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May 13, 2015 1:51 pm

Damn I bet that hurt.Poor thing .Lessons learned the hard way.

May 13, 2015 2:35 pm

In Seattle they do that shit all the time. I’m surprised that’s not a daily occurance. I prefer the pedestrian always be on gard at all time, like when I grew up as a kid.

May 13, 2015 3:32 pm

That will get you killed in Boston. Pedestrians and people driving rarely follow the rules here, it tends to make you hyper aware when driving around anywhere from Route 128 on into the city and anywhere on the highways. Lovely city but its reputation for aggressive drivers/crazy drivers is quite true.

May 13, 2015 4:13 pm

The one that amazed me was a guy that was riding a bike past my place, he had both hands on his smart phone (some people can steer a bike by balancing their weight) apparently texting, going at pretty good clip and he blew right through an intersection with all his attention on his phone. Unbelievable!

May 13, 2015 4:56 pm

And the darwin award goes to…..

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
May 13, 2015 7:32 pm

Before “smart” phones, fans at Fenway Park used to pretty much pay rapt attention to the game. Not any more.

I’m probably a little bit of a cruel person. Now, any time that a ball is lined into the stands I silently hope it hits some ihole in the head.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
May 13, 2015 7:37 pm

Texters: A Proud Tradition of Falling Into, Under, Over, Between and/or Around Crap Since 1995®:

May 13, 2015 7:50 pm

“I’m surprised that’s not a daily occurance (sic).”

It’s occurrence. And it is.

May 13, 2015 8:04 pm

Notice that the bystanders did not go to her aid.

May 13, 2015 8:39 pm

BTW – that was just a love-tap compared to what happened to one of my employes three or four years ago. A young man, sprinting across the road to his car at the end of his shift – gotta be the first one out of the carpark, don’t you know – ran right in front of a car doing about 40 (driven by a woman who was a nervous wreck – fortunately for her we caught it all on our security cameras. Otherwise it is very possible she would have gotten screwed by the police for running over the kid, I am sure.

On one of the cameras, he was out of the picture, then suddenly came flying through the camera frame. He flew a good 30 or 40 feet in the air, and did not move. He survived, but barely.
We caught it all on our security cameras. On one of the cameras, he was out of the picture, then suddenly came flying through the camera frame.

You just cannot account for stupid. That kid was dumb as a rock, and his dad was too. Both worked for me at the time. The dad had to leave (man, was I sorry to see him go) to nurse his son, so the woman did me a great service. We sent her flowers. No kidding. The idiot kid got nada.

May 13, 2015 8:51 pm

“That kid was dumb as a rock, and his dad was too. Both worked for me at the time. The dad had to leave (man, was I sorry to see him go) ………” ———– Captain Australia

Just curious … if dad was so dumb, why were you sorry to see him go?

May 13, 2015 9:00 pm

Sarcasm has escaped Stuck. Admin, where is that sarcasm button we have been asking for?

May 13, 2015 9:08 pm


Don’t blame me!! You’re so damn good at it!!!

May 14, 2015 1:52 pm

@Fred, I constantly berate myself for feeling that way. There is just a constant soundtrack playing on a loop in my head that truly loves it when people get what is coming to them.

Years ago I moved into a new house and when the weather warmed up I found out my neighbors allowed their kids to shoot off firecrackers, sounded like M-80s, starting about 2 in the morning. Steps from my window.

Even though at the time they were 100% illegal in Michigan, and the houses were less than 3 blocks from the cop shop, this went on for months.

About the third time I was blasted awake, I started praying to the universe for the booms to be followed by a scream.

Eventually, it was. I rolled over and fell happily asleep to the sounds of approaching sirens. Kid wasn’t hurt that bad, just some severe burns, kept all his digits.

The one thing he gained was caution, the nightly blasts were reduced to holiday night only.

We have got to start allowing Darwinism to work. We have attempted to regulate stupid out of existence.

It has spectacularly failed. The only thing we have regulated out of existence is common sense. Without the world to kick the stupid’s ass, the stupid are over-multiplying.

And we support that too.

So it goes….

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
May 14, 2015 2:19 pm

Just stop and look and listen
When you go out to play.
Use your eyes before your feet
You will come home safe that way.