda 21, and transformed cities into dumping grounds for the dependent, serviced quite profitably by a host of multinational companies and institutions. What is Haiti, to a clintonite, other than a practice run for miami? What is bagdad, other than a testing ground for secutity in DC?

May 1, 2015 1:28 am

Admin tell me one thing. Let’s say you and Robmu1 are cops and you are called to a local convenience store upon arrival you find a 250 lb Black man jack up on Sherm ( if you don’t understand the affects of this drug on the human body Google it) he’s clearly unarmed, so riddle me this. You and Robs job is to arrest and cuff this man and put him in the back of your cop car. It’s just you and Rob, tell me how you go about your job in a civilized non violent manner. Let me tell you how you do it, you two exert a greater force over him then he can exert over you. You wrestle him to the ground roll him face down and cuff him. Guess what, people get hurt in these confrontations, its violent by definition. Now if you can come up with a peaceful way to get this done you’ll make millions. I’ve literally had to go balls to the wall to save a female coworkers life under very similar circumstances as described above. The safety of the of the God Damn criminal was not even on my radar stopping the dude in his tracks was. Move to the inner city and fight this shit day in and day out, I promise you your attitude would change in short order. Don’t just drive through the 30 blocks of Squalor, stop and spend sometime there. The insanity you watched on your TV screen during the riots is a daily occurrence to those that work in and around these unique individuals and Compassion, well, that’s a non existent commodity. The answer is for these folks to act like responsible human beings, don’t hold your breath.

May 1, 2015 1:35 am

Damn I forgot to post what prompted my above comment.

Admin says: The policemen who killed him deserve to go to jail for murder.

Not for the take down. See my last two post here.

May 1, 2015 1:43 am

The theological answers are the best but not many in power believe them anymore. The secular answers always lead to the pathological blaming game.No easy answers.

May 1, 2015 1:45 am

Almost forgot :well written .Good job.

May 1, 2015 1:52 am

bb your back, well done, I’m so glad your back. Stucky would be so lost without you. You are the stick that stirs his ass.

May 1, 2015 2:17 am


A rich nation can afford to act retarded and it’s citizens can show their frustration by burning down their very homes, cars and places of business. It’s just good clean fun and gives everyone not involved in the rioting something to talk about the next day over a cup of coffee. Yup, that is what a rich nation can afford to do.

Oh wait, we’re not rich anymore but the biggest debtor nation to have ever existed. He’ll, we’re in much worse shape than when the Soviet Union collapsed. At least those guys knew when to quit. Nope, fools that burn down their own neighborhoods are about to discover that the rest of us just don’t care anymore.

You break it, you buy it. I hope they enjoy the view.

May 1, 2015 2:20 am

To say I’m no fan of eric holder is a gross understatement. But on ferguson, he got EVERYTHING exactly right. Mike brown, good shoot. Ferguson, Missouri governance, stain on the country. Parasitic government milking the citizenry to ensure the survival of their own overperked non-essential positions. I heard the arguments. Should the police stop enforcing the law, just because the peoplr are poor?

May 1, 2015 2:30 am

How does a city like ferguson, with 21,000 residents, arrest 33,000 people in 2013? Broken tail light? Ticket should be 10 bucks, not 125. Whatever happened to stern warnings ‘your tail light is out, better get that fixed. and dump the beer out.’ That’s how it was done when I was a kid. But there’s no revenue in that. So what is a city for?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 1, 2015 6:31 am

This is not a problem that can be solved with the system as it exists. Period.

That’s a hard pill to swallow, but it is the truth.

We either learn to live with brutality, violence, destruction and a never ending decline in civility and order or we decide to alter or abolish the system. Demanding additional resources be funneled into the very system that does everything in its power to exacerbate these problems so that they compound exponentially will not ameliorate the problem, it will only create more of it, thus demanding even more to continue expanding it.

A snake eating its tail.

May 1, 2015 7:46 am

The mayor of Baltimore is an incompetent bumbling fool. These corrupt, arrogant left wing boobs are incapable of running a school system, police department, or economy. – Admin

Solid gold truth.

You knew it was coming. It’s as inevitable as time and tide…

That coconut-headed bigmouth flim-flam nigger Sharpton is now involved. “Bucket mouf” Sharpton is down there, defending the incompetent mayor and her ‘actions’ of letting dem yoofs run amok and chimp out, burning shit down, etc…

“They just burned “stuff”! Let the rioters go!”

This is what happens when you put niggers in charge…

I have to say it – “WE DONE TOLD YA SO! BLESS YER HEARTS!”

May 1, 2015 7:47 am

Dammit… last anon was me.

May 1, 2015 8:52 am

@Admin: Spot on, could not have said it better myself.

Yet the Lefties are all out there about how Baltimore’s problems are all Whitey-Judeo-Christian-Western Civilization’s fault, blah blah blah.

When it is exactly the LACK of those values that creates places like Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, Atlanta, Chicago, Compton, St. Louis, metro Oakland, Camden, East St. Louis, Memphis, Liberty City FL, and of course, Philidelphia and the 30 Blocks made famous by the TBP.

There is a terrible storm coming, my friends.

When the economic SHTF, just what do you think is going to happen to all of these places?????

It’s gonna make Katrina – Detroit – Mogadishu look like Rodeo Drive.

I repeat my rant about Ferguson, just change the names and places. It’s the same new shit, just like the old shit, just a pile of shit, really.

Frankly, my dears, I just don’t give a damn.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 1, 2015 8:53 am

Are non-lethal police weapons a viable option? Here’s one policeman’s view (entire article here):


“If a hardened criminal knows that he can take a shot at an officer, and his only risk is being hit with a bean bag, sprayed with sticky foam, or shocked by a TASER, why wouldn’t he do it? Certainly not for fear of what the justice system can do to him.

It is not only police officers that need to be concerned with the influence of less-lethal technology on offender decision-making. A potential armed robber, burglar, or hostage-taker undoubtedly factors the prospect of armed police response into his decision to victimize civilians. A potential hostage-taker must consider the possibility of being shot in the head with a bullet from a police sniper’s rifle. This certainly has a greater deterrent effect than the prospect of being shot with a tranquilizer dart.

What every police officer knows, and research ignores, is that at any given moment he or she is on duty and in uniform, there is likely someone nearby who would love to kill an officer, any officer, and would not hesitate to do so given half a chance. Regrettably, the only thing that restrains many of these predators from acting out their aggressive impulses toward police or civilians is the threat of physical violence delivered by police or weapon-carrying civilians.

The unfortunate reality is that the gross inadequacy of the criminal justice system has resulted in a situation where many criminals fear only what the police will do to them. In fact, a great many offenders have no idea what the potential criminal penalties are for the crimes they are contemplating. If the fear of injury or death from the police is removed, serious changes in the operation of our justice system need to be considered, lest we inadvertently remove one of the last remaining deterrents from the most savage criminals in our society.”

Todd Keister is a 20-year veteran of a state police agency, currently serving in the Bureau of Criminal Investigation as a lieutenant. He has previously served as a trooper, field training officer, sergeant, academy instructor, station commander, assistant zone commander, and director of field investigations for the state’s governor’s office.

You’d think that there would be technology available by now such as concentrated ELF devices that could be applied, at least at short distances, that would assure the safety of both the offender and the officer in apprehending suspects

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 1, 2015 9:11 am

Oh, and let’s not forget National Police Week is upon us…what great timing!

About National Police Week

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15th as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that date falls as Police Week. Currently, tens of thousands of law enforcement officers from around the world converge on Washington, DC to participate in a number of planned events which honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 1, 2015 9:28 am

The problem is three fold. Whole multi race populations that are 70 IQ level who cannot or will not compete for available jobs. Government can no longer keep these people happy. Solution is to create solution which causes maximum population reduction by any and all means.

It didn’t take Quinn’s novel. And that is what will happen until God intervenes.

May 1, 2015 9:46 am

HSF nails it.

Proudhon was correct, despite rightist authoritarians’ complaints, that Liberty is the MOTHER, not the daughter, of Order.

While both political parties are, by axiom, statist (i.e., antithetical to liberty) the Democrat Party is by far the worse. Any political entity dominated by the D party is foot-to-the-floorboards running toward total control of all life by politicians and their machines.

What you see in Baltimore is the paradox of human society. A society steeped in liberty also axiomatically has a shared philosophy of self-control, self-help, and respect of self and others. It cannot function otherwise.

A society steeped in political control axiomatically yields an emphasis on gaming the system, stealing from others, helplessness, unwillingness to work, produce, cooperate or trade, and COMPLETE disrespect for the products of people’s labor….PROPERTY. In Baltimore, the political establishment regards all property as theirs to milk, control, tax or seize. This “ethic” spreads to everyone and soon you have an entire city guided by a CRIMINAL philosophy.

This is the paradox of human society. The more political control you have, the more disorder and chaos is produced. Then, when riots and disorder occur, the reflex is for MORE political control. It’s a feedback loop until there’s no wealth left to loot, either politically or at the street level.

May 1, 2015 9:57 am

Blacks in the USA are about 13% of the populace. Only a small subset of this live in the inner city, and when the urge to spontaneously gather and break stuff occurs, we see lots of photos of it.

Big whiff.

This is the molehill to the MOUNTAIN that is half of the US population has no savings, has no leeway at all, and as Jim Quinn’s earlier column (regarding Hussman’s work) attests, the MOTHER of ALL PERFECT STORMS is heading our way, set to put over 100,000,000 people directly into a level of poverty not seen in North America….EVER.

A people that lived in crushing, dirt-floor poverty for generations can take it. No one, not even the poorest American, is now subject to crushing poverty, true “Irish Potato Famine” hunger, etc.

I shudder to imagine what will happen when a people used to a spectrum of living standards entirely above the level European kings enjoyed 300 years ago are plunged into conditions more resembling the vast squatter cities surrounding the great American-Continent cities between Antarctica and Texas.

Race? Class? Big Whiff.

SHTF? Oh, HELL yes, I’ll be paying attention.

May 1, 2015 10:04 am

Answer: personal responsibility. Get rid of the police, allow the people to govern & protect themselves. If the city goes into the shit-hole and everyone leaves so be it. That means it was not producing anything of value.

May 1, 2015 10:27 am

A lot of this craziness is fueled by drugs. Does anyone want to wager on whether Freddy had drugs in his system?

May 1, 2015 10:40 am

It’s unfortunate to see the usual partisan garbage creep up again. Black vs. White, Republican vs. Democrat, Conservative vs. Liberal. It’s unbelievable how quickly individuals are willing to pick up a flag and identify with any group. This article is no different than any of the left-wing bullshit being published to support the ‘right-to-riot’ argument, still glosses over key points, still makes general assumptions, leads the reader into a half-baked thesis reinforcing the us vs. them mentality. ‘The Democrats cant get it done, so bring in a Republican’. The conservative ‘free-market’ fairy tale is as much to blame for the social degradation of the west as is the liberal ‘welfare-state’ dream. By framing an argument in this way you actually take away from productive thought and discussion.

The party system as a whole is a farce. It results in election of representatives whose first loyalty lies not with constituents but to the party. This leads to locally inappropriate policies enacted for political gain.

Suggesting that IQ is a contributing factor is painfully naive. Critical thinking has been lost to an entire generation (all races), who must be told what to think, trained not to question ‘elders’ out of ‘respect’, work a job (not career) that has been sanitized of decision making and responsibility, This failure has become so pervasive in part due to arguments like this – not pointing the finger at a race, but at an ideology while ignoring the universal failures that transcend party lines.

This is the same kind of thinking that motivates the self-righteous churchies to go out and try to impose their will on others; die-hard nationalists to curse the ‘communist’ government while endorsing fascist policy; students to protest a speaker as ‘offensive’, justifying canceled events.

Final Note:
For those who want to bitch and cry that this is what you get with niggers in charge. Go back to your hillbilly church, sit there and let someone tell you what, how, when to believe – then try to tell me you can exercise critical thought.
* Not knocking spiritual/religious people – only those who use it as a justification to judge others *

May 1, 2015 10:56 am

There is more than a grain of truth to the sense that our police forces have come to resemble “The Sheriff of Nottingham” more than the Mayberry Police Department or even the Adam Twelve or Starsky and Hutch action police TV dramas. Like the Sheriff of Nottingham, modern police forces are too often a predatory force sent out by the Nobleman in his castle to prey upon the populace rather than a force sent out to protect the citizens from predatory criminals.

The why of this is not so hard to see. Our modern noblemen are today powerful government officials running little government fiefdoms like school districts, housing agencies and transit districts. They pay themselves well and have pensions and benefits the ‘people’ can only dream of. These officials talk the talk of compassion and human kindness to join this mandarin bureaucrat class but, in order to extract enough money to run their empires, they need to have armed gendarmes to be the business end of the liberal welfare state as fewer and fewer people are what we once called taxpayers. Thus the police as plunderers sent out to enforce laws that have nothing to do with public safety but are simply a way to haul a miscreant before a judge and put them on a legal treadmill that confiscates through fines and penalties an extortionate amount of their pitiful incomes.

Unpaid traffic fines lead to license suspensions that lead to arrests and more fines. That $150 turning right on a camera equipped stoplight fine the $10/hour retail clerk couldn’t pay on time becomes a trip to jail for driving on a suspended license, the loss of a day’s wages if not the job itself and $500 in additional fines. Real criminals just don’t pay but honest citizens trying to eke out a modest living are left impoverished by this punitive system and the ‘sheriff’s? Where else can a high school graduate with a bit of the bully in him make $80,000 per year today and retire on $50,000 after only 20 years except as a ‘cop’.

That said, those ‘cops’ unable to find a job in a pleasant affluent community, must also deal, on a daily basis, with our increasingly violent, drug abusing feral underclass of young monsters who will fight and even kill to avoid arrest. That this violent and savage underclass also imposes such high costs on our economy as to leave our government mandarins little choice but to engage in the plunder of the law abiding citizenry ( see Baltimore) is a conundrum we had better find a solution for quick or this society is heading toward collapse.

May 1, 2015 11:01 am

BigStupid thinks intelligence, as measured by 50 years of repeatable science (the Real McCoy, not standard Junk Science that curve-fits, is irreproducible and cherry-picks data) has no bearing on any of this.

He must also think all people are the same in their ability to plan, goal-seek, and otherwise exercise the Low Time Preference that is a central pillar of prosperity. He must also think that there’s BIAS in the NBA, for how else could teams demonstrate phenomenally disproportionate percentages of African Americans.

This is the legacy of Equalitarianism. They took what Jefferson wrote, all men are equal before their creator, and tried to make it all men’s outcomes are equal. Then they made it ThoughtCrime to discuss established facts that different races have different AVERAGE aptitudes and abilities.

We have professional sports dominated by a certain race, but somehow this clear difference in ability distribution is limited ONLY to the percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers in the straited muscles of some people.

Irony. There are more sub-85 IQ Caucasians in America than there are sub-85 IQ African Americans, but because the latter have been taught that their lack of an Escalade is due to “racism,” a reservoir of rage always boils under their veneer.

The truth is, being stupid has been punishing since the dawn of time. Until the Welfare State came about, being stupid was often one of Nature’s Capital Crimes, for which death was often slow and unpleasant.

May 1, 2015 11:02 am

I’ve been looking forward to a good chat, shame you couldn’t refer your rebuttal to me but rather at me.

1.) There is no validity to an ideological argument either way. A person’s ideology is based on their own world-view (which is subjective), and so an argument attacking the ideology is an attack on a subjective opinion – totally irrelevant and inflammatory.

2.) I don’t claim any ideological belief system any more than I claim any religion (Religion v. Spirituality is another discussion for another time). On a specific issue I will lean one way or the other, but will never claim I am represented by any well-defined group.

3.) The war on poverty is a perfect example of the “locally inappropriate policies enacted for political gain” that i referred to. A large, geographically and socially diverse nation will not cooperate with broad-stroke governance like the war on poverty, since it makes no distinction between differences in cause.

4.)”His nonsensical drivel is what you expect from people who don’t believe in personal responsibility, community standards, or work ethic.” – Childish personal attack made without basis – Ignored

5.) As for the race card: Race is as irrelevant as height. It’s just another justification for an argument that happens to be light on substance.

May 1, 2015 11:03 am

The very idea of big government is in and of itself a lie. Most people in this country, probably around the world, see any social injustice and immediately turn to government to fix it. Only government fucks up everything it touches every time. War on Poverty, War on Drugs, War on Terror all have the same results: wasting money, destroying productivity, eroding liberty. Every single fucking time.

And every time our one and only response is: “next time I will vote for the other letter.”


May 1, 2015 11:11 am

unit472, statism (i.e., society ordered or “governed” by political systems) is the evil you describe.

Under politics, all property is deemed the collective’s. Taxes (political theft) are set by various systems, but the underlying premise is that there is no objective limit to how high they could be set. Thus are birthed such sophistries at “Civil Asset Forfeiture,” or the local prosecutor’s favorite game of seizing an accused person’s assets so he or she cannot mount an effective, private-attorney, defense and thus force a plea deal.

Victimless crimes (which are actually vices) have seen a vast army of enforcers fielded because unlike common law crimes, there is no victim calling for help. This is another of statism’s pure evils.

As our political system approaches the Total State, where we live under the All Watching Eye of the NSA and DHS, in concert with the All Theft, All The Time arm of the state, the IRS, we axiomatically should expect to see disorder and chaos grow.

The direction our society is headed is, in response to growing chaos, the model of Control: A high security penitentiary.

This is what the People Controllers, the Politics-can-Save-Us believers envision: Every one of us living our entire lives under the glare of lights, of all-seeing eyes, our every move cataloged, our productive efforts organized by our overseers, and the products of our labor taken from us, with a pittance returned to keep us from simply starving ourselves to death.

May 1, 2015 11:19 am

We live in a Police State. When the authorities continually fail to reign in the brutality of the police, riots are a natural response. While they may not be justifiable in some people’s minds, they are a result of police behavior. Let’s just say you should not be surprised that they happen.
The blacks of the inner city just may be the canaries of the coal mines of society. If nothing is done to stop this out of control police brutality, there present may be our future. If Police are not held accountable by the law, why do you expect anyone else to be?

May 1, 2015 11:25 am

dc.sunsets – I do happen to agree with your statement regarding physical differences between the races, this is what allows us to categorize people based on race. However my dispute is not with the facts associated with racial difference, but the assumptions that result from projecting these differences without the necessary supporting evidence to do so.

My problem with egalitarianism comes out of the misrepresentation of the philosophy. “All men (groups) are equal under God” is not equivalent to “All men (individuals) are equal under God”. The first suggests that all men, regardless of superficial classification are seen to be equivalent by God – there is no religiously based hierarchy that is valid for God.

The second wrongfully suggests an absolute/objective equivalence between all men, no such equivalence relation exists. More generally, there is no absolute ordering that can be applied. Some are stronger, some are smarter, some are taller, some are faster – none is best under God.

From an anthropological standpoint I would disagree with your statement that stupidity is one of natures capital crimes – that only applies once society developed to where food production efficiency reached a point where specialized roles could emerge, before that strength and resiliency, without the physiological burden of a large brain, would have been rewarded.

May 1, 2015 11:37 am

Administrator – I will use smaller words for you.

I agree that much money is spent on poor people. Much poor people no have jobs. Too many people will support parties based on simple ideas – bad to do. Way welfare made into system is problem, not welfare itself – this make problem seem too simple, easy to fix. This part of problem.

got that down to <100 (even tossed in a # for you!)

May 1, 2015 11:50 am


Dude, you need to take an anthropology course. Seriously. Evolution (micro, not macro) is ongoing, in that violence of a culture or peoples is hereditary when rewarded with greater opportunity to mate. Themore baby mommas, the more the genes of the Iinner city thugs are passed on. This is akin to the yanomami tribe that is getting increasingly more violent because the warriors choose a mate first. Imagine how much worse it gets as the mating goes on in uncontrolled fashion, as when they dont mate for life. See out of wedlock birth stats. It becomes genetic, and therefore a solely race driven problem. And thats what we have bred in the cities. Increasingly violent and lower iq species of homosapiens. And they happen to be black. They started with a lower iq due to climate pressures or lack thereof, and continue to genetically become more violent and stupid. Facts do not cease to be facts just because you dont like them or have a negative feeling about them. An example in whites could be the manning family of quaterbacks. What yow sow you reap. There is simply no way for me to dumb it down further for you.

May 1, 2015 11:53 am

I’m not tracking you, BigStupid.

Do you have an opinion on the fears of a bimodal society posited by Charles Murray, an evolving condition where the Cognitively-gifted are the haves and everyone else is the perpetually have-nots?

May 1, 2015 11:59 am

Another question for BigStupid:

Is there a solution to the paradox that charity, ANY charity, is likely to turn human beings into dependent pets?

Is there an exception to the economic axiom that supply will expand for anything being “bought,” i.e., any product or condition to which rewards (especially monetary rewards) flow? In this regard, paying mothers of fatherless children money to alleviate their children’s plight, by economic axiom, predictably increases the SUPPLY of fatherless children (i.e., destroys incentives for family formation at the margin.)

Is it possible to alleviate social ills that stem from human choice without paradoxically amplifying them?

May 1, 2015 12:08 pm

Swinging for the fence with that last comment. Spot on. Pavlovian response. Beings will repeat the behavior that is rewarded.

May 1, 2015 12:34 pm

glort, I’m not kidding on this one. I can’t stand seeing a child in crushing, abject poverty any more than the next guy, so I’m quite troubled by the notion that by alleviating the suffering of one kid (the one I see), I’m creating 4 more them somewhere (I can’t see.)

This is just one more of Bastiat’s “What is Seen and What is Unseen.” Everything we do in life has consequences, and we are drowning in stupid people with “brilliant ideas” who haven’t the slightest notion that what they do that “looks good” right in front of their faces is actually doing great damage where they’re not looking.

All of Progressivism’s elevation of political government to the Left Hand of God is an uninterrupted flow of disaster. All the best intentions in the world are nothing but self-back-patting sophistry. People want to feel good about themselves so they turn their altruism (which is as phony as a $3 bill) into widespread misery.

May 1, 2015 12:39 pm

Read this report and see if it doesn’t reflect what I posted last night. The prosecutor is alleging

1. Arrest was illegal related to the knife he was carrying was legal.
2. His treatment in custody amounted to murder.

The prosecutor will win this case not because of the initial take down that injured the mans spine but because of his treatment after the injury. These cops should have known the man was hurt, left him laying flat and called for an ambulance. Let’s say there’s an underlying medical condition that contributed to his spinal injury such as a metastatic spinal lesion, that will not affect the case at all, the man was hurt and as first responders they should have acted and professionally and immobilized the man

Baltimore’s top prosecutor announced criminal charges Friday against all six officers suspended after a man suffered a fatal spinal injury in police custody, saying “no one is above the law.” “Mr. Gray’s death was a homicide,” State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby declared. His arrest was illegal and his treatment in custody amounted to murder and manslaughter, she said. . . . Mosby announced the stiffest charge — second-degree “depraved heart” murder — against the driver of the police van. Other officers face charges of involuntary manslaughter, assault and illegal arrest. Mosby said the switchblade officers accused Gray of illegally carrying clipped inside his pants pocket was in fact a legal knife, and no justification for his arrest.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/394489/new-data-its-still-about-black-black-crime-heather-mac-donald

May 1, 2015 12:53 pm

Administrator says: Sensetti has never met a cop he didn’t think was innocent.

Not true, these guys will be convicted. The guy that shot the fleeing perp 8 times. Etc, etc.

May 1, 2015 1:30 pm

The common thread that runs through each one of these cases is someone is resisting arrest. Even a dog knows better than that. ?

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May 1, 2015 1:38 pm

From Wiki re Freddie Gray:

“He stood 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and weighed 145 pounds (66 kg).” Not a huge man, but rather slight. Excessive force to bring him down? Cops aren’t taught about what happens when you put great pressure on the spinal column/neck?

“Gray had a criminal record, mainly for misdemeanors and drug-related offenses.[12] He had been arrested a total of 22 times in Maryland, primarily for possession and distribution of illegal narcotics.[13] Gray had been involved in 20 criminal court cases, five of which were still active at the time of his death.”

Legalize all drugs. Alcohol and cigarettes are two of the worst drugs out there, and they’re legal. That way, no cop needs to be chasing some punk for selling a bag. Take the criminality and big money out of drug dealing. Then the shootings would just be over the town slut that two or three or five clowns are fighting over. Empty the prisons for drug-related offences, ending the profits of the corporations using cheap prison labor.

“Children without fathers are destined to be uneducated, unemployed, and underachieving.” When the fathers are absent, the mothers have to ride a tough line: they need to be the father and mother, tough AND compassionate. That’s a hard thing to achieve. The mother in you gets crushed as you try to be the father figure too. It can be done, but it takes a lot of effort on the mother’s part. If she is uneducated too, she won’t know to step up.

And one of the biggest problems everywhere is the fact that there are fewer and fewer jobs available. We’re going to see much more of this. Great writing, Admin.

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